Era of Disaster

Chapter 843 Completed the secret technique

Felix looked at the powerful young man in front of him with disbelief. As the person who helped Bai Yi select the experimental subjects, Felix was the only one who watched from the nearest place how Bai Yi perfected the secret technique of power descending. Just two days ago, Bai Yi didn't know anything about the way this power descended, but two days later, after hundreds of attempts, this secret technique has tended to be perfected.

At least, in the eyes of Felix, this is already a perfect secret technique.


It is estimated that only Bai Yi can do this. Because Bai Yi's power all comes from his own deduction, not inheritance, not learning, because there is no complete power system to learn from. No, let alone a complete power system, there is not even a broken system. There is no existing power system, so it can only be deduced by itself. Bai Yi's huge knowledge reserves accumulated over a long period of time, as well as his habit of exploration and deduction, are where Bai Yi is truly stronger than others.

The young man on the opposite side was also very astonished and unbelievable at this time. Just now when he was caught by Felix and then invaded by something, he thought he was dead, but he didn't expect to turn around suddenly. Not only did he not die, but he was full of strength suddenly, and This power generated out of thin air is still increasing. And the look of astonishment on the face of the person who had captured him before was very refreshing in his eyes at this moment.

No, it's not enough to be straightforward, you also need to make the other party pay the price!

A thought flashed in the young man's mind, and he rushed out in an instant, and the powerful force immediately swayed away.

Felix took half a step back, his body instinctively prepared to deal with it. This is not the first time. After Bai Yi descended his power, if it is relatively stable, it must go through a real battle as a test. It's just that Bai Yi usually takes the initiative to drive the opponent to fight. It's rare for this guy to be so active and direct this time.

Felix caught the opponent's attack in an instant, and only responded passively, completely testing the opponent's strength. At first, the strength of the man on the opposite side was not much of a threat, but after a few minutes, it seemed to become more and more suitable, and even Felix felt it was difficult.

Super heavy pressure!

Suddenly, the young man on the opposite side used the power to control the atmosphere, and even Felix felt the danger at that moment. And at this time, he knew even more clearly that this was not the power of this young man, but Bai Yi's ability to control the atmosphere.

Just when Felix was preparing to meet the next impact, suddenly, the young man's body seemed to become a funnel, with eyes, ears, nose, nose, and under the skin constantly bursting, and then blood seeped out.

Before Felix could make a move,

The young man who was just now bursting with momentum suddenly fell to the ground.

Failed again? Felix asked.

It's not a failure, but some patterns have been found. Bai Yi's voice appeared in Felix's mind.

For power to come, it is best to only come with pure power, relying on their original ability, and then exert more powerful strength. If their bodies are allowed to use my reverse flower pupils, or the power controlled by the atmosphere, It's not impossible, it's just that the burden will be huge, and most people can't bear it. This should be because their bodies are not suitable for this kind of special energy bias. Bai Yi explained to Felix, without any hidden .

Then what should I do, can't it be finished? Felix said with some regret.

No, it's finished. Bai Yi shook his head. The essence of the coming of power is to let the people who accept the coming have more power than their original ones to deal with some unexpected situations. This kind of situation has already been completed. If I want them to fully possess my power, then instead Not realistic.


Find a few more experimental subjects, and I'll make the final adjustments, Bai Yi said.

Felix nodded immediately. In fact, after these two days of experimentation, Felix had consumed a lot, but he was very excited. Because, he completely participated in the birth of this powerful secret technique from the nearest third perspective. Moreover, Bai Yi didn't have the slightest reservation in this process, that is to say, when the secret technique was completed, Felix also fully understood the principle.


Flame? Twin Phoenix Wings!

The young man on the opposite side raised his hands high, then opened them, and the blooming flames soared into the sky, sweeping past both ends like the wings of a phoenix. Felix was a little dumbfounded by the sound of the flames burning fiercely. But at that moment, the pair of flaming wings suddenly raised a little distance, and then slid past Felix's head. There was a violent burning sound, and everything around was turned into fly ash.

The middle-aged man who used flames took two steps forward, then stopped suddenly.

As if waking up from sleepwalking, the man looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment. His previous feeling was extremely weird, like a dream, he could clearly see the battle happening in front of him and the battle he participated in, but he couldn't control it all. At this time, when the battle was over, his whole body suddenly seemed to wake up from a dream, and his consciousness became clear.

Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Felix in front of him, the man couldn't believe it. The opponent who was obviously formidable before was actually defeated by him like this.

Thinking in his heart, the man wanted to attack Felix again. But just as he took a step forward, the strength in his body disappeared rapidly like an ebbing tide, leaving nothing behind. Even his original strength was completely drained, like a completely dried up lake. At this time, he couldn't even stand up, and fell directly on the ground, trying to move, but he couldn't move at all, he didn't have any strength at all.

Let's go, it's done. Bai Yi's voice appeared.

And this man? Felix asked.

Let him be here. Bai Yi said.

Tsk, it's a blessing in disguise. Felix said, he casually pushed the guy into the grass on one side, and then walked out.

Felix is ​​very clear that although this guy is completely out of strength now, the real gain is huge, if he is smart enough. Because just now, Bai Yi secretly controlled this guy with Nihua Tong, attacking according to Bai Yi's consciousness. That kind of powerful and exquisite fighting technique, the power-driven way, far surpassed this man's cognition, and it was impossible to learn from the outside world. If this man understood, how many detours would be avoided.

The best way for power to come is to use your own power to drive the opponent's ability. To put it simply, it's like the difference between gasoline and flames. For example, just now, I used my own power as an energy source to motivate this man. With his flame ability, he can use his own ability to the limit. This will basically not cause much damage to his body, but it will be overdrawn for a period of time after the end of the power coming. Bai Yi said to Felix.

I still don't understand, Master Bai Yi, how can your strength drive the opponent's ability. Felix asked immediately. At this time, Felix felt that joining Baiminglou was the most wise decision in his life. For example, now he can ask Bai Yi any doubts in his heart and analyze the power, which was unimaginable before.

It's a very simple question. In fact, at the beginning, everyone's powers were collectively referred to as one name-[alien energy]. It's better to only descend on the power of the essence, without mixing anything else. Bai Yi explained.

In addition, there is another reason. Our power comes from [source], and it should have the characteristics of the source of power itself, so we can do this. Bai Yi added again.

I see, I understand. Felix nodded.

After the meeting, Felix seemed to think of something, and said again: But, other people still can't do what you are doing, Master Bai Yi.


Master Bai Yi, you have reverse pupils, so you can control the opponent to fight. If it is someone else, you will definitely not be able to do this... Felix gestured, pointing to his eyes.

I think you made a mistake. Bai Yi knew what Felix meant before he finished speaking. The coming of power should not essentially be a way for powerful beings to fight, but a way for the weak to pray for power. To give a simple example, in Western mythology, an ordinary person asks for an angel to come. Do you think this is to let the angel Do you want to fight with the consciousness of the angel, or does this person just want to use the power of the angel to fight by himself.

Having said that, Felix immediately understood that he had really got his priorities upside down.

Then, rest yourself. Next, I also need to rest for a while. Bai Yi said, his voice gradually disappeared.

Felix raised his head after Bai Yi's voice disappeared, and then took a deep breath. In the past two or three days, he was exhausted. However, all of this is worth it, Felix has seen the birth of a powerful secret technique from scratch. After Bai Yi had enough rest, the next battle would be a battle of four directions, eight poles, and twelve pillars. Felix could almost imagine the intense battle scene.

It was a pity that he had no chance to watch that scene, but Felix had not forgotten his real mission.

During this period of time, when Bai Yi tried the secret technique of power descending, the biological body? The immortal cell power wasted a lot. At this time, Felix felt that this little guy who seemed to have independent thinking was very powerful. dissatisfied. If he couldn't satisfy this powerful cell, he would probably be sucked dry by himself.


In the other world, Bai Yi sat quietly on the only small piece of ground, and the strength and sense of consciousness that had been consumed before were rapidly recovering. The next battle, the twelve pillars... Bai Yi closed his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, a slightly restless breath gradually emerged, and then quickly subsided.


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