Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 93: Grind the pursuer to death

The service area was quite quiet at around four o'clock in the morning. The moon disappeared at some point and the sky was completely dark.

There were several large trucks parked in the large parking lot. The suspect vehicle's taillights were quite conspicuous, and at this time, it was surrounded.

The speed of traffic on this road was normal, but in the middle of the night, as a fugitive, if he saw several cars following him into the service area, he would definitely be suspicious.

Therefore, after the headquarters learned that the suspect vehicle entered the service area, it immediately decided to block it.

The fugitives probably didn't know they were being followed. The front of the car was facing a half-meter-high flower bed, and the vehicles of Wei Cheng and others happened to be tightly surrounded.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

Li Yitong held the gun in his hand and stared at the vehicle on the right. Because of the lights and the film, he couldn't see clearly what was going on in the car.

At the same time, several people at the headquarters were also paying attention.


With a soft sound, Wei Cheng opened the door and stepped out of the car. Others followed, raising their guns and aiming at the vehicle.

"Ning Zhou, you have been surrounded. I know that you still have four bullets in your gun.

But there are six of us here, so don’t resist without fear.”

It was quiet for a few seconds,


The lights inside the suspect vehicle were on.


Under the darkness, the lights become clearer and brighter, and the situation in the car can be clearly seen.

Of course there are people.

It can be limited to the driver's seat, and the passenger seat, including the rear, is empty.

Wei Cheng didn't want to believe it, so he stepped forward and pulled the doorknob.

Click, click, click

Officer Zhang inside unlocked the door.

"Why, why is there no one?"

Wei Cheng almost shouted.

"Will it be in the toilet?"

"Stop looking for it!"

Officer Zhang Liang got out of the car.

"There has been no one in the car all this time. In fact, Ning Zhou has always known about your following, including... I can't say any more!"

Wei Cheng leaned against the car, feeling weak.

After looking forward to it all night and tracking it all night, it turned out to be an empty car.

Can't understand, can't accept.

The expressions on the other people's faces were not much better. They must be so good at acting. The so-called stopping to pick up people before was just an act.

They stupidly got up from the bed and discussed how to arrest him along the way.

As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. This is generally true.

"But why do you stop now?"

Wei Cheng refused to give up.

"Since it's to attract our attention, why not move on?"

"Because..." Officer Zhang looked at everyone's disappointed expressions and felt a little guilty: "My duty as a tool man and the time limit are up, I must stop the car."

"The escapees may still be in Dongting City!"

Niu Dali's shouts were deafening.

After shouting, he ignored the inquiring looks of others and came to the front of the glass wall to write pictures.


We received the news of the murder yesterday at about 5 o'clock in the morning, because there was a delay.

Go back one hour to four-fifteen, which is the same time as now.

It can be inferred from this that the tool man, Officer Zhang, has a statute of limitations of twenty-four hours. I am still wondering why the tool man would choose a local policeman.

Now the doubt is solved.

The fugitives did not kill anyone in the real sense, but they had to cooperate with the investigation.

It was the middle of the night, and the program team probably wanted to use local materials, so they chose Officer Zhang to help. "

Although Niu Dali was very excited, his speech was extremely clear. Others did not interrupt and listened quietly.

“Let’s take another look at the clues from yesterday to today.

The first is Wang Jiaxuan. When we were in QY City, we only found his car and his personal figure. We felt that he was alone.

The vehicle that was rear-ended was still running wildly on the highway even though it knew it was exposed.

Our analysis at that time was that Wang Jiaxuan might have been alone, and the fugitives chose to disperse.

Now it seems that is not the case.

They were obviously diverting attention. In a normal person's mind, I had committed a murder somewhere, and knowing that there was a group of people chasing me, I definitely wanted to escape.

Moreover, it also creates the illusion of escape to confuse the opponent, which is us.

And there is one piece of news that Liu Tingting told yesterday. Is it okay to tell the truth?

At that time, I thought the other party was using reverse psychology, but now it seems that Ning Zhou is indeed in the atmosphere.

With these two illusions, staying where you are in Dongting is not a risk at all. "

What Niu Dali said was very straightforward and everyone understood it. His analysis should be correct.

Otherwise, the empty car situation in front of us cannot be explained.

"How brave you are, how dare you do it."

Fan Chenchen was mid-sentence when he was pulled by Wei Cheng and he immediately shut his mouth knowingly.

"Then where are you going next?"

Officer Zhang smiled: "Go home, I took wedding leave, I'm sorry, everyone."

Everyone is not that stingy and knows that it has nothing to do with him.

"How about we take a blessing video for you."

"Is that okay?"

Officer Zhang was pleasantly surprised, he naturally hoped for it in his heart, but he was trying to fool people around him, and even if he didn't mean it, he was too embarrassed to bring it up.

"Of course!"

Wei Cheng smiled and greeted everyone, and went to a well-lit area inside.

"Anyway, we don't have any clues about the fugitives for the time being. I'm sleepy after not sleeping all night, just by the way.

To be honest, only by participating in this program can I appreciate your hard work as police officers. "

All team members can hear the instructions from the headquarters.

Fan Chenchen almost exposed his secret just now.

Niu Dali's analysis can only be heard by members wearing headphones. As tool men, they must be connected with the escapees and can receive various instructions.

Although Officer Zhang's work is over, who can guarantee whether the information will be leaked later.

So you have to let him relax and show that you know nothing about him, otherwise, after alerting the enemy, you won't know where to look.

Therefore, after Wei Cheng received the order from the headquarters to appease him, he had an idea and asked everyone to help shoot a blessing video.

In ten minutes, the video was completed.

I was just a little regretful. I looked at my phone quietly and found no relevant content. It was probably deleted in advance.

"Hey, where are you going now?"

After the shooting, Wei Cheng handed over a bottle of Black Bull.

Officer Zhang took over: "Let's go to Rongcheng first. My home is not in this direction. Rest for a few hours, then return the car, and then take the train back."

"Piece by piece!"

Fan Chenchen, a conspicuous man and I, stepped forward and put his arm around his shoulders.

"We are also going back to Rongcheng. We have no clues now, but we can have a good sleep without you driving the car."

"Thank you then."

At the same time, the great teacher who was sleeping on the other side was woken up by Xue Zhiqian. After a brief explanation, he drove from Rongcheng and set foot on the road back to Dongting again.

Although Niu Dali analyzed the results here at the headquarters, he was not happy.

The fugitive's goal was achieved, and the pursuer's energy and time were wasted.

Moreover, in the huge Dongting City, if you want to find someone, you have to find a needle in a haystack without any clues.

Just like that, at seven o'clock in the morning, Li Tong came.

After hearing what happened last night, he immediately asked.

"Where is the tool man now?"

We set off at around four o'clock and returned to Rongcheng again at seven o'clock.

At the kind invitation of the members, Officer Zhang Liang stayed in the same hotel with them and slept in the same room as Wei Cheng.

On the surface, Comrade Xiao Wei means to learn from the experience.

Experienced police officers often catch bad people, I will learn from you.

Zhang Liang is not a fool.

You are a celebrity, and when we met for the first time, you acted so warmly. How could you be so serious about it? Moreover, the bugs were placed just yesterday.

But he didn't say anything. After chatting for a while on the way back, he fell asleep.

Not only him, but everyone else was also very sleepy. After arriving in Rongcheng, they had breakfast and then went to the hotel.

Wei Cheng's cell phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. At this time, he and Officer Zhang Liang were the only ones left in the elevator.

After the call was connected, the old man's voice came.

"You don't have to speak, just listen to me.

Although the task of the tool man has been completed, I think they should contact me again to understand the follow-up.

But judging from the current situation, Officer Zhang Liang must be on the side of the fugitives and has preconceived ideas.

It is basically impossible to sway him, and it will only scare the snake.

When you get up to your room, the hotel will call and tell you that there is a problem with the air conditioning there, and then change you to a room with a mini camera.


The fifteenth floor arrived soon. Just as Old Li Tou said, the two of them sat down and were still discussing who should take a shower first when the phone on the bedside rang.

Wei Cheng deliberately asked Zhang Liang to answer the phone.

"Brother Cheng, the front desk said that the air conditioner in our room is broken and we need to change it to another room, which is on this floor."

"Let's go," Wei Cheng stood up and picked up his bag: "We can't sleep without air conditioning in this weather."

Changed from 1503 to 1508.

After opening the door, Wei Cheng observed for a moment that the room was mirrored and said there was a camera, but he didn't know where it was installed.

Now that we have it, we don’t have to worry about who takes a shower first, since we can all see it anyway.

Moreover, when he came out and Zhang Liang went in, his cell phone was not taken into the bathroom, but was placed on the bedside to charge.

We couldn't chat anymore. After saying a few words, we all closed our eyes.

While all the pursuing team members were lying down, the escapees in Dongting City got up.

It's not that I don't want to sleep in, but the environment doesn't allow it.

After all, they were still on the run, and the house they chose faced the sun.

After everyone gets up, there are beads of sweat on their faces. The first thing they do is wash their faces or take a shower.


A sound of thunder made Zhao Lushi, who was brushing her teeth, tremble with fright, and then she ran to the living room.

Other members were already standing on the edge of the balcony, enjoying the gifts of nature.

"It's so cool."

"It's probably going to rain heavily."

"The thunder and rumble are nothing."

Ning Zhou, who was still resting, was also awakened by the thunder. He had worked a night shift for three hours last night.

I took the phone and there was indeed a message on it. After opening it, I found that it was a short composition.

“As you might expect, I’m being followed.

There was no interception during this period, and we continued on the highway until 4:10, the Guli service area.

There were three cars and six people in total.

But I may have said the wrong thing, given away information, and informed them that my time was up.

Because after finishing speaking, they all stood there without speaking, probably accepting instructions.

Then, the expression changed.

When they saw me alone in the car, they all collapsed and couldn't understand, but then they became calm again.

He even took the initiative to record a video congratulating me on my wedding.

And he asked me to accompany him and help him drive. We have just arrived at the Hilton Hotel in Rongcheng.

Wei Cheng and I were in the same room and had just been taking a shower.

If you need me to do anything, send us a message on WeChat and I will find a time to reply."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing him staring at his phone, Huang Lei came over.

"Teacher Huang, look."

After taking a look, Huang Lei sat up.

"Let's go and discuss this with everyone."

When they went to the living room, they saw other members shouting and yelling about the balcony like children. They also found it interesting.

Everyone understands.

I've been bored here for two days. It's better at night, but it's hot during the day and I can't speak loudly.

The wind is strong and the thunder is loud, and no one can be seen downstairs, which gives me a sense of security.

"It feels like the end of the world."

The wind and rain this time were indeed a bit exaggerated. The whistling wind could be heard upstairs. Various shops on the streets in the distance were hurriedly sorting out their goods. The dark clouds above their heads were as black as ink, and they seemed to be within reach.

Huang Lei followed and sighed for half a minute: "Come on, have a meeting, something happened."

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately shut up and returned to the living room to sit in a circle.

Zhao Lushi, who came back from gargling, took her mobile phone and read Officer Zhang's essay to everyone.

"This seems like nothing, right?"

Hou Minghao was the first to speak.

"As a tool man, we expected to be found. As a pursuer, we would be angry if we were called up in the middle of the night and chased for more than two hours, and then found that the bamboo basket was empty.

Why do you say something happened? "

"Yes," Zhou Xun joined the discussion: "Isn't this being implemented normally according to Ning Zhou's plan?

Logically speaking, it is safest for us to stay in Dongting at the moment. They must think that they are just being deceived. We are still in Rongcheng, right? "

"Everything you say is correct,"

The answer was not Ning Zhou, but Huang Lei.

"Now it is clear that the people who arrested us are divided into two parts, one is the field service, 13 people headed by Wei Cheng, Chen Weiting and others, and the logistics team led by Li Tong.

The reason why we asked Officer Zhang to set off in the middle of the night was mainly to see if he was being targeted and to consume the physical strength of the field staff. The number of people was limited. We limited us to four people, so only nine could work.

It can be said that the goal was successfully achieved.

The reason why he said something happened was because of the change in attitude mentioned by Officer Zhang.

Think about it, if you are a pursuer, you wake up in the middle of the night and follow with great expectations for two hours, but there is no target in the car. Can you adjust your mentality in a short period of time and take the initiative to help shoot a blessing video? "

"I don't know how!" Xiaobai shook his head directly: "I am so angry that I would never think of videos or anything like that."

"So, Officer Zhang guessed that during the quiet period, their logistics team must have given some news."

"what news?"

Huang Lei shook his head: "I can only analyze it up to this point, and leave the rest to Ning Zhou."

"Come on, come on, everyone, pay attention, Master Ning is going to class."

"Is it the time when I don't know how serious it is again?"

"I've watched it five times. At most, I felt that they were very angry, and suddenly they were not angry anymore, but I didn't feel that we were in danger."

"Okay, okay, listen to Ning Zhou."

To be honest, this feeling of being praised by big stars is quite good.

Ning Zhou smiled: "How about we play a big game? The pursuer is going to sleep. How about asking him to get up."

"You are torturing people."

"I like"

"Are you going to kill the pursuer?"

"I can only say that fortunately I am not a member of the pursuit team. I didn't even sleep. It was even harder than filming."

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