Eternal Existence

Chapter 1758: Divine Corpse Worm

"I haven't contacted them yet." Qiu Li Shengjun said after thinking for a while.

"Then go find them. If we encounter such danger before we reach our destination, it will definitely not be peaceful next time, so it's best not to lose the strength of our team." Chen Feng said.

"Don't you doubt that it was them?" Holy Lord Qiu Li said suddenly.

"Of course I doubt it, so we need to find them even more. If they are the ones causing trouble, then they will be dead. But I have a feeling that Shaoyang and Taiyin may have also been ambushed." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Then find them first." Holy Lord Qiu Li nodded, secretly performed a secret technique, then turned around and said, "I found them, follow me."

After finding Shaoyang and Taiyin, I knew that they were innocent without even asking, because Shaoyang and Taiyin were trapped in a large formation. The two of them looked seriously injured and miserable. If they hadn't practiced it, It is the way of dual cultivation, supporting each other all the time. One person alone may not be able to survive the arrival of Chen Feng and Holy Lord Qiu Li.

Chen Feng and Qiu Li Shengjun looked at each other, nodded to each other without saying anything, and already understood what they meant.

"This formation is not simple." Chen Feng said.

"This is a superimposed formation composed of nine killing formations. It is very powerful in siege and attack. Shaoyang and Taiyin cannot break out at all. If we don't come, they will be trapped here for tens of millions of dollars. Years or even hundreds of millions of years, and then gradually killed by the great formation," said Holy Lord Qiu Li.

"It's a natural magic formation, no wonder it doesn't have any aura coming out." Chen Feng said while using his pupil technique to quickly analyze the formation.

"Actually, I don't know how many billions of years of ancient formations have been left behind, but they were activated later. It can be regarded as natural." Qiu Li said, urging the wheel of the universe to rush forward and crush it. It was just a As a result of the collision, two large formations were shattered into pieces and no longer existed.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and the void storm rolled out, wrapping up the two large formations. Instead of launching a strike immediately, it cut off the connection between the two large formations and other large formations. .

Just like this, under the attack of Chen Feng and Qiu Li Shengjun, the formation was bombarded to pieces, and Shaoyang and Taiyin rushed out before they could completely blast away.

"Thank you."

Shaoyang said quickly.

"Don't say any more, heal your wounds quickly." Shengjun Qiu Li said with a wave of his hand, he took out a chariot that looked unusually cool and domineering. After the four people got on it, they quickly started to fly away.

"The opponent is already prepared. Although they have killed a few people, I think they will definitely encounter stronger attacks next." Holy Lord Qiu Li said while driving the chariot while observing the surrounding situation. Dodged some attacks from strange beasts.

"Come just come, you still need to settle the accounts for the sneak attack on me before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You have already killed one person. Isn't that enough?" Qiu Li Shengjun asked expressionlessly, not knowing what else to think about.

"Of course it's not enough. I have to kill seven or eight people no matter what." Chen Feng said fiercely. He was attacked by a sneak attack just now. Chen Feng did suffer a lot. As a result, Chen Feng is still a little depressed and his anger has not been fully restored. Fortunately, all three of Qiuli Shengjun were attacked, especially Shaoyang and Taiyin, who were seriously injured. This made Chen Feng feel much better.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that his statement was somewhat unrealistic. Even if he and Holy Lord Qiu Li joined forces and unleashed all their strength, they would not be able to achieve such results, otherwise the previous battle would not have allowed people to escape.

"If you can really kill so many people, then the entire Fire Dragon Clan and Gila Monster Clan will be turned upside down, and you will be hunted down by more powerful masters." Holy Lord Qiu Li showed a smile.

"So we can only wait to be killed. Well, we can't kill anyone. But we have killed a few people before, so we will encounter more trouble in the future." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Isn't that what I said just now, so you still have time to regret it now." Holy Lord Qiu Li said again.

"What do you regret?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course you are cooperating with me. Now you know the dangers of cooperating with me. It's still too late to quit." Qiu Li Shengjun said lightly.

"I do regret it, but now I have stepped in, and my feet are already stained with mud. It is not my style to withdraw without getting any benefits." Chen Feng laughed, and the golden immortal light suddenly swept across When it came out, it was like a sky covered with golden light. A group of mountains in the distance was suddenly cut neatly, and then shattered into pieces in the immortal light. Then several black smoke and dust suddenly clashed out from the mountain peaks, like long snakes or tornadoes. It was as if smoke and dust were rushing towards Chen Feng and the others, and at the same time, a palpitating aura was resurrecting.

Even Chen Feng and others felt palpitations, which showed how powerful the other party was.

"Divine Corpse Insect!"

At this time, Taiyin, who was recovering from his injuries, suddenly spoke. What made Chen Feng feel a little strange was that there was a hint of panic in the other person's beautiful eyes.

It can make an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal feel frightened either because he has experienced such stimulation before or because this kind of divine corpse insect is very powerful.

"The Divine Corpse Insect?" Chen Feng said lightly.

You must know that corpse worms are easy to understand, and they are common things. They will breed in many corpses, and unusual corpse worms will also breed in some particularly powerful corpses.

Being able to add the word "God" in front of the corpse worm shows that there has been a change in its essence. For example, a divine weapon is far superior to an immortal weapon, a divine pill is superior to an immortal pill, and a divine technique is superior to an immortal secret technique. Then this divine corpse worm must be more powerful than an immortal corpse worm.

Well, in fact, these are all metaphors and guesses. In fact, Chen Feng has also seen divine corpse worms, but this scale and level is the first time he has seen one. It is still a bit disgusting and hairy to say. No matter what, it cannot change the nature of the corpse worm, especially for a top-grade enchanting beauty like Taiyin, who is even more unwilling to face this creature.

"Being able to breed divine corpse worms of this level means that the creatures hidden here are not simple. It seems that there are indeed too many things hidden in this space. Only a small part has been opened up, and I know even less. Maybe my goal here is not the strongest." Qiu Li Shengjun suddenly said, and stopped at this time. It seems that he has some interest in the things here. In fact, Qiu Li Shengjun has such an idea in his mind. If his goal can be achieved here, then it is not so important to continue to go deeper.

"There will definitely be gains, but I don't know if it can meet my requirements." Qiu Li Shengjun said in his heart.

Boom! Boom!

More and more God Corpse Worms rushed towards them, and finally it was like a giant tornado began to crash. Each tornado had more than one billion God Corpse Worms. Chen Feng roughly calculated that there were only 30 to 40 billion God Corpse Worms in the first wave. Chen Feng did not believe that these God Corpse Worms were all, and there might be more in secret.

Some things should be thought of in the worst place, and then be prepared in the heart.

"To breed so many God Corpse Worms, how many high-level life bodies are needed? If these God Corpse Worms are bred by a creature, how strong is this creature? It must be beyond the intermediate Taiyi realm, so it is a high-level Taiyi Jinxian. Even if this level of existence can only get some corpses, it is a huge gain." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

Then Shaoyang, who was healing, took action. A big sun suddenly appeared, shining in all directions, and the scorching heat emitted turned large areas of God Corpse Worms into nothingness.

It is most appropriate to use the way of extreme yang to deal with such creatures, which is also the reason why Shaoyang took the initiative to take action.

Although Shaoyang was powerful, he faced too many corpse worms. Moreover, each individual corpse worm had its own intelligence, which was the top existence among corpse worms, even surpassing many spirits and monsters. When so many corpse worms gathered together, they could perform some special and powerful methods. Therefore, although a large number of corpse worms were constantly disappearing, more corpse worms also surrounded them.

Chen Feng and others had already felt the strong binding force.

"Although these things are small, they are more numerous. They can even devour powerful lives, and it is even easier to devour some ordinary cultivators." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand and a sword light swept out in an arc.

At first, it was just a sword light, but the next moment it was divided into ten, and then each of the ten sword lights was divided into ten again.

It kept splitting like this, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a rolling sword energy frenzy, and the sword energy frenzy turned into a sea of ​​sword energy. No matter how many corpse worms there were, they were torn into pieces wherever they passed.

Saint Qiuli and Taiyin did not attack, but Shaoyang's extreme yang power and Chen Feng's sword energy ocean blocked the impact of these god corpse insects, but it would take some time to kill all of them.

"Should we go in and see what's inside?" Chen Feng suggested, looking relaxed, and he didn't seem to have any burden in the face of these god corpse insects.

"Of course we have to go in, this is also the purpose of my coming here, but it may not be so easy to get in." Saint Qiuli said this and urged the chariot to rush forward. Waves of energy beams shot out from the front of the chariot, just like holding a torch to burn mosquitoes.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived above this mountain. The terrain here had been neatly cut by Chen Feng's previous immortal light. The ground seemed to have opened several large holes, and there were endless god corpse insects in each large hole.

"But even if there are more of these level of God Corpse Worms, they can't do anything to us. All we need is time." Chen Feng held a long sword and casually sent out waves of sword light, strangling the God Corpse Worms. In Chen Feng's opinion, these small insects in front of him were not challenging at all. Even if he removed his defense, these God Corpse Worms couldn't break his body with their level.

"Don't be careless, I feel a little danger." Taiyin, who had not made a move, suddenly said.

"Hey! Beauty, are you concerned about me?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I care about you to death." Taiyin couldn't help but glared at Chen Feng, as for the ordinary Shaoyang, he seemed to have heard nothing.

"Friend Taiyin, just rest assured to heal your wounds. This small scene can't do anything to me. Even if a fierce beast comes out, what can it do? I will kill as many as I can." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Be careful not to brag." Taiyin sneered.

"It's a bit strange to say that since there are so many God Corpse Worms here, the life corpses here must have been eaten clean, so why would it bring me a sense of crisis?" Saint Qiuli said with some surprise.

"You'll know once you go in. We'll have to brave it even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire." As Chen Feng spoke, the long sword in his hand suddenly broke apart and turned into countless small swords. Countless small swords formed a long river of swords, rotating in circles around them. Every rotation would kill countless divine corpse worms.

"The mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire are only for ordinary people, and have no impact on us monks." After hearing Chen Feng's words, Taiyin couldn't help but retort.

"It depends on what level of mountain of swords and sea of ​​fire it is. If it is arranged by the senior Taiyi Golden Immortal." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Strong words." Taiyin snorted coldly.

In addition to Chen Feng using his magical powers of swordsmanship, Shaoyang has never been idle. He saw a bright sun floating in the sky, and circles of hot light waves constantly impacting the surroundings. It can be said that the corpse insects that died in Shaoyang's hands are still more... surpassed Chen Feng’s record.

"right here."

Holy Lord Qiu Li finally took action. A row of energy cannons suddenly emerged from the small-looking chariot. After a series of bombardments, the mountains that had been flattened once again exploded into large craters, revealing densely packed strange rocks. Beast corpses, and more divine corpse insects emerged from the corpses and joined the army that besieged Chen Feng and others.

"So many corpses!"

Saint Qiu Li said with some surprise.

"The rest of these corpses are at the intermediate level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. My dear, there must be a reason why so many masters are buried here together." Chen Feng suddenly focused his eyes as he spoke, then reached out and quickly grabbed a small A divine corpse insect the size of a fingernail fell into his hand. This divine corpse insect was no different from other corpse insects, but it burst out with strong penetrating power, trying to pierce Chen Feng's palm, although it did not break Chen Feng's hand. Chen Feng also felt a slight pain on his skin.

"Be careful, there is something wrong with these corpse insects." Chen Feng said quickly, a ball of flame came out from his palm and burned the corpse insect into ashes. Then Chen Feng waved his palm again, and several more corpse insects were killed by Chen Feng. Catch it in your hand.

The fact that these Divine Corpse Insects were able to get through layers of defenses and reach Chen Feng showed that they were not simple.

In fact, there was no need for Chen Feng to remind others. Others were attacked more or less, especially Taiyin, who seemed a little careless. Then a corpse insect bit a hole on his arm, and then the piece of flesh immediately turned black and smelly. , swelled up quickly and looked unusually nauseating.

Taiyin exclaimed, slapping the corpse insect to death with a wave of his hand. At the same time, the place where it was bitten suddenly exploded, and a small wound appeared. Then the wound disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the skin became smooth again.


A wave of water ripples emanated from the body surface. At this time, several divine corpse insects were seen burrowing in, trying to break through this layer of defense and attack the Taiyin inside.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, his eyes suddenly shrank. After all, Taiyin was also a Taiyi Golden Immortal, but his defense was broken by an inconspicuous corpse insect, and his skin was opened. If there were thousands or tens of thousands of them like this If the divine corpse insect falls on you, I'm afraid Taiyin will be chewed into bones.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. Simple sword attack can no longer hurt these corpse insects, right? Or there will be more powerful ones next." Chen Feng thought like this, and several black vortexes appeared around him. It is the art of devouring. These black whirlpools are constantly circling around Chen Feng. As long as there are divine corpse insects approaching, they will be sucked in and ground into pieces.

Of course, with Chen Feng's strength, even if he didn't use these methods, even if these corpse insects rushed up, they couldn't break through Chen Feng's defense.

Not to mention Chen Feng's Chaos Golden Body is extremely powerful, even some high-grade artifacts cannot be broken by the outermost layer of the Immortality Armor alone.

However, being able to break through layers of aura and domains to invade in front of them also shows how capable and extraordinary these corpse insects are.

"These things are so disgusting." Taiyin couldn't help but say, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do. At this time, he had to take action.

"The dignified intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal would be confused by these inconspicuous corpse insects." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, and at the same time looked at Taiyin. A beam of golden light flew out and turned into a golden barrier to protect Taiyin.

The golden barrier seemed dazzling, but in fact it contained the power of gentleness and the power of cutting and erasing. The Divine Corpse Insects were strangled by these golden lights before they even got close to the twelfth lunar month.

"You have done well in cultivating the Immortal Light." Saint Qiu Li took the time to say something.

"This is the real immortal light, hum! I don't need your help." Taiyin was a little surprised, but he didn't give Chen Feng a good look. Of course, even though he said this, he didn't resist. Since he was protected by the immortal light, he was also happy. Save your energy, the most important thing is that the female cultivator Taiyin can't see the disgusting appearance of the corpse insect.

"You don't need to thank me. We are just partners. Don't think too much about it. You are a married woman and I am not interested in you." But Chen Feng's next words made Taiyin angry. His eyes flashed and he waved his hand. Countless lunar blades flew out, and large areas of corpse insects were strangled.


As soon as Saint Qiu Li raised his hand, a bunch of black flames flew out, and then exploded, turning into countless black threads and passing through the holes of the beast corpses below. Then there was a series of crackling sounds, and the black flames passed by immediately Fine deep holes appeared, but more corpse insects flew out of these small holes.

"Black Flame Yousi, what a good thing." Chen Feng said with some envy.

"Of course it's a good thing." Qiu Li Shengjun said lightly, but Chen Feng heard some other meanings from it, so he didn't say more. After all, he had collected some black flame silk before, and Qiu Li Shengjun had always Without speaking, he mentioned this matter. At this moment, Chen Feng felt that he was really talkative.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

Although he said so, Saint Qiu Li's hands were not slow. While urging the energy cannon to bombard the rushing God Corpse Worms, he also used the black flame silk to sweep the corpses below.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and Chen Feng roughly guessed the purpose of Saint Qiu Li's coming here.


The body of a strange beast that was bigger than a mountain finally exploded, and dozens of light spots emitted elite luster and flew around. At the same time, there were crowded God Corpse Worms constantly sweeping around.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Saint Qiu Li stretched out his hand and grabbed them all, and all these light spots fell into his hand. He put them away without waiting for a closer look.

"The life and death beads bred by this level of life are really good, and they are also rare treasures, but there is no crystal core left. Is it because of the wrong way of cultivation?" Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"It's not that the repair method is wrong, the crystal core is, but it was laughed at by these God Corpse Worms. Do you think there are only simple God Corpse Worms here?" Saint Qiu Li said.

"Of course I don't think so." Chen Feng stretched out a finger and pointed it fiercely. Then he saw a huge finger shadow that was ten thousand feet long and rolled down. When the finger fell, a large number of divine corpse insects were sucked into it and shattered.


Chen Feng's finger fell on the corpse of a strange beast. This strange beast looked only ten thousand feet in size, which was very small compared to other strange beasts. However, the interesting thing was that this strange beast looked tough, with intact bones, and even covered with flesh and blood. Although there were countless divine corpse insects around, Chen Feng clearly found that no divine corpse insects came out of the body of this strange beast.

Chen Feng's finger did not penetrate the body of this strange beast when it fell, but only caused the other party to shake violently. Then Chen Feng saw that this strange beast that looked like a crocodile suddenly jumped up, opened its mouth wide and bit towards him, and the energy emitted by its sharp teeth locked Chen Feng firmly.

"It seems to be somewhat similar to the crocodile ancestor I encountered, but that crocodile ancestor is a real ancestor beast, with the realm of advanced Taiyi. At that time, it was shocked by the Seven Star Soul Locking Nail. However, the crocodile monster in front of me is not simple either, and it also has the strength of the intermediate Taiyi realm." When facing the attack, Chen Feng quickly had so many thoughts, and then the sword energy torrent that had been guarding the surroundings suddenly broke off, and rushed towards the crocodile monster like a dragon.

Without waiting for the result, Chen Feng jumped up from the chariot, and a total of three seals flew out of Chen Feng's body and fell on the crocodile monster from three directions.

These three seals are all top-grade artifacts, one of which is the Changsheng Seal, and the other two are what Chen Feng collected before, and have not yet been integrated into the Changsheng Seal. They were just casually refined by Chen Feng and put away. It is just right to take them out to deal with this mighty beast at this time.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

No matter what the origin of this crocodile monster is, it is certain that it is very powerful. The sword energy frenzy hit the crocodile monster, which only made the opponent shake for a while, and there were some scars on his body, but in Chen Feng's opinion, it did not really break the opponent's defense.

However, being able to hit the opponent has already satisfied Chen Feng, not to mention that there are other means. The three big seals also fell on the crocodile monster at the same time.

The dull collision sound shows that the attack of the big seal is very real, and then Chen Feng saw that the crocodile monster was twisted by the smash, and countless cracks and wounds appeared. The huge body looks very strange.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up. The strength of this opponent exceeded his expectations, and then countless sharp energy came to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's attack hit the opponent, but the attack of this crocodile monster was not completely broken, and it also locked Chen Feng.

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