Cao Gong, who had an idea, used his own method to find someone to understand the situation.

After finding out, Cao Gong went to buy equipment.

These things can be stored in his system, which can be said to be quite convenient.

Cao Gong used to think that his system was not useful enough.

But now it seems that he still hasn't figured it out.

Just the function of being able to store things in reality is already very powerful.

This inventory in his system can hold a lot of things.

Of course, it is not as perverted as some storage rings in fantasy novels.

Then you are given a storage space, which is as big as several football fields.

It is not so exaggerated and perverted. In fact, it is just like a backpack in the game, or some warehouses. It is a small grid, and one grid can hold one thing.

For things like bullets, a small square can only store 300 bullets of the same model.

And a small square in the inventory can store bullets, not all bullets are 300.

Like ordinary pistol bullets, this small caliber bullet can store 300 rounds.

But if it is a large-caliber bullet for a sniper rifle like Barrett, a small square cannot store 300 bullets.

There is still a limit. The caliber is different, and the storage quantity is also different.

Cao Gong looked at his system inventory, and the quantity was not bad.

Anyway, he was not short of money now, so he spent a lot of money here and bought some equipment.

Pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, these things, Cao Gong put a few of them in.

As for bullets, each gun is equipped with 1,800 24 bullets.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ones he has now are enough to equip a platoon. It really cost him a lot of money to get all these things.

Just talking about the bullets for the pistol, each bullet costs 5 yuan, soft sister RMB.

Just the 1,800 bullets for the pistol cost 9,000.

As for the pistol, depending on the style, the price is more than 1,000 yuan.

Of course, there are also expensive ones, such as the Desert Eagle, which costs tens of thousands of yuan.

Rifles are even more expensive, and the price must be high.

In total, he spent 3 million. However, he did not buy these things at once, but bought them in batches.

Otherwise, if he bought too much at once, it would be inconvenient to carry so many things, and it would be easy to be targeted by others. In order not to attract people's attention, Cao Gong looked for opportunities to go out and buy a little at a time.

He spent a lot of thought to get these things.

After having these things, Cao Gong can now feel relieved and safe.


Cao Gong, who was sitting in front of the director's monitor, asked Wu Jing, who came over:"How is it?"

Wu Jing watched the scenes directed by Cao Gong, which also surprised him

"Sure." Wu Jing was very surprised and said,"You can also direct a scene?"

"Haven't I been learning from you these days? It seems like you arranged the camera positions like this."

"I was thinking, you arranged the camera like this, and I saw that the script required it like this, so I helped you arrange it, and learned by the way."

He was just making up an excuse, but in fact, Cao Gong's directing skills were really good.


Because Cao Gong also copied the directing ability, and the object of the copy was Lin Chaoxian.

Before, when he and Lin Chaoxian recommended themselves to star in"Operation Red Sea", he copied Lin Chaoxian's hug, and then copied it to his directing ability.

Lin Chaoxian's directing ability is S-level, and Cao Gong copied it directly.

He had a new understanding of the job of directing.

On the set of"Wolf Warrior 2", he saw Wu Jing directing alone, which was too hard.

And directing alone will slow down the progress.

If If Wu Jing was just a director and didn't have to act, then there would definitely be no problem.

But the problem is that Wu Jing wrote, directed and acted in the play himself, so the filming progress was very slow on the set.

Wu Jing needs to act out his own scenes, and then watch them again himself.

This is good, but it will also be slow.

So Cao Gong is waiting for his part, so he might as well take this opportunity to practice his directing skills.

He doesn't expect to be a very good director, but at least he can help Wu Jing watch the show or something.

And this will also speed up the filming progress of the crew.

If the filming progress is accelerated, then they can finish filming faster and withdraw from the country faster.

"You are awesome! How come I know you can do everything?" Wu Jing praised Cao Gong sincerely.

"Tsk." Wu Jing's praise made Cao Gong smack his lips and said,"If you want to praise me, just praise me louder. No one can hear me.""


Cao Gong's unmodest look made everyone laugh in a second.

Wu Gang and others also looked at him with smiles.

During this period of time, they all realized that Cao Gong was not as squeamish as a second-generation star. (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At least in these days, Cao Gong's performance was very good.

His acting was very natural, giving people a feeling of being natural.

It was as if Cao Gong had been acting for many years, at least 20 years of acting experience.

Not only that, in the crew, Cao Gong knew a little bit about everything, which was the most difficult thing.

Even if he didn't know something, he would humbly ask for advice, and then learn these things.

"OK, then you can direct my scenes, so I can relax and finish filming faster."

"To be honest, it has been a torture for everyone here for 3 months."

"It is also very dangerous. I am afraid that my life is in danger."

"If you can direct, please help me a little, so that we can direct together and speed up the progress"

"Finish the shoot early and leave early, really"��Is it Wu Jing who is really looking for Cao Gong's help?

""Okay, come on." Cao Gong did not refuse this request.

He had this idea in mind, just to help speed up the progress.

"How do you know all this?"Liu Yifei found that he seemed to know a lot.

Looking at the beauty beside him, Cao Gong raised his lips and said,"In fact, I have been exposed to it since I was a child."

"I'm sure I know a little bit about a big star like my dad."[]

"My dad is a singer, so I must have been exposed to singing, dancing, writing lyrics, composing, arranging music, and playing instruments since I was a child, right? Even if I can't, I will understand what it is."

"He is also an actor, so he will definitely check his performance."

"As for the director, to be honest, when I watched Wu Jing's scenes recently, I watched from the sidelines to see how he directed them, and then I understood them myself."

"If you ask me to direct a play, I probably can't do it."

"But please help me control the lens, this seems to be okay"

"After all, as long as he doesn't laugh, doesn't say the wrong lines, and doesn't make mistakes in the action scenes, there will be basically no problem. That's what I think, I don't know if it's right, hehe~"

Cao Gong laughed after he finished speaking, and tried his best to say that he didn't know if it was right.

In fact, it was also to avoid suspicion, so he would do this

"How about you? Can you sleep tonight?"Cao Gong chatted with Concubine Liu Yi during the break in directing the play.

"It's been fine these past two days." In fact, she wanted to say that she couldn't sleep well.

But this was on the set, and she couldn't say that she couldn't sleep well. She couldn't say that she wanted to go to his room and do that.

Liu Yifei herself realized that these two nights, as soon as she closed her eyes, her mind was full of those wild pictures, which were lingering and very torturous.

She wanted to go to his room, but she felt that it was too unrestrained.

Besides, what kind of relationship do they have?

"I can’t sleep." Unlike Concubine Liu Yi, Cao Gong said directly that he couldn’t sleep.

803"Why can’t you sleep?" Concubine Liu Yi’s heart started beating wildly.

""Tsk." He could answer this question, but this was a film crew, so it was not easy to say it out loud.

He was afraid that others would know, so he did not say it out loud.

But his reaction made Concubine Liu Yi certain that it was the reason she thought.

Concubine Liu Yi knew what it meant, but in the eyes of others, it meant something else.

Cao Gong smacked his lips like this, with a bad look on his face, and he didn't know what to say.

In everyone's opinion, he just felt insecure, so he couldn't rest well.

"Oh, forget it, I won’t say it anymore. It makes me uncomfortable. Cao Gong simply stopped talking.

"Before I experienced it, everything was fine, but after I experienced it, I became addicted."

"This thing is more addictive than smoking. It feels like a drug addiction. I always have random thoughts. It's killing me."

Cao Gong muttered in a low voice, causing Concubine Liu Yi, who was sitting next to him, to support her chin and smile.

She was no exception. Before she experienced it, she had no idea about it, nor any desire, impulse, or addiction.

But now, after experiencing it, this thing is really more addictive than smoking.

She always feels itchy in her heart, and there are always those pictures in her mind. It's very addictive and the desire is very strong.

"What is our relationship now?" Concubine Liu Yi approached Cao Gong and asked him in a voice that only they could hear what their relationship was now.

"You ask me, and I want to ask you something else. You are older than me, so whoever is older has the final say, right?

Although Cao Gong did not answer, he actually answered.

Concubine Liu Yi felt even sweeter, and her pretty face also showed the sweetness.

"I have the final say, right?" Liu Yifei leaned her shoulder on his arm and asked him if he really meant it.

"I thought I had the final say, but you didn't listen to me."


"Puff~" Cao Gong's resentful and aggrieved tone made Concubine Liu Yi laugh.

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