Eternal Emperor

Chapter 413

Chapter 413


That was extremely strong, I didn’t know that the iron platform that had withstood millions of hammerings was safe, but it was split into two directly by Zhuang Yaya, and the loud sound shattered the eardrums.

The hammer in Zhuang Qing’s hand fell to the ground, clanging as if it sounded, his mouth widened, and he was a little at a loss.

Electric arcs were still wrapped around the broken iron platform, which looked extremely permeating.

“Isn’t it, so fragile?”

Zhuang Yaya said with some dissatisfaction, she didn’t know how much damage her hammer would cause.

“It’s over, this is over.” Zhuang Qing suddenly recovered, with a sad expression: “Now I can’t beat her completely, won’t I be poor by her in the future?”

In the distance, there are two people hiding in a secret corner, watching all this.

These two people forged the mysterious piles of the scab and origin of the Zihuang gun.

At this moment, these two powerhouses who have experienced countless things, after seeing Zhuang Yaya so vigorous, also dropped their eyes.

After a long time, Feng Cao looked at the pile and asked solemnly: “This female doll is the inheritor you have waited for hundreds of years? Since you came here eighty years ago, I haven’t asked you about your origins. Can you talk now?”

Zhuang touched his long beard and sighed with emotion: “It can be said that I am the servant of the previous generation of electric mothers, that is, the thunder messenger.”

The flat words fell, but Feng Crust’s heart was shocked, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Electric mother? The electric mother in charge of 128,000 kinds of thunder!?”

“Exactly!” The pile looked solemn: “For the past generations, there have been thunder fathers, and both electric mothers have guarded the sky, controlled the thunder, and protected the eternal continent with their life’s energy from being occupied by those cruel invaders. They are all respectable people.”

Feng Scab was skeptical: “It’s just that this female doll can really take on this important task?”

“Naturally it won’t be that simple.” Zhuang said bluntly: “Hundreds of years ago, the last electric mother felt that her life was not much, and ordered me to wait for 120 thunder emissaries to find a suitable successor. , The other 119 thunder ambassadors have found a suitable candidate. I am the last one. After these heirs have grown to a certain stage, they will need to go through cruel competition, and the one who finally survives will be Become an electric mother!”

“I didn’t expect the selection of Lei’s father and electric mother to be so cruel, isn’t this female doll?”

Regarding the question of wind scab, Shuang disagrees: “If it is not cruel, how can we run for the most powerful electric mother, and how can we assume the responsibility of guarding the outermost barrier of the Eternal Continent?”

Feng scab is silent, the complexity of this world is far more than the imagination of some ordinary Practitioners, it is ridiculous that many people are constantly fighting for their own interests.

The voice of the pile changed: “Thank her for a few more days. Now there is a lot of lightning power in her body. It happens to use the method of ironing to temper herself. When she absorbs all the power of lightning, she is allowed to go to the Dragon Tomb. Get some experience.”

“Then you.” Feng scab turned sideways slightly, looking at this good friend who had been with him for many years: “Are you leaving?”

“That’s right.” Zhuang nodded slightly: “If I go, I will never come back. Lei Hai is decreasing year by year. It’s time for my old bones to return to Lei Hai. It’s time to add some weak force to it. Tonight you I have a few drinks.”

A trace of sorrow flashed deep in his eyes, and Feng Chou smiled forcefully: “Okay, you treat tonight, I know that you stingy guy has hidden a lot of private money over the years.”

“Come on!” Zhuang jumped up, blowing his beard and staring: “I’m very poor, please take this meal!”

“Go away, I have no money, please!”

“Then don’t go!”

The two old men quarreled like children, and finally moved away from each other, both of them looked a little lonely.

“Senior Sister Qiu Wei, how can they be!”

At this time, Li Ye and Zi Yunyan had been away from Bailianfang for a while. When they passed a mountain, they found corpses all over the ground.

These corpses died in a terrible state, many of their hands and feet were chopped off, and they were completely different. Only Qiu Wei remained relatively intact.

An anger burned from the bottom of his heart, and Li Ye looked around. These young and lively lives were gone!

I still remember that not long ago, these girls still whispered around him, molested him, frivolous him, and now they turned into cold corpses in a blink of an eye.

“Who the hell is it!”

Li Ye looked up to the sky and roared with a strong murderous voice.

After venting for a while, he gradually calmed down his anger and quietly began to clean up the corpses.

He carefully arranged the corpses, and glued the broken hands and feet as much as possible so that they had a whole body.

After watching Ziyunyan silently for a while, she also helped him. She, who has always had a strong habit of cleanliness, did not seem to dislike it at all this time.

Li Ye looked back at her, smiled slightly, and continued.

It took half an hour to piece them together, and then Li Ye set fire to spark them together.

Finally, he took a large urn and continued on the road.

Their purpose is Shuiyue Cave, or five-color Lingzhi Mushrooms.

For injuries in Ziyunyan’s body, five-color Lingzhi Mushrooms are also needed, but the amount is not much, just a little fingernail is enough.

According to her explanation, her body functions are now dormant and need an external force to guide her.

To make an analogy, it is like drawing water from a deep well. In addition to a wooden barrel, there must be a rope. The five-color Lingzhi Mushrooms are the ropes.

The road to Shuiyue Cave was not uneven. Along the way, I encountered various powerful Demonic Beasts, which were extremely fierce.

Zi Yunyan naturally couldn’t make a move, and all of them were opened by Li Ye.

After this period of time, his strength gains had a terrifying Ascension, and the Demonic Beasts in the wild, who had the highest level of no more than the Demon King, did not pose too much threat to him.

After driving for two days, Li Ye took out the map he had purchased before and looked at it, then compared it, and said to Zi Yunyan: “After passing the small river in front, I will arrive at Shuiyue Cave 20 miles ahead. NS.”

“Yeah.” Zi Yunyan’s voice was soft, nodding unchecked: “Thank you.”

Li Ye was amazed. The current Zi Yunyan really changed completely. He looked like a cute baby, unlike the cold one before. No one is the best in the world. To put in one’s eyes is nothing like two people.

Zi Yunyan was a little unnatural, don’t look away, and move forward first.

Li Ye stayed in a daze and shouted, “Wait for me.” Then he followed.

After crossing the river, the two walked a short distance forward, Li Ye suddenly grabbed the little hand of the beautiful woman next to him, his nose shrugged, and said solemnly: “Don’t go, there is a very strong blood in front of you! ”

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