Eternal Existence

Chapter 1706: Thunder Realm Training

Three years passed in the blink of an eye. For a cultivator who has achieved success in cultivation, it is just a blink of an eye, but for the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness who is looking for someone in the thunder domain, it is a torment.

The time is not long, and the lightning around him did not hurt the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness. At most, it caused some trouble.

"Could this kid die here? Even if he died, there should be a corpse. Maybe he left this thunder domain and went to other places."

"Should I continue to stay here?" The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness hesitated. He was a little unwilling not to catch Chen Feng, but the environment here was really too bad. With such strength, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness was a little impatient. In order to search for Chen Feng, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness kept rushing into some chaotic areas. Sometimes he would be a little embarrassed when he encountered powerful spatial forces and thunder magnetic forces.

After thinking for a while, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness went out, but he did not really leave. Instead, he practiced in the outer area of ​​the thunder domain.

For the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness, practicing here for hundreds or thousands of years is not a problem at all. Practicing anywhere is not practicing.

In the depths of the thunder domain, where all kinds of energy are most chaotic, there is a safe place.

It is called a safe place, but it is actually constructed by Chen Feng. The area is not large, only three meters in radius. There are some extremely hard metals or rocks around. After being slightly refined by Chen Feng, it forms a small independent safe haven. Of course, these things can't stop the erosion of the chaotic energy around. Chen Feng also used the power of the Time Disk and the Sword of the Abyss, so that it can be temporarily stabilized.

Chen Feng has been practicing here for two years. In the first year, Chen Feng has been struggling in the thunder domain. Although he suffered some, he was safe and sound in the end. Chen Feng knew that this was not a solution, so he took the risk to find a place to arrange it casually, and then practiced. After a year, Chen Feng changed a place. At this time, Chen Feng was in the second place.

The energy of the artifacts blessed around was about to be consumed, and the rocks and metals around began to be slowly eroded. The formation flags that Chen Feng had put in the surroundings were also revealed.

The formation arranged by Chen Feng can only last for one year, provided that a good set of formation flags is consumed.

If he could choose, Chen Feng would never practice here. If the surrounding environment was a little more peaceful, or Chen Feng's strength was a little stronger, he could practice without setting up an array, then this would be a good place to practice.

Seeing the surrounding array gradually eroded and weakened, Chen Feng finally took out the Manluo God Vine, and saw that the short vine immediately grew rapidly, just like a strange flower blooming. In the blink of an eye, the dense vines were all over the surroundings, forming a barrier to protect Chen Feng.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

A torrent of thunder and magnetic force rushed over, and then the dense vines began to shatter, but then more vines grew out, and Chen Feng took the opportunity to activate the Qingjing Pearl, and then a circle of green light emanated, passing through the vines to form a barrier to block the erosion of thunder and magnetic energy.

After refining the Manluo God Vine, Chen Feng and the Queen Mother expelled the restrictions in Bai Yu's body. At this time, Chen Feng was really relieved, so that the chance of the Savage Saint Ancestor finding him was even smaller.

However, Chen Feng could guess that the other party would not give up and would definitely wait outside if he could not find him. So Chen Feng thought that he should practice here for a while to improve his strength.

The time of practice passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, a hundred years had passed. Chen Feng entered the state of practice, feeling the rapid progress of his practice, and even unwilling to leave this place.

For the first ten years, Chen Feng had been practicing in the barrier with peace of mind. Later, he began to try to walk into the thunder magnetic energy, put away the longevity armor, and let these powerful and chaotic energies impact his body. He did not return to the barrier until he was shattered and could not hold on.

This situation lasted for a hundred years, and then Chen Feng's body became several times stronger, and the potential and some mysteries in the chaotic body were also more deeply developed. At this time, Chen Feng could walk around in the thunder magnetic energy for a long time without the longevity armor. Chen Feng did a test. With the current strength of his body, he could block the attack of medium-grade artifacts or even high-grade artifacts. If he wore the longevity armor, it would be difficult for the high-grade artifacts to hurt him. Of course, this mainly depends on who the opponent is.

It can be said that Chen Feng has been refining his body for the past hundred years, trying his best to develop the mysteries of the chaotic body. It can be said that Chen Feng has never practiced his body so seriously.

"Maybe it's been a long time since I felt this kind of pressure. Of course, the training environment here is very good." Chen Feng punched out, and the fist force exploded to form a torrent. The thunder magnetic force around him swept all around, and even a space fragment changed its direction.

Then Chen Feng took a step and entered the barrier. The body training came to an end. In the past hundred years, Chen Feng has made a rapid progress. Next, Chen Feng waved his hand and took out a dark blue long sword. The long sword was dark blue, deep and warm. It looked like it was made of blue crystal. It was the most beautiful long sword Chen Feng had seen so far.

It was the dark blue sword.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged, with the dark blue sword lying flat. Chen Feng's eyes seemed calm, but there were countless thoughts flashing rapidly in his heart.

Although the Blue Sword is only a semi-top-grade artifact and is one level lower than the Sword of Abyss, it is more suitable for Chen Feng to use. After all, Chen Feng cannot unleash the full power of the Sword of Abyss. With Chen Feng's current strength, mastering a semi-top-grade artifact will obviously enable him to fight better.

After a long time, a sneer appeared on Chen Feng's face, and then he put away the Youlan Sword with a wave of his hand.

"I'm not sure about my current power. Although it can be used, I can't take risks unless I have to. Maybe it will be about the same after I advance to the Divine Lord. But by then, the idea of ​​the Eternal Life Sword will satisfy me, which is a bit contradictory." Chen Feng shook his head.

Although he said this, Chen Feng still did not take out the Blue World. Instead, he waved his hand and took out a large piece of rock. It was the rock that wrapped the Sword of the Abyss. Chen Feng planned to refine all this rock and integrate it into the Immortal Armor. among.

This is a big project. You must know that it took a long time for Chen Feng to refine only a small part. At the same time, it improved the Immortal Armor to the point of abnormality.

However, Chen Feng also knows that he must have more means to face the next danger. If the defense of the Immortal Armor can be improved to a higher level, then Chen Feng will have more confidence to face the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness.

This time, Chen Feng started to refine the weapon alone. The Queen Mother and the Evil Tiger had also been practicing. This time, Chen Feng used the power of time to extend the time a hundred times. It took a full thousand years to refine this large piece of rock. Integrated into the immortal armor.

Of course, although Chen Feng integrated the rock into the Immortal Armor, it would still take a long time to continue to refine it and continuously refine the impurities inside to make the Immortal Armor more complete and perfect.

In fact, in Chen Feng's opinion, this weird rock is not perfect. It has no other characteristics except being hard. It can block most of the power, but it pales in comparison when it comes to real masters or penetrating magical powers.

"However, the hardness alone is enough for refining shields and armors. However, the time is still too short. It will take a long time to refine. Anyway, I have some confidence in defense. No. Do you know if you can block the attack of the Savage Saint Ancestor?" Chen Feng thought and quickly shook his head.

"It's hard!"

As his cultivation has improved over the years, Chen Feng has become more aware of how powerful the Savage Saint Ancestor is. Moreover, Chen Feng knows that in the previous encounters, the Savage Saint Ancestor did not use all his strength at all. At best, he only attacked casually. Take it seriously.

"When encountering the Savage Saint Ancestor, you still need to run for your life." Chen Feng thought for a moment. Although his strength has improved a bit over the years, it is still far behind compared with the Savage Saint Ancestor.

So Chen Feng put away the magic circle after practicing for decades, and then began to move deeper into the thunder field. In fact, Chen Feng had no sense of direction here, he just sensed the strength of the surrounding energy and moved forward.


A tyrannical will rushed towards Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Chen Feng had already experienced it. The Disk of Time shook this will to pieces, and then the whirlpool of souls appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, obliterating the energy transformed by the will. absorb.

"This thunder field is not simple. Since the will can be preserved until now, there should be some good things." After the training came to an end, Chen Feng had some thoughts, but after several months, Chen Feng still found nothing. During this period, he was also attacked several times by tyrannical wills. One of them was so powerful that it actually shook the disk of time, which made Chen Feng even more cautious.

A few months later, Chen Feng met a monk. Before the two parties met, they were on guard and prepared for a battle. If Chen Feng hadn't sensed that the other person was not the Holy Ancestor of the Wilderness, maybe Chen Feng would have already Turned and left.

"Are you new here?" A naked and strong monk appeared in front of Chen Feng and looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"Yes, my Excellency, Chen Feng, I have entered the Lei Ci Yuan Realm not long ago. What do you call my friend?" Although he was a little surprised to meet the monk Chen Feng here, he soon calmed down. He can enter this place, and others can too. , and he was also naked before practicing.

"I've seen fellow Taoist Zhang Ping. My fellow Taoist is quite capable and can come here to practice." The shirtless monk said as a pair of light blue armor appeared on his body. He looked even more sturdy, but this man He has a rough face and a hint of sincerity on his face, which makes it easy to give people a good impression.

"I was chased and came here. My fellow Taoist's body-building skills are really extraordinary." Chen Feng was a little surprised again, because the other party did not have a majestic title, just a simple name. This gave Chen Feng more A hint of goodwill.

"Haha, I have been practicing here since I entered the Lei Ci Yuan Realm. I don't know the situation in other places. I wonder who is chasing my fellow Taoist here?" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

"It's the Holy Ancestor of the Wilderness. I wonder if fellow Taoists have heard of it?" Chen Feng looked at Zhang Ping deliberately when he said this.

"Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness!"

Zhang Ping was a little surprised, and then looked Chen Feng up and down for a while, and then said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist is really not simple, he can actually escape from the hands of the Holy Ancestor of the Wilderness."

"How much do fellow Taoists know about the Holy Ancestor of the Wilderness?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"I don't know much, but I do know something. The Savage Saint Ancestor is not a simple figure. He is also an absolute master among the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals. And I heard that this person was once a high-level Taiyi Golden Immortal. Just because It was because of some changes that I fell down a bit," Zhang Ping said slowly.

"Advanced Taiyi Golden Immortal!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. No wonder the other party was so powerful. At the same time, Chen Feng was also glad that the other party had not recovered his full strength, otherwise he would not be able to escape even if he tried all his means.

"I just heard about it, I don't know if it's true, but you came at the right time. I have been practicing here for ten thousand years, and I have some understanding of the Thunder Domain. I found a special place some time ago, and I need to find someone to join forces. What do you think?" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

"Special place, what is the specific situation?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

"It should be the most mysterious core area of ​​this Thunder Domain. There may be some good things, but there will also be dangers. This is why I am willing to find someone to cooperate." Zhang Ping said simply.

"Okay!" Chen Feng nodded and agreed to Zhang Ping's invitation. In Chen Feng's opinion, the strength of this cultivator named Zhang Ping should not be inferior to Taichu Zhenjun. Although the opponent is very strong, Chen Feng is confident that he can deal with it. What's more, Chen Feng did not feel a sense of inappropriateness from the opponent. Chen Feng believed in his feelings and wanted to explore the core area of ​​this Thunder Domain. There was also a hint of the temptation of treasures.

"Frankly, let's go now." Zhang Ping clapped his hands.

"No problem." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That area is still some distance away, so I can tell you about the situation, so that you can make some preparations, and we also need to make a plan for cooperation." Zhang Ping continued as they moved forward.

"Please speak, fellow Daoist." This made Chen Feng more convinced that what the other party said was true.

"Since you have been here for some time, I think you have some understanding of this thunder area. In addition to the thunder magnetic force and the space force, the most dangerous thing is the strong will that appears from time to time." Zhang Ping paused here.

"Yes!" Chen Feng nodded. Although the thunder magnetic force and the space force are also dangerous, they are not as hard to defend as the strong will. He has a divine artifact like the Time Disk to suppress the sea of ​​consciousness, so he can block the impact of that will, and Zhang Ping must have his own means. In Chen Feng's view, Zhang Ping is only a primary Taiyi Jinxian, and he can't resist it with his own will alone.

"In addition to resisting the impact of will, the place I found also needs to break some restrictions. This is the real reason why I am looking for someone to cooperate. Will is not to mention, the restrictions there are a bit strange. Whether the two of us can break it at that time is still a question." Zhang Ping said.

"Please tell me in detail." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Of course."

Then the two of them communicated while moving forward. Chen Feng gradually learned some things from Zhang Ping. Although Zhang Ping spent most of his time practicing here, he knew more about the Thunder Magnetic Realm than he knew. According to Zhang Ping, this world was left by the Thunder Magnetic Saint, and the Thunder Magnetic Saint was a high-level Taiyi Jinxian, but no one knew whether the Thunder Magnetic Saint was dead or alive. Zhang Ping also said that they were not the first wave to enter this city, and no one knew where the cultivators who came in before went.

"It seems that we need to be careful." Chen Feng said lightly.

"This city is very dangerous. We really need to be careful. I heard that most of the cultivators who came here with us have been killed or injured. Haha, I am better off living here. I can practice. Although it is a little dangerous, I will get used to it after a long time." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

"If you are not strong enough, I am afraid you can't stay here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's true."

"Okay, we are here."

A few days later, the two stopped. What surprised Chen Feng was that a cave appeared in front of him. This cave was hidden in the power of thunder. It seemed a little illusory with the fluctuation of chaotic energy, and there was no breath emanating. If you don't get close, you won't know that there is a cave here.

"I came here unintentionally and found it. I have tried many times over the years, but I can't enter it." Seeing the cave, Zhang Ping's eyes flashed with excitement.


At this time, Chen Feng suddenly felt a sense of crisis. This crisis was so familiar that Chen Feng immediately knew it was a will shock.

"Be careful." Zhang Ping said, and a layer of purple barrier appeared around him, and the whole person made a roaring sound.

Different from the previous attack, this time the will actually condensed into an energy knife and slashed at Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"So strong!"

Chen Feng immediately knew that this will impact was several times stronger than before.


The Time Disc emitted a golden energy to cover the energy knife. At the same time, nine energy knives emerged in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, slashing at the invading energy knife one by one.

After the nine knives disappeared, the energy knife also showed dense cracks, and then broke under the illumination of the power of time, gradually turning into shattered and nothingness, without even a little energy left, which made Chen Feng a little regretful.

After dealing with the will attack, Chen Feng noticed that Zhang Ping had also returned to normal, and was secretly surprised in his heart, guessing that Zhang Ping did have a powerful trump card.

Chen Feng was surprised, and Zhang Ping was also a little surprised. In order to resist the impact of this will, Zhang Ping also exerted all his strength. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng actually handled it so calmly, and his evaluation of Chen Feng in his heart rose to a new level.

"The frequency of the will sweep here is a bit high, and it will appear again after an incense stick. Compared with the restrictions of this cave, the will attacks that appear from time to time are more troublesome, unless we can break the restrictions here within the time of an incense stick." Zhang Ping said helplessly. If the frequency of the will sweep here is not too high, Zhang Ping can spend hundreds of years to break the restrictions here, but now he has to find someone to join forces.

Chen Feng released his divine consciousness to observe the cave in front of him, but found that he could not even pierce the restrictions outside the cave. Just when Chen Feng wanted to observe carefully, the strong will swept over again, still turning into an energy knife and slashing at Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

With the experience of the last time, Chen Feng quickly resolved this offensive, but what surprised Chen Feng was that he caught a trace of will this time, and then was sealed by Chen Feng. Now is not the time to refine and absorb.

"See, there is no time to study the restrictions here." Zhang Ping shook his head helplessly.

"Since we can all be attacked by will, it's useless even if more people come." Chen Feng said immediately.

"This is different. I have a secret technique that can take all the will attacks by one person, but the will attacks will be stronger." Zhang Ping said.

"There is such a secret technique." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Of course, what do you think about it?" Zhang Ping nodded. He asked this question to confirm whether Chen Feng could withstand the enhanced will attack.

"No problem." Chen Feng agreed very straightforwardly.

"I will teach you this secret technique." Then Zhang Ping handed it to Chen Feng. At first, Chen Feng was a little surprised, but after understanding the principle of this secret technique, he knew that it was just a very simple puppet replacement technique, which was just transferred to the soul.

"I will go first, and you will break the ban." Zhang Ping said after Chen Feng mastered this secret technique.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded, knowing that Zhang Ping did this to reassure himself.


The strong will swept over again, and Zhang Ping quickly formed a strange hand seal. Sure enough, Chen Feng no longer felt the impact of the will, but Zhang Ping's face changed, and it was obvious that he was resisting the impact of the will.

Time was running out, and Chen Feng immediately stepped forward to release his divine consciousness and began to sweep the restrictions in front of him again and again. At the same time, the Queen Mother and Bai Yu also secretly took action to find loopholes in the restrictions.

Pah pah pah! Pah pah pah!

Chen Feng's divine consciousness had condensed into substance, colliding with the restrictions, and constantly making violent explosions. After a while, Chen Feng calmed down. The restrictions in front were very strong and complicated. In Chen Feng's opinion, an ordinary intermediate Taiyi Jinxian could not arrange them. Coupled with the strong will, Chen Feng was more certain that Lei Ci Shengjun should be a high-level Taiyi Jinxian, and might be stronger.

Next, Chen Feng continued to urge his divine consciousness to investigate. The restrictions in front of him kept shaking and did not attack Chen Feng, but the divine consciousness released by Chen Feng was constantly consuming.


Chen Feng summoned the Longevity Spear, which had been upgraded to a top-grade divine weapon, and turned into a giant war spear, piercing through the restriction in front of him.

Since the weak spot is not easy to find, then use violence to break it.


Chen Feng's attack caused an uproar, and it seemed that the entire thunder domain was shaking. The restriction in front of him fluctuated violently, and the attack energy from the Longevity Spear was consumed. What made Chen Feng relieved was that such a fierce attack did not cause a rebound, but it also did not break the restriction in front of him.

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