Eternal Existence

Chapter 1406 Blood Rakshasa's Tribulation

In fact, these eight immortal golden immortals have good talents, and some of them have bloodlines that are not inferior to the Black Water Demon Eye. After all, those who can be called the heaven-defying race are definitely not ordinary people.

Moreover, these people have been wandering in the starry sky for such a long time. While they are strong, they also have a group of followers. This can be regarded as a good force.

In Chen Feng's view, these people are looking for a backer or seeking help, or for other purposes, but the development of his Changsheng Alliance requires the power of all parties, so Chen Feng does not think too much about why these people are here. The most important thing at the moment is to expand the power in his hands as soon as possible.

Of course, this is not an unlimited development. Chen Feng called the top leaders and held a meeting to formulate some future development guidelines for the alliance. In addition, Chen Feng's former followers, Swallowing Sun Wind, also came one after another. What these people have to do is to help Chen Feng manage the Changsheng Alliance.

Chen Feng is a little regretful that although these followers of his have good cultivation talents, they still need some time and opportunity to advance to the Golden Immortal, otherwise Chen Feng can really rest assured about the affairs of the Changsheng Alliance.

Moreover, in addition to the Changsheng Alliance, there is also his own base camp, the Wuya Army. Speaking of it, the Wuya Army is much stronger than the Changsheng Alliance. After all, the cultivators there are all experienced soldiers. That's not all. There are many more masters sitting there, the God King and the God Lord are constantly doing something, and there are also Taiyi Jinxian sitting in the dark.

This is the surge of the Wuya Army, while the Changsheng Alliance he created seems to have a large number of people, but there are not many real masters sitting in it.

If Chen Feng put away the army of divine insects and the golden fairy beasts, the strength of the Changsheng Alliance will drop several times in an instant.

That day, when Chen Feng was patrolling in his territory, he suddenly felt a strong wave coming from a distance, but he looked carefully and found nothing.

In fact, during these days, Chen Feng did not take the initiative to practice and repair his injuries, but kept walking around in the four directions. In Chen Feng's view, this is a kind of self-cultivation.

Although Chen Feng's strength is less than one-tenth of the previous one, Chen Feng's consciousness is still very sharp, and it can even be said that Chen Feng's soul strength is far greater than before.

Of course, these days, the two combat puppets have been following Chen Feng closely, but they are hiding in the dark and not showing their bodies.

"Someone is going through the tribulation and ascending to the Golden Immortal. It's the Blood Rakshasa." Chen Feng only caught a little breath and quickly guessed something.

"The speed of cultivation is fast enough." Chen Feng nodded.

"The Blood Rakshasa is practicing the Great Way of Blood. He has good talent. He has achieved such success without good cultivation resources in the past. There have been many wars recently. I think it is also the reason for the rapid progress of cultivation. However, the time for going through the tribulation is still a little short. It should continue for a while." After saying this, he began to walk towards a direction.

In front of him was a very normal valley area, but Chen Feng stopped, stretched out his finger and scratched it. A crack appeared in the space in front of him, but soon, the power fluctuated, and the crack healed again and disappeared.

"I forgot that the power was not enough." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then the Longevity Sword flew out, and the sword light flashed. The space in front of him was split again, and a crack more than ten feet long appeared.

"Fortunately, I can activate these weapons." Chen Feng nodded. The Changsheng Sword and a series of longevity magic weapons are Chen Feng's true origin magic weapons. They are slowly refined by Chen Feng from scratch. They are Chen Feng's real hard work. Even if Chen Feng only has one breath and only the last divine thought left, he can activate these weapons and magic weapons.

Chen Feng stepped in, and then the space slowly closed.

"So many restrictions, it's careful enough, but is there no one to protect the law? This blood Rakshasa said before that he would ask me to protect the law, but now I don't know what to do." Chen Feng shook his head. Although there were many restrictions in front of him, Chen Feng still saw the blood Rakshasa.

At this time, the heavenly tribulation should have just begun. The blood Rakshasa in a fiery red armor was wrapped in thunder, and there were constant collision sounds.

"It's just the beginning and it's in a stalemate." Chen Feng frowned.

"In this case, it's hard to succeed."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, eight streams of light appeared quickly, turning into eight cultivators who surrounded Chen Feng in the blink of an eye, holding magic weapons and ready to attack.

"It turns out that there are combat puppets guarding, and the combat power of the half-step golden immortal is not bad. It seems that the blood Rakshasa also has some wealth." Chen Feng laughed. In addition to these eight combat puppets, there are more than a dozen combat puppets in the distance ready to fight.

In addition to the restrictions in the space, unless the immortal golden immortal comes to make trouble, it is difficult for the half-step golden immortal to succeed here. Of course, if there are more people, it will be different.

"Come back!"

At this time, the blood Rakshasa who was in the tribulation also saw Chen Feng, and with a thought, these combat puppets left.

The first wave of thunder attacks finally passed. At this time, the blood Rakshasa turned black, and some parts of the body even appeared to be powdered.

Blood light emerged from the blood Rakshasa's body, like blood water washing against the body, and soon returned to normal, and the charred place also turned into elastic flesh.

"Why are you so anxious? It is a bit difficult for you to cross the tribulation in your current situation." Chen Feng said.

"There is no other way. I originally wanted to accumulate energy for a period of time, but problems arose during the practice, which forced me to overcome the tribulation early. Don't forget that what I am practicing is the pure path of blood." said Blood Rakshasa.

"I understand that it is really difficult to keep your heart when practicing the Great Way of Blood, but the secret technique is very powerful." Chen Feng nodded.

"Then, I hope you can do your best. You can cross the tribulation with confidence. Even if the God comes, it will not affect you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then I am relieved." Xue Luosha also smiled.

The second wave of heavenly tribulation began. The surging sea of ​​blood rushed towards Xue Luosha with a roar, which was more powerful than the previous thunder.

"It is indeed the blood of Xuanhuang." Chen Feng nodded.

"This level is very important. I don't know if Xue Luosha can survive it. I can't take action now." Chen Feng shook his head.

In fact, with Chen Feng's strength, he can completely help Xue Luosha, but Chen Feng also knows how important the level of Xuanhuang blood is to Xue Luosha who has practiced the Great Way of Blood, so Chen Feng hopes that Xue Luosha can rely on his own strength to fight through it. There are many benefits if he can survive it.

Xue Luosha itself is a fiery red battle armor. At this time, it is submerged by Xuanhuang blood. Even Chen Feng can hardly see the figure of Xue Luosha.

"The blood of Xuanhuang, I also encountered it when I was crossing the tribulation. I think the blood Rakshasa should have no problem. Tsk tsk, what I encountered when I was a celestial immortal was the tribulation of the golden immortal. I wonder what kind of tribulation I will encounter when I am promoted to the golden immortal, the thunder of chaos or the light of destruction, these two are really good." Chen Feng laughed. In fact, Chen Feng had encountered these two kinds of tribulations before.

Chen Feng deliberately thought about other things and did not check the situation of the blood Rakshasa, so as to avoid his intention of taking action.

This time was shorter than Chen Feng imagined. The blood sea formed by the blood of Xuanhuang began to shrink continuously, and finally completely entered the blood Rakshasa's body.

"Sure enough, it survived, but the state is not good." Chen Feng shook his head.

On the surface, the blood Rakshasa was normal, but Chen Feng felt the chaotic power in the blood Rakshasa's body. The impact of the blood sea just now had injured the blood Rakshasa. Later, the blood Rakshasa swallowed the blood of Xuanhuang in order to gain strength, so the situation became worse.

The Blood Rakshasa shook a few times, and then the body began to swell in an uncoordinated manner. Chen Feng knew that this was caused by the Blood Rakshasa's inability to control its power.

Chen Feng knew that if he did not take action, the Blood Rakshasa might explode, but Chen Feng hoped that the Blood Rakshasa could get through with its own strength.

However, to be on the safe side, Chen Feng decided to prepare, so he shook his palm, and a life fruit began to rotate in his palm. Soon the life fruit disappeared and turned into a pure life force.

Don't underestimate this energy. If the Immortal Golden Immortal absorbs it, it can improve the attack for tens of thousands of years. Of course, the greatest use of life energy is to treat injuries.

The Blood Rakshasa's body swelled more and more, and it was out of control. Chen Feng sighed and knew that he had to take action, so he waved his palm, and the life energy in his hand turned into a stream of light and drilled into the Blood Rakshasa's body.

The Blood Rakshasa's situation was already in danger to the extreme. Seeing that his body was about to explode, and he could not control it, he could not help but regret swallowing so much blood sea power.

At this time, a cool energy quickly circulated in his body, and the injuries in his body recovered at an unimaginable speed. At the same time, a part of the energy entered his sea of ​​consciousness, which made his physical body and soul power begin to rise.

"Such a strong life energy, it was Changtian who took action." Xue Luosha immediately understood what was going on. Under the interference of external forces, Xue Luosha finally controlled his body, and his swollen body began to return to normal.

However, just as his body returned to normal, the third wave of heavenly tribulation appeared.

Thunder of destruction.

"Fortunately, the injuries on my body have recovered. I wonder if Changtian will be punished by the heaven for this." Xue Luosha was somewhat glad that Chen Feng appeared, otherwise he would definitely fail in this tribulation. The worst result of failure is that his soul will be scattered, and the lightest result is that his physical body will be destroyed. The best outcome is to escape a trace of Yuanling.

"The power of the thunder of destruction is even stronger than the Xuanhuang blood just now. This Xue Luosha is really too reckless." Chen Feng shook his head. He could help the other party once, so what about the second time.


After recovering from her injuries, Blood Rakshasa seemed to have turned into a female war god, holding a spear and stabbing the thunder of destruction into large holes.


However, a thunder of destruction still fell on Blood Rakshasa, blowing her up. Blood Rakshasa quickly stood up and rushed forward with a spear in hand. But she was soon hit by the thunder of destruction again. With a click, the spear in her hand was broken.

Chen Feng shook his head and said nothing. Instead, he stretched out his finger and flicked it. A thunder bead flew out. After slowly circling, it emitted a suction force, almost swallowing up the thunder of destruction falling from the calamity cloud.

Chen Feng finally officially intervened in Blood Rakshasa's heavenly calamity, which was the same as what the Longevity Tower did before.

With Chen Feng's intervention, Blood Rakshasa's pressure was directly reduced by 90%, and she quickly stabilized her body. Then the thunder of destruction fell again. Once Blood Rakshasa could not resist, Chen Feng would once again urge the thunder bead to swallow the thunder of destruction.

Finally, Chen Feng's actions were sensed by the Law of Heaven, and a thick lightning bolt struck Chen Feng, so fast that Chen Feng could not dodge.


However, the combat puppet stretched out its hand and crushed it.


This seemed to anger the Heavenly Dao even more. A bigger lightning bolt appeared again, faster and more powerful than before. Interestingly, Chen Feng felt several kinds of lightning power from it.

This time, Chen Feng did not let the combat puppet attack, but endured it. The thick lightning bolt fell on Chen Feng, and then Chen Feng trembled all over and turned into a thunder warrior. However, soon, these lightning bolts completely penetrated Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng returned to normal.

"Not powerful enough." Chen Feng shook his head. This level of lightning attack could not even break his own defense.

Next, the Heavenly Dao Law did not attack Chen Feng again.

Because of Chen Feng's intervention, Blood Rakshasa easily survived this wave of heavenly tribulation, but then a beam of light poured towards Blood Rakshasa.

"It's the light of destruction." Chen Feng said, and he also knew that the heavenly tribulation had changed because of his intervention.


The protective blood gas shield around Blood Rakshasa was easily pierced.


A series of explosions, countless blood holes appeared in the flesh, the concentration of the light of destruction led to a significant increase in power, causing an inexplicable fear to rise in the heart of Blood Rakshasa, who knew that he would definitely not be able to resist.

At this time, a stream of life energy surged out of the body, and the injuries on the body recovered instantly, but soon, new injuries appeared.

The shield that Blood Rakshasa took out took the opportunity to be pierced without even a breath, so the body began to dodge constantly in a small range, but this was a heavenly tribulation, and it would be useless even if you dodge again.

Soon, the life energy in Blood Rakshasa's body had been consumed, and the whole person became riddled with holes.


Chen Feng shook his head and attacked again. The longevity shield appeared quickly, and the next moment it was above Blood Rakshasa's head, and then the light of destruction hit the longevity shield and splashed dazzling sparks.

Blood Rakshasa had time to catch his breath, and the holes in his body continued to heal. When Blood Rakshasa recovered as before, the longevity shield was also pierced.

Chen Feng frowned. Just now, the light of destruction suddenly increased its power and even penetrated his longevity shield. You know, his longevity shield is a mid-grade artifact. If it falls on the blood Rakshasa, it will kill the opponent instantly.

Chen Feng was shocked and didn't have time to think about it. He attacked again. Of course, it was not Chen Feng himself who attacked, but the battle puppet behind him.

One of the battle puppets waved his hand, the space fluctuated, and a barrier appeared, covering the blood Rakshasa.

The battle puppet was indeed extraordinary when it attacked. The light of destruction splashed on it and made a crackling sound, but it didn't break the barrier for a long time.

You know, the battle puppet has reached the realm of Taiyi. If the light of destruction can still break it, Chen Feng feels that he can leave.


Another beam of light of destruction appeared. This time the target was Chen Feng. Chen Feng was prepared. The battle puppet attacked and easily blocked it.

"Huh! It's finally over." Chen Feng watched the calamity cloud disappear and finally breathed a sigh of relief. As the light of destruction suddenly intensified, Chen Feng was also a little worried, worried that he would rashly intervene and attract a terrifying blow.

Of course, the situation just now was also a little dangerous. If it weren't for the combat puppet following him, Chen Feng would have a hard time dealing with it.

"This is because of the decline in strength. Even the art of covering the sky has been greatly reduced." Chen Feng shook his head, looked at the Blood Rakshasa who was practicing, and then left this space.

Blood Rakshasa successfully passed the calamity and has entered the realm of Golden Immortal. Moreover, this is the territory of the Longevity Alliance. Once there is any disturbance, he can sense it in the first time, so Chen Feng has nothing to worry about.

"Blood Rakshasa is a Golden Immortal." Chen Feng shook his head: "It's really contradictory. On the one hand, I hope that there will be more Golden Immortals in the alliance, but on the other hand, I hope these guys can accumulate for a while."

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