Eternal Existence

Chapter 1717 The Second Divine Nail

After waiting for a while and not seeing True Lord Taichu come out, the Queen Mother thought about it and rushed into the aura.

"I didn't expect that this time it would be much easier than imagined." Chen Feng activated the space-time array to fly away quickly. In the world opened up by the longevity point in Chen Feng's body, there was a fist-sized stone with a stone on it. The gray light was flowing, it was one of the Chaos Stones that Chen Feng had obtained before, and the Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail was in this Chaos Stone.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to put this divine nail into the Chaos Bead, but after thinking about it, he gave up because there was also a Chaos Green Lotus in the Chaos Bead. Chen Feng was afraid that something might happen to this divine nail and destroy the Chaos Green Lotus. , then the gains outweigh the losses.

The Chaos Stone is different. It is the cornerstone of the universe. It contains the most ancient power of chaos. It can be used to refine chaos magic weapons. It can open up a world or even a universe by itself. It is the best for storing things. More importantly, it can be used to store things. What's more, the situation was urgent before, and Chen Feng didn't have a good way to collect the divine nails. If no one else was involved, Chen Feng could use all the best artifacts to suppress the opponent and collect them slowly, but now there are so many monks chasing after him. Look, there will be a fight at any time next, and Chen Feng still needs strength to fight.

The space-time array took Chen Feng to fly away quickly, and Chen Feng himself was quickly recovering his cultivation. Although there were many monks chasing after him, there were no intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals, and most of these people were not as good as Lei. Among the monks in the Magnet Realm, if Chen Feng was in his heyday, he would have wanted to stay and fight with each other.

"Hey! These guys really don't know how to live or die. Are their spiritual consciousness blinded by greed?" Chen Feng secretly sneered. On this planet, he has a flying magic weapon like the time and space disk. It is impossible for the other party to catch up with him. Unless you stop on your own initiative.

During the flight, Chen Feng also paid attention to the changes in the surrounding world. Although the power of restraint still existed, Chen Feng could feel the changes. Chen Feng knew that this was all due to the leakage of the power of the water flag of the Divine Nail Command. Because of this, while Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised that his previous guess was correct, he began to worry again. The water flag is not an ordinary magic weapon. This is a chaos magic weapon. It is not comparable to other top-level artifacts. I don’t know how many people this birth will attract. Master, can you still grab the water flag by then?

Chen Feng was determined to get the treasure Water Flag from the first time he knew about it, but now he was unsure about it again.

"Hmph! My strength has greatly increased now. I need partners and magic weapons. Why can't I succeed?" Chen Feng smiled coldly.


When Chen Feng had recovered most of his strength, someone unexpectedly rushed over from the front. Chen Feng's eyes narrowed and he saw a thick knife net covering him. There were several poisonous needle-type magic weapons hidden in the knife net. .

"court death!"

The sword of the abyss in Chen Feng's hand immediately swung out. The sword energy surged, the sword intent surged, and the sword light swept across. All attacks in front were drowned and then turned into nothing, followed by two screams.

Under the attack of the best artifact, one of the two people who blocked Chen Feng was killed and the other was injured. The injured person only escaped with his soul.

After such a delay, the monks behind him chased after them. Chen Feng stood coldly with a long sword in his hand. Originally, Chen Feng was planning to stop and fight, but now it was just right. After killing two people, his fighting spirit was also mobilized. What followed was the slightest good time.

"Hand over your stuff."

"Where to run."

"Hurry up and hand over the artifact. This is not something you can possess."

Seeing Chen Feng stop, these pursuers immediately came to kill them. Seeing the crazy look of these people, Chen Feng couldn't help but cursed an idiot. Since he knew that he had the best artifact, could he be so easy to deal with? Could it be that he really thought that You can grab something if you swarm around.

"court death!"

Chen Feng sneered. A black line suddenly appeared in the distance. The black line expanded rapidly and turned into a black wave. Then it turned into a frenzy, and an overwhelming momentum rushed over.

"It's the army of divine insects."

"Hmph! No matter how many there are, it's useless to us. Do you really think that these little divine insects can stop us?"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of energy cannons roared and bombarded these monks. Although they were blocked by these monks, the scene became a bit chaotic.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't expect these armies of divine insects to deal with them. What Chen Feng needed was just to make the scene chaotic.


Chen Feng quickly disappeared from the spot.



As soon as a monk sensed the danger and had no time to dodge, he was punched out by Chen Feng, and then a purple immortal light swept towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng did not dodge, and allowed the opponent's immortal light to sweep across his body, but it emitted clouds of purple sparks.


A blue-black sword energy swept over and cut the monk in the middle, causing the man to scream in surprise.

A large seal like a mountain fell towards Chen Feng. It was a high-grade artifact. The other party did not think that it would kill Chen Feng with this blow, but only thought that it could entangle Chen Feng.

But the divine wings behind Chen Feng vibrated, and he easily broke through the opponent's restraints. The next moment, Chen Feng was in front of another monk.

"The opponent's armor is of a high grade and can block the attack of Taiyi's light."

"The opponent is very fast and uses the secret technique of sealing."

"Execute soul attack."

boom! boom! boom!

These people are not vegetarians either. They are all Taiyi Jinxian. Each of them has practiced for hundreds of millions of years and has more combat experience than Chen Feng. Although Chen Feng took advantage of them, these cultivators quickly adjusted themselves and immediately used a fighting method suitable for the current situation.

The Time Disk appeared above Chen Feng's head, emitting a heavy force of time that condensed into a screen to protect Chen Feng and block most of the attacks.

"Don't you want to snatch the best artifact? Then use all your skills." Chen Feng sneered, and the Abyss Sword in his hand suddenly disappeared. Then a cultivator who participated in the siege of Chen Feng screamed, and the whole person was wrapped in blue-black sword energy. In the blink of an eye, he turned into fragments, and even the soul mark did not escape.

"The best artifact, the Abyss Sword, is mine." One of the cultivators laughed and stepped forward to grab the Abyss Sword.

"Hahahaha, it's mine."

This person laughed excitedly, but he was not stupid. He knew that he couldn't stay here, so he grabbed the Abyss Sword and wanted to escape from here.

"And the Time Plate!"

Seeing someone snatch the Abyss Sword, the others' eyes became even redder, and they immediately split into two groups, one to snatch the Abyss Sword and the other to snatch the Time Plate.


Chen Feng snorted coldly, not worried at all about the Abyss Sword being snatched away. At the same time, his brows cracked, revealing his third eye, and his dark eyes radiated out. The cultivator who rushed to the front immediately felt his whole body tense up, and was actually bound, and he couldn't struggle left and right, so he became terrified.


First he was bound, and then countless cracks appeared on the cultivator's body, and finally he exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist. A group of true spirits wanted to escape from the blood mist, but were also submerged by a stream of void chaos.


Chen Feng's eyes continued to sweep across, and the remaining cultivators also paused. The strong binding force kept squeezing over, and their cultivation was constantly suppressed.

"Not good, the other party refined the pupil of the void beast." Someone recognized it and began to scream in fear.


Chen Feng stepped forward and punched. This punch broke the sky and earth, shattered the stars, disturbed the galaxy, and destroyed everything. With just one punch, these Taiyi Jinxians all turned into blood mist.

This was a punch that Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, but then the aura on his body began to become erratic and disordered. With this delay, several true spirit marks quickly escaped from the blood mist. When Chen Feng wanted to chase and kill, the opponent had disappeared.

"It's good that the opponent can't recover in a short time, which can be regarded as removing some threats. Besides, I can kill the opponent this time, and I can do it next time." Chen Feng sneered, and the crack between his eyebrows closed. With Chen Feng's current strength, he can only play to this extent.

On the other side, the cultivator who snatched the Abyss Sword also encountered trouble. He just escaped a distance and was pierced by a vine that suddenly appeared. Then densely packed rising extended from the void and wrapped this person tightly.

After Chen Feng dealt with the opponent here, he saw that the man was only half dead after being absorbed by the Manluo God Vine, but he still held the Abyss Sword and did not let go. There were three other people attacking the Manluo God Vine.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the captured Abyss Sword immediately burst into light, and the monk who was only half dead was completely killed with a scream.


The Abyss Sword turned into a stream of light and fell into Chen Feng's hand, and Chen Feng swept his eyes and locked the last three people.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Countless silk threads flew out of Chen Feng's eyes, constantly changing their positions, blocking the surrounding space, and the three monks immediately felt the crisis.


Chen Feng was too fierce, and the three people had no confidence to snatch things, knowing that if they didn't leave, they would lose their lives.

Seeing these people trying to escape, the chaotic silk threads quickly closed up and condensed into a spear. The spear flashed and pierced through the body of a cultivator, and then the Manluo God Vine came forward and devoured the opponent completely, but the other two still took the opportunity to escape.

"Humph, you are lucky."

Chen Feng was not too excited after killing several cultivators in a row. On the one hand, he became stronger, and on the other hand, his opponent was too weak. If these people had the fighting power of Taichu Zhenjun, even if it was Huoyan Zhenjun, Chen Feng would not stop fighting and would have found a place to practice.

"Meet fellow Taoist." Huoyan Zhenjun turned into a ray of fire and came to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at the other party and nodded. In fact, Chen Feng knew that Huoyan Zhenjun also had the intention of taking advantage of the situation, but the situation was beyond the other party's estimation, so he did not take action.

After feeling Chen Feng's gaze, Huoyan Zhenjun felt a little uncomfortable, then nodded and left quickly. He walked a long way before he found that he was sweating coldly.

True Lord Flame had a real feeling that as long as Chen Feng took action, he would definitely die.

"This guy is too terrifying. You must never go against him in the future. It seems that I have to advise True Lord Taichu." True Lord Flame thought with lingering fear.

Chen Feng did not attack True Lord Flame, but rushed forward quickly to the place where the divine nails were collected. When Chen Feng arrived, the vast aura had disappeared, and a huge crack appeared on the ground. From a distance, it was at least more than 100 million miles. Although this scale of cracks looked terrifying, it was nothing for a planet of trillions of miles. What Chen Feng was worried about was the thing inside, that is, the Chaos Magic Weapon.

Chen Feng secretly sensed that he had lost the breath of the water banner unexpectedly. Chen Feng reached out and grabbed everything. A large amount of binding force gathered in Chen Feng's hands. After a certain degree, a phantom of a water banner condensed in Chen Feng's palm.

"This is just one divine nail removed. There are still eight others. It is difficult to see the water banner before collecting the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail." Chen Feng shook his head and made this speculation.

"Young Master!"

At this time, the Queen Mother rushed out from the depths of the earth.

"How is it?" Chen Feng still asked with a glimmer of hope.

"No harvest, the breath suddenly disappeared completely. If you want to find the water banner, you have to look for other divine nails." The Queen Mother said.

"Just as I thought, I have passed down the order. Now 90% of the divine insects are looking for it. What I am most worried about now is that someone will come next." Chen Feng said.

"There will definitely be someone coming. The birth of the Chaos Spirit Treasure is a big deal. I am afraid that some insurmountable masters will appear." The Queen Mother said.

"No matter how much, even if a high-level Taiyi Jinxian comes, we can't give up." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.


At this time, Taichu Zhenjun also rushed out, looking at Chen Feng with a complicated look.

"Do you want to make a move, fellow Daoist?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I am not your opponent." Taichu Zhenjun looked at Chen Feng and turned away.

"This guy must know about the Nine Extreme Heaven Locking Divine Nail." Chen Feng was a little worried. Each divine nail was the top existence among the top-grade divine artifacts. The nine divine nails connected as a set could even suppress the Chaos Spirit Treasure. Chen Feng certainly wanted to collect all the nine divine nails, but with the existence of a figure like Taichu Zhenjun, Chen Feng knew that this idea might be difficult to achieve. This time he could get one divine nail, but what about the second and third times, unless he killed all the cultivators on this planet.

"Mother Queen, do your best to create sub-worms." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Sir, the number of sub-worms has reached 10 billion. With my current strength, I can create more, but there will definitely be loopholes in the control." The mother queen said with some embarrassment.

"Forget it, it's a pity that I didn't bring the Devourer clone this time." Chen Feng shook his head and said with some regret.

"Hundreds of billions of fighters can completely sweep across a star field in other places, but I didn't expect that they would be restricted on this planet." The Queen Mother was also a little depressed. As an invader, the Zerg can plunder in most environments, but there are also some special places that make it difficult for the Zerg to display.

Although the planet in front of us can also be plundered, the speed is too slow, more than ten thousand times slower than other places in the universe.

"In order to obtain the water flag, some necessary means are necessary. Next, I will hunt down some monks who come here. It's bad luck for you." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly bloomed with a trace of murderous intent.

Time flies, and another ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. What makes Chen Feng feel relieved is that no foreign monks have entered this place during this period. However, although the 10 billion divine insects have spread out, they have also found some ancient caves and gained a lot of things, but they have not found the second divine nail.

On this day, Chen Feng was urging the array to fly quickly. Someone saw Chen Feng from afar and immediately dodged. After a fight ten years ago, all the cultivators on this planet knew how powerful Chen Feng was. No one dared to come and cause trouble. Although the treasure was good, life was more important.

"According to the array arrangement of the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail, the next god nail should be here." Chen Feng said while thinking.

Chen Feng has not been without gains in these years. In the past ten years, Chen Feng has not stopped refining the god nail. In order to quickly refine the god nail and find the water flag, Chen Feng even stopped practicing in other aspects. As a result, Chen Feng got some information about the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail and the Water Flag from the god nail, but Chen Feng still didn't understand why the water flag was here. Of course, these are secondary. The most important thing is to get these treasures.

Chen Feng got the arrangement of the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail from the god nail, and then he could get the location of other god nails through speculation. This is also where Chen Feng has an advantage over others.

But after a while, Chen Feng left disappointed again. Although he knew this method, it was difficult to succeed at once. However, it gave Chen Feng the right direction.

After several days, Chen Feng changed several locations. Finally, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he began to summon the Queen Mother.

Soon the Queen Mother and the Goshawk arrived quickly.

"Sir, I found it." The Queen Mother asked with some surprise.

Chen Feng nodded, and then began to set up the formation around. The Queen Mother and the Goshawk also helped quickly. Then the Evil Tiger and Bai Yu followed here. Haotian and Hongluo were the last to arrive. In Chen Feng's view, since he had protected the other party, these two people had to pay some reports. In addition to the growth of strength, Haotian and Hongluo had also changed in character after following Chen Feng for these years.

Because there were enough people, soon there were large formations set up around, and the army of divine insects dug a deep passage on the ground under the command of Chen Feng.


As soon as Chen Feng had a thought, the shadow of the divine nail appeared above his head. Then the earth shook, and Chen Feng clearly felt the appearance of a second divine nail deep underground. The two divine nails were exactly the same, and their auras blended together. The divine nail that was refined by Chen Feng immediately became unstable, and struggled violently, trying to leave Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had anticipated this situation long ago, and he easily suppressed the divine nail again, and then he began to move underground. As for the Queen Mother and others, they did not follow him. The role of these people was to block others and prevent others from making trouble.

As for collecting the divine nail, Chen Feng could do it alone, not to mention that Chen Feng had previous experience.

"Sure enough, very good."

Chen Feng entered the independent space and looked at the divine nail in front of him and couldn't help laughing. Then, without delay, he took out the Sword of the Abyss and slashed it towards the space in front of him.


Soon, a strong breath conflicted out. Even with the obstruction of the formation, the power of the artifact still emanated, which immediately alarmed the monks active on this planet. Moreover, because Chen Feng summoned the Queen Mother and others, it also attracted the attention of others. Feeling the breath emanating from the divine nail, everyone understood what was going on.

"It's the breath of the divine nail."

"The second divine nail has appeared."

"It's the Nine Extremes Heaven Locking Divine Nail. This means that there must be something against the will of heaven sealed here. To seal and suppress it with a divine nail of this level, it must be a Daluo Jinxian or a magic weapon of the Chaos level."

"Let's go and see. Chen Feng has already obtained a divine nail. This divine nail should be ours."

"Hmph, is Chen Feng so easy to deal with? Don't forget what happened before. Even if we join forces, I'm afraid we can't deal with him."

"That's because the real masters didn't make a move. I know that there are several people who are not inferior to Chen Feng in strength."

Because the treasures on this planet were collected and the ruins were destroyed, the suppression and restraint also changed. So these people came quickly and were blocked by the formation.

"Everyone, leave here quickly, otherwise you will go against me." Cang Ying said loudly.

"Hmph! Chen Feng, you are too arrogant. You don't take us seriously at all. Do you really think you can take all the benefits alone?" A monk wearing blue armor and holding a lightning spear shouted loudly.

"I've made it very clear. If you don't want to die, just go ahead and do it." Cang Ying said lightly.

At this time, Chen Feng had broken through the space and blasted open the restrictions around the God Nail. He was fighting against the God Nail. Although it was a critical moment, it wouldn't take long to take the God Nail away. It would be no problem for the Queen Mother and others to block these people for a while with the formation.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Taichu Zhenjun also arrived. There were two people beside Taichu Zhenjun. One was naturally Huoyan Zhenjun, and the other was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face. Feeling the breath from the God Nail, this man's eyes bloomed with a trace of greed.

"It's true. One step slow, one step slow. If I get the first God Nail, I can quickly find the remaining God Nails and then collect the treasures suppressed by the God Nail. This is opportunity and luck. I'm still a little short. This step may make a world of difference in the future." Taichu Zhenjun said with some emotion.

"There are nine Nine Extreme Sky Locking Divine Nails in total, and only two have been born. There will be great opportunities in the future." Flame Master said on the side.

"That's not the case. I have a feeling that this opportunity has nothing to do with me. But even though I think so, I still have to fight for it. If I don't fight, there will be no chance at all." Taichu Master said.

"Daoyou, what you said makes sense. Opportunities are fought for. I want to see if this kid is as powerful as you say." The gloomy middle-aged man sneered.

"Let's go." Taichu Master suddenly said, and turned around to leave.


Flame Master was a little surprised, but still followed.


Seeing Taichu Master and the other person leave, the gloomy man snorted coldly, and then his eyes kept flickering, obviously thinking about something.

"Why do you want to leave? You just said you wanted to fight for it."

After a distance, Flame Master asked in surprise, not understanding Taichu Master's actions.

"There is no point in fighting now. Instead of staying here, we might as well go find other divine nails. As for the fact that Lord Wuchang wants to die, let him do it." Lord Huoyan said.

"Hehe, although Lord Wuchang is powerful, he is doomed to die against Chen Feng. However, since Chen Feng can get two divine nails, he has the upper hand. It may be difficult for us to find other divine nails. Even if we can find them, they will probably be snatched away by the other party." Lord Huoyan shook his head and said.

"Let's talk about it later." Lord Taichu said lightly.

"Everyone, let's do it together. This kid has a lot of good things on him. There are several top-grade divine artifacts alone. Let's kill him together and rob him." The monk holding the lightning spear shouted loudly and rushed forward first.

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