Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 214 Rich List of Dragon Kingdom Writers

The boy was a little embarrassed and said: "Well, I'm just curious about Master Luo's writing style. I read your "Seven Weapons" and I really admire your free and easy writing. Can Master Luo master that kind of writing style?"

Gu Long's writing has a special charm that even young people cannot resist.

Luoyang smiled and said: "Writing is often based on the style of the story. You don't need to practice, just read more books and it will come naturally."

This is Luoyang’s experience.

If you use Gu Long's words to tell the story of Mr. Jin, it will definitely lose a lot of solemnity. If you use Mr. Jin's writing style to tell the story of Gu Long, the style of painting will also become strange. Therefore, the writing style is often at odds with the story itself. Only when they fit together can they truly exert their charm.

"Does Mr. Luo also use this style when he writes articles?" the boy asked, seeming to understand.

"Of course not. "Seven Weapons" is a series of stories, so its writing style is relatively unified. But when I write other things, I will change my writing style because I don't have to kill all types of stories. Writing style.”

"To use another analogy, if you write a horror novel with that cool and unrestrained style, the scary atmosphere of the horror novel will be gone, so the style of writing must be adjusted to a certain extent based on the story itself."

Luoyang talked about his own experience, which he also summed up.

In fact, most people are writing the same type of story, so the writing style does not need to be varied, which is a bit advanced.

"Master Luo is indeed a master." The young men and women in the literary club all showed admiration after listening to Luo Yang's explanation.

However, Yang Yang, who was playing with the computer on the other side, curled his lips and thought that Luo Yang was making a fool of himself, but he was just lucky and became famous with one book.

As he spoke, Luoyang had already filled out the application form for joining the company and handed it to Gu Qingyu. Luoyang smiled and said, "Is there anything else to do next?"

Gu Qingyu was obviously in a good mood and took Luoyang's application form, "Thank you Mr. Luo, nothing happens. It happens to be the end of the semester. Our literary club has Mr. Luo, a famous martial arts master, in charge. It will be easy to recruit new members next semester. ”

Luoyang Wan'er: "Is my reputation so effective?"

"Of course! Mr. Luo, you are now the school idol of our school! How many girls have posted on the campus forum to express their love for you. This is because of your popularity. Moreover, you are a famous martial arts master and a talented cartoonist. It is definitely a huge influence for the freshmen. Attractive." Gu Qingyu said exaggeratedly.

"Okay, now that it's over, I'll go back first." Luoyang said.

"Okay, good-bye, Mr. Luo." A group of people from the literary club also said goodbye to Luoyang.

After walking out of the literary club, Luoyang was about to go to the cafeteria to eat when a cold voice suddenly came from behind him: "Luoyang."

When Luoyang heard this, he turned around and realized that the person calling him was Gong Xueyi's cousin Yang Yang.

"What's the matter?" Luoyang asked.

"I just want to tell you that my cousin's new comic is almost finished. When her new comic is released, she will definitely beat you to death!" Yang Yang clenched his fists and said coldly.

Luoyang couldn't help but want to laugh.

This Yang Yang is a little too middle-aged.

He didn't mean to be angry, because this Yang Yang acted too childish, more like a high school student. It would be strange for him to be angry with a high school student.

Luo Yang raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Tell your cousin for me that I wish her new work will sell well and reach a higher level."

After saying that, he walked towards the cafeteria. After being so delayed by the literary club, he was really hungry.

Looking at Luoyang's back, Yang Yang clenched his fists tighter——

This Luoyang was so bad that his cousin was in a bad mood for a long time. She locked herself in her room to draw comics and didn't go out except to eat and sleep, which made her worry for a long time.


After having a meal in the cafeteria, it was almost afternoon.

When eating in the cafeteria, Luoyang naturally attracts the attention of the surrounding students, but Luoyang has long been used to it and eats calmly and calmly.

While eating, Luoyang also heard that the people at the table behind him were already discussing what to do during the summer vacation, which made Luoyang suddenly realize.

It turns out that before I knew it, it was already the end of the semester.

A year has passed in the blink of an eye, and it is now July——

Many universities in the Dragon Kingdom have already begun their summer vacation. Compared with other schools, Tiandu University's summer vacation begins later.

But even so, students at Tiandu University will also have summer vacation on July 10th. For Luoyang, time really flies by.

I remember when I first came to this strange world with Liu Qin, it must have been during the summer vacation. At that time, Liu Qin and I were confused, looking at each other in silence, and could only adapt silently.

As a result, without even realizing it, it seems that I have really become accustomed to all kinds of things in this world, which once again proves how terrible human beings' ability to adapt is...

After eating this meal for a long time, Luoyang felt a rare sentimentality in his heart. He really couldn't bear to part with his past life. There are many things that make people miss him.

There were only two classes in the afternoon, and there were not many classes at the end of the semester because the instructors were preparing for exams. After class, Luoyang returned to the apartment.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Long Wanchun, the bodyguard, was responsible for going to and from school, so Luoyang sometimes felt a bit like a child in a kindergarten. Long Wanchun was the nanny found by his family for him. Responsible for taking myself to school.

After returning to the apartment, Luoyang saw Hua Qi working on the sofa with her computer. She obviously had a loli face, but she was working so seriously, and her style of painting was a bit strange.

On the other hand, if Hua Qi had a lollipop in her mouth, it wouldn't feel inappropriate at all.

Luoyang reached out and took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator in the corner. After taking two sips, Luoyang turned around and prepared to get into the study to work.

But at this moment, Hua Qi spoke: "Boss, please wait a moment."

"What's the matter?" Luoyang asked.

"Boss, you are on this year's list of the richest writers in Dragon Country."

When Luoyang heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned: "The list of the richest writers in Dragon Kingdom?"

"That's right, boss, you are now the third richest writer in the Dragon Kingdom. The royalties of a total of 100 million dragons have scared many writers in the publishing industry, because you are the first person in the Dragon Kingdom to rely on the Internet. The author who is on the Rich List of Writers accidentally created another record!”

Hua Qi said proudly, feeling happy for her boss's achievements.

One hundred million dragon yuan!

This is the royalty income Luoyang received after he started writing "Wushuang" last year, including the game adaptation rights that Amber talked about, etc. On the other hand, although the original version of Dragon Kingdom is several times cheaper than in the previous life, the base is also higher. Out several times.

If you add in the rewards Luoyang received, Luoyang may have assets worth 150 million.

Such a net worth is actually nothing to some business tycoons. They can get hundreds of millions from any investment.

But for a writer who writes for a living, this kind of income is already an extremely terrifying peak for a writer. Only a supreme god like Luoyang can realize the dream of breaking the 100 million milestone for online writing.

"Which media compiled the figures?" Luoyang asked.

In his previous life, he had seen some great writers listed on some rich writer lists. At that time, he would also be envious and imagine how excited he would be if he had such a high income.

But I didn't expect that this wish would actually come true. It was really unexpected, but the excitement I imagined did not appear.

Hua Qidao: "This list is produced by Longguo Daily. Around July every year, they publish a rich list of writers. The error in their statistics is very small, and it is not much different from the boss's true manuscript fee. "

While talking, Hua Qi took out a copy of "Longguo Daily" from the table. The largest page was the rich list of writers, and the first few were indeed published writers.

The third person on this rich list of writers is the only one who is not on the list with his real name.

He is also the only writer in the top ten who has never appeared on the list - Allure in White, with a royalty of 100 million.

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