Era of Disaster

Chapter 616

It seems that it is not only Woolf who has gone crazy, but also other people in the White House who are fighting.

Can't count on it!

Although it is said that they are allies, and they usually get along peacefully, but in fact, every force is independent. Because of the strength of Baiminglou, other forces are more or less jealous. At this time, it is good for them not to make trouble. It is basically impossible for them to help desperately. As long as it does not affect the final situation, I am afraid that many people would like to lose a person who divides up the benefits, and he is the big head of Baiminglou.

Not only did Woolf suddenly adopt the extreme explosive attack mode, Sharpei, Pupu, and Betsy basically all made their unique moves in an instant, and suddenly became extremely ferocious.


When Becky heard the news, there was a momentary gap in the battle with her opponent. Without the slightest hesitation, Becky waved at Moxie Yanniao: Go and block that spear.

What about you? Moxibustion Bird also forced the opponent away, and then asked.

It's okay, it's just two opponents, but you, be careful. Becky said solemnly. Although she didn't know what kind of weapon that spear was, Becky probably wouldn't be able to stop it so easily. At this time, most of Becky's clothes were torn, and outside her bare skin, a crimson flame was slowly burning, at least the spring light would not be exposed. However, those who can push Becky to such a degree obviously won't be mediocre.

Go quickly, you are the only one flying fast in the Baiming Building! Becky saw that Moxiyan Bird was still worried, so she couldn't help but said harshly.

After hearing what Becky said, the moxibustion bird was suffocated, and then immediately flew towards the sky.

be careful!

The two opponents on the opposite side didn't know the news from Yeye, so they were a little confused about Becky's plan. However, it was obviously more beneficial for them to fly away, so neither of them stopped it. After the moxibustion bird flew high into the sky, the two looked at Becky. It seems that you are in trouble, but do you know what that means?

What does it mean? Becky asked with a faint smile, as if she didn't know.

Just now she and Moyaniao just had a tie with the other party. Obviously, after Moxibustion Bird leaves, she will be very dangerous, maybe she will be killed by the other two in this place. However, Becky didn't regret this choice. When Mo Yanniao was there, although there was no danger, it also lacked pressure. And only pressure can force oneself to break through the existing limit and obtain self-transformation.


Let's take a look at whether you have settled and grown after returning to the outside world.

Becky pressed her thumb on the heart, and from the original blood, the energy gathered for a long time radiated instantly. Starting from Becky's plump breasts, the fiery red lines gradually spread out, and then spread to the whole body in an instant. These lines are not pretty, but they are full of wonderful charm. If you look closely, you can find a slight similarity with the basic energy circuit, but it is more complicated. Malvi can find energy circuits from other evolved creatures, so what other evolved creatures can compare to Bai Yi and his group who are at the top.

The crimson flames burned slowly, as if putting on an energy coat for Becky, vaguely forming the shape of a cat.

Although it is still impossible to enter lv4 like Bai Yi, but with Bai Yi's experience, the high-rises of Baiming Building have basically groped to the edge of the second form.

In an instant, Becky disappeared in a flash with a ghostly step.

When Becky changed, the two people on the opposite side were already on guard, so when Becky disappeared, the two reacted immediately. In mid-air, time seemed to come to a standstill suddenly, and Becky suddenly appeared beside a person. At this moment, the opponent's body leaned back slightly, and his eyes happened to meet Becky's cat pupils. It can be seen that although Becky made a surprise attack, there was still a slight gap between the two, and the eyes of the opponent on the opposite side were also very calm. But this calmness was broken in the next instant.

The flames that had slid past his body instantly grabbed him, and the energy shield and armor he relied on for defense were torn apart in an instant. Especially that piece of armor, which melted into metal ooze in an instant.

Becky didn't get excited because of the sudden sneak attack, she just cracked her canine teeth in an instant, and what she breathed out of her mouth completely turned into flames.


The moxibustion bird flew up towards the sky. Although his speed was very fast, it was impossible to compare with the speed of the spear. However, Moxibustion Bird thought that he only needed to stop it halfway. And before the Moxibustion Bird could fly high, Yeye's voice came into his mind through a communicator in his ear.

This is the possible trajectory of the spear. I will continue to correct it. You fly up to the sky first, and I will judge whether to stop it. Yeye said.

Stop it?

Well, the acceleration of this long gun is very strange. It is definitely not the firing speed of the space station, and it is not entirely due to the acceleration of gravity. Therefore, the trajectory of the long gun may change, and it may not necessarily attack Momo. If the deviation is too far If so, there is absolutely no need to stop it. Yeye said. While talking, Yeye constantly made new calculations for the movement trajectory of the spear based on the images captured by the satellite.

In Yeye's eyes, that trajectory seems to be constantly fluctuating. Although the changes on the screen are not very big, on the real earth, a difference of one millimeter may be a difference of several kilometers. Even Yeye couldn't figure out what law should be used to calculate this kind of trajectory. The trajectory of this long gun does not seem to simply follow the laws of gravity, air friction, and the rotation of the earth, as if there is another huge factor at work.


At this time, Momo has also ushered in a new enemy here. Although the long gun has been fired from the space station, even the United Nations itself is not sure what the result will be. So at this time, if Momo can't move It is also a good choice to attack when the time comes.

Momo was restrained in the air, she couldn't help opening her eyes as she watched the group of people walking in who were resisting the pressure from the kingdom of the underworld.

What a time!

At this time, although the kingdom of the underworld descended, there were not many dead spirits in it. Whether it is those soul beasts or the creatures of the underworld, they have all been sent out by Momo to join the battlefield. At this time, there were not many powerful creatures left in the kingdom of the underworld. And the United Nations obviously discovered this, and launched the attack at this time. This is a rare opportunity. Usually, when facing Momo, it is no different from facing the power of a small world.

An attack flew from a distance, and a soft light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Momo. However, this layer of light curtain did not completely block the attack, but left a light bloodstain on Momo's face.

This kind of attack can actually hurt Princess Baiming. The people who were still a little apprehensive were overjoyed and quickly attacked Momo.

In various attacks, Momo's body was constantly injured. However, Momo lowered her head at this time, her whole body was like an angel bound on a cross, full of mystery and sadness. Although she was injured, Momo didn't seem to care about it. In fact, the current Momo had already given priority to her soul. These attacks could not cause fatal damage to Momo at all.

When the nearest person jumped up a hundred meters away from Momo, a group of spirit-eating butterflies swarmed out from Momo's body in an instant.

This group of spirit-eating butterflies are not ordinary spirit-eating butterflies, but spirit-eating butterflies that are compatible with Momo's soul. As long as Momo does not die, they will not die. Moreover, this group of spirit-eating butterflies will give full play to their nature and suck souls. When this group of spirit-eating butterflies swarmed out with a black breath of death, the group of guys who wanted to take advantage of the autumn wind were suddenly shocked.

Being restrained doesn't mean you can't attack. You guys won't even forget the essence of the ability to evolve humans. At this moment, Momo raised her head, her scarlet eyes carried the breath of death.

Starting from Momo's side, the soul-cleaning flame burned directly along the silk thread of Robert's law, and spread throughout the entire space in an instant. The basis of the evolutionary human's external attack is the life field. There is no definite way to imprison or seal this invisible substance. Although the body can't move, it doesn't mean Momo can't attack.

Countless gorgeous and poignant spirit-eating butterflies, as well as the dark and transparent soul-purifying flames, filled the entire sky in an instant. The group of people who originally wanted to attack Momo suddenly heard the wailing of impending death. Experts, it's not so easy to appear, if there is one, it won't wait until this time, although this group of people is very strong, but compared to Momo, it must be a few grades behind.

In the shadow of death, someone still discovered Momo's predicament. Being unable to move is Momo's biggest disadvantage now.

Although there are spirit-eating butterflies and soul-purifying flames as attacks, they seem monotonous after all. After several people joined forces to resist, a man spread his wings and flew towards Momo at high speed. The man dragged his right hand behind him. Although he couldn't see it, he could still feel the strong and terrifying energy. Moreover, it also exudes the light of the light of the soul. Obviously, everyone now knows that if one wants to completely kill an opponent, pure physical and energy attacks are not enough, and an attack from the soul is also required to completely wipe out a person, and the soul and soul will be wiped out.

On this man's face, there was a trace of fear and excitement. Princess Baiming was about to die in his hands.

What are you happy about? Momo's voice suddenly entered the man's ears slightly.

In the next moment, the man felt his heart suddenly stopped, and then his soul seemed to be ripped out of his body by a terrifying force. At this moment, the man looked at Momo's strange eyes, and then remembered Momo's power—soul control.

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