Eternal Existence

Chapter 1749 Stone Sword Taiyuan

Of course, Chen Feng didn't have time to experience this, because as the mountain peaks changed, a cave appeared on the mountainside. The cave was primitive and simple. It was unknown how long it had been closed, but Chen Feng still saw some of it using his pupil technique.

"Everything inside is yours." Holy Lord Qiu Li raised his head slightly and said.

Chen Feng didn't show any politeness. He stepped forward and opened the barrier outside the cave and entered. After a few breaths, Chen Feng reappeared.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal's cave." Chen Feng said lightly, not seeing what the harvest would be.


Saint Qiu Li didn't ask any more questions, and took Chen Feng to look for other caves. Perhaps because of the Supreme Scepter, Saint Qiu Li knew the world far better than Chen Feng, and knew where the treasures were, so he took him with him. As Chen Feng continued to search for caves and some caves and blessed places, just like what was discussed before, Qiu Li Shengjun kept his promise and would not take action on any treasures he came to. All resources and treasures fell into Chen Feng's hands. As time went by, Chen Feng felt a little embarrassed.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. This is a cooperation and a transaction. It's what we agreed before. Even if you can get a hundred top-quality artifacts, I won't reach out." Qiu Li Shengjun said calmly.

"Haha." Chen Feng smiled and said nothing. Although he received a lot of resources and some good high-grade artifacts, he did not encounter the top-grade artifacts.

In Chen Feng's perception, although this land of life is not as good as the major heavens, it is still similar. Therefore, it will take some time to explore this world. However, Chen Feng is not alone. The news showed that everyone had something to gain, and as for the army of divine insects, they swept through without missing a piece, and all useful resources were looted.

Anyway, there are no human monks here, and Chen Feng doesn't feel any burden at all.


At this time, Holy Lord Qiu Li opened another treasured land for cultivation. Chen Feng was stopped by Holy Lord Qiu Li just as he was about to enter.

"Be careful, don't you feel the danger?" Holy Lord Qiu Li glanced at Chen Feng.

"It's just a few battle puppets." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then rushed in with a flash of his body. Then there was a continuous sound of fighting. The battle was fierce, but it ended quickly. After a while, Chen Feng was smiling. Walking out, it was obvious that I was very satisfied with the harvest this time.

"It's just that a good high-grade artifact is protected by a stone puppet. It seems that it is not that easy to get a top-grade artifact." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then waved his hand and a jade bottle fell into the hands of Holy Lord Qiu Li.

"This thing is useful to you, so I'll give it to you." Chen Feng said casually.

"What is this? Hey, it is Jiuyou Heavy Water. It has been refined. It is indeed a good thing." Qiu Li Shengjun immediately made a sound of surprise after opening the jade bottle, and put the jade bottle away without politeness. In fact, the things in the jade bottle are not too precious, but they are more useful to Saint Qiu Li.

"Let's go. Next, you have to prepare for battle. I won't interfere, because I need enough energy to deal with that chaos treasure." Saint Lord Qiu Li said.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Feng said easily, but soon Chen Feng became uneasy.

boom! boom! boom!

Chen Feng held the war spear in his hand, and the divine wings behind his back vibrated, and he kept dodging the attacks of the two combat puppets. These two combat puppets looked like ordinary people, even the height and shape were similar, but between Chen Feng and Qiu It was different in Li Shengjun's eyes, especially Chen Feng, who was in the middle of the situation, could feel the power of the two combat puppets.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Chen Feng swung his war spear and stabbed one of the combat puppets several times with lightning speed, but it only left a few holes, and these holes healed quickly.

"As expected of a stone puppet, its defense is too strong, and more importantly, it is blessed by the magic power of Taiyi Golden Immortal." Chen Feng said lightly, and he quickly punched and collided with another combat puppet.

It seemed that the two sides were fighting fiercely, and Chen Feng could no longer defeat each other as quickly as before. However, Shengjun Qiu Li had no intention of intervening, and just stood not far away and watched expressionlessly.

"about there."

After fighting for a while, Chen Feng lost his patience. With a wave of his hand, the Mangluo Divine Vine flew out. The tough vine quickly spread out and tied up the two combat puppets in the blink of an eye. Chen Feng took the opportunity to step forward and quickly used the sealing technique. Then he put away the two combat puppets.

"The battle puppet is good and has research value." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then entered the cave to search before coming out.

"There is still no top-quality artifact." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Don't worry, I said there are top-quality artifacts, there will definitely be them." Qiu Li Shengjun said calmly.

"Fellow Daoist Qiu Li, seeing that you are not in a hurry, aren't you afraid that others will come here accidentally?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Don't worry, you can't get in here without the key." Holy Lord Qiu Li shook his head.

"That's not necessarily the case. You should be more careful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In this case, let's speed up and go directly to find the best artifact." Saint Lord Qiu Li thought for a while and said.

"This is best." Chen Feng nodded.

While Chen Feng and Qiu Li Shengjun were searching the stone civilization, the two monks in Tsing Yi who had been tracking Chen Feng also came to this area, and there was an old man with long hair and beard beside them. The old man was wearing an ordinary Taoist robe. He was holding a compass in one hand and pinching it with the other, while he was mumbling something.

"Ancestor, is this the place?" One of the blue-clothed monks asked hurriedly.

However, the old man did not answer and was still calculating. Seeing the two people, he could only wait patiently.

Speaking of which, the two blue-clothed monks had already given up chasing Chen Feng and thought of waiting in the Tianqian City ahead, but they did not expect to meet a senior, um, or this senior came specifically for this matter.

The old man was also from the Three Souls Clan, named Shen Ji Lao Zu, who was good at calculating the secrets of heaven and copying the avenue. For Shen Ji Lao Zu, it was simply a simple matter to deduce and track a monk, not to mention that this time it was not just tracking Chen Feng.

After a long time, Shen Ji Lao Zu stopped his actions, and both sides suddenly lit up, just like two lightning flashes, which scared the blue-clothed monks on both sides, but the two soon became happy, and it seemed that they had found Chen Feng.

"It's here, finally found." Shen Ji Lao Zu nodded and said with a smile.

"Finally found this kid. This time, we can't let him run away no matter what." The green monk couldn't help laughing.

"Looking for people is just a side job. I found the place." The old ancestor of Shen Ji suddenly said.


The two green monks exclaimed, not quite understanding what the old ancestor meant.

"Don't you understand yet? The kid you're looking for is in a mysterious place, and that place is also what I've been looking for for many years. I didn't expect that this time I could kill two birds with one stone." The old ancestor of Shen Ji said while urging the compass in his hand. The green light shot out from the compass and continued to expand. Soon, it covered a large area of ​​the void, and soon a huge portal appeared in the green light.

"Hey! There is a portal. What is this place?" The two green monks looked at each other and said with some surprise. In their opinion, since the old ancestor tried so hard to find the place, it must be not simple.

However, one of them still said: "Old ancestor, in fact, the kid we are tracking is not simple. That guy has a top-grade artifact, and more than one."

"Top-grade artifact, more than one." The old ancestor of Shen Ji was a little surprised.

"Yes, and there is also a time disk, which can summon the long river of time, otherwise we wouldn't have chased for so long." The green monk said hurriedly.

"It's really good, but if you knew what's inside, I'm afraid you would be more surprised." The old ancestor of Shenji quickly regained his composure after being surprised.

"Could there be a top-grade artifact?" The two speculated.

"Of course there are top-grade artifacts, and there are more than one, but there are things more precious than top-grade artifacts." The old ancestor of Shenji said with a smile.

"What, there are things more precious than top-grade artifacts, ancestor, there won't be chaos magic weapons inside, ancestor, please don't play with us." The two green monks looked at each other and said with excitement.

"Although you are my juniors, you have also entered the intermediate Taiyi realm. In fact, we are all people of the same level. Besides, you two practice swordsmanship, and your combat power is stronger than mine. How dare I play with you." The old ancestor of Shenji said with a smile.

"Ancestor, you are playing with us when you say this." The two said hurriedly.

"So there really is a Chaos Magical Treasure inside."

"Yes, it is indeed a Chaos Magical Treasure, so I said that the best artifact is nothing." The Shenji Patriarch said with a smile.

"The best artifact is indeed not comparable to the Chaos Magical Treasure, but we are satisfied to get the best artifact."

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. This portal is not simple. I just studied it and it is difficult to enter without a key. Moreover, someone got ahead of us. If the other party gets the Chaos Magical Treasure, the three of us can't catch the other party together." The Shenji Patriarch said with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Hearing this, the two blue-clothed monks also began to get anxious, but there was no use in getting anxious. They could only think of a way to crack it quickly.

An ancient stone sword was caught in Chen Feng's hand, and stone pattern symbols kept flying out of the stone sword, circling around Chen Feng, and finally drilled into the stone sword. Chen Feng looked calm, but he secretly used a strong method to suppress the stone sword.

After a long time, the stone sword returned to calm, and all the strange phenomena disappeared. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary rock carving, and there was nothing special about it.

"Stone Sword Taiyuan, a top-grade artifact, not bad, but it's a pity that it's a little damaged and needs time to repair." Chen Feng said lightly. Although his voice was flat, he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

"Congratulations." Saint Qiuli said lightly. Although Saint Qiuli always had this expression, Chen Feng's sensitivity still noticed something wrong.

"Fellow Daoist Qiuli, did something happen?" Chen Feng asked hurriedly.

"Someone found this place." Saint Qiuli said lightly, and glanced at Chen Feng with a strange look. Chen Feng was surprised at first, and then a little embarrassed. He had talked about this problem before, and now it has come true. Maybe Saint Qiuli is secretly cursing himself for his bad mouth.

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