Eternal Existence

Chapter 109: Flowing Cloud Fairy Mountain

"You know I'm following you. You're just a cultivator in the first level of the secret realm. How could you possibly cultivate to the point of refining a weapon into your body, and the weapon you're refining is a treasure weapon?" The cultivator kept shouting while holding his injured arm, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"We don't know each other, and we have no grudges against each other. You've been following me secretly with bad intentions. I'm already lucky that I didn't kill you. I didn't expect you to want to snatch the elixir from me. Do you really think I'm easy to bully?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Brother Chen, kill him?" Ruta laughed while holding the Hun Tian Wu Ji Stick, and it seemed that he wanted to go forward and beat the other person to death with a stick.

"Help, this kid has a treasure weapon on him." At this time, the middle-aged cultivator in the fifth level of the secret realm suddenly shouted loudly, and this shout immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What? Treasure weapon."

"Where is the treasure weapon?"

Hua La La! Some monks gathered around and surrounded Chen Feng and the other two. As for the middle-aged monk, he took the opportunity to get into the crowd and try to escape.


Ruta quickly hit the man with a stick, but the middle-aged man laughed and flew away at a faster speed.

"A monk from the third level of a small secret realm actually wants to stop me. It's really wishful thinking. Fellow Taoists, these three people have treasures on them. Everyone, hurry up and grab them." Before leaving, the man kept shouting, which made Chen Feng and the other two enemies invisibly.


At this moment, Ye Ziming suddenly disappeared from the original place without any signs, and then appeared in front of the man the next moment, and a big handprint blasted out, which immediately hit the man and threw him into the air.

"Help, fellow Taoists, help." The middle-aged man kept shouting in the air.


Chen Feng extended his index finger and pointed at it from a distance. A flash of sword energy flashed past and pierced directly through the man's eyebrows. His sea of ​​consciousness was immediately shattered, and his soul was scattered. He couldn't die any more.

"Why do you have to seek death?" Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

At this time, there were already a dozen people surrounding the three people, and several of them were eager to try and wanted to take action.

"If you think you can block the power of the treasure, just try it." Chen Feng looked at the people around him and said lightly.

The strongest of the ten people surrounding him was a cultivator from the fourth level of the secret realm. Chen Feng didn't take it seriously at all. Now Chen Feng has completely refined and integrated the Haoran Zhengang Sword. Killing these people is just a matter of waving his hand.

"Hehe, fellow Taoist, we haven't seen the treasure yet. Take it out and let us see it." One of the short-haired young men with scars on his face grinned, licked his tongue, and a hint of fierceness appeared in his eyes.

"Oh, if you want to see it, that's fine, but don't regret it." Chen Feng stretched out his hand, and a three-foot small sword came out. The sword body flashed with light, emitting a shocking destructive wave, and kept turning in his palm.

"Refine the weapon into the body."

Someone around exclaimed, looking at Chen Feng's face with a cautious look.


The small sword suddenly disappeared from Chen Feng's hand, turned into a flash of lightning, flashed past, and directly pierced the head of the person who just spoke, and then hovered in the air for a while before returning to Chen Feng's hand.


Seeing Chen Feng kill people without a word, all the monks around took out their weapons and were on guard, looking at the small sword in Chen Feng's hand with greed and fear.

"Why, is there anyone else who wants to see it?" Chen Feng sneered, and at the same time, there was a sense of pride in his heart that wanted to conflict, and he just wanted to roar loudly.

After the Haoran Zhengang Sword was refined, Chen Feng's strength increased several times. In the past, he had to fight against the secret realm cultivators, but now it was just a matter of thought. After all, not every secret realm cultivator can get the treasure. If the strength is not strong enough, facing the attack of Chen Feng's treasure, there is only one way to die.

"Hahaha, everyone, I see you are all crazy. The front is the fairy house and fairy mountain. There are no good things in it. There may be fairy weapons and fairy pills. When the time comes, everyone will rush up and open the ban to get the treasure inside. Why waste your energy to fight with us? Besides, if you really fight, you will die." At this time, Ye Ziming laughed.

Everyone hesitated, and began to think one by one, considering Ye Ziming's words, whether to continue to fight.

At this time, the rising mountain finally stopped. At this time, the mountain that suddenly appeared had risen to a height of 10,000 meters. The mountain was smooth and traceless, and there was no grass or trees. It was round like a huge sword piercing the sky, trying to poke a big hole in the sky.

As the mountain stopped rising, the entire Black Wind Swamp slowly calmed down. The strong wind disappeared, the fluctuations calmed down, and only a ten-thousand-meter-high mountain stood in front of everyone. The mountain was so high that it blocked the sun in the sky.

"A ten-thousand-meter-high mountain rose from the flat ground. Only the legendary immortals have such a method." Chen Feng sighed.

"Rush to the immortal mountain and grab the immortal pill."

At this time, someone shouted, and then the monks hiding in the distance couldn't help it and started to rush to the mountain in front.

The group of monks who surrounded Chen Feng and the other two immediately shifted their sights and ignored Chen Feng and the other two. Their eyes were red, and they rushed to the mountain in front with heavy breathing.

In just three short breaths, only a very small part of the monks who were watching did not move.

"These people are really crazy?" Chen Feng couldn't help but say as he looked at the monks who were rushing over with a roar.

"I can't help it either?" Ruta was also a little excited.

"Don't worry, since it is a fairy mountain and fairy palace, it may not be so easy to break through. Didn't the people from the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall discover it first? They haven't attacked it yet, and it seems that there are still heavy casualties." Chen Feng laughed.

"Not bad, not bad, let's wait and see. Aren't there many monks who haven't come forward? They are also watching. Although treasures are important, life is more important." Ye Ziming also laughed.

"This old man didn't come forward either." Chen Feng glanced and saw the fat old man standing in the distance motionless, and he knew what he was thinking.

"Good disciple, come here." At this time, the fat old man waved to Chen Feng.

"Let's go." Chen Feng said to Ye Ziming and the others.

"Hello, senior."

After arriving in front of him, Ye Ziming and Ruta bowed respectfully. Regardless of whether this old man was Chen Feng's master or not, the fact that he had such an unfathomable cultivation level made Ye Ziming and the others dare not act rashly.

"Well, my dear disciple, I tell you, you must not approach the mountain ahead easily." The fat old man looked a little solemn.

"Master, do you know the origin of this mountain?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"This mountain is called Liuyun Fairy Mountain. No one knows how long it has existed. The book records that sometimes it appears once every thousand years, sometimes once every hundred years or even decades. The longest interval should be tens of thousands of years." The fat old man said slowly.

"Tens of thousands of years." Chen Feng was stunned. In such a long time, I don't know how many dynasties have been replaced in the secular world. Even some immortal sects may not exist for such a long time.

"This Liuyun Immortal Mountain has a kind of defensive immortal light, called Liuyun Immortal Light. It will not attack others actively at ordinary times, but once it is attacked by the outside world, it will rebound with powerful force. This immortal light can even kill immortals."

"Liuyun Immortal Light?" Chen Feng and the other two widened their eyes and listened carefully to every word the fat old man said.

"This is a kind of immortal light that only immortals can master. We mortals cannot capture it, let alone refine it. Therefore, every time this immortal mountain appears, it will attract countless cultivators to attack, but every time countless cultivators die here. According to the records in the book, we only know that this immortal mountain is called Liuyun Immortal Mountain. No one knows its origin, let alone what is inside?" said the fat old man.

"Senior, has no one entered it?" Ye Ziming suddenly asked at this time.

"Yes, of course." The fat old man looked at Ye Ziming with appreciation.

"And there are quite a few cultivators who have entered, but most of them disappeared without a trace and never came out again."

"Most of them, that's right, there are still people who came out." Chen Feng grasped the meaning of the fat old man's words.

"Yes, some of the people who came out returned empty-handed, while others got some treasures. According to the descriptions of the cultivators who came out alive, this fairy mountain seemed to be another time and space, with strange things inside, mountains and rivers, rare animals, countless treasures, but also countless dangers. Those who can come out after entering have great luck." The fat old man recalled.

"Don't the ten major immortal sects have immortal artifacts? Can't we just work together to open it?" Chen Feng suddenly said.

After hearing this, the fat old man showed a strange expression on his face: "It's not as easy as you say. Some people have done this before. The famous Black Water Sect was as powerful as any of the current immortal sects. It was because of the attack on Liuyun Immortal Mountain that the immortal artifact sitting in the sect was broken. Without the immortal artifact to suppress the luck, the Black Water Sect gradually declined, and was finally divided up by other sects."

"Even the immortal artifact can't be broken, then how can anyone get in?" Chen Feng was even more confused.

"Hmph, kid, you can't understand these things with your current knowledge. Not being able to break it doesn't mean you can't get in. Although the Flowing Cloud Immortal Light is powerful, it is not without a loophole. Besides, the major immortal sects also have some secret methods that defy the heavens. It is not a problem to break a hole and send a few people in." The fat old man snorted coldly.

"In this way, this is simply a dangerous place. If you want to get the treasures inside, you have to gamble your life. Tsk tsk, in this case, I would rather go home and sleep." Chen Feng laughed.

"You are really useless. I regret accepting you as my disciple now." The fat old man couldn't help but scold Chen Feng.

"This is a fairy fate that only appears once in a thousand years. Which of our cultivators' paths is not a life-and-death struggle? It is even more difficult to achieve the fairy position. I don't know how many cultivators in our entire eternal world have great perseverance, wisdom, courage, and luck, but in the end, they still turn into nothing. There are very few who can cultivate to the fairy position. Now there is an opportunity. Even if there is only a trace, you must risk your life to seize it." The fat old man said in a deep voice.

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