Eternal Existence

Chapter 1736: The sneak attack was successful

Originally, the strength of the Swallowing Void Beast was at the forefront among the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals. Now that his cultivation has greatly improved, he has become the first person. With the help of Chen Feng, the two of them rushed to the front with unstoppable force. In the process, they killed several star beasts and seriously injured a mid-level star beast.

"It's good that they are here. You block these star beasts, and we will break the space barrier in front of us." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness looked at Chen Feng and the Swallowing Void Beast and said.

"Haha, this is a good suggestion, but I hope to slow down. You go to resist the star beasts, and we will break the barrier. After all, my strength is the strongest now." The Swallowing Void Beast said coldly.

With the Swallowing Void Beast in front, Chen Feng didn't need to speak, but kept urging the Devouring Avenue to block the rushing star beasts.

The two Devouring Avenues are connected, so Chen Feng can naturally clearly feel whether the Swallowing Void Beast has any ill will towards him, which is also the reason why Chen Feng is really relieved to cooperate with the Swallowing Void Beast.

"In this case, there is no need to talk anymore." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness said lightly.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just use your own methods." Tian Lei said coldly, lightning and thunder continued to fly out of his body, blocking the attacks of the star beasts. At the same time, Tian Lei was urging a shuttle-shaped magic weapon to continuously bombard the barrier blocking the Fountain of Life.

It's a bit strange to say that this barrier is extremely tough. Even with the methods of these masters, they can't break it. The attacks can only stir up some ripples.

"It's a bit strange. I didn't encounter this situation when I collected the Heart of Darkness before." Chen Feng was a little surprised.


While everyone was fighting fiercely, the Fountain of Life was still erupting regularly. The life force that came out made the injured monks and star beasts recover quickly, which made the battle even more fierce.


The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness swung his bone stick and directly beat a star beast into a bloody mist, but he was entangled by two other star beasts. One of the star beasts took the opportunity to give the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness a claw, causing the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness to tremble, and a bloody hole was blown out where he was hit.


What's interesting is that Tianlei waved his hand, and a shuttle-shaped magic weapon flew over to help the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness solve a star beast.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness hurriedly expressed his gratitude.


Who knew that a more interesting scene would appear next. A golden dragon claw suddenly appeared and directly knocked the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness to the ground, and he just fell into the group of star beasts, among which there were two intermediate star beasts.

So the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness became a little miserable. Under the fierce attack, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness was torn into pieces, and then turned into a bloody mist. At this time, the golden dragon claw that attacked the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness quickly grabbed the bone stick.


A cold shout came from the bone stick, and then the bone stick quickly grew larger, like a mountain, smashed the dragon claws with a fierce blow, and then the bone stick gathered the blood mist with one move, and soon the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness returned to his original appearance, holding the bone stick and sweeping it with murderous intent to repel the surrounding star beasts, and then looked at the Tianwei Golden Dragon not far away with bloodshot eyes.

"What a pity." Tianwei Golden Dragon shook his head and sighed, the bone stick just now almost succeeded.

"You want to die." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness shouted coldly.

"Then it depends on your ability." Tianwei Golden Dragon didn't care, as if his attack just now was a matter of course.

However, because of the sneak attack of Tianwei Golden Dragon, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness was still injured, and the position of rushing to the front was also snatched away by Tianwei Dragon, which made the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness angry again. He wanted to go forward and kill the other party immediately, but the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness also knew that everyone was equally strong, and he couldn't do anything to the other party, and now was not a good time.

"Hmph, let's wait and see." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness has secretly listed the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon as a person who must be killed.

At this time, Chen Feng and the Swallowing Void Beast laughed, especially Chen Feng, who secretly felt sorry. Just now, Chen Feng and the Swallowing Void Beast received the voice transmission from the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon at the same time. Of course, they wanted to cooperate. Regardless of whether the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon was really sincere, Chen Feng and the Swallowing Void Beast secretly agreed to it. At the same time, they also regretted that they did not have time to kill the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness when they first arrived.

Because of the performance of the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon, it would be more difficult to take action next. Chen Feng even wondered if other people had also secretly formed an alliance.

"Let's find an opportunity to attack the Demon Wolf Monk together later." The Swallowing Void Beast secretly transmitted the voice.

Chen Feng knew that the Demon Wolf Monk in the Swallowing Void Beast's mouth was a monk wearing a fiery red battle armor, and he had a grudge against himself.

"Oh, it's not because the other party has a grudge against me that you plan to take action." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"You think too much, it's just that the man is easy to deal with." The Swallowing Void Beast said lightly.

"That being said, the other side also has partners. Who knows if there are any who are secretly teaming up with them?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even if someone joins forces, what can it do? Are you afraid? Let me tell you something. Tianwei Golden Dragon will also take action, and we have an ally besides the first time." Swallowing Void Beast said.

"I'm not afraid, but I feel that we shouldn't fight among ourselves now, but it's the right thing to join forces to deal with Swallowing Void Beast." Chen Feng said with a smile.


Swallowing Void Beast snorted coldly, obviously knowing that Chen Feng was saying one thing and thinking another.

"Besides, you all secretly teamed up, which is too treacherous. Maybe you will sell me out. You have chased me before." Chen Feng continued.

"You are not unreasonable to worry. It's hard to say about other people. You just need to know that I won't attack you." Swallowing Void Beast said.

"You have repeatedly emphasized that you will not attack me, which surprised me. Could it be because we exchanged the Dao Mark? In the face of absolute temptation, it is normal to sneak attack your partner." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. If you don't join hands with me, you can't get the Fountain of Life with your own strength. Although you practice the Devouring Dao, I can also feel the law of longevity and the law of life in your body." The Swallowing Beast said lightly.

"You are worthy of being a senior." Chen Feng smiled, but didn't care.

"Another point is that you have the Chaos Magical Treasure Water Banner. Don't tell me that you can't activate the Water Banner. I don't believe it. As long as you can use this magic weapon to fix this time and space, the Fountain of Life will definitely fall into our hands." The Swallowing Beast said.

"It's hard to say. Who knows if other people have powerful means? The Water Banner is my trump card for self-defense." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But you can give it a try. Tell me first, who is the other person." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"You will know later, maybe you will be surprised." The Swallowing Beast said mysteriously.

"Okay, then find a chance to fight. I think that guy is dead." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although everyone was on guard against each other, they were already under great pressure in the battle with the star beasts. They could be injured by the star beasts at any time. Even if they noticed someone trying to plot against them, they did not have enough strength to deal with it.

"Now is not the time for internal fighting. Don't forget that there are still many star beasts here, and there may be more star beasts next." At this time, a cultivator wrapped in purple light suddenly spoke.

This person had no choice but to speak, because although this person was also an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, he was only one person after all. He could not hold on under the siege of the star beasts. The loneliness without a partner made this person feel a little bit of crisis. This feeling has not appeared for many years.

"It is indeed not the time for internal fighting. Everyone should join forces. Wasn't the previous cooperation good?" Someone agreed, but more cultivators remained silent.

Chen Feng's eyes kept sweeping, and he saw that there were only more than 30 junior cultivators who followed him. As for the others, they either escaped or died in the group of star beasts. Chen Feng knew that most of them died here.

More than a hundred people have been killed or injured, and of course the number of star beasts has also decreased by hundreds. However, compared with thousands of them, the star beasts can still bear this loss. If they cannot get the Fountain of Life in a short period of time, it will be difficult for everyone to leave after a long time.

The more than 30 people have united together. Taichu Zhenjun and Huoyan Zhenjun have been injured. What surprised Chen Feng was that Pingshan Zhenjun was still alive, but there was no trace of Suifeng Fairy, so she was dead.


The attack of the crowd finally took effect. A crack appeared on the barrier over there. Just this crack increased the gushing life energy by more than ten times.

To say that these cultivators are the most hated, those star beasts have been here for countless billions of years, but they just practice here peacefully without destroying the barrier at all, but these foreign cultivators come to think of ways to snatch all the good things and get them in their hands.

Seeing the cracks on the barrier, the star beasts present immediately became more crazy. In an instant, two more cultivators were killed, and a mid-level Taiyi Jinxian was seriously injured. This person had no companions and was surrounded and attacked by a group of star beasts. Although he asked for help, no one paid attention. As his injuries increased, his breath gradually became weaker.


A strong breath suddenly rose up, and this person burned the power of the origin. Suddenly, several star beasts were swept away. This cultivator used his powerful strength to blast a road and rushed out quickly.

At this time, the purple flames were burning fiercely, and the cultivator's body was shrinking rapidly. Even if he escaped, only his soul was left, and he could only reshape his body.

However, at this time, an inconspicuous star beast suddenly jumped out and blocked the cultivator with one claw, and then a big seal fell, smashing the cultivator into a blood mist, and then the big seal emitted a suction force, collecting a piece of blood mist.

"Hey, a semi-top artifact, what a good thing." Chen Feng said as he looked at the seal. Although the seal just exploded, Chen Feng felt the special power contained in the seal, as well as the ancient power of the origin of chaos. He just didn't know whether it was originally there or refined again after it fell into the hands of the star beast.

"Do it."

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly received a signal from the Devouring Void Beast, and then saw a huge dragon claw shining with golden light grabbing at the monk in the fiery red armor.

"I have been on guard against you for a long time." After being attacked, the monk in the fiery red armor sneered, waved his hand, and a domineering flaming halberd blocked the dragon claw. At the same time, he waved his other hand and stabbed the Tianwei Golden Dragon from a distance. Although they were far apart and there were star beasts in the middle, this spear crossed the domain of time and space and directly arrived in front of the Tianwei Golden Dragon.

That's not all. The old man in black robe also shouted softly, and a beam of sword light suddenly exploded, turning into a complete light point from all directions and falling towards the Tianwei Golden Dragon.

You know, the monk in the fiery red armor also has a partner, and he is also very powerful, so when they saw the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon attacking this person, everyone else was a little surprised.

But soon something more surprising happened. Under the attack of the monk in the fiery red armor and the old man in black robe, Tianwei Golden Dragon also felt the pressure. According to other people's ideas, Tianwei Golden Dragon should stop. Who knows that Tianwei Golden Dragon's huge body shook violently, and used the dragon swimming technique to avoid the siege of the star beasts and rushed directly to the monk in the fiery red armor.

A fierce fight broke out in a short time.

"Is this golden dragon stupid? The star beasts here are difficult to deal with, and now there is an internal fight, and it is one against two. Is it crazy? I really think that I can ignore others just because I am so powerful."

"No, Tianwei Golden Dragon must have helpers, otherwise it would not be so arrogant."

"It should be like this."


Tianwei Golden Dragon's huge body kept attacking, suppressing the monk in the fiery red armor to retreat again and again. In this way, it can be seen that Tianwei Golden Dragon is indeed stronger than the other party.


But the monk in the fiery red armor still has a partner. The monk in the black robe waved his hand and slashed the Tianwei Golden Dragon with a sharp sword.

Suddenly, the dragon scales of Tianwei Golden Dragon flew all over his body, and his skin and flesh were torn apart.

The two joined forces and began to gain the upper hand and suppressed Tianwei Golden Dragon.

"It's time for this guy's partner to take action." Someone thought to himself, and then saw two huge black palms suddenly appear and grab the black-robed monk.

These two black palms came out of the black hole.

"So it's them." Someone was surprised, and soon it felt normal.

The ones who took action were Chen Feng and the Swallowing Void Beast. The two urged the Devouring Dao and used the magic hand to attack. Don't underestimate this inconspicuous big hand, which is a powerful attack method evolved from the Devouring Dao.

Before getting close to the black-robed monk, it affected the swordsmanship of the black-robed monk. The black-robed monk's face changed, and he waved his hand and chopped the long sword at the two black palms, so that Tianwei Golden Dragon could let go and deal with the monk in the fiery red armor.

Puff! Puff!

The clear sword cut off the two black palms, but then thousands of black silk threads entangled the black-robed monk, and dozens of black holes floated over at the same time, constantly changing positions, locking the black-robed monk, and launching attacks at any time.

With the combined power of the Devouring Beast and Chen Feng, they easily gained the upper hand. Chen Feng quickly formed a hand seal, and the Devouring Avenue rolled violently. A black palm with black light appeared. This palm was a little special. Although it was derived from the Devouring Dao, it contained Chen Feng's own laws, so the palm just flashed through countless spaces, and then fell heavily on the black-robed monk.


The black-robed monk groaned and flew backwards. The black robe exploded, revealing a delicate and compact black armor.

A set of perfect armor that was somewhat feminine and beautiful was worn on an inconspicuous old man, which made people feel a little weird, but what was more surprising was that after being hit by Chen Feng, the black-robed old man seemed to be safe and sound.

"A protective armor of the top-grade artifact level." Someone couldn't help but say.

"It's really not simple." Chen Feng shook his head, his face calm, without a trace of regret.


At this moment, there was a muffled sound, and the old man in black robe was thrown up suddenly. Although he was wrapped in armor, blood still flowed out of his seven orifices.

At this time, everyone saw several black holes attached to the old man in black robe, causing his body to keep wriggling, and cracks appeared on his perfect protective armor.

This was done by the Swallowing Void Beast.

"The armor is good, I want it." Swallowing Void Beast said.

You should know that attack-type magic weapons of the top-grade artifact level are very common, but self-defense armor is rare, especially the black armor on the old man in black robe is not an ordinary item among the top-grade artifacts.

"No problem, I'm just afraid that it will be torn into pieces at that time." Chen Feng said casually.

"If it's broken, I can repair it. The long sword in the old man's hand is good. Seeing that you are also proficient in swordsmanship, it belongs to you." Swallowing Void Beast continued.

"Okay, but the premise is that we can kill the other party." Chen Feng said, and then he made another hand seal. Then his two palms flew out from the Devouring Avenue. He grabbed two star beasts and threw them far away.

Although everyone was fighting, the biggest threat was still the large number of star beasts.

At this time, because of the fusion of the Devouring Avenue, Chen Feng's strength was directly increased several times. The tricks that were difficult to perform in the past can now be performed with a thought, and there is a feeling of endless use. It is a good time to show off his skills.

Chen Feng made a series of moves, throwing more than a dozen star beasts in one breath, and then he was in a stalemate with a mid-level star beast. As for the Devouring Void Beast, it fully launched its means to attack the black-robed old man.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Under the suction and pull of the black hole, the protective armor on the black-robed old man finally cracked, and the sound of explosions continued to come from the screams.

On the other side, the monk in the fiery red armor was not doing well either. He retreated repeatedly under the attack of the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon, and was successfully attacked by two star beasts without paying attention. One of his arms flew out and turned into nothing.

Seeing this scene, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness and Tian Lei showed dissatisfaction in their eyes, especially the Saint of the Wilderness who had been attacked before, and was even more angry. If there was no Fountain of Life in front of him, he would definitely rush up and kill the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon.

Although some people were dissatisfied, they didn't say much. Everyone was at the same level, and no one was afraid of anyone. Even if they said a few words, it would not have any effect.

The most important thing was to collect the Fountain of Life.


At this time, there were more cracks on the space barrier, and the gushing life energy increased several times again. The closest cultivators and star beasts had the idea of ​​stopping to practice without fighting.

"I'll help the star beasts, and you guys will work together to bombard the barrier." At this time, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness suddenly said.

"Okay, you have to be careful." Tian Lei nodded, shook his body and rushed directly to the barrier. As for the star beasts fighting with Tian Lei, they were intercepted by the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness.


The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness performed a secret technique, and the bone stick in his hand suddenly became larger, and his aura also changed. The huge bone stick shook violently, as if a natural chasm actually blocked dozens of star beasts, including two intermediate Taiyi Jinxian-level star beasts.

"This is the power of the top-grade artifact. This guy has a lot of hidden means." Chen Feng saw this scene from a distance.


Because of the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness's obstruction, the boxing cultivator and the mysterious sword cultivator also broke free from the siege of the star beasts and rushed over.

Time is running out, and everyone has to break through this barrier in a very short time. This can also be regarded as a cooperation.

"Time is running out." Chen Feng secretly transmitted the message.

"Don't worry." The Swallowing Void Beast said.


At this moment, a strange wave suddenly sounded, and the shadow of a huge black spirit snake suddenly appeared. Before Chen Feng could exclaim, he saw black light emanating from the eyes of the black spirit snake. The two black lights, one on the left and one on the right, actually fixed the black-robed old man and the monk in the fiery red armor at the same time.

This is a kind of innate magical power. Chen Feng had seen it on the Qingming clan before, but the black spirit snake in front of him was not from the Qingming clan, but the black netherworld.

"It turns out that this guy has also been won over, and the Swallowing Void Beast is still so mysterious." Chen Feng was a little surprised at first, but soon regained his composure. This is also normal. Compared with human monks, it is normal for these mythical beasts to join forces with each other. If he hadn't suddenly joined forces with the Swallowing Void Beast to devour the avenue, he might have been attacked by these mythical beasts.

"Others should be able to think of it, too." Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, even if someone could guess that the beasts would join forces, it was hard to say whether they could resist it. At this time, the monk in the fiery red armor and the old man in the black robe had been imprisoned for a short time, and the attacks of the Heavenly Power Golden Dragon and the Devouring Void Beast took the opportunity to fall.

Then the two of them turned into blood mist. Although some people wanted to intervene, they gave up the idea after thinking about the domineering nature of these beasts.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and a black big hand stretched out, grabbed fiercely in the blood mist, and a long sword struggled to fall into the big hand.


Chen Feng quickly formed seals with both hands, and soon formed a thick barrier to wrap the long sword. At the same time, various runes flashed and fell on the long sword, but the long sword vibrated violently, and the sword power emitted continued to cut everything around.

"Good guy, this is the opposite of the life weapon, it is not easy to collect." Chen Feng whispered, but his hands moved quickly, and the sword of the abyss flew out and slashed heavily on the long sword.

Sword light burst out, a whine sounded, and the long sword gradually quieted down. Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the long sword into the Chaos Stone, and then the various talismans that had been prepared long ago fell down, suppressing the long sword tightly.

"This sword is good, almost comparable to the Great Wilderness Cauldron. After all, it is a weapon that has been refined with blood and sweat for hundreds of millions of years." Chen Feng said with some satisfaction.

On the other side, the Devouring Void Beast, the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon, and the Black Netherworld also gained something. As for the monk in the fiery red armor and the old man in the black robe, their lives were cut off, and not even a dregs were left. As for whether these two people still have clones, it is no longer in the minds of the crowd.

"Good! Very perfect." The Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon laughed.

"Alas! Billions of years of hard work, it turned into nothing in one day, it's a pity and a pity." Chen Feng shook his head and couldn't help but sigh.

"No time to sigh, the barrier has been blasted open." The Devouring Void Beast looked at Chen Feng with dissatisfaction.

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