Entertainment: The Godfather Of Special Photography, Starting From Shooting Armor

071 God Of War Xingtian! The Duel Between The Strongest Pros And Villains! Elite? I Fight The Elite!


what the hell are you doing

Dare you go any further?

During working hours, openly ran to the lounge to catch fish and watch dramas?!

Do you still take me as a director seriously?

"Brother Fa, Brother Hua, Brother Hui" the director Wang Jing spread his hands, and immediately showed a helpless expression, "Are there any mistakes, you are filming now, you are in the factory!"

"Running to the lounge to catch fish during filming time? That's not good..."

Wang Jing is also a relatively well-known director in the industry.

If it was another actor who did this, then he would definitely scold and spray without hesitation, and kicked him out of the crew without heeding the greeting.

But the masters in front of them... are obviously different!

Whether it's Fa Ge, Hua Zai, or Zha Zhahui, these three are Ya Si's famous actor.

It's fine if you let him shake his face in front of other actors.

But let him show his prestige in front of these three film kings...

Then he really won't move!

"We are all old friends, let's save face~~~" Wang Jing tried to ease the tense atmosphere, and then gave each of the three a cigarette, "What kind of drama is so good that you don't want to shoot it, No money!"

"It's not the style of old actors like you to play big names on the set~~~"

How can you not tell that Wang Jing is pointing at them,

Hua Tsai immediately called Wang Jing to come and sit down, "Zero Seven Three"

"Brother Jing, the ending has already been filmed anyway, and there are not many scenes left!" Andy Hua took the initiative to light the fire for Wang Jing, "Let's start after watching this~"

"Let me tell you, what we watched was an action movie, and it was very exciting!"

Obviously Zha Zhahui didn't like it either,

He was very dissatisfied with Wang Jing's sudden intrusion and disturbing his watching TV:

"Brother Jing, why are you being so serious, don't worry, it's not like I can't finish filming!"

"It's not too late to shoot after watching this, and it's not less than twenty minutes, really..."

The three leading actors,

One, has fallen into the mood of nostalgia for youth, unable to extricate himself.

The other two also expressed that——

Be sure to watch the follow-up plot of this drama before going!

As a director, what else can Wang Jing say?

That can only be reluctantly forced to agree!

As soon as they saw the director, they all agreed, and the on-site managers, field workers, and field reporters cheered one after another:

"Long live Director Jing!!!"

"Director Jing is so nice!!!"

"Director Jing, you are my god, long live the understanding!!!"

This scene can't help but make Wang Jing a little dazed——

What kind of drama can make these people who have been in the film and television industry for so many years watch it so obsessively?

Originally, he was not interested in such so-called special dramas.

But as soon as he saw the people around him cheering and jumping for joy, Wang Jing immediately became determined to win:

"I'd like to see, what kind of thing is that thing you're looking at..."

turn the camera,

Xiao Fei lay on the ground vomiting blood, life and death unknown.

After venting his anger almost insanely, Kuhensi's anger dissipated.

In the end, he transformed into a human form, walked to Xiao Fei's side, and easily took his summoner.

【—Xiaotian, stand up, your summoner has been taken away!!!】

[-No, put down the summoner in your hand!!!】

【——Unconvinced, as a fan of my brother Fei, I have the feeling to take advantage of my brother Fei's heyday to solo again!】

【——Come on brother, if you don’t improve your mind, you won’t be able to solo a hundred times again Brother Fei! 】

Pick up the summoner and step over Xiaofei's body.

Cuhensi took the Feiying Summoner, came to the Bashi Group, and walked in front of Lufa:

"This is the summoner you want."

With that said, Cuens threw the summoner in the direction of Lufa.

But Lufa didn't take it,

After the summoner spun a circle in the air,

and returned to Cuhens.

"What do you mean?" Cuhensi didn't quite understand what Lufa had done.

Lufa turned his back to Cuhens from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even turn his head when talking to him:

"Take back the other two summoners as soon as possible, especially the diamond armor summoner, do you understand?"

Only three summoners are in hand at the same time,

Lufa can use the summoner to locate the location of the Earth Energy Crystal.

Therefore, for these three summoners, Lufa is determined to win.

The reason for emphasizing the Diamond Armor Summoner is,

On the one hand, it is because the Xingtian armor, as the commander's armor, is not as easy to deal with as imagined.

According to the road estimate,

Xiaotian, the summoner of Xingtian Armor,

Already have the ability to upgrade the armor......

Compared with the Xingtian Armor with powerful mind, the Diamond Armor is obviously much easier to deal with.

However, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is——

Through the investigation of the shadow guard, Lufa learned that Cuhensi seems to have an affair with Xiao Gang, the summoner of the Vajra Armor...

"I want you to take back the remaining two summoners—"

"have you understood?"

Cuhens never disobeyed Lufa's orders.

After the death of his wife,

Today, he has been completely blackened, and he hates these so-called armors.

Even if Lu Fa didn't say anything, he would come to the door himself and smash these hateful armors to pieces!

"You don't need to tell me, I know what to do!"

A reckless man, the reason why he is called a reckless man,

It's because they never follow the rules and regulations,

In the morning, I verbally responded to Kuwens, who was on the road.

In the afternoon, I came directly to find the summoner of Xing Wei Armor——

Xiao Tian!

As the most elite warrior of the Ares Legion, Cuens has always adhered to a belief

Always fight against the enemy you think is stronger!

What's the point of bullying those rotten fish and rotten shrimp?

Even if you defeat the Vajra Armor and get back the Vajra Summoner, what's the use?

It is nothing more than to show that I have defeated another trash——

That's all!

The Xingtian armor is the captain's armor with the most powerful combat effectiveness among the three armors.

In the eyes of Cuhensi, naturally, can be called an opponent.

Enemy meet, extremely jealous!

In the morning, Shen Fang went to the hospital. After visiting Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei is still in danger.

In the afternoon, the instigator of all these things actually appeared in front of his eyes blatantly like this?

At this moment, Shen Fang's desire to fight reached its peak.

Kou Si demonized, switched to the ghost form, and shouted a low hoarse voice to Shen Fang:

"Hand over your summoner!"

Shen Fang immediately picked up the Xingtian Summoner, and waved it vigorously in front of Kuhensi:

"If you have the ability, come and get it!"

"Xingtian Armor—"


Accompanied by a burst of brilliant red light full of technological sense, the modeling of Xing Tian's armor master appeared in the audience's field of vision.

[——Fuck! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Brother Shen Fang, come on! Avenge my brother Kun, and kill this bull devil!!!]

【———So handsome! I think the modeling of the Xingtian armor is more handsome than that of the Yanlong armor. I don’t know if anyone else thinks so?】

【—A fellow like you...are you serious? It’s hard to say who is more handsome than the other, but the technological sense of the Xingtian Armor is really full! It satisfies all my fantasies about high-tech armor!】

【——Tongtongtong! Agreed! The modeling of Xingtian armor is really... so cool!!!!】

The fighting spirit instantly rises to the peak,

Looking at the fierce Kuhens in front of him,

Shen Fang suddenly felt an unprecedented fighting spirit!

I heard that you are the elite of the Ares Legion?

Coincidentally, I'm fighting the elite!

The energy of the armor surges back instantly......

At this moment, Shen Fang only felt that his body was filled with inexhaustible power,

Putting on a posture, Shen Fang silently recited the mantra:

"Later generations advance, ancestors succeed, plan for strengths and weaknesses, and win every battle.

The next moment, he rushed towards Cuhensi with the momentum of thunder and stealth.


I saw a series of phantoms left behind where Shen Fang originally stayed,

I didn't see clearly how Xing Tian made his moves.

In the next second, Shen Fang teleported to Kuwensi.

"Blocking palm!"

Among these three armors,

Vajra Armor is famous for its punches.

Hiying Armor is famous for its legs.

Xingtian Armor is famous for its palms.

This sky-blocking palm hit Kuhensi's chest solidly, even though his skin was rough, his flesh was thick and his blood groove was thick, he couldn't stand it.

Facing the Xingtian Armor,

Courages didn't dare to be careless.

I saw that he directly summoned the Chiming mountain splitting axe, and immediately rushed forward to fight with Xing Tian.

【——I'll go, the protagonist is worthy of being the protagonist, this special effect is so cool that it explodes!】

【——Eight displacements?!? Can you even use the skills in the real world?】

[——The fighting scenes directed by hundreds of martial artists are really exciting! Regardless of the special effects alone, this show is worth watching again! 】

【——Xing Tian Armor, rush for me! Find all the places that the armor team lost!!!】

The Xingtian armor is, after all, the captain's armor among the Sanfu armors.

As for Shen Fang, the summoner of the Xingtian Armor, after undergoing special training from the magician Qing Zizai, his mind power has been raised to an extremely terrifying level!

Combat experience has been greatly improved, and mental energy has been directly maxed out.

Kuhensi, who has no armor body protection, is naturally impossible to be his opponent.

"Give me back!!!" With another slap, Kuwensi was directly thrown away by ten meters.

Couldn't stand Xing Tian's repeated blows at all,

Kuang 3.0s spat out a mouthful of green blood from his mouth,

After taking four or five steps back, he managed to barely stabilize his figure.

After this ten-or-so-second teaching, Cuhensi could feel the person in front of him——


Very strong!

It is not in the same order of magnitude as the previous Flying Shadow Armor Summoner!

Not daring to underestimate him, Cuens immediately took out the Flying Shadow Summoner and shouted at Shen Fang:

"Boy, let me summon armor to fight, how capable are you!"

Immediately afterwards, he switched from the ghost form to the human form.

I saw Cuhensi click the button of the Flying Shadow Summoner, facing the sky, and shouted:

"Flying Shadow Armor—"


The cool technology Blu-ray suddenly appeared,

The flying shadow armor full of technological sense suddenly appeared in front of the audience.

【—I'm going, Cuhensi can actually summon the Flying Shadow Armor?】

【—What's so strange, he was originally the head coach of the Armored Troop of the Ares Legion!】

【——Xingtian VS Hiying? Am I going to witness the civil war between armors again?】

【——This is not an armor civil war, this is the strongest confrontation between the armor camp and the ghost camp! 】

1--Here it comes, it’s finally here! I’m so excited! I’ll be able to see the upgrade of the armor shown in the trailer soon!!!!]

【——Appear, God of War Xingtian...】

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