Eternal Existence

Chapter 1452: The Immortal Tower Appears

"Don't think too much. What matters most is gaining something. Now that the other party's emperor has appeared, we can't take advantage of him now. It's time to leave." Chen Feng said.

"That's not necessarily true."

At this time, the Three Thousand Venerables and the Ancient Master Luan laughed.

"The other party left so quickly, there must be something wrong. I think we should go and see." The Three Thousand Venerables said with a smile.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to agree, but his eyes flickered and he said, "The two seniors, please go first. I still have some things to deal with."

The Three Thousand Venerables and the Ancient Master Luan looked at Chen Feng in surprise, then nodded and left. Since Chen Feng said so, there must be something private, and the two of them didn't ask too much.

After the two masters left, Chen Feng's eyes swept around.

"No need to look, there's no one here." A young man appeared in front of Chen Feng with a smile.

"Tower!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect the Longevity Tower to appear in this form.

"Yes, it seems that you have been doing well recently. You are only one step away from the Immortal Golden Immortal. If you go there, you will be immortal." The tower said with a smile.

"Immortality, not necessarily, these Taiyi Zhenjun who surpassed immortality were also killed." Chen Feng retorted.

"That was an accident, not a normal death of old age." Ta waved his hand.

"Okay, I didn't come here to listen to your nonsense. I will leave after finishing the things here." Ta continued.

"Things here, by the way, Ta, how much have you recovered now?" Chen Feng asked.

"Can't you feel it?" Ta said with a smile.

The Changsheng Tower is connected to Chen Feng's mind and is Chen Feng's life magic weapon. Chen Feng can certainly feel the changes in the Changsheng Tower, but he is used to asking Ta.

"So you have recovered to the level of a top-grade artifact. It seems that it won't take long to recover to the peak." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's not that easy to recover to the peak, but I need the power of time here now. Take out the Time Disk." Ta said.

Although he didn't understand what Ta was going to do, Chen Feng still took out the fragments of the Time Disk.

Ta stretched out his hand and the Time Disk slowly turned, and at the same time, the power of time illuminated the four-sided starry sky.

"This area is extraordinary and is also a unique place in the Time Star River. Emperor Huisu and his men only know a little bit. Now that these people have left, this is an opportunity. This is why I came here." Ta said as he stretched out his finger and kept pointing at the Time Plate.

"Nothing will go wrong, right? Don't disturb the Time River." Chen Feng was a little worried.

"It is necessary to disturb the Time River, otherwise how can I absorb the power of time? But don't worry, there will be no problem with the Time Plate." Ta said as his speed of attack became faster and faster. Chen Feng then noticed that the gap on the Time Plate was filled, slowly turning, and it was brand new, just like an antique that had been buried for a long time and saw the light of day again.

Next was a slight fluctuation, and then Chen Feng saw the shadow of the Time River across his head, and then a tributary rushed towards the Time Plate.

This tributary was not absorbed when it hit the Time Plate, but turned and rushed towards the tower.

At this time, the tower had become the Tower of Immortality, and it did not refuse it, completely swallowing the impact of the Time Power.

"Isn't this a bit too risky?" Looking at the long river shadow above his head, Chen Feng felt a little guilty.

"There are some risks, but how can it be 100% sure?" Ta said with a smile.


Chen Feng stopped and retreated repeatedly, but accidentally bumped into a meteorite. Chen Feng was a little surprised and waved his hand to grab the meteorite, which was only the size of a fist.

"It's not a meteorite, it's Taixuan refined iron. This is a good thing. How can such a thing appear here." Chen Feng was talking when some more meteorites flew over, and Chen Feng quickly reached out to grab them.

"This is Taibai Jinjingshi, this is Huoyun Cloud Crystal, and this is Wucai Shentie. I don't recognize these pieces, but they are so heavy that they must be good things." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Sir, how come there are so many magic stones here." The mother queen said with some surprise. Just now, it was not just Chen Feng, but the mother queen and Chen Feng's clones and combat puppets also collected some spirit stones and ores.

"These things, including the previous seed nest, are actually brought by the long river of time. The long river of time, like other great rivers, has undercurrents and corners that cannot be washed away by water. This piece of time and space has accumulated for countless billions of years, so it is normal to have some strange things." Ta said at this time.

"So that's the case. In this case, set up the formation and collect the treasures." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Great Desolate Cauldron flew out, quickly growing larger, and directly covered the starry sky within a radius of tens of millions of miles. From afar, a gray giant cauldron was floating in the starry sky, and the ancient and powerful aura affected the stars in the distance.

If it weren't for the imagination of the power of time, I'm afraid the entire Time Galaxy would tremble.

The Queen Mother also began to arrange the formation. Chen Feng's clones and combat puppets were not idle either. They had experience in collecting air masses before, and they acted quickly at this time, and soon collected a large number of various divine stones and crystals and some divine objects that Chen Feng didn't recognize.

"It's the right time to come to the Years Galaxy. I have to thank the cultivators of the Blood Eye Clan. If it weren't for them, I really wouldn't come here. But the strange thing is why they haven't appeared until now. Could they have been killed?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you miss us so much?" At this time, a deep and sinister voice suddenly sounded. Chen Feng was shocked. The law of time and the law of longevity drilled out of his body, like two dragons hovering to protect Chen Feng.

The first to come out were two Taiyi Jinxians, followed by a dozen gods. Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he sensed some familiar breath from several of the gods.

"Sir, two of them came from the previous warship." The mother queen said.

Chen Feng nodded, his mind running fast. These guys from the Blood Eye Clan were indeed a bit weird. They disappeared before without any trace, and now they suddenly appeared again. There must be a reason.

"What are the names of the two seniors?" Chen Feng asked with a smile. At this time, the Longevity Tower was still collecting the power of time and could not be disturbed.

Who knew that the two Taiyi Golden Immortals didn't pay any attention to Chen Feng at all, but waved their hands, and the gods rushed up with their hands. These gods were divided into two, one part went to collect the various divine objects that kept appearing in the starry sky, and the other part came back to Chen Feng.

The two Taiyi Golden Immortals walked towards the Longevity Tower.

"Boy, I can't be disturbed now, leave it to you." At this time, the tower suddenly said, which made Chen Feng smile bitterly.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded, and the longevity wings behind him flashed, blocking the two Taiyi Golden Immortals. As for those gods, the mother queen and others would naturally deal with them.

"Come on!"

The two Taiyi Golden Immortals of the Blood Eye Clan didn't take Chen Feng seriously at all. One of them just said two words, and then Chen Feng felt that his soul was frozen. It was about to break.

At this time, the small sword in Chen Feng's body emitted a sword light, and wherever it passed, the frozen soul immediately returned to normal, and then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the small sword flew out, constantly rotating around Chen Feng's palm.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

After seeing this small sword, the two arrogant Taiyi Jinxians couldn't help but take a few steps back, with a flash of fear in their eyes.

"It really works. Could it be that Xiaoyao Swordsman is really a Daluo Jinxian?" Chen Feng was delighted. If the other party could leave on his own, then the small sword could be preserved. Now the power of the small sword is not much, and Chen Feng doesn't want to waste it on these two people.

At this time, the Longevity Tower is still absorbing the power of time, not anxious or impatient, not slow or slow, and it is unknown when it will end.

"Two seniors, please leave, otherwise it will be a result of both sides being injured. Why bother?" Chen Feng said lightly.

On the other side, the mother queen and the gods of the blood pupil clan also fought evenly, and neither side had time to collect the divine objects floating around.

"It's just a wisp of will." The two Taiyi Jinxians still planned to take action, and they said to take action and rushed towards Chen Feng and the Longevity Tower respectively.


The small sword disappeared, and then the Taiyi Golden Immortal who attacked Chen Feng was cut in the middle. Before Chen Feng could catch up, the small sword attacked another Taiyi Golden Immortal.

He still cut the opponent in half with one sword.

In just one encounter, the two Taiyi Golden Immortals were defeated. Chen Feng also secretly breathed a sigh of relief and expressed admiration for the strength of the free and easy swordsman again.

But then Chen Feng found that something was wrong, because the small sword did not kill the opponent, and the small sword was extremely dim.

Bang! Bang!

The body of the Taiyi Golden Immortal that was split apart had not closed yet before it attacked the small sword. In just two strokes, the small sword was broken and completely dissipated.

"It's broken!"

Chen Feng's face changed, and his mind moved. He stretched out his hand and pointed at one of the Taiyi Golden Immortals. A gray stream of light flashed past, and a big hole was pierced through the two halves of the Taiyi Golden Immortal's body.

This is the power of the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and pointed twice again. Four gray streams of light appeared again. This time, they turned into ropes to tightly bind the two separated bodies.

"It's useless."

One of the Taiyi Golden Immortals spoke, and the separated bodies shook and squirmed, and changed into their original appearances. One split into two, and turned into two clones. The two became four cultivators.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The four cultivators broke the restraints around them almost at the same time. Chen Feng's face changed drastically, and he activated the Great Wilderness Cauldron again. At this time, he was already powerless. Although the Great Wilderness Cauldron had not yet fully recovered, it was the best among the top-grade artifacts. It was good that Chen Feng could activate it in a short time.

"Boy, you are dead this time, and the Longevity Tower will also become the property of our Blood Eye Clan." One of them came in front of Chen Feng, and just as he was about to make a move, another stream of light flew over and pierced through his body again.

This time, the attack of the Great Wilderness Cauldron was stronger. A big hole first appeared on the man's body, and then the hole spread to the surroundings. Soon, the man's Taiyi body disappeared.

Chen Feng sighed. This was his last attack. He could no longer resist the opponent's attack.

There were still three people on the other side. Chen Feng believed that the Longevity Tower could handle it, but in this way, wouldn't it interrupt the Longevity Tower's action?

Seeing that the three people were approaching the Longevity Tower, the time force that flowed out from the long river of time and hit the time disk and reversed to the Longevity Tower suddenly changed direction, and the mighty time force rushed towards the three Taiyi Jinxian.

Amid screams, the power of the three people was rapidly weakened, and even the Taiyi Law was affected and gradually became dim.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then three blood flowers bloomed, and Chen Feng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and three blood lights flashed and disappeared.

The opponent still escaped.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and came back to his senses. The development of things was a little different from what he thought, but after all, it was developing in a good way.

The time force gushing out from the time disk changed direction again, and still rushed towards the Longevity Tower.

The Taiyi Jinxian had all left, and the remaining gods no longer had the mind and courage to fight, and soon disappeared.

However, Chen Feng was exhausted at this time, and the Queen Mother and the others were also injured, their strength decreased, and the speed of collecting the divine objects slowed down. Fortunately, the Great Desolate Cauldron covered them, so these divine objects could not rush out for the time being.

However, Chen Feng was also a little surprised, that is, how did the cultivators of the Blood Eye Clan rush in with the Great Desolate Cauldron guarding them.

"Sir, the Great Desolate Cauldron has not recovered after all, and the other party should have come in from the gap." The Queen Mother said on the side.

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