Eternal Existence

Chapter 1427 The Mysterious Swordsman

A whole piece of star core was divided into ten parts by Chen Feng. Although the power was weakened, the results that bloomed everywhere were more shocking, causing the fairy world to become more chaotic.

In the fairy world, five cave heavens containing spiritual veins were razed to the ground, and Chen Feng once again attacked the Immortal Alliance's army and placed two of them, causing the opponent's tens of millions of monks to evaporate.

There were still three pieces left in his hand. Chen Feng thought about it and put it away. Chen Feng felt that his previous actions should be enough.

In the fairy world, Chen Feng's clone once again sent out a message, that is, if the monks besieging the Immortal Alliance do not retreat, Chen Feng will continue to explode.

"Chen Feng, if you do this, you will cause big trouble." Seeing Chen Feng stop his movements, Di Mingzi stepped forward.

"You mean Taiyi Golden Immortal will take action." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, your previous actions were too exaggerated. They have touched the bottom line of the immortal world." Di Mingzi said with some worry, and at the same time he was also a little depressed. Speaking of which, Di Mingzi had not been in Wuji Immortal Realm for too long. , was still in the stage of collecting intelligence at this time, and had not really ventured into the Wuji Immortal Realm. Then he met Chen Feng and discovered this matter. Di Mingzi could imagine that because he was with Chen Feng again, , the name may have spread throughout the fairy world.

"The purpose of my doing this is to lure these Taiyi Golden Immortals to take action." Chen Feng suddenly said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Di Mingzi felt that he could not keep up with his thoughts at all. As for Fairy Caiyi, who was on Di Mingzi's side, her heart was filled with overwhelming emotions. At the same time, she was secretly grateful for the decision she had made before. I chose to follow Di Mingzi, otherwise in the previous disaster, I might not have been able to escape with my own strength.

"Immortal Court has developed too fast in recent years and is very ambitious. It has colluded with the Zerg, secretly contacted the heaven-defying races, and integrated into a large number of living worlds. Now it has set its sights on our heaven. In fact, the troubles I have caused are not It’s nothing, if there is really a master in the immortal world, then we from the heavenly world will not stand by and watch.”

"In a word, just wait and watch the fun." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I'm afraid that I won't see the excitement and get involved in it." Di Mingzi said.

"You and I have been involved all the way, here we come." Chen Feng said, the space in front of him fluctuated, and four Taiyi Golden Immortals appeared directly in front of Chen Feng.

"Changtian!" One of them shouted.

"Yes, it's me." Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand, and the battle puppet that was already in front of him retreated behind him.

True Lord Cang Lan stepped forward to protect Di Mingzi behind him.

"Changtian, no matter what you say, today is the day you die." Taiyi Jinxian, who was the first to speak, waved his hand and grabbed Chen Feng with a huge palm like a sky curtain. There were five clear fingers on the palm. The Law of Taiyi was circulating. Not only Chen Feng, but also all the monks present felt frightened by this arrest.

Originally, True Lord Canglan wanted to take action, but after seeing Chen Feng's calm expression, he held back. However, he was still prepared. There were four Taiyi Golden Immortals on the other side. When the matter came to a critical moment, he could not fight anymore. This clone must not take the young master away from here. However, True Lord Blue still tends to choose to believe Chen Feng.

"This is the power of Taiyi Golden Immortal." Chen Feng was unable to move at this time, but he was still calm. The battle puppet behind him did not move. In fact, Chen Feng also knew that the opponent had four Taiyi Golden Immortals, and he Even if the battle puppet can exert its strongest strength, it cannot protect itself. In this case, Chen Feng can only wait for someone to intervene.

Sure enough, the sword energy that suddenly appeared cut off the palm that was close to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng frowned a little.

In fact, this time Chen Feng was not poisoning, but Chen Feng was sure that Taiyi Golden Immortal would intervene, but the person who intervened was beyond his expectation.

A swordsman in white with outstanding temperament and elegant appearance floated in mid-air. The long sword in his hand kept buzzing, and traces of sword energy were constantly intertwined around the long sword.

"This person!"

Chen Feng kept searching in the sea of ​​consciousness, but there was no information about the person in front of him.

"Mother Queen!" Chen Feng secretly said.

"Understood!" The Queen Mother immediately began to speculate and analyze, and at the same time, Chen Feng also began to speculate with the help of the power left by the Eternal Life Tower. Chen Feng had a feeling that this time his plan seemed to have changed.

"You are all Taiyi Golden Immortals. Isn't it a bit embarrassing to bully some juniors?" This swordsman has the appearance of a middle-aged man, but if you want to take a closer look, you feel that you are blocked by an invisible force. Living.

Not only Chen Feng, but also the four Taiyi Golden Immortals in the Immortal Realm feel the same way, which illustrates a problem. This sword cultivator whose origin is unknown is stronger than these people.

"Who are you?" one of the Taiyi Golden Immortals asked.

"Are all monks nowadays so rude? You can call me Free Swordsman." The sword cultivator said with a smile, not impatiently, with a hint of smile in his voice, as if he was mocking these people.

"Happy Swordsman! I've never heard of this person. Where are you from? Do you want to go against our Immortal Court?" The four Taiyi Golden Immortals thought for a while, but they had never heard of this person named Xiaoyao Swordsman. There are more, but not at such a high level.

Moreover, these four Taiyi Golden Immortals could not feel the aura of belonging anywhere from this sword cultivator.

"Can't figure it out! It's chaos." Chen Feng said secretly. Although he had used the power of the Eternal Life Tower, he still didn't have the slightest clue.

"Me too!" The Queen Mother said lightly. In this way, Chen Feng was truly surprised. You must know that the Queen Mother is not as simple as an ordinary divine monarch. Even if her strength is not as good as the other party, there is still no problem in deducing some clues.

The situation in front of me can only show that this person is not an ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal, and is beyond the scope of the Queen Mother's calculation.

As if he felt something, the sword cultivator turned his head and smiled at Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately felt an extremely powerful force entering his body.

"not good!"

Chen Feng wanted to stop it, but had no choice but to let the force penetrate inside his body.

But something that shocked Chen Feng soon happened. Wherever this power passed, the undiscovered hidden wounds he had left in the past disappeared one after another, and at the same time, his cultivation level began to improve.

Originally, Chen Feng was injured before and had recovered 60% of his strength after practicing. However, at this time, it continued to rise. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng's strength returned to its peak.


Powerful power burst out from Chen Feng, and Chen Feng felt that he was stronger than ever before.

This power did not disappear after solving the situation in Chen Feng's body. Instead, it condensed into a small sword and floated in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"This little sword can save you when you are in danger." The free swordsman's voice emanated from the small sword.

"Thank you, senior!" Chen Feng hurriedly saluted. Although he didn't know the origin of the other party, what happened just now showed that the other party was a friend, not an enemy.

Chen Feng restrained his breath and said nothing, but waited for the development of the matter in front of him.

"It's interesting to go against your Immortal Court, but so what if I go against your Immortal Court." The Free Swordsman said with a smile.

"Do it!"

Knowing that they would not be able to kill Chen Feng if they did not deal with this swordsman, the four Taiyi Golden Immortals took action. Two of them stepped forward to attack the Free Swordsman, and at the same time, one of them appeared in front of Chen Feng in a flash.

The remaining person stood there to guard against emergencies. Since someone intervened, a second person might appear.

"This person can't be the only one." Just like the original plan, someone did take action, but there was only one person, so Chen Feng began to worry, so he secretly prayed that a few big shots would emerge from his side.

However, this swordsman once again shocked Chen Feng. Faced with this situation, the Free Swordsman just smiled faintly, and then three rays of sword light flowed out. The reason why he used the word "flowing" to describe it was because whether it was in Chen Feng's eyes or in those In the eyes of Taiyi Jinxian, these three rays of sword light bring this feeling to everyone.

It seems that the speed is slow, but it is actually extremely fast, but it allows people to clearly see the changes in these three rays of sword energy.

One of the rays of sword light came to Chen Feng, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal's attack had not yet landed on Chen Feng. Then the sword light suddenly glowed, and it instantly became longer and wider, just like a ribbon holding the attacking Chen Feng. The Taiyi Golden Immortal was tied up.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

The next moment, the Taiyi Golden Immortal screamed in horror. His whole body was cut off in the sword light, then chopped into pieces, then turned into dust, and finally disappeared without even leaving a soul mark.


Chen Feng felt that his eyes were dazzled. Looking at the other side, the two golden immortals who attacked Xiaoyao Swordsman also disappeared. Only the sword light that did not dissipate flowed and hovered in the space.

"What level of master is this!" Zhenlan Canglan, who was standing in front of Di Mingzi, was extremely shocked. In the billions of years since he had practiced until now, this was the most surprising time for him.

"If you have something to say, why do you do it?" The Free Swordsman said with a smile, as if he had just killed three flies instead of three Taiyi Golden Immortals.

The last Taiyi Golden Immortal was stunned. The development of the matter was beyond his imagination. This was a scene that would never appear in his dreams. However, this Taiyi Golden Immortal reacted very quickly, with flames burning on his body, even more than usual. The speed ten times faster opened a big hole in the space.

This Taiyi Golden Immortal didn't have any long-term ideas. The most important thing was to escape from here quickly.

But at this time, the sword light flowing and fluttering in the space suddenly lengthened, and then submerged into the space. Finally, the figure flickered, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal was actually pulled back by the rope-like sword light.

"Senior, have mercy!" The Taiyi Golden Immortal immediately opened his mouth to beg for mercy in fear, but the seemingly good-tempered Happy Swordsman showed no mercy at all. The sword light flowed, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal also disappeared into nothing.

"This, this, the soul is destroyed, isn't it a bit too cruel?" Chen Feng said this after a long time.

"You are too cruel. The path of a cultivator does not allow for any soft-heartedness." The Free Swordsman frowned and glanced at Chen Feng.

"That's not what I mean. I mean that the opponent is also Taiyi Golden Immortal after all. It would be too wasteful to kill even the scum left in this way. Not to mention leaving the essence and blood, it is best to leave some Taiyi Laws. ." Chen Feng said quickly.

"Haha, I forgot that you are a Chaos Body, but when we meet for the first time, I can give you some greeting gifts." The unknown swordsman said with a smile.

"Meeting gift!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up. The opponent could kill even Taiyi Golden Immortal in an instant. What he brought out was certainly not simple.

Before Chen Feng could guess, a fist-sized ball of light floated over and landed in Chen Feng's hand. The ball of light flashed with colorful guesses, and there were some stars flashing in it.

"This is it!" Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"So many crystal cores of Taiyi Jinxian." Canglan Zhenjun was shocked and almost cried out.

"These are the crystal cores left by some Taiyi Jinxians I killed before. It's useless for me to keep them. I'll give them to you as a gift. How about it, are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, I can change some things." Xiaoyao Swordsman said with a smile.

"Satisfied, satisfied, of course satisfied." Chen Feng said hurriedly, and at the same time put away the ball of light in his hand. There were 38 points of starlight in it, representing 38 star cores of Taiyi Jinxian. Speaking of it, Chen Feng has seen big scenes, but at this time he still felt his palms shaking a little, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Okay, the work is done, and I should leave. Boy, I have something to say to you before I leave." Xiaoyao Swordsman said.

"Senior, please speak." Chen Feng said hurriedly.

"Don't be soft-hearted towards these immortal world cultivators." The free and easy swordsman said as he stretched out his hand, and a wisp of sword light entered his palm.

"Of course not, now the Taiyi Golden Immortals in the immortal world are coming to kill me, which means that I don't know how many immortal world cultivators have died in my hands." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The free and easy swordsman nodded, then took a step forward and reached the starry sky, and disappeared the next moment.

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