Eternal Existence

Chapter 1731: Flame and Cold

The five-color flower is a spiritual flower that grows from the power of the five elements. It can be regarded as an ordinary spiritual grass. However, the five-color flower that Chen Feng obtained grew from the original energy of the five elements in the place where chaos originated. That is different. , the flower has five petals and five colors, which represent the five original powers respectively. If a monk with a five-element spiritual root physique gets these five-color flowers, then he can improve his spiritual root by one quality, and his strength will increase by leaps and bounds. That is just the most basic. .

Compared with five-color flowers, Babel grass is more precious. This kind of spiritual grass can directly improve the realm of a monk. Of course, the specific level to which it can be improved depends on the talent and understanding of the monk.

Hunyuan Root can change and improve a monk's physique. Even a monk with an ordinary system can give his body a trace of Hunyuan aura by taking Hunyuan Root. Although it is far from comparable to Chen Feng's Chaos Body, it is still very counterproductive. Damn it, some ordinary physiques are simply incomparable.

In addition to these spiritual plants, other spiritual plants are also good. These spiritual plants are good for Taiyi Golden Immortal. With Taiyi Golden Immortal’s means and strength, it will take some effort to find such spiritual objects. Kung Fu, let alone grown in the place where chaos originated, but Chen Feng was only a little surprised at first, then calmed down, and then collected these spiritual grasses and flowers, either planted them or used them to make elixirs. .

Seeing a small pile of Origin Crystals in front of him, Chen Feng also shook his head and laughed. When he first entered the Lei Ci Yuan Realm, Chen Feng had obtained some Wood Essences. Both the quality and the origin power contained in them were not as good as what he got this time. Source Crystal, but Chen Feng was still very excited at that time, and even attracted some monks to snatch it, and the small pile of Source Crystal in front of him contained hundreds of pieces, which was enough for Chen Feng to use for a long time.

In addition to the source crystals, there are also some strange crystals, ores and several strange things. After Chen Feng's research, it was determined that these are rare innate spiritual objects.

Although Chen Feng has a chaotic physique, practices the art of swallowing the sky, and has opened up many worlds in his body, which requires too much energy in the process of cultivation, the harvest in this place of origin over the years is enough for Chen Feng for a while There is no need to worry about resources. The half source crystal spirit vein harvested in the ice world alone is enough to meet all Chen Feng's needs.

Everything was put away, and only two dark source crystals floated in front of Chen Feng. These were dark source crystals, which contained the purest and ancient dark power.

A trace of black energy flew out from the source crystal and penetrated into the center of Chen Feng's eyebrows. Chen Feng began to practice the Dark Scripture and comprehend the way of darkness. At the same time, the light of the dark night that he had collected before also flew out and surrounded Chen Feng. of flowing.

"It seems that Chen Feng can't be found." Taichu Zhenjun shook his head and said with some regret.

At this time, True Lord Taichu and True Lord Flame were driving a rough chariot flying around the meteorite zone at an extremely fast speed. This spaceship seemed to be made from a kind of sacred wood. , although it is only a mid-grade artifact, but it looks like the two of them have been using this chariot for a long time.

"There are so many people chasing him. He must have found a place to hide. But he is still alive and well when being chased by so many intermediate masters. I admire this guy very much." Lord Flame said, waving the war spear in his hand. A rock in the distance exploded directly and turned into pieces. Dozens of iron essences of different sizes fell into the hands of True Lord Flame. Then Lord Flame sent out a burst of flame and quickly refined these iron essences, driving them away. Except for the impurities in it.

"I have collected so many chaotic spiritual objects before, but I still like these ordinary iron spirits." True Lord Taichu looked at True Lord Flame with some speechlessness.

Lord Flame was a little embarrassed: "I'm used to it."

"Actually, it's good to cooperate with Chen Feng. Although you may encounter dangers sometimes, you also gain a lot. If he hadn't found your location this time, I wouldn't have been able to find you, let alone collect so many chaos objects. ." Taichu Zhenjun said.


A powerful aura came quickly, covering the two men and the chariot. Taichu Zhenjun reacted very quickly and immediately took out his long sword and got ready for the battle.

"Where's that kid?" the black-armored monk said murderously.

"We are also looking for it." Taichu Zhenjun frowned and looked at the other party in surprise, but did not feel the murderous intention from the black-armored monk.

"Hmph, good luck to you."

The black-armored monk snorted and left quickly.


The Flame Lord secretly breathed a sigh of relief. For the Flame Lord, the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal was still too powerful. Even the Taichu Lord also secretly relaxed. Although the Taichu Lord also had some means, he was not sure that he could block the black armor. Monk.

"Let's go, find a safe place to practice." Taichu Zhenjun said. After entering this area for a while, he has gained enough, and it's time to practice and transform it into his own strength.

However, before the two of them had gone far, the Savage Saint Ancestor caught up with them again, and also asked about Chen Feng's situation. Although he did not take action, he still shocked the two of them.

After the Savage Saint Ancestor left, a group of star beasts appeared next, and a big battle ensued. The two of them suffered serious injuries, but in the end they got rid of the star beasts and found a safe place to practice.

I don’t know if Chen Feng had better luck. In the next period of time, the Savage Saint Ancestor and the black-armored monks passed by the meteorite where Chen Feng was. Especially the Savage Saint Ancestor paused for a while not far from the meteorite. Time, but the two of them didn't notice anything, so they turned around and left. Chen Feng, who had entered a complete cultivation state, didn't even know what was going on outside.

In addition to these two people, some star beasts continue to appear. Of course, this is the territory of star beasts. Powerful star beasts will attack all cultivators who enter this place. However, there are too many meteorites here. Some are larger than planets, and some are directly lifeless planets. Unless these cultivators smash all the meteorites, it will be difficult to find Chen Feng.

This time, Chen Feng practiced for a long time. Before, Chen Feng broke through the realm under pressure. It was the time to condense and accumulate strength. In addition, Chen Feng got so many treasures, so it took more time.

Chen Feng was practicing the Dark Sutra at first. While absorbing several pieces of Dark Source Crystal, he also triggered the Heart of Darkness, so Chen Feng completely entered the comprehension of the Dark Avenue.

This practice lasted for hundreds of years. After Chen Feng came out of the Dark Avenue, he swallowed a lotus seed of the Chaos Green Lotus.

If it was before, Chen Feng would definitely not be willing to give it up, but now Chen Feng has several complete Chaos Green Lotuses on his body, and there are some scattered lotus seeds. In addition, Chen Feng needs the nourishment of the ancient chaos power because of the improvement of his realm.

With just one lotus seed, Chen Feng felt as if there was an extra spring of Chaos Spirit in his body. The rolling energy kept gushing out, and then flowed through all parts of his body, constantly nourishing Chen Feng's body and strengthening all parts of his body. This energy was even more ancient and pure than the energy emitted by the Heart of Chaos, and its quality exceeded that of the Heart of Chaos.

Even Chen Feng did not expect that just one lotus seed could have such a powerful energy, so he took out another lotus seed with a thought in his mind. In this way, Chen Feng had two more springs of spirit in his body, and a constant stream of energy gushed out from it, making Chen Feng's cultivation level constantly climb, stable and tenacious, without an unstable foundation.

"This lotus seed surpasses all the immortal pills. If an ordinary person takes it, wouldn't he ascend directly?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

After a while, the two lotus seeds were completely absorbed by Chen Feng. Feeling the changes in his body, Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction. The two lotus seeds increased Chen Feng's cultivation by hundreds of thousands of years, and they were still very pure. There was no need to worry about unstable foundation and impurities. After all, lotus seeds were the essence of the Chaos Green Lotus. Chen Feng felt that it was too little to increase his cultivation by hundreds of thousands of years. However, Chen Feng also knew that Chaos Lotus Seeds were a treasure that few people took directly. If it was refined into pills with other spiritual herbs, the effect would definitely be better.

"There are still some scattered lotus seeds on my body, which can improve the strength of the Queen Mother and others." Chen Feng thought to himself. After all, the path of cultivation still needs to be taken step by step. Even the most extraordinary genius cannot ascend to heaven in one step. It also takes time to hone his skills. Although the Queen Mother and Bai Yu are much stronger than ordinary cultivators, they have only been promoted to Taiyi Jinxian for a short time. It is impossible to quickly improve their cultivation in a short period of time. If Chen Feng wants to continue to venture into this chaotic space, he still needs the great help of the Queen Mother and others. He can still deal with ordinary Taiyi Jinxian, but he has encountered intermediate masters one after another recently, which makes Chen Feng feel great pressure. Besides, he has the desperate skills to escape in dangerous moments, but the Queen Mother and Bai Yu are not necessarily. Bai Yu is a rare divine beast, not to mention the Queen Mother. She is more useful to Chen Feng. If she really dies, it will be a huge blow to Chen Feng.

"This time, the harvest from the Meteorite Chaos Land exceeded all my previous harvests. At the beginning, I really thought it was simple. I didn't expect that there was actually a Chaos Origin Land hidden here. This is just a dazzling area. I don't know what else there is in other special areas. I don't know if it's right for me to develop my power here." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind. You know, at the beginning, Chen Feng just wanted to help Xufeng God and occupy a piece of land so that Xufeng God would have a place to stay. Later, as the territory expanded, Chen Feng also had his own plans, thinking about opening up a foundation here, which might be useful in the future. However, as Chen Feng continued to go deeper into the meteorite area and saw too many Taiyi Jinxian, Chen Feng's view gradually changed.

"Xufeng God is still too weak. Maybe he can be more stable after Haotian and Hongluo join. These two people are not suitable for adventure. It's also good to practice here with peace of mind. I just don't know what they think." Chen Feng thought so.

Although Haotian and Hongluo were protected by Chen Feng and had decided to follow Chen Feng, they were cultivators who had comprehended the Taiyi Avenue after all. Chen Feng was not absolutely sure if he wanted to drive cultivators of this level.

"Let's talk about this later."

The thought extinguished, Chen Feng took out a beam of fire divine light and began to refine it. There will be a fight next, and Chen Feng needs to quickly improve his strength, especially the means of attack.

At the edge of the dazzling zone, the Queen Mother, Goshawk and others came out one after another. Although the breath has been restrained, if Chen Feng came here, he would definitely see that the strength of the Queen Mother and others has undergone earth-shaking changes, and even his clones that are difficult to improve have become different from before.

"This area is really a treasure land. Even I am surprised at the harvest this time. I wonder how the original body harvested." Goshawk said.

"Young Master is lucky, and the harvest is naturally needless to say, but are we leaving now?" The Queen Mother said.

"No need to wait, I have a feeling that the original body seems to be hiding in a place to practice, and it must take a long time. Now let's go to find the Devourer first, and then go back to Tianhu Island. There are too many masters here. I don't know if Xufeng Shenjun can handle it. By the way, what do you two say." Goshawk looked at Haotian and Hongluo. Goshawk is Chen Feng's clone, or it can be said that he is Chen Feng himself.

"Of course I will follow you, sir." Hao said, and Hongluo nodded again and again. It seemed that the two of them were willing to follow Chen Feng. On the one hand, they were protected by Chen Feng, and on the other hand, they had gained a lot from following Chen Feng over the years. As long as With time, it is normal for one's cultivation to advance further. In fact, Haotian and the two have also figured out that although the Taiyi Golden Immortal can roam all over the universe and build caves and paradises to live forever, it is a bit difficult to reach higher levels. They might be in danger of their lives. The previous situation in the Lei Ci Yuan Realm showed this, so the two of them decided to follow Chen Feng as their backer.

"In that case, let's go. I hope Devourer can surprise me." Goshawk smiled and nodded.

If someone hadn't influenced Chen Feng, Chen Feng would definitely continue to practice. First, the restriction arranged by Chen Feng was shattered, and then a force emerged from Chen Feng's body to form a barrier. Only then did Chen Feng Wake up from the state of cultivation.

It felt like a powerful force of destruction had hit, wrapping around everything except the meteorite where Chen Feng was, which had long since turned into nothingness.

"what's the situation!"

Chen Feng was shocked, and then the protective barrier was shattered into pieces, and the power of destruction completely overwhelmed Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng rushed out quickly. Although these destructive forces were powerful, they could not break through the defense of the Immortal Armor. The divine wings spread out behind his back and flapped slightly, and the destructive forces around him disappeared.

This is the power of annihilation exerted by Chen Feng.

With his eyes sweeping across, Chen Feng soon knew what was happening. The two black shadows in the destructive energy were constantly colliding. Each collision would generate huge energy, sweeping over and turning everything into nothingness.

"It's so strong. It's an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. Fortunately, it's here. If it were any other place, even a star field would be reduced to ashes. It's just that these two people are strangers. I have never seen them before." Chen Feng's eyes were faint, looking through the chaos. Energy saw the two fighting.

Although they were wrapped in black light, Chen Feng still saw that the two men looked young and handsome, with their slender and powerful bodies, and they were using ice and fire to continuously fight with high-grade artifacts.

Chen Feng was quickly attracted by the magic weapons in the hands of the two men. They were also high-grade artifacts, but the one held by the other party was much higher than his own Eternal Sword. The most important thing was the power exerted by these two high-grade artifacts. , in Chen Feng's opinion, to be able to exert the full power of a magic weapon, either he has sufficient cultivation, or the magic weapon is a natal magic weapon refined by the person holding it.

"In fact, normally speaking, it is good for the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal to possess a top-grade artifact with good quality. After all, the top-grade artifact is the magic weapon of Daluo Jinxian. There are still very few Taiyi Golden Immortals who have top-grade artifacts. These two pieces The quality of the magic weapon is good. It should be refined by these two people. They can refine the high-grade artifact to this level. These two people are not simple. Their combat power is only higher than that of the Savage Saint Ancestor. Of course, if the Savage Saint Ancestor is If you try your best to use the Tianwei Stick in your hand, I'm afraid the result will be different." Chen Feng quickly analyzed the strength of the two people and finally came to a decision. He was no match for these two people and could still fight one on one. of.

Buzz! Buzz!

The two of them spotted Chen Feng the moment he appeared. During the fight, they both glanced at Chen Feng, and then two waves hit Chen Feng.


Chen Feng snorted coldly, and swiped the longevity sword in his hand. The space in front of him seemed to be torn open. The sword light touched the space, and the space was swept neatly to both sides like paper.

The chaotic destructive energy and the wave attacks of the two people were cut open and dissipated.


Chen Feng was a little surprised. The power of his sword surprised even Chen Feng. This shows that his cultivation has made great progress in these years.

Also surprised were the two people fighting. After feeling Chen Feng's strength, the two men felt a hint of threat, so they stopped fighting and quickly came to Chen Feng.

"Who are you?" One of the monks who practiced the power of fire stared at Chen Feng and asked. As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Feng felt a billowing heat wave coming towards him.

"Haha, that's funny." Chen Feng had a trace of ridicule in his eyes.

"I also want to ask who you are. I have been practicing here for hundreds of millions of years, but you disturbed me and even my residence was reduced to pieces. How can I say this?" Chen Feng continued.

"You are practicing here." The two monks were a little surprised. After looking at each other, they nodded. They somewhat believed what Chen Feng said. After all, with their strength, they would definitely notice someone approaching them immediately. In fact, Chen Feng It appeared suddenly, so it can only mean that Chen Feng was here before.

"What, is there a problem? I don't care who you are or why you are fighting, but you ruined my place of practice and disturbed my practice, so I need you to give me an explanation." Chen Feng said coldly.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't want to argue with the two of them. After all, the other party was very strong. Who had ever seen a god king argue with two intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals, unless this guy was crazy.

But it was different now. Chen Feng was interrupted. Moreover, Chen Feng was indeed at a critical moment in his practice. At that time, Chen Feng was walking on the Freedom Avenue. When he was suddenly interrupted, Chen Feng almost got lost in the chaotic space.

"Oh, what do you want to say?" The fire monk said coldly, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. Another cold-looking monk also showed a hint of sneer. Although they guessed that Chen Feng might have practiced the art of concealment to conceal his strength, the two did not take Chen Feng seriously. In fact, a monk who can practice to this level will not be afraid unless he is suppressed by a super-powerful master.

"Compensation, one top-grade artifact for each person, I will not pursue this matter." Chen Feng said lightly.


The two were shocked, and then laughed at the same time.

"What an arrogant boy, remember who you died in."



"It's your bad luck to meet the two of us."


The three of them burst out with powerful power at the same time. Under this situation, no one was sure to move forward to attack the opponent, so the three of them completed the first bombardment.

The power of extreme yang and extreme cold brought Chen Feng a deep and hot experience, but the immortal light emitted by Chen Feng also cut through the attacks of the two people, and then Chen Feng flew backwards. Although Yan and Han were surprised by Chen Feng's immortal light, they still quickly chased after him. At this time, the two had only one idea, that is, to kill Chen Feng.

Puff! Puff!

In the chaos, the two felt a strong danger. Speaking of it, the two were worthy of being masters among masters. They reacted very quickly and did not put Chen Feng under pressure, but they did not take it lightly when they started. Now that they felt the danger, they immediately joined forces and did not undermine each other because of the previous fight.

The two extremely short and opposite energies of extreme yang and extreme cold actually merged to form a thick shield in front of them.

Then a huge divine nail suddenly appeared and nailed the two people. The power emitted by the divine nail and the aura that locked the two people made the hearts of the two people cold.

"Top-grade artifact."

The divine nail pierced through the shield that the two had jointly set up, but the power of the divine nail was also blocked. Before Yan and Han could breathe a sigh of relief, another divine nail appeared at an extremely fast speed, and it arrived in front of the two in the blink of an eye.

The divine nail passed by, accompanied by screams and blood mist, and then Chen Feng's figure flashed and put away the divine nail and disappeared quickly.

"These two people are powerful. I can be regarded as hitting them off guard. However, my strength has indeed increased greatly after practicing for these years. These two people disturbed me, and fighting with me can be regarded as compensation." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the space array appeared under his feet, taking Chen Feng to quickly pass through the meteorite group.

"Where is that kid?"

"Run away."


"Hmph, you don't need to tell me, the other party has a top-grade artifact, so we can't let it go."

The blood mist disappeared quickly, Yan and Han rushed out quickly, performed a small secret technique to search around, and then chased in the direction Chen Feng left.

The two were indeed injured under the attack of the divine nails, but this injury was nothing to them, and they could recover in a short time. For them, killing Chen Feng was secondary, and snatching the two divine nails was the most important thing.

"Hey! These two people caught up, it's really not simple." Chen Feng kept shuttling in the meteorite group, and soon felt that he was being stared at. He changed direction several times but couldn't get rid of the other party. Then he began to be surprised. You know, Chen Feng was able to escape from the pursuit of more than eight intermediate Taiyi Jinxian. On the one hand, it was his own powerful force, and the most important one was the special environment here. But now he was tightly locked by two people, Chen Feng knew that his previous plan had changed.

Chen Feng raised his hand, and dozens of annihilation divine thunders flew out, hiding in various places in the meteorite group, and then the array plate under Chen Feng's feet hummed, and the speed suddenly increased.


It took only a breath of time for Yan and Han to catch up, especially Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed, as if he caught Chen Feng's breath.

"Power of annihilation, be careful." At this time, Han suddenly changed color.


Then the annihilation divine thunder hidden in the surroundings exploded at the same time, instantly blasting tens of thousands of large and small meteorites into pieces, with Yan and Han in the middle.

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