In the same city, but in different places.

The three elites of the Extreme Men's Gang have now gathered together.

""Oh my, who is this?" They looked at the six photos on the computer.

They knew five of the people in these six photos, but they were not sure about one person.

"Isn't this Cao Gong?" Seeing this photo, Xiaozhu said

"Cao Gong?" Huang Lei didn't know about this.

"Have you not watched the show where Yixing is a mentor?》"

"I haven't watched it. I don't have time to watch it. I'm busy filming now.

Huang Bo explained that he had no time to watch it because of work.

"Ah~ He is Cao Gong? The popular idol recently? Liu Dehua’s son?"

"Yes, that’s him, Liu Dehua’s son, Cao Gong.

"Liu Dehua's son?"To be honest, Huang Bo really didn't know about this.

Xiaozhu simply introduced him to Cao Gong and let him know who he was.

But after understanding, Huang Bo also understood

"Well, then we have to teach this kid a lesson, let him know that the people in the Extreme Challenge are evil."

Huang Bo's idea, the bad uncle, made Luo Xiaozhu laugh in tacit understanding.

"This is your weapon. When necessary, you can use this slingshot to launch weapons to eliminate them."

"Then we don't have their undercover agents here, right?" Huang Lei asked the director very cleverly.

Director Yan Min just smiled but didn't answer. He just gave you a smile and let you understand it yourself.

It was Huang Lei's question that made the three spirits carefully observe each other's expressions.

Huang Bo looked at Huang Lei in silence, and Xiaozhu also looked at the two of them vigilantly.

At this time, Huang Lei added his opinion again:"If there are our undercover agents over there, then there will be their undercover agents on our side as well. The game is fair."

But Huang Bo disagreed with Huang Lei's understanding:"That's not necessarily true. They have more people."

Huang Bo's denial made Huang Lao Xie suspicious.

He didn't even pretend to look at Huang Bo.

But Huang Bo said calmly:"Let's wait and see. Otherwise, it's useless for us to guess here."

"The game isn't fun yet, but we're already starting to make noises"

"Right, right." Huang Lei couldn't help but agree now, maybe there really wasn't one?


At the same time, after forming pairs, the six of them went to race dragon boats. The purpose of the dragon boat race is to decide who will be the captain.

"Why? Cao Gong didn't understand why the winner Sun Honglei was made captain.

"Why? We won the dragon boat race, so I'll be the captain."

Xie La, Wang Xun, Wang Dalu and Zhang Yixing all had no objection to what Sun Honglei said.

"I don't agree."Faced with Sun Honglei's request, Cao Gong immediately refuted

"What's the matter? Don't you believe me?"Sun Honglei laughed angrily and asked Cao Gong with a smile.

Facing Sun Honglei's questioning, Cao Gong immediately refuted.

And it was a precise refutation, hitting the nail on the head.

"No, uncle, is what you did in Extreme Challenge worthy of our trust?"

"Haha~" Xie La and Zhang Yixing all clapped and laughed.

"Right, Uncle Lei, you are a bandit, robber, and shameless person in the men's gang."

"This is not my complaint, it is the audience's definition and evaluation of you."

"And what you did on the show tells me that you are this kind of person"

"You let me listen to such a person on the show and be led by him"

"This, this... What's the difference between this and the big boss of a mountain village going out to burn, kill, rob, and forcibly rob women?"

This serious comment caused a burst of laughter at the recording site.

Including Sun Honglei herself, she wanted to refute it, but found that she didn't know how to refute it.

The impression she left on the audience last season was indeed like this.

Now Cao Gong, a newcomer, didn't believe him, but it was a sign of caution.

"Besides, who can believe in going to Extreme Challenge?"

"Sun Honglei, a big bandit and robber, always adheres to the principle that he will never talk nonsense if he can take action."

"Haha~" This precise definition made Sun Honglei herself laugh so hard that she bent over

"Huang Lei, Huang Lao Xie, the old fox, can make other guests willingly serve him with just his mouth and brain."

"Huang Bo, the national bad uncle, the second fox, even the old fox Huang Lei fell into his hands; do you think such a person is a good person? Can you believe it?"

"Xiaozhu, who knows if this senior brother will go crazy in the next second? Is there any difference between trusting this ruthless person who loses his car keys and trusting a psychopath?"

"Wang Xun is very honest and loyal compared to others; however, he is so stingy that he can afford a three-bedroom apartment. You can trust him, but don't talk to him about money."

"As for Zhang Yixing... forget it, there are no good guys in the men's gang anyway."

"Haha~" Cao Gong's sobriety made Sun Honglei, Wang Xun and Zhang Yixing laugh.

"Anyway, when I come to Extreme Challenge, I only believe in myself and no one else."

"After all, in the second episode of the first season of Go Fighting, what happened to PD Zhang was a naked lesson."

Even the audience watching the show gave him a thumbs up, saying that Cao Gong was right to have such awareness. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At their combat headquarters, six people looked at the route map for this trophy escort.

Now they have to decide where they are going and prepare to start the mission.

From this mission, we know that a pursuit team has set their sights on the trophy.

"Chasing team? That's the ultimate three elites."No need to guess, Xie La already knows.

"That is to say, the trophy is divided into three parts, in three different locations."

"We need to get clues, which means we need to act separately, right?"

Wang Dalu asked, and everyone agreed.

Sun Honglei also thought this was the best way.

"The situation is urgent, so let's split into three groups."Sun Honglei is the eldest brother and the captain. The other people basically have no objection to his splitting into three groups.

But Cao Gong has an opinion.

"Then Yixing, you handsome group, please choose first." Sun Honglei asked the two youngest to choose first.

"The only car that can start."Zhang Yixing decisively chose one of the mission locations.

"Wait a minute." As a teammate, Cao Gong immediately expressed his objection.

"Why should the troops be divided into three groups? This is what Cao Gong did not understand.

"Because there are three mission locations, we have six people in three teams."

"This is just right for one team to go to one place, isn't it?" Xie La expressed her understanding

"Yes. Even Wang Xun thought this was a good choice.

"I don’t think so." On the contrary, Cao Gong, who was attending this program for the first time, was the first to shake his head.

"You see, the mission requires that the trophy be divided into three parts and transported to three secret locations in the Magic City. We have to go to these three secret locations to find special clues to extract the trophy, and then escort it to the venue of the award ceremony."

".There is no division of labor or time requirement in the task."[]

"This means that we can work together as a group of six."

"Otherwise, there are three secret locations, and we have three groups, one group goes to one."

"The problem is that there are only two people in a group, but there are three people eyeing the trophy, namely the three elites."

"We act together, that's six against three"

"If they act separately, they will be outnumbered three to two. Which one is safer, you say?"

As a newcomer, Cao Gong analyzed this key point immediately.

Even the director of the program did not expect Cao Gong to be so smart and have such clear ideas.

When the program was broadcast, the audience was also amazed.

This is the first time that a guest on Go Fighting has been so smart.

Xu Zheng in the previous season was very smart and won in the end. Xu Zheng is also an old senior.

But what about Cao Gong? He is just a young man, but he can analyze so calmly.

"Yes." Zhang Yixing, as a teammate, had to agree at this time.

"But the problem is that division of labor and cooperation can be faster."

"You see, if the six of us act as a group, this is certainly possible."

"But there is one thing, the other three spirits have already set their sights on the trophy. If we (Qian Haohao) don't act separately, and we go to one place together to get a clue, then the three spirits may go to another clue location to find a clue. Wouldn't that be a tragedy for us then?"

Sun Honglei is worthy of being the big brother, and what he said is also the key point.

Wang Dalu, Xie La, and Wang Xun also nodded:"It makes sense"

"That's right." Zhang Yixing looked at Cao Gong beside him and asked,"What do you think?"

But Cao Gong still shook his head and said,"This is better."

"What does it mean?"Zhang Yixing didn't understand what this meant.

"Let the three spirits find it, don't forget, this trophy is divided into three parts."

"The six of us act together, and just one clue is enough."

"Even if the other two clues were found by the three spirits, what would happen?"

"In the end, they still lack a clue, so they must negotiate with us."

"It's easy to negotiate, just fight them directly, there's nothing to be afraid of, we have more"

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's crude and simple way made the other five people burst out laughing.

Especially Sun Honglei, he really liked Cao Gong's way and got along well with him.

Seeing them laughing, Cao Gong said:"Right, don't be afraid of a chicken, just do it directly"

I love you: I love you

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