Era of Disaster

Chapter 825 Not a Plant

Although the others did not have the strength to leapfrog to kill like the four of Nillai, it is impossible for the battlefield to be full of sea-consciousness masters. When facing people of the same level, people in Baiminglou can basically have an advantage. If you want to really break through and enter the center of Baiming Tower, at least you have to fight for a long time like Hades Island. You must know that the power possessed by the people at the top is basically very abundant.

When everyone was fighting, Pupu was also wandering on the battlefield. Apart from fighting, Pupu was still looking for candidates.

A candidate for sublimation!

When Yeye reminded others to become the pillars of Fangtian, Pupu was actually a little happy. It's not that Pupu didn't want to obey Bai Yi's words, it's just that Pupu didn't want to be imprisoned in Fangtian for a long time. If I could live outside and see more worlds, Pupu would definitely be happier.

However, the candidates for sublimation to the sky cannot be determined at will. Although Bai Yi said that he didn't care who it was, Sifangtian was the support of Wanhuajing World, and its candidates would occupy a very important position in it. Therefore, at least we can't find someone who is extremely hostile to Baiminglou.

After wandering around the battlefield and killing countless people, Pupu finally stopped, because Pupu saw Summerfield.

After becoming the chairman of the Council of Light, Summerfield's momentum became stronger and stronger. Under the powerful influence, his strength can definitely be regarded as the top in the world, otherwise he would not be able to secure that position. The most important thing is that Summerfield also played under Bai Yi for a while, so it is acceptable. So after discovering Summerfield, Pupu immediately changed direction and ran over.

With a bang, PuPu's body fell from the sky and suddenly fell towards Summerfield.

When Pupu came running, Summerfield had already noticed it, but he didn't expect the other party to attack first. In the face of Pupu's attack, Summerfield did not fight back immediately, but avoided it to the side. However, Pupu on the opposite side seemed to be unreasonable, and followed up again in an instant, and a powerful force emerged.

Lava Punch!

After being forced to take a few steps back, Summerfield was also a little annoyed, and immediately launched a counterattack. The powerful life field twitched in an instant, and the ground with a radius of tens of meters instantly bulged, forming a huge lava fist, which fiercely blasted towards Pu Pu.

What do you want to do? After Pupu was stopped, Summerfield had a chance to ask.

I should say what you want to do, come to the vicinity of Baiming Building at this time. Pupu said.

It's just to watch the battle,

What exactly to do has not yet been decided. However, what you have done in Baiminglou during this period is really unacceptable. Summerfield said. At this time, other people from the Council of Light around were ready to come to help, but they were dismissed by Summerfield. Although I don't know how Pupu came to him on his own initiative, it is useless for other people to come over , even if it is really a battle.

In other words, you are preparing to be an enemy, right?

I don't deny it. Summerfield and Pupu were in a stalemate without hiding anything.

I heard that after you came to power, you have a strong heart for authority, but it seems that there is still not much change. When Pupu was speaking, he exerted his strength again.

It's up to you. Summerfield said at the same time while counterattacking.

Summerfield. Among the boiling lava all around, Pupu spoke again. But this time, Pupu looked very serious. Of course, Summerfield also raised his spirits, and then waited for Pupu to speak. The pig came to find him, so he definitely didn't intend to provoke him.

Do you want to become a pillar of the sky?

Summerfield was almost taken aback by Pupu's words, this pig is so insane and endless. As a result, when Summerfield was surprised, Pupu tried again, and Summerfield was immediately beaten out. A powerful force bloomed, Summerfield's body rolled and flew through the air, and then hit the hill in the distance. Before he could stop, Pupu's attack had already landed again.

But all of a sudden, there was a bang, the ground surged suddenly, and a mass of magma heavy artillery was fired suddenly, forcing Pu Pu back.

When Pupu stopped, an equally terrifying beast appeared on the ground, which turned out to be a huge turtle. Shoushan Fire Rock Turtle, a ferocious beast that Summerfield tamed from Devil Island after becoming the chairman of the Council of Light. With the support of the huge power of the Council of Light, the power of Summerfield, as the president, has grown in an all-round way during this time.

You bastard...! After Summerfield stopped, he was furious and wanted to fight back, but he saw a smile that was half a smile. No, Pupu didn't use that sentence to distract him, but to lure the Shoushan Fire Rock Turtle out. The movement that was about to rush out suddenly stopped, and Summerfield looked at Pupu.

What's your plan? Summerfield asked.

Just to ask you, do you want to be a pillar of the sky?

Self-death? Summerfield said sarcastically, staring at Pupu.

What do you think? Pupu was noncommittal.

To be honest, when Becky and Moxibustion Bird sublimated themselves, everyone outside basically thought that this was Bai Yi's plan for Baiminglou. Although on the surface, Becky and Moxibustion Bird were dead, But they should still be alive. Basically, everyone thinks so. So, later, Bi Luosi will take the initiative to snatch this opportunity from Alotia and the two-tailed lynx, which is very decisive. Summerfield said .


Vera took the initiative to send out Yihuajing, and other people began to doubt again. Now that you say this again, even I have to think that there is no benefit at all in sublimating Fangtian. According to what I know about Bai Yi , Maybe, Bai Yi really asked you to sacrifice yourself, that's why you just find someone to fill in the hole now. Summerfield said.

That is to say, you don't want to accept it.

Until I understand the real reason, I won't accept it. Take ten thousand steps back, even if the world is broken, with my current strength, I can definitely protect myself. There is no need to jump into the big pit you prepared said Summerfield shaking his head.

Then forget it. After Pupu finished speaking, he was ready to retreat.

But this time, it was Summerfield who stopped Pupu. What exactly does Bai Yi want to do? As the president of the Council of Light, I shoulder enormous responsibilities. I think Bai Yi should understand better than me. After all, I took over this position from him. I have been looking for an opportunity to ask, but there is no chance. Now that you have come here, you might as well make it clear.

If you say so, will you agree to sublimate and become a pillar of the sky?

If Bai Yi is really for everyone, I agree.

Even if it's self-sacrifice!

That's right, even if it's self-sacrifice. Summerfield said very solemnly.

After hearing Summerfield's answer, Pupu suddenly opened the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, Bai Yi did not choose the wrong person, the original chief executive officer, the executive officer, and the new generation who continued to be cultivated later. Even after Summerfield became the chairman of the Council of Light, he became more and more powerful, but his essence remained unchanged.

Then, listen up. Pupu said.


I don't understand, Dad, what are you worried about? At this time, Momo also asked Bai Yi in the Wanhua Realm. At this time, Momo has basically mastered all kinds of knowledge taught by Bai Yi, and is sitting in front of Bai Yi, asking about everything about Bai Yi. In Momo's view, that Kamadovich is really nothing to fear.

Unknown existence! Bai Yi said calmly.

The space crack was an accident, let's not talk about it, it is definitely a natural evolution, but the others, maybe it's not just that. Especially, Devil's Algae. Bai Yi said to Momo.

Devil algae?

I'm afraid that in the eyes of 99% of the people in the world, devil algae is regarded as a plant. But in fact, as long as you carefully analyze the characteristics of devil algae, you should know that devil algae cannot be a plant. Plants have the characteristics of self-reproduction, and with the strong vitality and erosion ability of devil algae, if it is really a plant, what do you think the result should be?

If it's a's all over the world! Momo said quickly.

That's right, if the devil's algae is really a plant, on the previous earth, there would be no environment and no native flora and fauna that could stop the reproduction of the devil's algae. But the fact is that the devil's algae only grows in the corner of the volcano in the Pacific Ocean Not to mention encroaching on other areas on the earth, even the crater is not overgrown. I even doubt that the devil algae has never multiplied and grown at all. Bai Yi said calmly.

How come... animals, living organisms? Indestructible! Momo just wanted to refute, but immediately reacted. If devil algae is not a plant, then it can only be an animal. Only animals have individual characteristics, and the appearance of devil algae is absolutely impossible to be a complete animal. Then it can only be... as Bai Yi said during this period, the cells with indestructible characteristics mentioned in Organism? Immortality.

The characteristics of devil algae cannot be possessed by plants, so it can only be possessed by animals. Moreover, there are indeed things on the earth that cannot be explained by human knowledge. For example, the God Killing Spear proved that there was indeed a powerful existence that once appeared on the earth.

Mother also found out?

Well, even, she discovered it earlier than me, because her identity is more special than mine. Even, I suspect that Fang Jinshi was also brought back by the other party. The so-called time regression may not be like this. I just happened by accident because of Fang Jinshi. Knowing that Sifangtian sublimates the world, maybe it's better to make a wedding dress for someone. Bai Yi said.

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