Eternal Emperor

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

As soon as Li Ye disappeared, these people suddenly had a huge idea about Li Qinglian’s appearance.

Dozens of people approached her, with a pair of eyes that were either malicious or obscene, and their mouths made a lewd smile.

Li Qinglian’s expression remained unchanged, and she whispered: “I don’t want to kill, don’t force me.”

“Hey, the little lady is quite individual. With your small body, how many people can you deal with?”

“Such a beautiful woman, it’s the first time I have seen Daddy when he grows up so big, I want to get you today anyway!”

All kinds of frantic laughter came from their mouths, and then each slammed True Qi and pounced on Li Qinglian.

The corners of her mouth were cocked, and the invisible Sword intent spread all over her body.

A quarter of an hour later, except for Li Qinglian, all the people who shot at her fell to the ground screaming and screaming.

Li Qinglian pointed to one of them and said, “Tell me about the reason for the previous cracking of the ground.”

She had already seen that these people were the first batch, not just came in like her, so she should know what happened.

The man was afraid of being beaten, and resisting his physical pain, he quickly replied: “It is a crack in the devil, which will appear from time to time. Anyone who is caught will no longer have the possibility of surviving.”

Li Qinglian’s heart sank.

On the other side, Li Ye was in a huge building. It was magnificent palaces, towering and majestic heavens, majestic and majestic, connected to the sky.

The darkness is hazy, and the ancient buildings are vast.

This is a dark world, full of strong evil air.

The first time he appeared here, Li Ye used the golden bell to protect his body, blessed by the power of the demon elephant, and proceeded cautiously.

When he came here, Li Ye felt a lot of discomfort, but the Wan’e Demon Elephant was like a fish in water, opening his mouth to swallow massive amounts of darkness every moment.


Suddenly, the shouting and killing sound shook the sky, followed by a large number of figures rushing out of the buildings.

A desolate breath rushed towards the face, as if it had come to the end of the prehistoric universe, witnessing a prehistoric war, the golden horse and the iron horse, shouting to kill the sky!

Li Ye was in a vast battlefield, as if he had arrived before the immemorial era, thousands of horses galloping, vast and magnificent, endless gods will appear, and there are ancient faults and giant halls standing in the chaos of thunder.

Li Ye was shocked, and countless gods would kill him.

He was trying to resist, but found that these were just phantoms, passing through his body.

However, his body was still hurt. The moment the phantom penetrated, it was like inserting a sharp dagger. Although there was no blood, it caused severe pain.

He had no defense, sweat on his forehead.

Looking far away, he saw that these gods and generals all ran out of the building, only the most central and magnificent building did not run out of half a person.

With heavy steps, Li Ye walked towards that side.

What I saw in front of me was like a magnificent picture scroll, Immortal’s poem, a true portrayal of the battlefield in front of me, unparalleled, the ancients roared, the supreme roared, and the Galaxy Cluster collapsed.

Li Ye was under tremendous pressure, and his body and Mental Energy seemed to be cut back and forth by countless knives.

Soon, he coughed up blood, realizing that he would die before he reached his destination.

Suddenly, his heart moved.

These people are intangible and intangible, and the same is not true of own Sword intent. If you use Sword intent, I wonder if you can resist it?

Just do as he thinks, his eyes become blood-red in an instant, and the killing kendo starts.

His Sword intent is killing, killing all enemies.

The guess is correct. Sword intent is really able to fight with these intangible existences.

The sky seemed to fall down. A Golden-winged Great Peng bird struck Nine Heavens, spreading its wings, the Galaxy Cluster collapsed, and the snake pierced through the sky, swept away, and the stars fell. It was a horror like a great ruin. scene.

Li Ye fights with the Sword intent, which is a strange and hard battle.

At first he could barely resist, but afterwards, with the tremendous pressure, the killing Sword intent increased at a perceptible rate.

Li Ye guessed that this place should be a scene of a big battle in a certain period. I don’t know why it will leave the mark of the past, and it will reappear with his arrival.

Thinking about it, do these things appear to reveal anything for future generations?

Li Ye was in it and didn’t retreat. He went forward and drove to the front alone, with blood boiling, blocking invincibility.

This is a fierce tragic battle, impacted by thousands of troops, abruptly smashed a bloody path.

I don’t know how long he has been killed, Li Ye is exhausted, no one can be seen again, and there are corpses under his feet. He broke into the deepest part of the ancient building alone.

Standing on the periphery of the palace, Li Ye saw endless snowflakes falling, and each piece was stained with blood, with a chill, and even more desolate.

There is no soldier or soldier here, which gives people a kind of dead silence and tranquility, and even more glorious and lonely sadness.

Li Ye walked steadily, pushing open the door that hadn’t been opened for many years.

In the rumbling sound, the door was opened.

There was a thick layer of ash on the ground, and he climbed up the steps and entered the empty hall.

With a vigilant intention, he looked towards the center position.

There, there is a supreme throne. The moment I saw it, my heart was shocked. It was not empty, there was a hazy figure!

At first glance, the figure seemed infinitely vast, as if the whole world could accommodate him.

Sitting alone, with a vague and vague body, the Universe Galaxy Cluster revolves around him, and there is a kind of qi swallowing the universe, the spirit of domineering the world through the ages.

Li Ye’s head roared, this should be a phantom, but it put him under tremendous pressure.

The bones all over his body bounced and bounced, and the presence of the momentum alone made him feel the thought of bowing and bowing his head.

With his teeth clenched, he naturally wouldn’t kneel to a stranger, even though that person looked so powerful.

The whole body of True Qi is surging like a tide, resisting this endless pressure firmly.

His skin began to crack and ooze blood, and his unyielding will supported his bent knees to straighten up a little bit.


Li Ye’s eyes were crimson, and his unyielding will merged with the Sword intent. Using his palm to replace the sword, he actually shot the supreme existence!

He has realized that if he sits still like this, he will be overwhelmed by the tremendous pressure released by the other party, so he must make a strong shot to break the opponent’s ‘potential’.


At the moment Li Ye made his move, the supreme being suddenly spoke, his voice resounding loudly and loudly throughout the world.

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