Eternal Existence

Chapter 174 Assessment

"Why are there so many people here?" Chen Feng and Ruta frowned at the crowded crowd in front of them.

The two had already arrived at the foot of Taiyi Immortal Mountain. In front of them were two giant peaks that were thousands of feet high, namely Yumen Peak and Yingbin Peak. This was the first gateway to Taiyi Immortal Mountain, and it was also the mountain gate of Taiyi Sect.

The two peaks were almost the same in shape, round and tall, towering to the sky, and covered with towering ancient trees. A strong and ancient atmosphere was constantly released from the mountain, making people feel that these two peaks had existed since the beginning of life.

"I heard that these two peaks did not exist originally, but were built by the great magicians in Taiyi Sect using magical powers." At this time, a cultivator next to him discussed.

There was a giant square at the foot of the mountain, which was paved with thick hard stones and reinforced by the magic power of the cultivators with profound magic power. Ordinary flying swords could only leave a shallow mark on it. The most important thing is that this square can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.

The square is surrounded by tall and majestic buildings. These buildings are made entirely of special gold and stone, and are engraved with countless defensive formations. It is obvious that they are unbreakable.

"You are bragging. How could such two large mountains be created by human power?" Someone next to him didn't believe it.

"A real powerful person can move mountains and fill the sea with a wave of his hand. What's so strange about creating two mountains? It can only be said that you have never seen the world. And I heard that there are immortals in Taiyi Sect."

"I have also heard rumors that there are immortals in the ten major immortal sects in Beiyuan. I hope that I can be favored by Taiyi Sect and become a disciple of Taiyi Sect this time."

"Hehe, I hope to be favored by the masters of Taiyi Sect and accepted as a disciple, so that I can have the hope of cultivating to the immortal position in the future."

"Hahahaha, you are dreaming, or think about how to become an outer disciple?"

After hearing this person's words, everyone around laughed.

"I just counted roughly, there are a total of 30,000 people in the whole square." At this time, Ruta suddenly said.

"30,000 people." Chen Feng took a breath.

It is said that Taiyi Sect recruits a large number of disciples every year. If there are so many cultivators every time, then after thousands or tens of thousands of years of accumulation, the number of cultivators in the entire sect has reached an unimaginable level.

However, Chen Feng also knew that this time, not all 30,000 people would be recruited by Taiyi Sect. Many of them would have made a wasted trip.

Chen Feng kept looking at these cultivators. Almost all of them were young people around 20 years old, and there were thousands of teenagers aged 15 or 16. There were very few over 30 years old. At this age, unless the cultivation is sufficient, the chance of being accepted by Taiyi Sect is extremely low.

"These are all talented young people from tens of thousands of miles around. It is worthy of being a real immortal sect." Chen Feng was a little shocked.

In the next three days, some young cultivators continued to arrive from all over the place. On the day when Taiyi Sect really recruited disciples, the number of cultivators in the entire square had exceeded 40,000. This situation made Chen Feng and the others secretly shocked.

Finally, someone from Taiyi Sect appeared.

A rainbow shot out from between the two peaks, and one end of the rainbow just extended to the round platform in the middle of the square. When the rainbow disappeared, everyone saw three monks standing in the center of the round platform.

Three very powerful monks.

"Awesome, it's not flying with a sword, nor is it relying on the power of the acupoints in the body, but the speed is so fast. I wonder what secret technique it is?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Humph, just a very ordinary divine movement technique." Ta suddenly said lightly.

"Divine movement technique?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"There is a method to practice divine movement technique in the Changsheng Zhenjing. It's a pity to practice it after you reach the heavenly level." Ta said slowly.

"Then what is the realm of these three people?" Chen Feng asked, looking at the three monks on the round platform.

"They are all guys who have survived five thunder tribulations. You should be careful. We can't deal with monks of this level." Ta said.

"Five thunder tribulations, the fifth level of heavenly man, much higher than me." Chen Feng's heart trembled.

The three people in the round platform, all middle-aged, looked upright and dignified, their eyes sparkling, and they slowly scanned the more than 40,000 monks present. Under the powerful pressure, the whole scene suddenly became quiet, and even some monks who were close to them felt suffocated, as if their whole bodies had been seen through by the other party's eyes.

"It's amazing, just the eyes seem to be able to see through people's souls." Chen Feng felt a stinging pain in his eyes as soon as he met the other party's eyes, and immediately closed his eyes.

After a whole stick of incense, the three middle-aged men slowly retracted their gazes, and then waved their hands at the same time, and the sky full of light spots enveloped the monks in the entire square.

"What is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He glanced around and saw that some monks had an extra golden symbol on their bodies.

"The monks with golden symbols leave here immediately, you have been eliminated." The middle-aged monk in the middle said coldly, his voice was low, but it spread throughout the square.

After hearing this, the whole square suddenly boiled, and some people began to shout in dissatisfaction.

"It seems too trifling to eliminate us like this?"

"Yes, he just took a look, it's not fair at all."

"I protest, it's not fair."

Faced with this scene, one of the middle-aged men just snorted coldly, then stretched out five fingers, a ball of lightning flashed, made a squeaking sound, and then turned into a series of lightning and shot out.

ah! ah! ah! ah!

The monks who had just shouted loudly fell down one by one, trembling. Chen Feng even saw a guy not far from him whose whole body was blackened and almost turned into charcoal.

At this time, the whole scene became quiet again, and some monks with golden symbols on their bodies began to leave the square one after another. Most of them had expressions of regret on their faces, shaking their heads and sighing as they left.

These people were eliminated at the first level.

A total of five thousand monks were eliminated in this way. Seeing the sudden decrease in the number of people, Chen Feng suddenly felt a little frightened.

"Sifting like this is really fast." Chen Feng couldn't help but think.

"Hey, a monk who has survived five thunder tribulations can see all the monks present clearly with his spiritual consciousness. What's the surprise?" Ta said disdainfully.

"So the Tower of Eternal Life in my body?" Chen Feng was a little worried.

"It's up to them to cultivate until they become human immortals, right?" Ta said proudly.

"Huh, the first level is over. I was really nervous just now." Ruta said with a smile.

"This is just the beginning." Chen Feng shook his head.

Then one of the middle-aged monks waved his hand again, and another large area of ​​golden light fell down.

"Is there anyone else who is going to be eliminated?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Those who have symbols on their bodies, please come out." The middle-aged man said solemnly.

This time, a total of two thousand people came out. Chen Feng took a look and immediately discovered the problem. The two thousand people who came out were almost all monks on the fourth floor of the secret realm. In other words, these people were among the monks present. The most powerful group.

"Next, you go directly to participate in the assessment of the inner disciples." One of the middle-aged monks came out and led the two thousand people into the wide road between the two peaks, and soon entered the Taiyi Immortal Mountain. middle.

"Didn't these three people see my cultivation level?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Of course not. I can help you hide your aura. These three guys don't have that ability yet, but if you let them directly explore your sea of ​​consciousness, you won't be able to hide it." Ta smiled.

Then the remaining monks were divided into groups and moved into the buildings around the square. These houses were pretty good, tall and sturdy, spacious and bright, and the interior decoration was also good. However, this time the monks who came to sign up were Too many, causing many people to crowd together.

There were more than twenty people in the room where Chen Feng and Luta were. Although it was a bit messy, these monks were not here to enjoy themselves, but to undergo assessments. They didn't say much, and they were all quiet. They were practicing in the house, or chatting quietly in twos and threes, and many people even walked out of the room to enjoy the scenery in other places.

"I wonder what the next test will be?" Ruta couldn't help but said.

"How else can the assessment be conducted? Of course it's one-on-one, and you'll be eliminated in a fight." Before Chen Feng could speak, a monk next to him interrupted.

"Your information is inaccurate. I heard that the next step is puppets, and the last level is a one-on-one fight?"

The people in the same room as Chen Feng were all young people with less than 20 pieces. The strongest ones only had the cultivation level of the second level of the secret realm, and they were not noticed by Chen Feng at all.

"Oh, puppet, what is this?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"It is a kind of battle puppet refined by Taiyi Sect. It is invulnerable and extremely hard. It can block the blows of flying swords and is extremely fast. It is specially used to test people like us." There is a monk who is 17 or 18 years old. smiled.

"That's true. Taiyi Sect will not devote so much manpower to assess the combat effectiveness of us people one by one." Chen Feng nodded, somewhat understanding.

After staying here for three days, it was finally the turn of Chen Feng's group.

There is a huge palace-like building with more than a dozen people outside the door maintaining order. These are all inner disciples of the Taiyi Sect. They wear uniform robes and swords. They hold their heads high and their chests high, and they are domineering, with a arrogant look in their eyes.

"Don't these people look very strong?" Ruta whispered.

"What did you say?" Ruta's words were immediately heard by these people, and immediately a young man strode over.

"What?" Chen Feng stepped forward and said calmly, a powerful energy flashed across his body.


The young man was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the robes worn by Chen Feng and the others, and his eyes flashed again.

"Fifth grade robe." The young man was a little surprised.

"Okay, it's your turn to go in." A monk walked out of the house and shouted.

"Hmph, newcomers better not be too arrogant, otherwise it will be useless." The young man looked at Chen Feng and then turned away.

"Hey, he's just a monk on the fourth level of the secret realm. If we really have to fight, we still don't know who will lose and who will win?" Ruta sneered.

Indeed, the fifth-grade robe on Ruta alone can block the opponent's attack.

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