Entertainment, I just like making movies

Chapter 143 Director, give me a try!

Turn on the phone and worship God!

An alternative opening ceremony, groundbreaking ceremony, and crew mobilization meeting.

There are two main purposes. One is to attract the audience's attention.

Second, worshiping gods means praying for God’s blessing.

During the filming of a movie or TV series, the huge crew has many uncertain factors that are difficult to control, including actor illness, injury, natural and man-made disasters, damage to machinery and equipment, and other unforeseen losses.

This ritual originated from Hong Kong Island, where the commercial operation of film and television dramas preceded that of the mainland.

There is no requirement for the object of worship. Those who believe in Buddhism worship Bodhisattvas, and those who believe in Taoism worship gods.

There are some who worship their ancestors even if they don’t believe in anything, and even worship Guan Gong and Lu Ban.

The most amazing news among them is the "Infernal Affairs" trilogy!

At that time, Pan Asia Film Company was not afraid of the sluggish market and attempted to produce a rescue film to flex its muscles in the bleak film market.

For this reason, Asia Pacific CEO Lin Jianyue invited Hong Kong's four major movie stars Andy Lau, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Eric Tsang, and Huang Qiusheng to co-star in "Infernal Affairs" with a production cost of HK$40 million.

When the crew started shooting, Lin Jianyue specially invited the "White Dragon King" to take charge of the overall situation, and held a very grand opening ceremony to worship the gods, filled with flowers, red wine, fruits, pork, chicken, duck, seafood and various sacrifices.

Later, someone revealed that the most important reason why "Infernal Affairs" was a huge hit and became the last glory of Hong Kong movies was that the name of the movie was changed at the suggestion of the White Dragon King.

This legend has a nose and eyes!

"Four Famous Catchers" started filming. Although no Feng Shui master was invited, a worship ceremony was held in a proper manner.

Even if Fang Ziheng didn't want to go to such trouble, he couldn't get through Lin Feifei and Wang Zhongjun.

There is no way, two hundred million soft girl coins are thrown down, this is not a small investment.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist!

Fang Ziheng and Lin Feifei were in the front, followed by the creative team, followed by a large group of Wu Yaya staff.

Hold incense to pay respect to heaven and earth, bow to heaven and earth in all directions, and pray for God's blessing.

Director Han, Wang Zhongjun, and executives from major film and television companies were watching the ceremony.

The reporter held up the camera and took pictures.

"It's done!"

Following a loud shout, warm applause broke out.

Fang Ziheng and his creative team personally distributed red envelopes to everyone present.

The red envelope is not big, only 66 yuan is worth it.

Everyone is not reserved, and the wedding money is not shabby.

Andy privately sent another 888 big red envelope to the reporters present, asking them to go back and report more on "Four Famous Catchers".

Director Han smiled and accepted the red envelope, and handed it over to Fang Ziheng: "Director Fang, we won't keep any more. I wish the filming of "Four Famous Catchers" goes smoothly and the box office is booming."

"Director Fang, I wish you another success and a wonderful movie!"

"Thank you for your kindness. I will definitely live up to your expectations!" Fang Ziheng smiled in return and saw the guests off personally.

After booting up, it’s the first scene!

This is also a rule. You have turned on your phone, so you still have to try your luck!

The crew came to the shooting location of the first scene, a small town with an ancient and quiet atmosphere.

"Let the group performers enter the venue first to get familiar with the streets and create a good atmosphere!"

Outside the town, Fang Ziheng gave an order, and the crew started running instantly.

Several executive directors entered the stage with the extras, arranging the positions of the people, paying attention to their stance and gait when they were in the camera.

The props department unloaded piles of ancient costumes, swords and weapons from the car.

The film crew deployed several large Wi-Fi trucks to measure the starting position of the actors according to the plot.

In the first scene, Fang Ziheng appeared in person, preparing to make a big move to impress everyone on the crew.

The plot begins: Lu Fang, the leader of Liumen Yuzhang in Luzhou, leads his detectives to hunt for a criminal thief in Zhangjiabao, thirty miles outside the city.

Since the other party's cultivation had reached the peak of first-class cultivation, Lu Fang was worried about something unexpected happening during the round-up, so he applied to the Six Gates Headquarters in the Imperial City to shake him off a few days ago.

After the Liumen Headquarters learned of the situation, they sent Zhui Ming, one of the four famous arrests, to Luzhou in person to bring the Jiangyang thief to justice!

The first plot is very ordinary, mainly showing the discipline of the six doors and the stunning appearance of chasing life.

After capturing the Jiangyang robber, the plot got on track.

During the process of searching the opponent, Lu Fang found a Blood Moon God General token. This token is the key to the subsequent plot.

Fang Ziheng put on the clothes of a famous arrester, wearing a black official uniform and a black official hat. Around his waist was a Qingyun belt with a white jade belt hanging on it.

In the past few days, he has also learned from the postures, speech positions, and manners of martial arts masters.

After changing his clothes and standing there, he looked majestic and handsome, and his brows suddenly became filled with a chilling air.


In the dressing room, Wen Mino's voice came from the intercom on the table.

"Director, the actors are ready."

"Let everyone try shooting first!"

Fang Ziheng straightened his clothes, got up and went out with the makeup artist's nod.

On the dirt outside the town.

Lu Fang, played by Zhang Yi, leads two teams of seven people to practice moves with a man in gray clothes and shaggy hair under the guidance of three military commanders.

Fang Ziheng put one hand on his back, stepped over, smiled at the man in gray and said, "Brother Bo, how do you feel?"

"It's good, but I'll be a little worried later. I've gained a lot of weight recently."

The man in gray stopped his movements, flipped up his hair and revealed a lewd smile. He was none other than Huang Bo, who had guest-starred as a gangster.

"Don't worry, the crew purchased dozens of sets of New Wire, and the steel wires are all made of special materials. There are five steel wires, which can easily lift a weight of 500 kilograms and move around."

Fang Ziheng laughed and dispelled Huang Bo's worries, pointing at his expression and saying: "Brother Bo, don't show your smile later. As a gangster, you have to show his ferocity and roughness!"

"No problem, just watch it, director!"

Huang Bo patted his chest and continued to use tricks with Zhang Yi and others, but silently complained in his heart.

Damn it!

In the first scene, Wia fell in love with no one except Fang Ziheng!

Fang Ziheng walked around, checking inside and out, before returning to sit in front of the monitor.

It’s not that I’m worried, but it’s just to show the director’s importance!

This time, the crew of "Four Famous Catchers" consists of three parts: Hengyu's employees, people from Huayi, and the team sent by China Film.

When three parties gather together, there will be friction and collision!

At the opening banquet at noon, the heads of each department expressed their stance again in front of Fang Ziheng, Director Han, and Wang Zhongjun, promising to go all out and not make any mistakes.

Just listen to this and don’t take it too seriously!

"Everyone in your place!"

"The third scene, the first scene, begins!"

As Fang Ziheng shouted, the first trial shooting of "Four Famous Catchers" began.

The credits cleared and the actors went onto the wire.

Fixed cameras and mobile orbital cameras are all turned on.

Outside the set, other creative teams came to watch.

In the first scene, everyone was very interested.

Deng Chao saw Huang Bo hanging in the air and smiled mischievously: "Bo Zi has suffered a lot. He has a chubby body and will lose strength after a few blows."

Everyone smiled knowingly. Huang Bo had gained more than 20 kilograms in the past two months. His originally strong figure was so fat that it made people want to laugh at the sight of it.

Leader Huang's eyes drifted, he looked at Fang Ziheng, and said quietly: "You said the director will appear later, how many times did he get NG?"

"At least three times!" Deng Chao vowed, gesturing with his OK finger.

Li Lianhua shook his head and said with a smile: "I think it must be five times!"

"Do you dare to bet?"

"Just bet, and whoever loses will treat the whole group to eating donkeys and wallowing."

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