Entertainment, I just like making movies

Chapter 88 Hengyu’s new moves

The listing ceremony is completed.

Everyone returned to the hotel with smiles on their faces. Hua Yi notified the hotel manager in advance and booked the most luxurious banquet hall.

"Today, September 12, 2009, the first domestic film and television culture stock was born. This marks that our country's entertainment industry is about to usher in a new chapter!"

"Huayi's successful listing would not have been possible without the help of all colleagues and colleagues, as well as the government's strong support for us!"

Wang Zhongjun stood on the stage, holding red wine in one hand and a microphone in the other, and gave an excited speech on the listing.

In front of the curtain behind him, a two-meter-long LCD monitor hung, which clearly displayed Huayi's stock trend.

It's almost 11 o'clock at noon. Nearly two hours after the market opened, Huayi's stock price has risen to 82 yuan, and the growth momentum is still strong.

Huayi’s total share capital is 168 million shares, and within two hours, its total market value easily exceeded the 10 billion mark.

Among the crowd in the audience.

Wang Changtian and Yu Dong listened and became bored.

Damn it!

Wang Zhongjun suddenly became a billionaire, and while others were bragging and criticizing him on stage, they could only stare at him in the audience.


The listing process must be started as soon as possible!

Wang Changtian and Yu Dong looked at each other and thought of speeding up the listing.

Hua Yi has already taken the lead and opened a path for his colleagues. There is no reason why Guangzhou Light and Bona cannot make it.

The two looked around, and Wang Changtian said in surprise: "Hey, why don't you see Director Fang?"

"Director Fang left earlier. I just saw him apologizing to Director Han and Director Wang!"

Yu Dong explained, glanced at Wang Zhongjun who was still bragging on the stage, and said with a smile: "Director Fang still has the foresight to leave early!"

As he spoke, he bumped Wang Changtian's arm and lowered his voice: "Old Wang, what do you think of Hengyu's new project?"

"New project, what new project?"

Wang Changtian blinked with confusion on his face!


Big Laowang, you really deserve it!

Yu Dong's mouth twitched and he turned away from Wang Changtian!


The banquet hall was full of laughter, and Fang Ziheng had already arrived at the airport.

He has no time to listen to Wang Zhongjun's pretense. The bait was already put down last night. When "Detective Chinatown" is released and achieves good results, Hengyu's third project will instantly become a hit in the entertainment industry!

At that time, whether it is the three private enterprises of Huayi, Guangxian and Bona, or state-owned giants such as China Film and Television, they will offer him a helping hand and find ways to join in new projects.

Rather than proactively seeking cooperation, it’s better to lay out hooks to attract attention.

As long as "Tang Detective" doesn't hit the market, and with this series in hand, Hengyu can always take the lead in subsequent projects.

Five p.m.

Fang Ziheng landed at the Imperial Capital Airport. Instead of returning to his new home, he went directly to Hengyu Media.

Hengyu General Manager's Office.

Fang Ziheng took off his suit, got himself a glass of water, looked at Andy who was following behind him, and asked, "Has the appointment with China Construction Bank been successful?"

"It's done. The president of Zhaoyang District Construction Bank will be waiting for you at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Andy smiled softly, handed over a document, and said: "According to the analysis of the company's investment department, the "Tang Detective 1" project can roughly get a loan of 80 million!

Mr. Fang, can you wait a moment? After the movie is released, "Tang Detective 2" can get a loan of at least 150 million yuan! "

"It's too late!"

Fang Ziheng waved his hand, took the document and read it carefully.

This is a document and voucher for a loan from Zhaoyang District Construction Bank for the "Detective Chinatown" movie project.

Fang Ziheng read it carefully, put the file in the drawer, and raised his head to look at Andy sitting in front of the desk.

"Do you know Sina Weibo?"

"Sina Weibo?"

Andy's eyes flashed and he muttered twice.




In an instant, Andy's eyes narrowed and he thought of something.

"Mr. Fang, the Sina Weibo you are talking about is not a new product of Sina, is it?"

"Haha, not bad, it seems you haven't forgotten your previous major!"

Fang Ziheng snapped his fingers, leaned back, pointed at the drawer and said with a smile: "The purpose of this loan is to participate in Sina Weibo's angel round investment!"

"As far as I know, Sina Weibo will be launched for trial operation in August, and many venture capital and Internet companies have already taken a fancy to this product!"

In the previous life, Sina Weibo was launched in August 2009. By the end of October 2010, it had gathered 50 million registered users in just one year.

Since then, Sina Weibo has grown out of control and become the first social media platform in China!

A public social media platform has a fatal attraction for any entertainment media company!

Since the time is just right, Fang Ziheng must not miss the opportunity to stay on Weibo.

After thinking about it, he gave instructions to Andy, asking her to lead the investment department to contact Sina Company first.

After he successfully obtained the loan from China Construction Bank, he went to discuss investment matters with the person in charge of Sina in person.

Andy's expression became serious, his cold eyes flashed with strange light, and he got up and headed to the investment department without saying a word.

Let’s get started!

Her previous majors included financial investment and venture capital, and she also had work experience in investing in Internet projects.

When I came to Hengyu Media as the deputy general manager of administration, I honestly felt a little underwhelmed by Andy.

Now Fang Ziheng was unwilling to be lonely and just followed the wishes of this ice beauty.

the next day.

Fang Ziheng went to Zhaoyang District Construction Bank and successfully obtained a loan of 200 million soft girl coins using the "Tang Detective 1" project and Huayi's 2 million original shares!

Two hundred million!

Almost instantly, Hengyu Media was saddled with nearly 150 million in debt!

And Fang Ziheng also changed from a billionaire two days ago to a billionaire!

To this end, he convened a senior management meeting to outline the reasons for the loan.

The reason is simple and very effective!

The listing of Huayi has activated the entire film and television market. At this stage, it is the best time to seize territory and become king.

All the executives agreed that it was necessary to accelerate the company's development. Only one or two executives had doubts about the proposal and felt that the loan was too much and a loan of 100 million was enough.

Hengyu large conference room.

Fang Ziheng was sitting in the middle position. He didn't explain why, but told Hengyu's next move.

"Andy and the investment department will continue to contact Sina. They must obtain at least 10% of the angel round shares and obtain priority investment rights in the C round."

"Director Lin, speed up the preparations for the two projects "Four Famous Catchers" and "Young Bao Zheng". By the end of this year, I want to see the completion of the service of the two dramas."

"In addition, special effects companies, game companies, and novel website platforms that the investment department has contacted before can start to acquire them."

After saying three major things in one breath, Fang Ziheng didn't care whether the people below could understand or not, and directly announced the adjournment of the meeting.

After the meeting, he called Lin Feifei, Andy, and Liu Minghui, deputy director of the investment department, to the office.

In the Investment Department, Fang Zihengqing has been serving as the concurrent director, guiding the department to find projects related to the entertainment industry.

Some results have been achieved so far. Liu Minghui held a stack of documents in his hand, which contained some companies with investment value that the investment department had inspected in the past few months.

"Sister Lin, you should also take a look and help with reference!"

After waving the three of them to take their seats, Fang Ziheng picked up the information from a special effects company and read it with interest.

.Fang Ziheng started to get involved in investment. Currently, he is a poor group and is heavily in debt. Xiaodao asked the big guys to give him monthly votes and rewards to invest in him.

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