Eternal Existence

Chapter 1487: Rage

With the efforts of Chen Feng and the Queen Mother, the blood dragon was quickly killed. All its essence was devoured, and even the Taiyi Laws in it were extracted.

Chen Feng said this for a reason, because the Queen Mother needed the power of these laws. Chen Feng himself didn't care. Although he was already an Immortal Golden Immortal, there were still many things in his body that had not been fully absorbed.

For example, the Heart of Chaos, even if Chen Feng reached the realm of the Immortal Golden Immortal, it would take a long time to refine and absorb it. There were also some Taiyi Laws, which required him to comprehend them. In addition to some energy, there were also some secret techniques. With the improvement of his realm, Chen Feng had to face more things.

Then they encountered some blood dragons. At the most dangerous time, they were even besieged by more than a dozen blood dragons. Chen Feng and Qingming simply found a way to escape.

Everyone needs good things, but when good things reach a certain level, the corresponding danger also increases. Although Chen Feng has the means to kill all these blood dragons, Chen Feng will not use these means easily, especially in front of other cultivators.

"We encountered many blood dragons, but we didn't find the corpse of Taiyi Jinxian. It's depressing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Brother, don't worry. The location of the Blood Nether Tree is not far ahead." Qingming said.

"The Blood Nether Tree is a dangerous existence. Taiyi Jinxian will be injured and killed if it is faced with it. We still need to be careful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But the temptation of the Blood Nether Fruit is too great. We have to take risks." Qingming said.

"It makes sense. It's worth the risk." Chen Feng nodded.

Some of the cultivators in the Changsheng Alliance were withdrawn and then went to the Changsheng Heaven. This part of the cultivators included tens of millions of alliance cultivators, 200 million killers, and 500 million prison soldiers.

Originally, Chen Feng was a little worried when mobilizing the prison soldiers, but he didn't expect that the prison soldiers would completely obey Chen Feng's arrangements. According to the words of Hun Tianwang and others, as long as it was Chen Feng's order, these 1 billion prison soldiers could be completely killed in battle.

When Chen Feng heard this, he thought about transferring all 1 billion prison soldiers to the Changsheng Heaven. Such a force could play a huge role and might solve the crisis of the Changsheng Heaven.

But Chen Feng was really worried about the situation of the Changsheng Alliance, so Chen Feng only drew out a part of his strength. Of course, the Changsheng Alliance was also ready to evacuate at any time. Once the situation was critical, Chen Feng would give up his territory in the fairy world and enter the Changsheng Heaven with all his strength to fight to the death with the other side.

The war started again, and the fighting between the Wuya Army and the Taiyuan Clan became more and more tragic. A large number of cultivators died on both sides, but the appearance of the stalkers did make the Changsheng Heaven feel a strong pressure.

These stalkers are really powerful. They appear and disappear like ghosts but are proficient in killing. Many masters of the Changsheng Heaven were assassinated unknowingly, and countless battle fortresses were breached, and even the energy cannons in them were destroyed.

Although the Wuya Army continued to have cultivators on the side, they still couldn't stop the pace of retreat, and they were getting closer and closer to the Changsheng Heaven.

Qingyi God King and others have fought several times, and this time they retreated to recuperate, and other cultivators took over.

At the beginning, the Qingyi God King and others were full of energy to fight the enemy, but they suffered setbacks after several battles. They knew how powerful the opponent was. One hundred million cultivators actually lost 10%. It doesn't sound much, but the number of 10 million has made these people bleed in their hearts.

Black Water Demon Eye is better. After all, I don't know how many wars he has experienced in these years. Although his subordinates have been dying, he is still calm as usual. Compared with Black Water Demon Eye, others don't have such good psychological qualities. Of course, this requires some training. I believe that after a few more experiences, these people's mentality will be as hard as iron.

The Wuya Legion retreated deeply, and the place where the Changsheng Legion was located was also attacked by the Eight Desolate Clan.

Speaking of which, as the first legion of the Changsheng Heaven, the Changsheng Legion is still very powerful. The number of soldiers exceeds that of the Wuya Legion, and there are many high-end combat forces. There are a large number of royal golden immortals who come out to help. With the help of several small legions, they actually blocked the attack of the Eight Desolate Clan. This surprised the other families and also encouraged them.

"In the past, I underestimated the Changsheng Legion." Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Hey! The strength of the Changsheng Legion is less than half of what it is now, and they still got other reinforcements." The Wuya Legion has always looked down on the Changsheng Legion. Hearing Chen Feng's words, Changren, who had just been injured, immediately showed a sarcastic look on his face.

Chen Feng shook his head, but didn't say much.

The attack was frustrated, and the Huanzhen Clan also launched an attack. This time it was blocked by the Wuji Legion. Therefore, the strength of the Wuji Legion, the old rival of the Wuya Legion for a long time, is unquestionable. Although it was a bit difficult, it also blocked the opponent's attack.

Next, the war broke out on a large scale, and the Mofang Clan also went out. During this period, there were also a small number of Shenmo Clan. This time, the defensive position was mainly composed of the Tower Legion and the Palace Legion.

All the attacks were blocked, and the cultivators on the Changsheng Heavenly Realm regained their confidence and began to improve their combat effectiveness.

However, the high-level cultivators could see the mystery. The Changsheng Heavenly Realm did block the opponent's attack, but it was only temporary, because the camp of the Changsheng Heavenly Realm was too weak, and most of them were cultivators who were injured after the war.

Sure enough, not long after, the defense zones in all directions began to fail, and the defense line began to shrink, and it kept shrinking. Finally, some loopholes began to appear in the defense line, and some cultivators began to enter the land of immortality. Although the number was small and still under control, it began to collapse.

Chen Feng and others' faces began to look ugly.

"Once it collapses, it will no longer be controlled." Chen Feng said.

"I don't know if there are any reinforcements." A cultivator said the voice of many people.

"Hey, reinforcements, I'm afraid it's difficult. Under this situation, some friends in the past are unwilling to intervene." A god sneered.

"The only solution now is to fight to the death. If the other party wants to occupy the Changsheng Heaven, they will have to pay the price of blood."

"Everyone, don't forget that the Changsheng Heaven is the birthplace of our Changsheng clan, the place where we grew up, and our home. Even if it is destroyed, it cannot be left to these invaders."

"Rather die than retreat."

"Rather die than retreat!"

Some people began to boost morale, but the consequences of doing so were not ideal, because the power was there, and the absolute power gap was not something that could be resisted by boosting morale.

"My reinforcements are coming."

A god shouted, and 10 million cultivators launched an attack from the outer space. This was the power developed by this god outside the domain. It finally arrived at this time, but was soon submerged in the army.

Most of these 10 million cultivators were below the level of celestial beings. They were too weak for the war in front of them, just like small fish in a tsunami. Although they could struggle a few times, the splashing waves could not resemble a tsunami or a big wave.

"I have reinforcements!"

"Reinforcements are coming."

"More reinforcements are coming."

There were constant voices echoing throughout the Changsheng Heaven Realm, because several reinforcements appeared one after another, but all the reinforcements added up to less than 100 million, and there were very few celestial immortals among the reinforcements, let alone powerful golden immortals. Some reinforcements turned around and left directly after seeing such a huge scene, and did not dare to participate in the war at all.

"It's useless, it's useless at all."

The tone of the defense line became louder and louder, and more and more enemy troops entered the Changsheng Land. Some important cave heavens and immortal mountain spirit veins in the Changsheng Land were occupied one after another.

At this time, the Changsheng Sutra was turned over page by page again, mobilizing the power of the Changsheng Heaven Realm to bless all the cultivators on the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

Chen Feng's three clones also re-entered the core of the earth veins to protect the Changsheng Sutra.


At this time, Chen Feng, who was wandering in the flesh and blood demon fetus, suddenly cried out in surprise, and broke the thick blood wall in front of him with a punch, and blood light slowly filled his eyes.

Feeling the blood energy emanating from Chen Feng, the blood energy around him became more active, as if seeing the same kind of joy.

"Sir, what's going on?" The Queen Mother just killed another blood dragon. Speaking of it, it is a happy day for the Queen Mother to venture here. Not only did she get a lot of blood and flesh energy, but she also collected some Taiyi laws. The power contained in these high-end laws is the key to the Queen Mother's advancement.

"The Changsheng Zhenjing has fed back energy to me again, and through the Changsheng Zhenjing, I now know the situation of Changsheng Tianjie." Chen Feng's face was extremely ugly when he said these words.

"Sir, is the situation not good?" The Queen Mother felt Chen Feng's confused and anxious thoughts.

"It's not just not good, but it's extremely serious. Many chaotic races have joined forces to attack Changsheng Tianjie. It seems that Changsheng Tianjie can't stand it now." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"It's useless. Even if I can help, it's useless. Even if I can provide 1 billion or 2 billion divine insect armies, it's still useless. The opponent's power is too strong, and the Changsheng Heaven Realm is just one family. It seems that the Changsheng Heaven Realm is going to change its owner." When Chen Feng said this, he could no longer control himself. He couldn't help but get furious. He punched out, and a god who wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng was blown away and hit the flesh and blood barrier heavily.


The strong killing intent gushed out from Chen Feng. Chen Feng's eyes were blood red, and the whole person was wrapped in thick blood. He seemed to have lost his mind. The Changsheng Sword was circling around quickly, constantly strangling and cutting the blood-colored tentacles that attacked Chen Feng, while Chen Feng was frantically attacking the god with punches.

It can be said that among all the gods, there are few who are more unlucky and miserable than the person in front of him. Under Chen Feng's attack and the cooperation of the flesh and blood barrier, the god slowly sank into the flesh and blood barrier. Even if the god screamed in fear and unwillingness, it still couldn't change the fate of being swallowed by the flesh and blood barrier.

The Queen Mother did not intervene, but just stood by to protect Chen Feng, because she knew that Chen Feng needed to vent and needed to use fighting to release the rage in his heart.

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