Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 242 A thousand words and a thousand words

"Of course it's not tabloid gossip. At this time, the news was reported on the front page of "Longguo Daily". The Times Classics judging panel also acknowledged the news. The next few days will be just a walk through the process. It is estimated that when the process is completed, It’s time to announce the news completely!”

Hua Qi said with certainty that many people in the outside world are discussing this news now, and it is estimated that only his boss is still in the dark.

"Then I will start writing "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" tonight."

As a result, since martial arts novels can be recognized by major literary awards such as Time Classics, Luoyang also feels a little itchy. If he travels back in time and doesn't win a Time Classics award, it would be too weak.

Hua Qi nodded and then asked: "As for the new book, will the boss prepare to publish it directly or in the form of a serial?"

Luoyang thought for a while and said with a smile: "Let's serialize it."

It’s true that you can probably make more money from publishing.

But if you want to ferment the story and make it more influential, serialization is undoubtedly a more appropriate method.

Hua Qi was not surprised by Luoyang's decision. She paused and asked, "Which magazine or newspaper does the boss want to serialize?"

"Please contact the magazine "Xia Ke Jiang Hu"." Luoyang said with a smile. His second uncle worked as an editor in "Xia Ke Jiang Hu", and his cooperation with "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" was quite pleasant last time, so he subconsciously thought of this company. .

Besides, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Although "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" is no longer the status it once was...

But after all, it is also the magazine with the highest sales among martial arts magazines, with top-notch circulation and channels.

Hua Qi nodded and said with some excitement: "Okay, then I will contact the person in charge of "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" first. The first shot of the studio must be fired."

Luoyang smiled and nodded.

After returning to the apartment that night, Luoyang really started writing "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" in the study.

"The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" begins with an introduction, which has a total of 7,000 words. Among these 7,000 words, there is no positive description of the protagonist Lu Xiaofeng.

This is a relatively rare situation.

Because generally the protagonist will appear in the first chapter of the novel, but this first chapter is an introduction. It’s not a big deal if the protagonist does not appear in the plot. At least the introduction is still very interesting.

Crack, crackle, crackle...

In the past two weeks in Luoyang, I had little time to code because I was traveling to Sichuan Province.

Returning to Tiandu at this moment, the sound of a mechanical keyboard was heard rarely in the empty room.

When the introduction to the first chapter was finished, less than an hour had passed. Luoyang looked at the clock and decided to just write the first story of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", "The Jinpeng Dynasty".

During this writing process, Luoyang consciously made some modifications to the article.

It's not about modifying the plot, but correcting some unnecessary fragments. In fact, the master's text is constantly being modified.

I remember that Jin Yong's modifications to "The Condor" in his previous life were so crazy that he went back and forth many times. In the end, for the sake of the rationality of the previous plot, he even modified Li Mochou into a girl in her twenties...

What Luoyang wants to do is to make "Golden Peng Dynasty" even more suspenseful based on the excitement of the original work!

After all, Luoyang's writing ability has been constantly improving for a long time, so it is no longer like at the beginning when he was unable to start with the works of the masters in his previous life.

Modification is also Luoyang’s original hope.

If he always plagiarizes, he will never improve.

In this continuous process of copying books, consciously improving your own level is the best way.

Time passed bit by bit, and the crackling keyboard sounds in the room became more and more rapid...

But it is a pity that Luoyang still overestimated itself. The story of "Jinpeng Dynasty" does not have more than 180,000 words, and it is impossible to show the full picture.

Until three o'clock in the middle of the night, Luoyang had only written 70,000 words - this speed was as fast as cheating for countless people, but it was still far from 180,000 words.

Luoyang was a little dissatisfied.

But there is no way.

Besides, staying up late is not good for your health, so he has tried his best not to stay up late.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and the sun might come out if he didn't go to bed, so Luoyang stretched and prepared to go to bed.

However, while sleeping, Luoyang deliberately sent the more than 7,000-word introduction to "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" to Hua Qi's mailbox, because Hua Qi still wanted to show this manuscript to others.

The next day, Luoyang didn't wake up until nine o'clock.

Because I went to bed too late last night, I stayed in bed for a few hours and naturally didn't do my morning exercise.

After walking out of the room, there was a cold breakfast on the table. Seeing Luoyang coming out, Hua Qi was a little surprised and said: "Boss, didn't you go out for morning exercise today?"

"I slept too late last night." Luoyang said casually. After eating some breakfast, he went to the bathroom to wash up. When he changed his clothes and came out, he was looking energetic again.

"No wonder my boss sent me the manuscript of the new book in the middle of the night yesterday."

Hua Qi paused and then said: "This morning I sent the 7,000-word manuscript of the new book to "Xia Ke Jiang Hu", and they made an appointment with us for an interview."

"Where to talk?"

"Right in the studio."

"Then let's go now and call them over." Luoyang said with a smile.

It just so happens that I haven't seen my second uncle for a long time.

The people in "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" are not stupid, and the relationship between him and his second uncle is not a secret, so this time when we talk about the new book contract, his second uncle will definitely come with him.

Sure enough, an hour later, the second uncle's figure appeared among the visitors of "Xia Ke Jiang Hu".



As soon as he saw Luoyang, Luo Dashan said hello.

"Second uncle, long time no see." Luoyang also said with a smile.

"I know Dashan is Mr. Luo's second uncle, so I brought him here specially. I hope the contract negotiation can go smoothly." After Luoyang and Luo Dashan finished greeting each other, a woman wearing glasses next to Luo Dashan said with a smile.

Luo Dashan promptly introduced to Luoyang: "This is Yang Qing, the editor-in-chief of our "Xia Ke Magazine" who is responsible for your new book contract."

"Hello, Editor Yang." Luoyang nodded.

"Hello, Teacher Luo." The woman wearing glasses also said with a smile.

A group of people came to the reception room on the second floor and sat down. After sitting down, the woman named Yang Qing entered working mode.

She said: "Teacher Luo, this morning we read the introduction to "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" that you sent. To be honest, it is quite interesting. The language style is similar to your previous "Seven Weapons", but after reading it, we are very happy. I’m curious what kind of martial arts story you want to write?”

Lu Xiaofeng was not mentioned in that introduction.

On the contrary, the supporting characters are all brilliantly portrayed in the introduction.

These supporting characters are Grandma Xiong who likes to kill people on full moon nights, an honest monk with a strange personality, Ximen Chuixue, the iceberg sword god, and Hua Manlou, a handsome young man but born blind.

Luoyang said: "I want to combine martial arts with reasoning to create a suspenseful martial arts style."

"Suspense martial arts?" Yang Qing frowned and gently adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

That's right, the famous martial arts master in front of me made his fortune from evil martial arts, and he likes to use his sword in an eccentric way.

Therefore, it is really difficult to expect him to write something that conforms to the traditional martial arts path, otherwise he would not be able to create an allegorical martial arts.

She nodded, and then said: "I am looking forward to Teacher Luo's story and hope to read it as soon as possible. So what conditions does Teacher Luo have for the contract?"

Luoyang looked at Hua Qi.

Hua Qi took out a document with a smile and said: "The concept of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is divided into seven parts. Each part can be written about 100,000 words. How about we calculate the price at 12,000 words per 1,000 words? "

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