Eternal Existence

Chapter 1751: Critical Moment

"Why don't you collect it quickly?" Chen Feng shouted suddenly, and at the same time, blood seemed to be unable to be suppressed and flew out of his pores crazily, forming silk threads directly.

In fact, Saint Qiuli has been trying his best to capture this fragment. Perhaps it is because Saint Qiuli himself has a fragment of the Wheel of Time, which causes the newly discovered fragment to resist violently and does not attract each other like other magic weapon fragments. This is also the reason why Saint Qiuli is looking for Chen Feng to share a house, otherwise Saint Qiuli can come here to plunder everything.

But then again, in order to get this fragment of the Wheel of the Universe, Saint Qiuli gave all the resources of this world to Chen Feng. This is also a kind of great spirit, even Chen Feng feels heartbroken. Chen Feng even thought about this matter. If it were him, would he give up the best artifact and some treasures for a piece of chaos fragment? Chen Feng thought about it carefully, and finally determined that he would do the same. The best artifact is powerful and rare, but in terms of quality, origin, and other aspects, it is not at the same level as the chaos magic weapon.

"It's a pity that it's just a fragment. I don't know if the other party can gather all the fragments and re-condense the Wheel of the Universe. But it's really shocking. Even a treasure of the level of the Wheel of the Universe can be shattered. Not to mention Taiyi Jinxian, even Daluo Jinxian can't do this. Could it be that a group of chaotic magic weapons are bombarding each other? This is the only possibility." Chen Feng thought randomly.

The reason why Chen Feng had time to breed so many thoughts was that under the suppression of the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail, Saint Qiuli was gradually collecting this fragment. The state of the Wheel of Time had disappeared and turned into a fragment again. The fragment kept struggling. After all, it was not a complete body and could not break free from the shackles of the Divine Nail. Coupled with Saint Qiuli's summoning technique, this fragment began to make an urgent whine, and even had a strong will to communicate with Chen Feng.

"It turned out that it had its own spiritual wisdom, no wonder it couldn't be controlled." Chen Feng understood immediately, and at the same time guessed that Saint Qiuli knew this situation and might have experienced it before.

"Hey! Chaos magic weapon."

"Wheel of the Universe!"

At this time, the three ancestors of Shenji finally broke through the door and came in. As soon as they entered this space, they were attracted by the fluctuations here. At this time, Saint Qiuli was at the most critical time to collect the fragments.

The appearance of the three people made Saint Qiuli a little nervous and flustered, and the fragments that were about to be in his hand slipped again.

"Don't worry, I will deal with them." Chen Feng said hurriedly. Chen Feng knew that he could only say this and do this now, otherwise Saint Qiuli might fail. The two sides are in a cooperative relationship. He has already gained enough benefits. Chen Feng will not watch Saint Qiuli get nothing, not to mention that this place was originally discovered by Saint Qiuli.

"Can you handle it?" Saint Qiuli didn't believe Chen Feng.

"You'd better save some energy to collect the wheel of the universe." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the sky was full of divine vines that swept all around. The Manluo divine vine was okay to block some ordinary Taiyi Jinxian, but it seemed a little fragile in front of these three intermediate masters.

Two sword lights burst out, and the sky-filled divine vines were shredded into pieces.

"Boy, can you still run away this time?" The blue-clothed cultivator who spoke was Tianzhi Jianjun. He was looking at Chen Feng coldly at this time, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He had wanted to kill Chen Feng for a long time, and this time he finally caught up with him, so he was naturally a little proud.

"Daoyou Qiuli, I didn't expect that we would meet here." Another blue-clothed cultivator, Tianfeng Jianjun, looked at Qiuli Shengjun, and a complex look flashed in his eyes, which was then captured by Chen Feng, and he thought secretly in his heart.

However, at this time, Qiuli Shengjun was at a critical moment to collect the fragments, so he didn't answer at all.

"I really underestimated Daoyou before. I heard that Daoyou had been a guest in our Wangyou Cave Heaven before. I don't know how you got mixed up with this outsider again." The old ancestor of Shenji said as he walked forward, the compass in his hand humming, and a dangerous aura emanated from his body.

"Since it's obvious, don't waste your time. The fragment of the Wheel of the Universe belongs to me. Anyone who dares to interfere in this matter is an enemy of me and the Nine-Eye Clan." Saint Qiu Li spoke lightly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab the fragment in his hand. The wheel-shaped phantom on his body wrapped the fragment, and the Wheel of the Universe began to rotate, trying to merge the fragment.

"The Nine-Eye Clan is too far away from here, and they can't scare us. Why don't you two do it?" The compass in the hands of the ancestor of the divine machine said, and a dazzling stream of light flew out and sank into the surrounding space. Chen Feng immediately felt a chaotic force stirring the surrounding space, and the divine nail formation he arranged was affected. That's not all. Chen Feng only felt that the whole person was suffocated and oppressed. There was a feeling of confusion, and the spirit was in a trance. The condensed power felt scattered.

"This person is powerful."

Chen Feng was startled, and the fire of the soul immediately burned fiercely. Only then did he feel much more comfortable. At the same time, he stretched out his finger and flicked it, and several divine nail phantoms flew out and shot at the old man.

The danger this old man brought to Chen Feng was too great. If it weren't for Saint Qiu Li, Chen Feng would have thought of a way to leave here.

Moreover, in addition to this old man, there are two sword cultivators with super strong attack power.

Chen Feng didn't care about the sword cultivators in the primary Taiyi realm, but when he reached the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, his life essence changed, and his strength increased by more than ten times.

The attack of the phantom of the divine nail pierced the momentum created by the ancestor of the divine machine. At the same time, the Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail array also expanded suddenly. At this time, Holy Lord Qiu Li had already shared the pressure of the wheel of the universe. Chen Feng has more power to activate the Divine Nail Formation.

How powerful the array formed by nine top-quality artifacts is, just think about how powerful it can be to seal the chaos magic weapon. The fact that Chen Feng severely injured the opponent before with one enemy also illustrates the problem.

The only flaw is that this situation cannot last.

Faced with this kind of attack, the ancestor of the divine machine did not dare to be careless. The compass in his hand quickly rotated, and non-stop light curtains were shot out, trying to block the attack of the divine nail.


He was just an old man. Although he was powerful and Chen Feng could resist with the help of the Divine Nail Formation, the scene immediately changed when these two swordsmen took action.

First, two wisps of sword light appeared and tore apart the space and energy in front of him, and then turned into billowing waves of swords. Just the momentum brought by the impact made Chen Feng somewhat unsteady.


At this time, Chen Feng didn't have a good way to deal with it. He could only activate the divine nail array with all his strength. In an instant, hundreds of divine nails flew out, and Chen Feng himself took out a stone shield. This was Although what Chen Feng just got is a broken item, it is of the highest grade after all. No matter how many effects it has, it is at least stronger than a top-grade artifact in Chen Feng's opinion, and in Chen Feng's opinion, broken things are destroying him. Nor will I feel distressed.

When Chen Feng was fighting with the opponent, Holy Lord Qiu Li was naturally not idle, but mobilized all his strength to collect the fragment. As long as the fragment was obtained, the crisis in front of him would no longer be a crisis.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This is a soul-shaking sound. Various sources of power are colliding. Sparks of various colors bloom from time to time. This is caused by the artifact.

Although Chen Feng used the Divine Nail Formation to the extreme, he still couldn't block the opponent's attack. The attack power of these two swordsmen was too strong. Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng would definitely lose in a one-on-one fight, but now there was another one. The old man with an unfathomable reputation, in Chen Feng's opinion, this ancestor of the divine machine is the most difficult to deal with. His attack power is not the strongest, but his attack methods are very strange. He can find Chen Feng's loopholes every time to attack. Even the Divine Nail Formation had weak points in the opponent's attacks.

"Is this the power of practicing the art of calculating heavenly secrets?" Chen Feng thought to himself, but there was some surprise in his eyes. In the short period of time just now, everyone had surrendered many times, and less than half of the opponent's attacks were blocked. The Sky Covering Shield blocked it. Otherwise, Chen Feng would have been seriously injured, and the Divine Nail Formation would not be able to block all attacks.

However, Chen Feng was still injured under the powerful attack. Three sword rays fell on Chen Feng. The sturdy and indestructible immortal armor was finally torn apart. Then, the sword rays penetrated Chen Feng's body, constantly destroying and obliterating him. Chen Feng's vitality.

"These guys are too strong. I don't know if Holy Lord Qiu Li has recovered. It's my limit to be able to persist until now." Thinking of this, Chen Feng thought, and the nine divine nails quickly returned, circulating around Chen Feng quickly, The rest of the attacks were blocked. In order to activate the Divine Nail Formation, Chen Feng did not have the extra strength to use other means. Besides, even using other means could not affect the opponent.

boom! boom! boom!

In this way, Chen Feng exposed Holy Lord Qiu Li. Naturally, the three ancestors of Shenji would not miss this opportunity. Three torrents rushed towards Holy Lord Qiu Li.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng sighed, and had no choice but to step forward with a shield in hand to block a torrent. Because of the previous consumption, Chen Feng could not recover for a short time. Under the impact of the torrent, Chen Feng kept retreating and was recovering. The injury exploded again, causing Chen Feng's entire body to be wrapped in blood mist.

"I don't know how Saint Lord Qiu Li is doing."

As soon as Chen Feng had this thought, he felt an extremely strong energy explode around him. A soft and powerful energy stretched out. Chen Feng was involuntarily pulled over. The next moment, Chen Feng saw himself on a huge wheel. Among them, outside the wheel is a roaring ocean of energy.

"Hey! Wheel of the Universe, you succeeded." Chen Feng looked at Saint Lord Qiu Li next to him with some surprise.

However, Saint Qiu Li's eyes were closed tightly at this time, his face was a little pale, and it seemed that he was trying his best to activate the wheel of the universe.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The wheel of the universe rolled forward rapidly, and the attacks launched by the three ancestors of Shenji were defeated one after another. The huge wheel kept rolling over the three of them.

It seemed that Saint Qiu Li had the upper hand. Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his hand, nine divine nails flew out at the same time. A series of explosions were heard, and then the two sword cultivators were submerged in the blood mist.

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