Eternal Existence

Chapter 128: Beheading

"Get out, get out, it's too dangerous in here." At this time, a cultivator began to shout.

Indeed, now the flying warship was caught by the thunder eagle and kept rising. The higher it went, the stronger the strong wind became. In terms of physical strength, humans naturally could not compare with monsters, especially the big monster in front of them. This thunder eagle could fly into the sky 100,000 feet high. If these secret realm cultivators reached such a high altitude, they would definitely be torn into pieces by the chaotic strong wind.

At this time, everyone finally felt that it was not safe in the treasure, and it was getting more and more dangerous.


First, two cultivators flew out. As soon as these two cultivators flew out, they were swept by a strong hurricane and disappeared without a trace in an instant. No one knew where they were swept to.

But more cultivators flew out. Although it was dangerous outside, it was better to survive than being trapped inside.

At this time, huge passages quickly appeared around the flying warship, and at the same time, the voice of the magic girl came in.

"Everyone, leave the warship quickly and gather on the ground." Mo Ji's voice was still very calm, as if she was not panicked by what was happening in front of her.

"Let's leave quickly, it's too dangerous here, it's much safer on the ground." Ye Ziming said anxiously.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

At this moment, the huge claws of the Thunder Eagle that grabbed the warship suddenly began to surge with energy, and a stream of energy sharper than the sword energy shot out from the tip of the claws. Seven or eight monks were cut in half on the spot. At the same time, the hard hull was pierced with big holes, and a large amount of strong wind kept pouring in from the outside. Two monks were not prepared and were directly swept out.

"You go first." Chen Feng shouted, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword in his hand suddenly became larger, a full three feet long, and at the same time, there was a sword light more than one meter long that kept swallowing and spitting.


Chen Feng grabbed the Haoran Zhengang Sword and slashed at one of the claws of the Thunder Eagle. This claw was much thicker than a normal person's thigh. The sharp nail on it was more than two feet long and flashed a dazzling cold light. Chen Feng knew that this nail was comparable to a magic weapon-level top-grade flying sword. If it was sharp, it was even comparable to a treasure.

"Cut off a finger of this Thunder Eagle. This nail alone is a treasure. If this finger can be cut off, the flesh and blood in it may be able to refine earth-level elixirs. This is a super tonic." Chen Feng's heart was actually hot at this moment, and his eyes became a little red.

Ordinary things could not attract Chen Feng at all, but this Thunder Eagle was a big monster, equivalent to a human cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm. Even if a hair fell from its body, an ordinary sword could not cut it off, let alone the claws that were usually used for fighting.

"Just now, I didn't even cut the skin outside. I don't know how it will be this time. Such a good opportunity can't be missed." Thinking of this, Chen Feng stomped his feet fiercely, and all the strength in his body was stimulated. It can be said that Chen Feng is now using twelve points of strength. The whole flying warship shook, and the Haoran Zhen Gang sword in his hand burst out with a roar, becoming more dazzling.

Haoran Zhen Gang sword slashed heavily on one of the thick fingers of Lei Ying. With this sword, Chen Feng felt that even if there was a small mountain in front of him, he could split it in one fell swoop.


With a light sound, a stream of dark red blood shot out. Each drop of this blood was like crystal, full and moist, and full of explosive power. Chen Feng hurriedly dodged, fearing that this blood would splash on his body. Chen Feng knew that although this blood was precious, it was also extremely dangerous. If he was touched by a drop, it would be enough for him to suffer.


At this time, a cultivator not far from Chen Feng suddenly screamed, his whole body trembled, and electric currents flashed through his body. In the blink of an eye, the cultivator collapsed to the ground, and the breath of life on his body was constantly weakening.


Chen Feng took a breath of cold air. The scene just now scared him. This is a cultivator in the third level of the secret realm. He became like this after being stained by a drop of Thunder Eagle's blood. It can be said that a drop of Thunder Eagle's blood is as powerful as a Five Elements Divine Thunder.


Chen Feng's sword cut through the thick skin of Thunder Eagle, and after cutting into the flesh, he did not hurt the opponent's tendons and bones, which means that Thunder Eagle only suffered some flesh injuries.

Although he did not cut off a finger of Thunder Eagle with a sword, Chen Feng was already very excited. You know, just now outside, Chen Feng's sword did not even break the opponent's skin.

Chen Feng did not know that Thunder Eagle was now surrounded by a group of cultivators and constantly attacked, and its own defense naturally decreased a lot, which allowed Chen Feng to take advantage of the opportunity.

However, even with a little flesh wound, the Thunder Eagle still roared angrily. In the eyes of the Thunder Eagle, these were small human cultivators who could not pose much threat to him. But now he was injured and even bleeding, so he could not help but get angry.

"Chen Feng, you are crazy, this is a big demon." Ye Ziming was so scared that he broke into a sweat when he saw this scene. Not only Ye Ziming, but also other cultivators who did not go out saw the scene of Chen Feng chopping the Thunder Eagle's claws with a sword.

At the same time, in addition to these people, there was another person who saw Chen Feng's actions, that is Mo Ji. This flying warship is Mo Ji's magic weapon, and every move in the cabin cannot be hidden from Mo Ji's eyes.

"I really didn't make a mistake. This guy is really good at hiding. Not only did he condense the soul fire, but he also has a treasure on him. It seems that this treasure has been refined and integrated with himself. It was this guy who killed the four evil men just now. Now he is attacking Lei Ying again. I really don't know if this guy is too bold or has other means." Mo Ji thought to herself.

"I'm not crazy. This is a good opportunity." Chen Feng shouted.

"Roar! Little human, dare to hurt me, die." Lei Ying was angry. His sharp claws flicked violently, and suddenly released a stream of energy. These energy were sharper than flying swords, and they covered Chen Feng and killed him.

"Be careful." Ye Ziming quickly stepped forward, grabbed Chen Feng and disappeared on the spot.

Bang bang bang bang!

There was a burst of explosions, and the thick and hard bottom of the ship was pierced with transparent holes.

"It can even penetrate a treasure. Okay, I'll cut off this finger no matter what." At this time, Chen Feng and the other person were already a hundred meters away. Seeing the power of these energy, he was secretly shocked. If it hit him, Chen Feng would definitely have turned into a pile of meat paste. However, after seeing the power of the other party's nails, Chen Feng's fiery heart erupted again, like an unstoppable volcanic eruption.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you today? This is not your style! Let's leave here quickly. It's too dangerous here. This big monster is not for us to deal with, unless you take out that small tower." Ye Ziming said quickly.

"Little tower, hehe, don't say that the tower is sleeping and can't exert its powerful power. Even if it's fine, I won't use it. This way it's too ostentatious." Chen Feng said in his heart. Besides, Chen Feng was not sure that the Longevity Tower could suppress this extremely powerful thunder eagle in the sky. Moreover, the tower had explained that if Chen Feng used the Longevity Tower, he would definitely be remembered by someone with ulterior motives. If a powerful master came out and captured Chen Feng directly and plundered the Longevity Tower, it would be useless for Chen Feng to regret it at that time.

"Hurry up, give me a hand. If you miss this opportunity, you will miss it." When Chen Feng said this, his sea of ​​consciousness began to churn, his blood began to roar, his true energy began to surge, and the three acupoints he opened up also continued to surge with powerful power. Chen Feng began to release the power of his whole body again, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword in his hand also vibrated violently, exerting the most powerful power of the treasure.

"Okay, I'll help you." Ye Ziming said as he pressed his palm on Chen Feng's back. A stream of powerful power continued to flow into Chen Feng's body, and then gathered towards the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword under Chen Feng's guidance.

"And me." At this time, Ruta also ran over quickly and pressed his hand on Chen Feng's back.


The Haoran Zhen Gang Sword made a roar, and a powerful sword intent soared into the sky. The sword light surged again, more than ten feet long. The sharp sword energy stimulated his whole body and numbness. Chen Feng felt that this sword could break the flying warship under his feet.

"Break it for me." Chen Feng felt that his whole body was slowly swelling up, and the strength was enough. Then he shouted loudly, like a thunderbolt, and rushed out suddenly. The next moment, he was in front of the Thunder Eagle's claws, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword in his hand chopped down again.


This time, the Thunder Eagle's finger was cut into half by the long sword, and even the tendons and bones were almost cut off, but it still did not fall off.


This time, the Thunder Eagle was more irritable and roared again. The sharp claws grabbed and bounced violently, and a strong energy hit Chen Feng directly. Chen Feng was like a cannonball, flying backwards like a meteor, and hit the cabin heavily, making a dull sound.

Chen Feng felt dizzy and almost fainted after the collision. He felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and his whole body was paralyzed. A feeling of weakness surged through his body.

"Almost, almost cut off that finger, one more shot will definitely succeed." Chen Feng shouted in his heart, struggling to stand up.


At this time, the sharp nails of the Thunder Eagle flicked violently, and two gusts of wind pierced through Chen Feng like flying swords. Chen Feng had no choice but to dodge to the side with all his strength.

"I'll block it." Ruta rushed up waving the Hun Tian Wu Ji Stick and blocked Chen Feng directly.

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive collision sounds came, the first two were the sound of Ruta blocking the strong wind, and the latter was the sound of Ruta hitting the cabin. Like Chen Feng, Ruta was also knocked dizzy and almost fainted.

But at least Ruta blocked the attack of the Thunder Eagle, otherwise Chen Feng didn't know what would happen.

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