Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,743: Forget-Sorrow Cave

It was too easy for Chen Feng and others to find out some information with their strength. As long as Chen Feng's mind moved, he could search the sea of ​​consciousness of some cultivators silently, so the moment he landed on this land of life, Chen Feng knew what he wanted to know.

"Sir, most of the army of the Three Souls Clan has left. Aren't you afraid that someone will destroy their nest?" said Queen Mother Mo.

Not only Chen Feng, but the four Queen Mother Mo are also Taiyi Golden Immortals. It is too easy to search the souls of ordinary cultivators.

If he was not afraid that there were masters here, Chen Feng would have used his mind to sweep the area. Under the sweep of his mind, no matter what treasures there were, they would not be able to escape.

"Sir, there is indeed a Forget Worry Spirit Spring, but it is heavily guarded by soldiers, and there is also a Taiyi Golden Immortal." Bai Yu said in surprise.

"Of course, let's go to the newly born Forget Worry Valley to take a look." Chen Feng said that the aura on his body changed a little, and the four Queen Mother Mo's strange beasts also changed with it, and the aura seemed to be integrated with the four directions of the universe.

"Let's go."

It's called Forget-Sorrow Valley, but it's actually just a secret place. Moreover, this secret place has been united with this land of life by people's great magic power, and has completely become part of the territory of Forget-Sorrow Cave Heaven.

When Chen Feng and his group arrived at the entrance, they saw the monks coming in and out, which was very lively. However, there were more soldiers stationed here. Although there were forces sent by multiple forces, Chen Feng could see at a glance that the soldiers here were all carefully selected elites, and they exuded some murderous aura from time to time to shock the monks coming and going.

And Chen Feng also found some disciples of the Three Souls Clan. Chen Feng nodded secretly. These disciples of the Three Souls Clan surpassed other soldiers in terms of bloodline.

"It's worthy of being a heaven-defying race, the ruler of Forget-Sorrow Cave Heaven." Chen Feng secretly had some thoughts.

"Sir, there are Taiyi Jinxian stationed here." Bai Yu said.

"It's just a primary Taiyi, it can't find our strengths and weaknesses, let's go in and see first." Chen Feng said with a smile.

While talking and laughing, it was Chen Feng and his companions' turn to come to the cave entrance. Sure enough, the soldiers on duty did not find anything unusual, and Chen Feng and his companions entered smoothly.

As soon as they entered the Forget-Sorrow Valley, a faint fragrance came over them, which made them feel relaxed but not tired. It seemed that all the dust in their hearts had been swept away, giving them a feeling of refreshed spirit and clear eyes.

"Something interesting." Chen Feng thought secretly.

"Young Master, it's good to practice here. The Forget-Sorrow Spiritual Energy here can improve your realm, but you can't absorb this energy for a long time, otherwise you will lose your enterprising spirit." Mother Queen Mo said.

"That's true." Chen Feng said while releasing his divine thoughts to sweep around in circles. Of course, Chen Feng was very careful during this process, and even some Taiyi Jinxian did not notice Chen Feng's actions.

"Sure enough, there is a Forget-Sorrow Spiritual Spring, but most of the spiritual springs that have been born are controlled by the Three Souls Clan." Chen Feng said while walking slowly, and as for the space array plate, he put it away before entering.

"Young Master, did you find the spiritual spring?" The illusion beast Qianbian muttered behind him.

"If you want to know, go ask yourself." Bai Yu mocked.

"Why don't you ask?" Qian Huan retorted.

"Because I found the Forget Worry Spirit Spring." Bai Yu said proudly.

"Where is it?"

"In the direction we are heading."


Chen Feng did find a Forget Worry Spirit Spring. Of course, Chen Feng was not the first to find it, because the cultivators who came first were fighting for it.

"Stop, this is a forbidden area, outsiders please leave." Two huge mountains blocked the way, and an entrance was occupied by dozens of cultivators, domineeringly blocking the cultivators who wanted to go.

Not only Chen Feng's side was stopped, but also other cultivators, and there were dozens of people in total, but most of these cultivators were casual cultivators, and they dared not speak out after being stopped, and some even turned around and left.

"You, the Chihun Sect, are just a small branch of the Sanhun Clan. Do you think you don't take the world's cultivators seriously?"

A young sword cultivator stood up. Chen Feng saw that when the sword cultivator stepped forward, some of his friends around him were retreating unnaturally. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help but frowned, knowing what was going to happen next.

Sure enough.

"Looking for death!"

Several streams of light rushed out, and a series of attacks directly smashed the young sword cultivator into pieces. Some cultivators who were close to him retreated again and again.

"You don't know whether to live or die, why don't you get out of here quickly." One of them grinned, his eyes swept across, and it seemed that he wanted others to take action and then he would start a massacre.

Sure enough, these people were too vicious, and the cultivators who were hesitant just now left one after another. In this way, only Chen Feng and others stood out.

"Why don't you get out of here?" Seeing that there were still people who took action before leaving, the cultivator who immediately walked over with a grin, and after a few steps, he waved his hand and a wave of sword light attacked the overworked.

"Uh! Who of us will take action?" Huanshou Qianbian couldn't help but say.

"You come on." Bai Yu said calmly. He felt embarrassed to deal with a cultivator of this level.


Perhaps out of helplessness or perhaps because the phantom beast Qianbian wanted to attack, Qianbian took a step forward, and then a tiger jumped out of his body, opened its mouth and bit, and the cultivator who rushed up was swallowed up. Then the tiger jumped again, waved its claws, and the remaining cultivators turned into a ball of blood mist without even a scream.

After killing these blockers, the tiger turned into a stream of light and returned to the body of the phantom beast. Seeing Qianbian's proud look, the others were a little speechless.

"Hey, killing a few true immortals is worth your transformation into a clone." Bai Yu said disdainfully.

"I like it, so what about you." Qianbian said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, hurry in. Although it's just a small spiritual spring, it's better than nothing." Chen Feng said lightly.

Through the road, we entered a beautiful place. Although it is a high mountain, it is not steep. There are only lush green plants and clear streams emitting spiritual energy. Chen Feng's eyes swept across and saw countless kinds of spiritual medicines, and there were spiritual beasts running among them.

"This is also a good cave paradise. You guys take action." Chen Feng said casually. Chen Feng's mind moved slightly and he investigated the situation here clearly. There was not even a Taiyi Jinxian. Chen Feng just wanted to solve it quickly.

"Leave it to us. Do you want to kill all the cultivators here?" Bai Yu said murderously.

"You can do whatever you want." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed the void. A vortex immediately appeared in his palm. The spiritual energy in this area was pulled over by Chen Feng. After the Queen Mother and the others collected the Forget Worry Spirit Spring, Chen Feng had already plundered the spiritual energy and vitality here.

"Young Master, the spiritual spring is very ordinary. It can only refine some low-level Forget Worry Divine Pills." The Queen Mother said.

"In that case, you guys can divide it." Chen Feng said indifferently. The energy ball gathered in his palm had condensed into a crystal stone. This crystal stone was blue and translucent, full of rich vitality, comparable to a source crystal.

"It's them."

However, as soon as he left this space, he was blocked by people. There were hundreds of cultivators and two killing formations coming to suppress him. One formation was full of sword energy, and the other formation was full of wind and thunder. Hundreds of cultivators were divided into two teams. When they saw Chen Feng and others appear, they immediately rushed up.


Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although these people were not at a high level, they were quite strong and could be considered elites. Moreover, their actions and means of defending against enemies seemed to be experienced. For example, these two formations were only activated by True Immortals, but it was not a problem to suppress one or two Heavenly Immortals. In addition to these people, Chen Feng also found that there were two Heavenly Immortals sitting in the dark.

It was still the Fantasy Beast that attacked, and it was still the roar of the tiger before. It tore the two formations apart with one claw, and then pounced on the cultivators.

"Not good."

"It's a master."

At this time, the two Heavenly Immortals sitting in the dark immediately knew that their estimate was wrong, but they did not step forward, but wanted to escape at the first time.

However, although there were many of these people, it was impossible to escape in front of Taiyi Jinxian.

Even if the two Heavenly Immortals had already escaped, Chen Feng and others had no intention of intervening, but just watched the Fantasy Beast deal with it.

Just two attacks killed hundreds of cultivators, and then the tiger stretched out its claws and grabbed the void fiercely, and the two escaping immortals were immediately caught back. At this time, the two immortals were terrified but could not scream. They regretted to the extreme and secretly cursed themselves for not realizing that the other party was Taiyi Jinxian.

In the hands of Taiyi Jinxian, the two immortals turned into ashes without any suspense.

"Since the killing has been started, don't be polite, and do it yourself." Chen Feng said that his divine thoughts had already swept out like a tide. Chen Feng had a hunch that there should be no intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, so he and others were basically invincible.

The Queen Mother and the others had been waiting for Chen Feng's words. As soon as the voice fell, the four of them left one after another. At the same time, the army of divine insects began to spread across this land.

Chen Feng did not move, and continued to release his divine thoughts to sweep across. After a long time, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

When Chen Feng appeared again, he had already arrived in front of a spiritual spring. This Forget Worry Spiritual Spring had been opened for a short time and had been occupied by someone. After Chen Feng arrived, he punched out without waiting for the other party to speak. With one punch, all the cultivators, strange beasts, and defensive fortresses were shattered.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and this Forget Worry Spiritual Spring was in Chen Feng's hand.

Then Chen Feng left again and went to another place. Chen Feng exerted his speed to the extreme and even used violent means. In just half a day, he collected more than a dozen spiritual springs and killed more than a thousand cultivators.

However, Chen Feng was not satisfied at all. Although these spiritual springs were good, the quality was still a bit poor for Chen Feng.


Chen Feng landed over a group of mountains again. With a wave of his hand, dozens of mountains were directly uprooted. An extremely pure breath rose up. Chen Feng felt the sea of ​​consciousness boiling with a slight breath, and some impurities disappeared silently.

"The quality of this spiritual spring is not bad." Chen Feng finally smiled.

"Forget Worry Spirit Spring, it is a top-grade Spirit Spring."

At this time, a voice came from afar, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and then he took the Spirit Spring.

"Not bad, you can refine the Forget Worry Divine Pill." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hand over the Spirit Spring, and I'll spare your life." Chen Feng was stopped by three cultivators before he left.

"Finally I met the Immortal Golden Immortal, but I'm still far from being immortal." Chen Feng said lightly, and then his eyes turned, and a few black lines flew out, instantly tying up the three people.

"What! You are Taiyi Golden Immortal." The three people struggled and began to fear, wanting to beg for mercy, but they felt a stream of extremely flexible power surging into their bodies.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The silk thread contracted, and the three monks turned into blood mist, and then turned into a stream of blood, which was swallowed up by the silk thread.

"Too weak." Chen Feng said lightly. After killing the three people, he suddenly had a lawless and arbitrary thought in his heart.

"Although it is the lair of the Three Souls Clan, the real masters generally won't come out. When the masters come out, I will have plundered enough." Chen Feng said lightly.

Although many monks have entered this newly born Forget-Your-Sorrow Valley because of its development, how can they stop the invasion of the divine insects without masters sitting in charge?

Originally, this secret realm was full of vitality, but because of the appearance of the army of divine insects, the earth began to change color, and the lush plants began to be gradually drained of vitality and turned yellow, and more of them dried up directly.

"Isn't this a bit cruel, but the Zerg originally existed as an invasion, and generally swept across the entire fairyland. In my hands, they only invaded some places of life, which is already very kind." Chen Feng comforted himself.

Although this Wangyou Valley had undergone a huge change, Chen Feng and his companions were too fast. They killed, plundered, and robbed Wangyou Spiritual Spring. There were several Taiyi Golden Immortals sitting here, but unfortunately they were killed by Chen Feng as soon as they showed up.

"Young Master, I got a good Wangyou Spiritual Spring." Queen Mother Mo came to Chen Feng.

"Don't stop, move as fast as possible." Chen Feng said lightly, and at the same time, the wings of the divine movement behind him spread out, and he disappeared on the spot with a slight vibration.

It was the Queen Mother's business to rob things. What Chen Feng had to do next was to stop the masters of this land of life.

"I didn't expect that the old man and the young swordsman would come back so quickly. It seems that they were rescued, but these two people were injured, so they shouldn't come out to fight." Chen Feng's whole body turned into a shadow that was constantly flashing and shuttling, and his powerful perception fed back all the information collected.

When Chen Feng knew that the two masters had returned, he also caught some Taiyi Jinxian in action. As a place of life that can rival the heavens, and with a race that defies the heavens, what it lacks the most is masters. So Chen Feng was not surprised when he felt the Taiyi power that kept coming out, and he was secretly thankful for his luck. If the Three Souls had not sent most of their forces to invade the heavens, then Chen Feng would have to face several times more masters.

"Now the only hope is that the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian will not show up. Of course, this is impossible. I just hope to make a move later." Chen Feng moved forward quickly, with countless thoughts in his mind.

Finally, Chen Feng set his sights on a Taiyi Jinxian, and used overbearing means in the shortest time, killing the opponent with a beam of immortal light.

If it were a different place and a different situation, Chen Feng might use some tricks to fight with the opponent for a while, but now it is not easy, the situation is urgent, the moment Chen Feng took action, he alarmed other Taiyi Jinxian, and when Chen Feng killed the first person, nearly ten Taiyi Jinxian had already locked him.

The situation was serious and the pressure was huge, but Chen Feng smiled, because the old man with crutches and the young swordsman actually went to heal their wounds after returning.

This also gave Chen Feng an opportunity, but Chen Feng was still a little worried in his heart. Since the other party did this, he must be sure to repair his injuries. Once the other party recovered his strength, it would be Chen Feng's turn.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and a very risky idea arose.

"The other party is injured, maybe I should take the opportunity to attack, which is also a risk." Chen Feng thought so, and before he could speed up, he was intercepted by several Taiyi Jinxian.

What made Chen Feng a little happy was that there was only one person rushing in the front. Chen Feng thought that maybe the other party wanted to deal with him by himself.

Chen Feng's speed increased suddenly, and then the Taiyi Jinxian closest to Chen Feng turned into a ball of blood mist. Chen Feng emerged from the blood mist, and a black hole flashed in the original place, and the blood mist was swallowed up completely.


Chen Feng's action shocked the others, but it was replaced by anger and strong murderous intent. The first thing that came to Chen Feng was a beam of deep purple Taiyi light. Chen Feng immediately knew the killing method that the other party practiced. In addition to this beam of Taiyi light, there were two flying swords following closely.

Chen Feng shook slightly and dodged the three attacks, but before Chen Feng could counterattack, several more attacks came.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

This time Chen Feng did not dodge, and was soon submerged in the powerful and chaotic attack.


"Be careful, the other party is not simple, he will definitely not die."

"Don't worry, we have so many people, the other party will not be able to leave this place even if he is a mid-level Taiyi Jinxian."


As soon as one of them finished speaking, he saw a long sword piercing his body, and then a volcanic destructive force exploded in his body, shattering his body, and only a trace of soul escaped.

Chen Feng didn't care how many souls escaped from the other party. With such injuries, it was almost no threat to Chen Feng.


Chen Feng quickly killed another person with the Sword of Abyss, and then was surrounded by several Taiyi Golden Immortals.

The chaotic attack just now only caused some damage to the Changsheng Battle Armor. Up to now, the other party has only used two top-grade artifacts, which made Chen Feng secretly despise that this level of magic weapon could not break Chen Feng's defense.

At this time, both sides did not talk nonsense. Chen Feng knew that even if he talked nonsense, these people would not let him go, and these cultivators wanted to deal with Chen Feng in the shortest time, because other areas of Wangyou Cave Heaven seemed to be more chaotic.


The powerful auras collided with each other, causing the sky and the earth to change color, the stars to turn upside down, the spiritual energy to be evaporated, and the laws to be torn apart. Then Chen Feng used his three-headed and six-armed magical power, and three times the combat power burst out. Three cultivators were knocked out with one contact.

At the moment when Chen Feng knocked the opponent away, he found six attacks. No matter how fast Chen Feng was, he could not avoid all the attacks in this situation.

Even with the protection of the longevity armor, Chen Feng still felt uncomfortable. The longevity armor was indeed strong. After resisting many attacks, only some cracks appeared, but some of the power still hurt Chen Feng through the longevity armor.

Chen Feng returned to normal after only one burst of three times the combat power, but the sword of the abyss in Chen Feng's hand turned into a galaxy-like sword energy and swept forward.

The two cultivators were submerged in it, and Chen Feng rushed up quickly, faster and faster, rushing towards a strangely shaped mountain.

Originally, Chen Feng's original purpose was to stop these Taiyi Jinxians, but now Chen Feng changed his mind, that is, to kill the two intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, and these cultivators also understood Chen Feng's intention, and naturally chased Chen Feng madly.

"My strength has indeed improved a lot. These Taiyi Jinxians seem to be a little weak, but we still can't be careless." Chen Feng thought of this and rushed forward, while the evil tiger, the hawk and the devourer clone appeared at the same time, offering high-grade artifacts to block these pursuers.

With the help of the clone, Chen Feng immediately felt the pressure greatly reduced, and the vibration frequency of the divine wings suddenly increased several times. At this moment, Chen Feng had a sense of transcendence and freedom. No matter the forbidden barrier in front or the special laws of this world, they could not stop Chen Feng at all.

In fact, all this was just a blink of an eye, and Chen Feng came to the strangely shaped mountain.

"It's here." Chen Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter, like two condensed little suns, and then two hot flames rushed out. This was what Chen Feng collected in the origin of chaos. Although he only refined a little bit, the power was greatly improved after Chen Feng's pupil technique. Moreover, this method was just the first battle. Then the law of wind and the void storm rushed over, and then the flames immediately became fierce, and the power rose straight up, increasing by several times.

Chen Feng's attack was indeed fierce, at least those chasing Taiyi Jinxian couldn't resist it, but at this time, a five-pointed token rose from the inside of the mountain. This token was only the size of a palm. Chen Feng's eyes were like torches, and he saw a strange big word on the token that was shining.

Although he didn't know this kind of text, Chen Feng knew it was "wind", and then a tornado flew out of the token. When it first appeared, the tornado was only a few feet in size, but the next moment it became tens of thousands of feet. The mighty power made Chen Feng frown secretly.

Because this tornado actually smashed the void torrent sent by Chen Feng into pieces.

"What a strong avenue of wind." Chen Feng saw the tornado coming in front of him, so he waved the sword of the abyss and tapped it several times quickly, and the starlight exploded. This tornado had countless big holes, just like a big deflated ball that quickly shrank.

"This token is good, but it should be more than that." Chen Feng said in a deep voice, and the vortex continued to rotate in the depths of his pupils, and the attack could break out again at any time.

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