Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 99 This is my car

For the pursuers, tonight is quite uneventful. There is also a mission coming from the headquarters, so they have to get up early tomorrow.

So after going back, we all went to bed early.

At half past five, everyone woke each other up, washed briefly, had breakfast, and walked to Dongfu Community.

"Nothing special."

Chen Weiting stretched himself, took the breakfast brought by Wei Cheng, and reported on the situation last night.

“About eleven o’clock, almost all the lights were turned off, and Lu Han and I went up to take a look at the few remaining households.

In two households, the workers probably forgot to turn off the lights when they left, and the other three households lived in them to save money. "

"Thank you for your hard work, why don't you go back and rest first."

"It's okay. We slept last night and we were in good spirits."

Chen Weiting ate the pickled cabbage pancake in two bites, drank the soy milk in one breath, and followed the members to the door.

The task given by the headquarters is very simple. Come here early and ask questions at the door.

Anyway, the front and back doors were blocked, so there was no need to worry about surprising the escapees who might not be inside.

The main reason is to improve efficiency. Searching each household is too time-consuming.

Teacher He took on the job of guarding the front door. The other star workers may not necessarily know him, but even if he couldn't pronounce his name, they would still think he looked familiar.

Moreover, last night, the pursuit team printed photos of the escapees and directly displayed them at the gate.

Human beings have one thing in common: they like to watch fun.

Even if they don't know each other, when they see other people forming a circle, they will unconsciously come up to see what's going on.

The pursuers were thankful to have woken up early, and also lamented the hard work of the workers. At six o'clock, they all came to work one after another.

"Have you seen them in the community?"

"Have you found any suspicious persons?"

"Did you suddenly see a group of people leaving?"

A few words, repeated over and over again.

Naturally, the identities of the chasing members were also recognized.

I heard that he was a celebrity. Even if he wasn't a star chaser, he still found it novel and took a group photo.

Teacher He and others naturally cooperated actively and asked everyone to help and pay more attention to whether there were more strangers around them.

However, after going on for a while, they were stopped by the program team and asked to put on hats and other things and put up the photos, mainly because they were worried about spoilers for fans.

Because I was mentally prepared in advance, I can’t say I was particularly disappointed.

“You guys continue to guard, I’ll take people around.

With so many people on the run, it is impossible to order takeout. They definitely need to eat and buy some daily necessities. "

This is the arrangement of the headquarters.

"Teacher He, let me accompany you." Wei Cheng followed: "Hey, let me ask you something, haven't you two watched the live broadcast in the past few days?"

"Looked at it."

Teacher He understood what he meant.

"But I was given a gag order, and I was very busy, so I didn't read everything. What I knew in Fengcheng, I won't know later.

Zhang Yixing didn't say anything, but he really didn't know.

I went abroad for half a month for a vacation. When I came here yesterday, I said that I regretted it so much. "

"Hey, that's a pity."

The two soon came to the street diagonally across the road.

However, they were warned by the program team and were not allowed to reveal their identities.

What I did in front of the construction site just now was strictly against the rules.

Because a day's time difference isn't enough to prevent spoilers from passers-by.

That is to say, here at the construction site, there are only people working, and they don't pay attention to the so-called variety shows at all.

It can only be said that the program team also made some mistakes, but fortunately, it did not have much impact.

Teacher He had indeed never seen Ning Zhou’s purchasing process, so he just asked around aimlessly from store to store.

"Strange place?

What is strange? "

"That's right." When he arrived at a tobacco, alcohol and grocery store, Teacher He was speechless when faced with the store owner's rhetorical question: "Just like, did you buy something that workers don't think they would consume?"

“If you say so, it’s true.

Two people came here at noon yesterday, beef jerky, black beef, juice, and chocolate.

No one who works normally would be willing to buy these, they bring their own water.

But they said it was money from the owner, so I didn’t think much about it. "

Hearing this, Teacher He was refreshed.

"Do you know where they work?"

"I know," the shopkeeper nodded: "I delivered the goods, but they didn't open the door, so they left them at the door."


The shop owner informed the specific address, and Teacher He quickly contacted the remaining members.

"We may have found it. Building 11, 703. Act quickly and bring your gun!"

Hearing the gunshot, the shop owner confirmed what he was thinking, these two men must be police officers.

"Are criminals coming?"

"Well, two murder cases," Wei Cheng nodded, then pointed to the surveillance camera on the upper right: "Can I see it?"

"Yes, yes, but I don't understand. You have to let my daughter come, or you yourself."

"Let me do it!"

On the other side, Chen Weiting, who received the call, immediately shouted without even driving the car, rushed into the community, and quickly found Building 11.

"This is by the gate. If they are up there, they might find us.

The two doors must still be sealed and all vehicles entering and exiting must be checked. "

After getting reliable clues, everyone immediately became nervous and performed their duties according to the instructions.

Chen Weiting, Lu Han and Xue Zhiqian took the lead and took the elevator up, quickly reaching the seventh floor.

"Check the floor conditions first."

Li Tong conducted real-time command at the headquarters.

The door of 705 next door was open, and after careful exploration, it was just an empty room.

The doors of other rooms, including 703, are closed.

"A strong attack?"

Chen Weiting raised his gun and pointed it at the door, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

"Need not,"

Li Tong's voice came.

"We have contacted the owner of 703 to see if there is a key to the fire hydrant."


The teacher on the side took a few steps back and took out the key from the fire hydrant without much effort.

"Hey, the key is still here. There's a good chance that the fugitive has already left. You'd better be careful."

The six people opened the door carefully, and after some inspection, they were sure that the previous escapees must have lived here.

There is a straw mat electric fan in the room, there is toothpaste foam in the sink, a clean floor, a piece of clothes that I forgot to take away, and twenty yuan on the table, all kinds of traces of life.

"It's too late!"

It sounds good to say one step, but it is estimated that it is at least twenty-four hours late.

"How could you think of hiding here?"

“Really a great place.”

"It's completely unexpected."

"Then, where did he escape to?"

It's not disappointing to be here at the headquarters, but it's strange that the fugitives are here.

"Although the chance is not great, we must rule it out. Everyone spread out and search these twelve buildings again.

But the main goal is not to find people, but to pick up clues.

It is basically certain that the fugitive left after finishing the call with us.

It is almost impossible for ten people to leave quietly.

I think there should be transportation. It rained heavily in Dongting for three hours yesterday, and some roads were submerged. If a group of people went out in the rain, they would definitely be impressed when they saw it.

You can ask inside if you saw any vehicles leaving between nine o'clock and the afternoon.

The two people outside are looking for any visible cameras, so please act quickly. "

Having a goal is a good thing. After leaving one person to check if there were any clues in the room, the others dispersed.

Half an hour later, Teacher Da came to a room that was under construction.

"Hello, excuse me."


If Ning Zhou were here, he could recognize that the one the great teacher found was Lao Zhou.

"Excuse me," the big teacher responded with a smile: "I just wanted to ask if we encountered anything unusual here yesterday.

For example, seeing a group of people leaving in the rain, or driving away? "

Lao Zhou shook his head: "Who are you?"

"Oh, we are filming a show, I am Da Zhangwei, do you know me?"

"Hey, you look familiar. I've seen you on TV."

Before Lao Zhou graduated from junior high school, he became a master and entered the decoration industry.

I started out as a carpenter, but as time went on, I learned more about other jobs.

My brain is better than that of ordinary workers. I have my own small team and have cooperated with several decoration companies.

Because he was the foreman, he didn't arrive as early as others. By the time he arrived at the construction site, the pursuers at the door had already dispersed, so he didn't know about it.

"Yes, yes, I have been on TV and the Spring Festival Gala. Did you see anything special?"

"No," Lao Zhou shook his head: "There are many people working in this construction site. At most, they look familiar to each other, even if they pass a cigarette to each other, they don't even know each other.

I don’t know how many vehicles came in and out. "


The great teacher probed his head.

"I'll go in and take a look, okay?"

"Of course, but it's a bit dirty, so be careful."

"It's out of the way."

Several workers in the house were very busy. They didn't care about the arrival of the boss and were still doing their own things.

There must be no one hiding here. After inspecting the group, the great teacher said goodbye and went to the door. Teacher He's voice came from the earphones.

"Everyone, I just saw a car driving out of the community yesterday morning from the surveillance.

But the rain was so heavy that I couldn’t see the license plate clearly, so I posted the photo in the group and asked each other. "

The great teacher turned his head: "Excuse me, could you please show me again? Do you know whose car this car belongs to?"

Lao Zhou came over and said, "This is my car!"

"Huh?!" The great teacher was surprised.

It took no effort to get it. Did I have a good fortune?

"It's indeed my car, what's wrong?"

Lao Zhou looked at it carefully and answered in the affirmative.

"Oh, not necessarily,"

The great teacher tried to control his emotions.

"Everyone, the owner of the vehicle has been found, Building 9."



"Awesome, great teacher."

"So fast?"

"I'm coming."

The great teacher's chest rose and fell violently. He was so excited that he stood at the door, for fear that Lao Zhou would run away.

The other person's face was confused.

"What's wrong with my car?"

"Don't worry, wait for the others, let's talk in detail."

Chen Weiting was next door. He heard that the owner of the car had been found, so he ran all the way over. He saw the elevator going up on the first floor, so he took the stairs directly.

When we reached the thirteenth floor out of breath, Ding, the elevator arrived and the other members came out.


The great teacher waved.

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