Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 88 The rescue method with the most barrages (please subscribe)

"Teacher, Xue Zhiqian, please report your current location."

Although Chen Weiting and the two temporarily stopped pursuing, they were not restricted from participating in meetings or anything like that, so Li Tong's full-channel call was also transmitted.

"Well, it's still fifteen kilometers away from Qingyuan."

"Speed ​​up the speed. The accurate address has been sent, and Wei Cheng and the others are on their way to support."

"Teacher Li, what's going on?"

While they were still on the road, Li Tong also explained the specific situation to the team members.

Ten minutes ago, the pursuer account on Douyin was picked up by Crazy Aite, and after being screened by the tool man, the information was conveyed.

There are many segments in the video, but there is only one protagonist in it, Wang Jiaxuan, one of the escapees.

Lying down and sleeping in a pavilion in the park, there are several sections just from different angles.

Then there were those who escaped and those who got into the car, and their license plates were clearly visible.

The authors of the upload are the second-year students of Qingyuan No. 3 Middle School. It happened to be the weekend, and the class teacher took the whole class out for an outing.

When passing this pavilion, I planned to come in and take a rest, but I recognized it.

It can only be said that "Celebrity Escape" is so popular. It has only been aired for a few days, and the live broadcast room has already exceeded 100 million viewers.

For children, Wang Jiaxuan is also a star.

Again, if there are those who support the escapees, there are naturally those who are on the side of the pursuers.

While Wei Cheng and others were feeling emotional, they could not help but have questions.

"Why is there only Wang Jiaxuan?

Why could he fall asleep in the pavilion of the park?

Where is the other car going?

What about the rest? "

The headquarters cannot give an answer to this, as there are too few clues.

However, one thing is certain, the escapees probably didn't sleep all night, otherwise they wouldn't have fallen asleep in the pavilion and been discovered.

But this is not of much help for the time being.

"Have the escapees started to disperse?"

Li Tong frowned and stared at the blackboard in front of him, which had several circles on it.

At around 5 a.m., a passerby was shot and killed in Dongting City. At 7:35 a.m., one of the cars got on the expressway from Qingyuan. At 10:55 a.m., the fugitive was found in a park in QY City. trace.

"I think there are several possibilities."

Liu Jincheng replaced Niu Dali and helped analyze from the side.

"First, as you said, Teacher Li, the escapees dispersed.

Except for the first day, they were together the rest of the time. There were two reasons why they were separated.

The vehicle had been discovered and it would definitely have to be abandoned. There would be no replacement for a while. With ten people together, the target was too big.

Furthermore, it is possible that the program team has assigned some tasks and they cannot stay together.

Second, in fact, the escapees did not leave, but were scattered throughout QY City.

Wang Jiaxuan probably has little experience. Didn't you notice that he wandered around in a taxi for half an hour without any destination?

Third, and less likely, they had internal strife and he was left alone. "

"So, the first thing you mentioned, dispersed operations, does it mean scattered within the QY city area, or does it include several other places?"

Liu Jincheng stopped talking because he couldn't give an answer.

"Forget it, no matter how much we say, it's just speculation at the moment. It's always right to follow the existing clues."

After the other two got the news, they didn't rest and were also busy.

"Teacher, the fugitive Wang Jiaxuan got off the bus on Dong'an Road.

We have already contacted the driver who took him there. At first, we just let him go as he pleased.

He looked particularly flustered.

Later, when I said I was going to the station, I changed the route to Dong'an Road.

During this period, there were no phone calls, and payment was made in cash. It is not clear whether there was a mobile phone.

In addition, we have also checked that Wang Jiaxuan should have no friends or relatives here.

When people feel in danger, in addition to hiding, they will go to places they want to be familiar with.

Therefore, after analysis, the headquarters felt that at the bus station, he might have wanted to escape but gave up. If he could name Dong'an Road, he might have parted ways with his team members there.

There was even a car parked nearby. "

It has to be said that the personnel at the headquarters are still capable. Except for searching and monitoring, the results of the analysis are completely correct.

The shopping mall we arrived at in the morning was on Dong'an Road. Officer Zhang mentioned it while driving.

It is estimated that Wang Jiaxuan did not take it seriously at the moment, but in a hurry, he thought about it again.

When the pursuers were approaching, Wang Jiaxuan became even more anxious.

After getting out of the car and giving the money, he was in a panic.

There were at least twenty or thirty students in the meeting just now, taking various photos. If I say they were not exposed, I would be lying to myself.

"Damn, why did I fall asleep!"

There was no use in being upset. Wang Jiaxuan took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

"Go back, you definitely can't go back."

Unconsciously, he went into the mall again, preparing to take the elevator down to the parking lot.

“If discovered, it would be equivalent to exposing all traces of the members.

But I can’t wait to die. I have to try anyway. What if I were Ning Zhou? "

After pondering for five minutes, Wang Jiaxuan scratched his head and gave up.

"No, I can't get an ID card, so I can't get on the bus. That's right!"

Speaking of cars, he looked up suddenly.

Unknowingly, I had walked to the front of the car and touched my pocket. The key was still inside.

"Car, car, car, I can move the target."

After saying that, he turned around and ran, went outside the mall again, and walked straight to a taxi.

"Master, can you help me?"


"I can't drive, but my friend needs a car. Can you give me a hundred yuan and help me drive the car to the city gate?"

The car is in the underground parking lot. "

The driver thought for a moment: "The parking fee is about to be paid."

"Okay, okay!" Wang Jiaxuan hurriedly handed over the key.

"Leave me a phone number"

"It's okay. He lives nearby. Just leave the key there."

A few minutes later, Wang Jiaxuan got out of the car and waved to the driver.

What a clever little ghost I am!

Wang Jiaxuan looked up and happened to see the surveillance outside the mall. What the hell.

Smart people are not only shown in their heads, but also in their daily details.

During his escape in the past few days, Ning Zhou had mentioned surveillance more than once, but he had forgotten about it.

Just when I didn't know what to do, a black Hongqi car slowly drove over.

It can only be said that the escapees are now very sensitive to Hongqi cars.

"No, it can't be such a coincidence."

Wang Jiaxuan quietly took a few steps back and hid most of his body behind the tree.

Great Teacher Xue Zhiqian.Pursuit Team.

"So fast!!!"

At this time, there was no way forward and he could only retreat. Wang Jiaxuan turned around and entered the mall again.

After thinking about it for a while, he made a bold decision. Instead of going upstairs, he went to KFC on the first floor and sat down by the window.


The great teacher came, Xue Zhiqian came,

It seemed that they had indeed discovered their traces.

Wang Jiaxuan took out his mobile phone.

"I'm sorry everyone, I may not be able to run away. Don't call me back. Come on."

Sent successfully!

Looking around, Wang Jiaxuan planned to destroy his cell phone, and by the way, the bathroom.

Just when he was about to smash his phone, the call came.

"Wang Jiaxuan, don't give up"

[Release mission, "A Small Test - Saving Companion Wang Jiaxuan\

,"At this time, the little transparent Wang Jiaxuan is in danger, so he chooses the method with the most barrages. After system evaluation, he will give up to two S-level skills as rewards.

Note: I went there and brought it back in person, and the evaluation was A]

While the members were anxiously studying what happened to Wang Jiaxuan, Ning Zhou received a task sent by the system.

This is the first time that two S-level skills were given to them at once, and evaluation criteria were also given.

Indeed, after seeing the first half of the mission, Ning Zhou's thought was to just go there.

The rating is only A, which shows that the system looks down on this method, and it is the method that requires the most barrage, which is interesting.


"Ning Zhou, what should I do?"

Celebrities naturally cannot say the words to give up, even if giving up is the best choice to a certain extent.

If we really want to talk about feelings, there are some.

These days we share weal and woe, and we get to know each other faster.

But judging from the text messages, Wang Jiaxuan should be in a very dangerous situation, otherwise, he would not have said words such as "You can't run away, don't call back."

If possible, the members would naturally want to be neat and tidy.

But there is a prerequisite: the team cannot be harmed.

Everyone knows that it is unwise to put the entire team in danger for one person.

Celebrities have baggage.

If an ordinary person encounters such a situation and decides not to save you, the audience will probably not say anything, and they will think that you are very sensible and have not been carried away.

They are different. If we don't save them, there will definitely be trolls making irresponsible remarks.

Therefore, even if they have the answer in their hearts, no one dares to say it out. It just so happens that you, Ning Zhou, are now the captain, and I leave it to you.

"Ah, I was just thinking about something. What do you think?"

Huang Lei sighed: "Save it, the risk is too great.

It is estimated that the pursuer is already in QY City, and is even being chased at this time.

We passed and risked falling into the encirclement.

No need to save him, he is our teammate

The most important thing is that I still don't know Wang Jiaxuan's current situation, so everything I think about is just fantasy. "

"that's right"

Ning Zhou clicked and sent an encouraging message first. If he was caught, he would not be able to complete the task.


The system will issue a mission, which is definitely not that urgent. Otherwise, there is no other way to rescue him unless he teleports.

After pretending to wait for a while, he called directly.

"Why did you call?"

Wang Jiaxuan lowered his voice and sounded very panicked. The heads of the members were all gathered together, but Ning Zhou stretched out his hand and did not interrupt.

"Without wasting time, tell me briefly what's going on?"

"It's all my fault," Wang Jiaxuan said very sadly: "It went very smoothly when we arrived. Officer Zhang and I found a shopping mall and stopped.

According to the plan, he stayed for more than an hour and then set off directly.

It's all my fault.

I went to the bus station at around seven o'clock and found that the bus back to Dongting had already left and I had to wait for an hour.

Later, I wanted to find a black car, but I didn’t have enough money. I thought about it for a while, so I went to sit in the park nearby.

As a result, I fell asleep.”

Although the members felt speechless, it was completely understandable. They were able to sleep soundly in a house without any gadgets. No wonder Wang Jiaxuan.

"I slept too hard and was discovered. Moreover, Teacher Da and Xue Zhiqian are already in the same shopping mall as me."

"Have they discovered you?" Ning Zhou interrupted.

"No, I'm in the KFC at the door, and the time difference is about an hour.

It should have been exposed when I took a taxi just now. "

Huang Lei was anxious: "No, why did you stay there for so long?"

"I'm actually confused,"

Wang Jiaxuan actually didn't feel much after hearing how Ning Zhou came into close contact with his pursuers and how he got rid of his opponents.

It's not difficult.

But after it happened to me, I found that it was not the case at all. I drove around in the car for half an hour, either thinking about letting the car go as far as possible, or finding a small hotel to hide in.

These are all methods that the members gave up after discussing together.

"Leave me alone."

Wang Jiaxuan was quite touched. Due to his own mistakes, he disrupted the plan and allowed the pursuer to come to him.

It doesn't matter if he is caught, but if he injures his teammates, he will become a criminal.

"Stop talking nonsense," Ning Zhou interrupted for the second time: "Where is your exact location now?"

"In the public toilet cubicle on the first floor."

"Just walk out."

"walk out?"

Ning Zhou sighed: "What you think is a quiet voice is actually someone next door who has heard it a long time ago. If someone knows about the program, it will be over once and for all.

If you go out with a normal phone call, no one will pay attention to you.

Of course, watch out for your pursuers. "

"Okay, if I get caught, I'll just smash the phone."

You can hear footsteps from the phone. Wang Jiaxuan is walking much faster.

"There's no need to walk too fast, it will attract attention. Just be like ordinary people."

Ning Zhou quickly reminded.

About half a minute later, various noises came from the phone, and another ten seconds passed.

"I `m coming out!"

Ning Zhou nodded and had no time to ask if he had seen his pursuer.

"You go to the roadside now, take a taxi, and go to the No. 1 Hospital."

"Okay, my phone is almost out of battery."

"Okay, give me a call when you arrive."


After hanging up, Zhao Lushi was curious.

"Have you been to Qingyuan?"

Ning Zhou shook his head: "No."

"Then how do you know the First Hospital?"

"There is basically a No. 1 hospital in every county and city. I called him there, not because he was familiar with it, but because there was a huge flow of people there. Even if the pursuer went there, it would still take a lot of effort to find clues about a person. ”

Hou Minghao suddenly said: "Can we let him find a place like ours to hide first?"

"No," Ning Zhou refused directly: "In case of being caught, it may be a reminder to the pursuers."

"What are you going to do next?"

"Two stages,

The first stage is to hide first,

The second stage, rescue,

As for how to rescue him, does anyone have Officer Zhang’s phone number? "

"I've got it in my phone."

Huang Lei looked at the time.

"Is there something wrong?"

Ning Zhou took the phone and said, "Didn't you say that he is a 24-hour tool, so why don't you delay going back to get married?"

"Oh, that's not what I meant," Huang Lei explained: "According to what Wang Jiaxuan said, Officer Zhang set off from Qingyuan at around seven o'clock. He had been walking for more than five hours. He is a tool man, so he must be tired.

If you ask him to come back to Qingyuan, it will probably be at night, is it too late? "

"Well, I didn't say I wanted him to come back!"


Huang Lei was surprised.

"Isn't it possible to let him drive to attract the attention of the pursuers, and then take advantage of their small number of people to look for opportunities to divert?"

Ning Zhou smiled and shook his head: "Actually, it's very simple to want Wang Jiaxuan to leave.

Find an older driver and take a taxi back.

He was really nervous.

If you are the pursuers, tell the fugitive that he got off the bus somewhere in Dongting City. Can you find him in a short time? "

Everyone shook their heads.

"But why don't you let him take a taxi back?"

"There are risks, but it also gives Wang Jiaxuan an opportunity to exercise his mentality."

Naturally, Ning Zhou would not say that he had accepted the mission and just took a taxi. There would be no barrage.

"What I want to do is make the pursuers sad."

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