Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,782 Thunderbird

Compared to the big move of Greedy Beast, Chen Feng's move was not bad, but the attack area was large, but it did not have absolute lethality, that is to say, Chen Feng swept the battle puppets around but did not kill them in one fell swoop.

"What a strong immortal light, this is the real immortal power." Qingfeng Niu said with a sigh.

"Yes, and there is a taste from the beginning of chaos. Is the chaotic body so strong? The immortal light cultivated is so powerful." Greedy Beast said.

"It shouldn't be like this. It seems to be the immortal light of refinement. Now is not the time to talk about this. Hurry up and solve these battle puppets." Qingfeng Niu said, holding a long sword and rushing up. At this time, the battle puppets and hidden beasts that were cut off by Chen Feng were recovering quickly.

"I have no power after using the big move." Greedy Beast shouted, but still rushed up.

These battle puppets were cut off by Chen Feng's immortal light, and it takes time to recover, so Qingfeng Niu and Greedy Beast seized the opportunity, went forward to chop vegetables and melons, and chopped these battle puppets into pieces.

The three of them worked together for a while, and Chen Feng continued to use the Immortal Light to sweep around. Under the power of the Immortal Light, even the hidden beasts hidden in the dark were exposed. The hidden beasts without the invisibility effect were not much stronger than these metal combat puppets, so the battle ended soon.

Hundreds of metal combat puppets and more than a dozen hidden beasts were dealt with by the three people. This result made Chen Feng secretly shocked. Qingfeng Niu and Tanshou had seen too many scenes. They were not surprised at this time, but of course they were happy.

"Okay, the trouble is solved, and I can collect the treasures with peace of mind." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"Not bad, it seems that there is still strength in numbers." Tanshou nodded, and with a smile on his face, he hurriedly entered a cave.

"This guy must know that there are good things here, fellow Taoist, let's hurry up." Qingfeng Niu greeted Chen Feng and entered another cave.

Chen Feng naturally would not be idle, and his figure flashed into another cave.

After a while, the three of them reunited and left the place. The three of them looked calm, but the smiles in their eyes still revealed their moods. It was obvious that they had a good harvest this time.

"What a pity, we only got one top-grade artifact." Greedy Beast shook his head and said.

"Haha, you are being hypocritical. Don't be greedy. It is a great harvest to get a top-grade artifact. Besides top-grade artifacts, there are other divine objects." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"Oh, so you got a good divine object." Greedy Beast was surprised.

"Of course." Qingfeng Niu said with some pride.

"What treasures are they? Take them out quickly and let me see them." Greedy Beast said curiously.

"Why don't you take out the treasures you got." Qingfeng Niu was not fooled and said directly.

"How did you get, fellow Daoist?" Finally, the two strange beasts looked at Chen Feng again.

"There are some gains. Look what this is." Chen Feng said that an inconspicuous storage bag appeared in his hand.

"Qiankun bag, I said, fellow Taoist, are you teasing us?" Greedy Beast said with some dissatisfaction.

"Take a closer look." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the two beasts immediately observed carefully, and they could see the difference of the Qiankun bag.

"Am I seeing wrong? It's actually a Qiankun bag of the top-grade artifact level. Who is so bored to make such a thing?" Greedy Beast couldn't help but said.

"Yes, although it is a top-grade artifact, it can only hold some things. The space in a storage bag of this level is really comparable to a universe, but even if it is against the sky, it is just a storage bag, useless." Qingfeng Niu also said so.

The two beasts shook their heads, obviously not interested in this Qiankun bag at all.

"I have a lot of things, it's good to use it to store things. I thought the two fellow Taoists would like it, and I was thinking of exchanging some things." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't fancy it."

"Fellow Daoist, you should keep it for yourself."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, Qingfeng Niu and Tanshou shook their heads and waved their hands. It was a joke. They exchanged that thing for such a useless Qiankun bag. Did their brains rust?

"Since you two are not interested, forget it. After all, it is a top-grade artifact. Maybe it will come in handy in the future." Chen Feng smiled and put away the Qiankun bag.

"You two, I have taken out the things. Shouldn't you take out your harvests for viewing?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, in fact, there is nothing much, just an ordinary magic weapon." Tanshou said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, there is nothing to see." Qingfeng Niu also said so.

Chen Feng was a little speechless. He felt that these two strange beasts were really stingy. They were so secretive that they didn't look like practitioners at the level of Taiyi Realm.

However, if the other party was unwilling to take out the things, Chen Feng would naturally not force them. He sneered and laughed secretly, because the Qiankun bag Chen Feng took out was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. In addition to the cultivation resources piled up like mountains inside, this Qiankun bag itself also had some other functions.

Chen Feng would not say these things. In fact, when he first got this Qiankun bag, Chen Feng had the same idea as the two strange beasts. Later, when his mind entered it, he realized that he had gained a lot this time. Chen Feng was confident that Qingfeng Niu and Tan Beast combined could not compare to him.

"In this case, let's leave here. I hope there will be more gains next time." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, let's go to other places." Qingfeng Niu nodded, and at this time he no longer mentioned leaving, as if he had forgotten the dangers he had encountered before.

"Hehe, I wonder where Nightmare went?" Greedy Beast said with a smile while rushing on the road.

"I should have gained something." Qingfeng Niu said.

"Difficult." Greedy Beast shook his head.

"It is still difficult for a person to gain something here. If you are unlucky, you may not even be able to save your life." Greedy Beast continued.

"What you said makes sense." Qingfeng Niu nodded and said.

"Yeah, you think so too." Greedy Beast was a little happy.

"Not only does he think so, I think so too." At this time Chen Feng suddenly spoke.

At this time, Greedy Beast knew that Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu were not just talking, so he looked up and saw Nightmare being chased by a torrent.

"Uh, is this a crow's mouth?" Greedy Beast couldn't help saying.

At this time, Nightmare also saw Qingfeng Niu and the others, and his eyes immediately showed surprise, and he turned in a direction and rushed towards the three people.

"This guy!" Qingfeng Niu shook his head and prepared for a fight.

That torrent was certainly not made of energy, but a group of thunderbirds. The reason why they were called thunderbirds was that no one knew the names of these birds, but they were emitting dazzling lightning all over their bodies, so it was more appropriate to use thunderbirds.

"Finally, I encountered a living creature." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"These thunderbirds are a bit strange." Greedy Beast said, his eyes flashed, and immediately two energy blades were ejected, at an extremely fast speed, and they cut into the group of thunderbirds in just a flash.

There was a loud bang, a dazzling lightning flash, and at least dozens of thunderbirds were destroyed.

"It doesn't look good, how could Nightmare be so embarrassed." Greedy Beast said with a smile.

"No, look." Qingfeng Niu suddenly exclaimed at this time.

"Hey! What's going on!" Greedy Beast also showed a surprised look. He had clearly swept dozens of thunderbirds just now, but now it seems that the number has not decreased at all.

"The number has not decreased, there are still 3,000 thunderbirds." Chen Feng said on the side.

"These thunderbirds can't be killed." Nightmare shouted.

"Can't kill it? I don't believe it." Greedy Beast said as his eyes flickered, and dozens of energy blades merged into a small stream and swept across the thunderbird.

Chen Feng saw at a glance that Greedy Beast was performing a miniature version of his ultimate move. Chen Feng had seen before that this secret technique did not waste energy and could display the power to the maximum extent.


This time the attack was indeed fierce, and hundreds of thunderbirds were turned into nothing. Everyone clearly saw that the torrent chasing the nightmare disappeared, but before everyone was happy, this blank space suddenly flashed and was filled with thunderbirds again.

"How could this happen?" Greedy Beast saw it clearly this time, and couldn't help muttering, with doubt in his eyes.

"Unless you can destroy all three thousand thunderbirds in one fell swoop." Qingfeng Niu said.

At this time, the nightmare had already arrived in front of the three people, and turned around and began to kill them wantonly, but no matter how many thunderbirds the nightmare killed, the thunderbirds would make up for it the next moment.

At this time, there were already thunderbirds rushing towards Chen Feng and the other two. The thunderbirds' attacks were actually very simple, nothing more than swooping, grabbing, and lightning flying out of their eyes.

Chen Feng waved his hand and several thunderbirds turned into lightning. He punched out again and killed several more thunderbirds. In Chen Feng's opinion, the combat effectiveness of these thunderbirds was too low, and they could not even reach the realm of Taiyi. Under normal circumstances, let alone three thousand, even thirty or three hundred thousand thunderbirds could not do anything to everyone, but now these thunderbirds seemed to be unkillable, which was troublesome. Only three strange beasts joined forces to attack fiercely, killing thousands of thunderbirds this time. Chen Feng then used the Immortal Light to sweep across and killed hundreds more, but when he turned around, he saw that the thousands of thunderbirds had been replenished.

"No wonder Nightmare escaped!" At this time, everyone also understood Nightmare's situation.

"Try the sealing technique!" Chen Feng suddenly had an idea and said.

"Good, try the sealing technique!"

The eyes of the three beasts lit up, and they also felt that this method was feasible, so they performed the sealing secret technique one after another, and hundreds of thunderbirds were sealed in the blink of an eye.

"It seems to be effective." The sealed thunderbirds of course could not continue to attack, and there was no increase at this time, so everyone had a plan in mind.

Chen Feng quickly formed hand seals with both hands, and saw a series of barriers flying out of Chen Feng's hands like balloons. Each barrier can trap a thunderbird. After these thunderbirds enter the barrier, no matter how hard they struggle, they can't get out.

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