Eternal Existence

Chapter 1494: The enemy retreats

Chen Feng used the power of the Great Desolate Cauldron. As long as he was not surrounded by several gods, he would be invincible. The injury just now recovered in just one breath, but the red light before was a little threatening to Chen Feng. At this time, he already felt locked.

"What a powerful god, could it be that the bow and arrow in his hand is a top-grade artifact." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind. He shook his palm, and the Great Desolate Cauldron emitted waves of sound waves, and tens of thousands of cultivators around him were all turned into fragments.

If Chen Feng was just an ordinary immortal golden fairy, of course he would not attract the attention of the opponent's masters, but now it is different. Countless golden fairies have died in Chen Feng's hands, including several gods, so the opponent has also sent out powerful masters.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At this moment, Chen Feng's power seemed to be endless and never exhausted. The Great Desolate Cauldron continued to burst out with power, sweeping around in waves. As long as Chen Feng changed a place, tens of thousands of cultivators would be killed.


The red light appeared again, and Chen Feng was unable to dodge. The Great Desolate Cauldron still blocked in front of him. This time, the opponent's attack power was stronger. Chen Feng felt his whole body numb, and then the Great Desolate Cauldron flew out of his hand, and then the colorful light fell from the sky and turned into a colorful light shield to cover Chen Feng.

"It is indeed a top-grade artifact!"

Chen Feng looked around. This is another world, with different laws and different powers. The opponent is trying to capture him alive.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Great Desolate Cauldron flew over and knocked a big hole in the colorful light shield, but the colorful light flashed and the colorful light shield returned to its original state.


The red light ignored the light shield again and attacked Chen Feng. The Great Desolate Cauldron blocked in front of him, and then Chen Feng's whole body lightened and was knocked out.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

A total of six ropes appeared out of thin air and tied Chen Feng up. There were countless spikes on these ropes that pierced Chen Feng's body.

One of the spikes pierced Chen Feng's skin, and immediately a ball of poison exploded in Chen Feng's body. First, the true qi slowed down, and then the blood was gradually frozen. Soon Chen Feng felt that half of his body had lost consciousness.

"What a powerful poison!"

Chen Feng exclaimed, and the evil law moved. The scattered poison was immediately gathered and merged into the evil law. Then the law of life moved, and Chen Feng's state immediately returned to the best state.

Two gods appeared in the sky, one holding a longbow and the other holding a colorful glass cover, looking at Chen Feng with a smile.

"They are all top-grade artifacts!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and at the same time he saw that the other party was an old god, and his powerful strength was almost comparable to that of a half-step Taiyi Jinxian.

"Really an Immortal Golden Immortal, have you ever seen such a powerful Immortal Golden Immortal?"

"No, I have met one or two God Kings, but I have never heard of an Immortal Golden Immortal."

"Then let's capture him alive."

"That's good, this guy seems to have some status in the Immortal Clan."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing. The Great Desolate Cauldron kept turning in his hand, and the Immortal Sword was held tighter and tighter in his palm. Various laws of power were constantly infused into it. This was Chen Feng's preparation for a big kill.

"Changtian is trapped!" At this time, the three women of Bingxing were a little worried, but they couldn't go forward. This level of battle was not something that a few people could participate in.

"It should be okay, Changtian has the Great Desolate Cauldron in his hand."

"But the other party also has a top-grade artifact in his hand, and he is a God."


When the women were worried, the Great Desolate Cauldron in Chen Feng's hand turned, and the power it emitted twisted the colorful light shields around it, and some cracks appeared.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to escape, the two gods were surprised for a moment, and then immediately took action. The cultivator holding the colorful glass cover waved his hand, and another layer of colorful light cover covered it. The other person pulled the longbow and shot a red arrow.

The speed of the Great Desolate Cauldron in Chen Feng's hand was getting faster and faster. The red arrow hit it but was bounced out. The sword of immortality in his hand slashed violently, and a ripple suddenly unfolded, and then the space was torn open layer by layer. Chen Feng rushed forward quickly with the Great Desolate Cauldron in his hand.

Pah pah pah!

This was the sound of the colorful glass cover breaking. The opponent's two top-grade artifacts still couldn't stop the attack of the Great Desolate Cauldron.

At this time, golden energy suddenly appeared under Chen Feng's feet, rolling down. Chen Feng just stepped on it with his feet and suddenly disappeared.

"The power of time!" The two gods exclaimed, and then felt the danger again. Chen Feng's battle puppet rushed over from nowhere, and the spear of immortality swept across the two gods.

Bang! Bang!

There were two explosions in a row, and the two God Kings quickly retreated. Chen Feng was a little surprised that they could block the attack of the battle puppet.


But at this time, Chen Feng's attack came again. The Great Desolate Cauldron suppressed the God King who used the longbow, and Chen Feng himself cut another God King with the Longevity Sword.

Chen Feng still used the power of time, and every time he used it, he would feel the wonder and power of the power of time. Chen Feng even believed that no restrictions could restrain him.

Under the impact of the Great Desolate Cauldron, the longbow in the hand of the God King actually exploded. Although there was a look of fear in his eyes, he still shouted and reached out to grab the Great Desolate Cauldron.

"Kill this kid." The God King shouted.

However, the other divine king was even more miserable. He escaped Chen Feng's long sword, but could not avoid the attack of the battle puppet. His body was pierced by the spear, and then he fled far away while his whole body was wrapped in a colorful glass cover.


The remaining divine kings cursed loudly, and then were swallowed bit by bit into the Great Desolate Cauldron, and then were crushed.

Chen Feng unfolded his immortal wings and quickly flew into the distance, while Dahuang Ding followed behind him independently.

Two Immortal Golden Immortals resisted the attacks of five Immortal Golden Immortals back to back, with injuries constantly appearing on their bodies. If it weren't for the magic of the Immortal Steps, these two people would have been killed, but it seems that they can't last long now.

Poof! Poof!

Finally, the two golden immortals from the royal family were exhausted. Their bodies were pierced by each other's weapons, and the laws of immortality in their bodies began to break and melt.

"Hey! I didn't expect to die like this. I thought I could live forever." One of them sighed.

"Actually, that's what I think too. It's been less than a hundred years since I advanced to Golden Immortal. I've suffered a big loss this time." Another person also said.

"Actually, it's not a loss. The two of us have killed three golden immortals, and now we've made a profit by dying."

"You can't die yet."

The two of them originally planned to burn their souls or explode their inner worlds to compete with each other, but suddenly they heard a voice ringing in their ears, and then they were surprised to see that the monks in front of them were all exploded into blood mist, and one of them was wearing an immortal body. The young monk in armor came over holding a long sword.

"Changtian!" The two golden immortals recognized Chen Feng. They were a little surprised and a little ashamed because their families were not in harmony with the Wuya family. When Chen Feng returned to the Changsheng Heaven Realm, these two people were behind him. The family also used some means to deal with Chen Feng. Of course, it was a bit unnatural to be rescued by Chen Feng at this time.

Chen Feng didn't care, it could be said that Chen Feng didn't even know these two people, so Chen Feng waved his hand, fired two bursts of immortality energy, and then left.

After Chen Feng left, the two of them felt that their injuries were recovering quickly, and powerful strength was regenerated.


The two quickly regained their composure, regained their murderous intent, and continued to attack enemies in the distance.

Finally, Chen Feng rushed into the place where the enemy was the densest, where a large number of monks from the Taiyuan Clan, the Bahuang Clan, the Rubik's Cube Clan, etc. had gathered, with the number exceeding 100 million.

After Chen Feng killed tens of thousands of people, he took out the corpse refining bottle. At first, the monks around him thought that Chen Feng was going to activate some magic weapon, but after seeing clearly what flew out of the stone bottle, these people Starting to panic.

When millions of corpse slaves appeared, these people were just a little surprised. When the corpse slaves reached tens of millions, these people began to panic. When the corpse slaves exceeded 100 million and began to attack in all directions, these monks were completely confused.

After all the corpse slaves appeared, almost all the hundreds of millions of monks around were killed.

"One billion corpse slaves are enough to wipe out the invaders who entered the Immortal Realm." Chen Feng said and finally left the Immortal Land and came to the outer starry sky.


Seeing Chen Feng's appearance, many monks shouted excitedly, because Chen Feng's appearance changed this war, so that the Changsheng Heavenly Realm would no longer change hands, and the Changsheng Clan would no longer become rootless Ping.

The Taiyuan tribe suffered heavy losses under the siege of three billion troops and had already retreated. Before the combatants could change direction, the invaders from other places also retreated. It was not until these chaotic races disappeared completely that the entire Immortal World cheered. stand up.

The Changsheng clan won, but of course some high-level monks did not relax at all. Some of them treated the wounded, and some of them still stayed in the outer starry sky to rearrange the defensive fortresses. Maybe the other side would attack again.

"Sir, the war in Babutian is not over yet." A divine king from the Wuya family came to Chen Feng and said.

"Babutian is indeed powerful." Chen Feng nodded, and then the Queen Mother received Chen Feng's summons and began to gather the divine insects.

"I'll leave this to the seniors. I'll go to Babu Tian to have a look." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, young master, the Taiyuan clan has also suffered heavy damage and will not launch an attack in the short term." The divine king said.

Chen Feng secretly smiled in his heart. It was obvious that the attitude of these gods towards him was completely different from before. In the past, they were very polite to him due to their status, but now Chen Feng truly feels respected and even has a hint of awe. .

"Sure enough, power is the most real thing!" Chen Feng sighed, and then used the power of time to quickly reach Babutian with the Queen Mother.

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