Eternal Existence

Chapter 1791: Dilapidated Palace

Under the sacrifice of the Chaos Spirit Fire, the mountain shrank several times. After all, no matter how hard this kind of rock is, some impurities will be condensed when it is finally used by Chen Feng. The impurities mentioned here are only for those that Chen Feng can't use.

Coupled with the cutting of the Immortal Light, the mountain in front of him was finally cut into several pieces, and then collected by Chen Feng one by one.

"It's not a small harvest. Although it's not as good as the fragments of the Abyss Sword, it is indeed an excellent material for smelting magic weapons and armor." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As the mountain was moved away, the Star Road was unobstructed again, but Chen Feng and others were stopped again not long after walking.

With the previous two events, Chen Feng was mentally prepared for the next blockage.

"Sir, it's the Milky Way formed by the infinite sand." Bai Yu said.

"The infinite sand, this is an excellent material, just right to increase the power of the void storm," Chen Feng laughed.

You should know that Chen Feng has refined many kinds of divine sands, all of which were melted into the void storm with pupil techniques, so Chen Feng has a better understanding of the infinite sands in front of him than other cultivators.

The number of infinite sands in front of me exceeds all the divine sands on my body, and the most important thing is that the quality is extremely high. Chen Feng secretly calculated in his heart that after refining these divine sands, his void storm will double its lethality.

The process of collecting divine sands is not as easy as Chen Feng imagined, because it contains the will blessing left by the predecessors, which causes the sky river formed by infinite sands to flow continuously. Chen Feng also spent some effort.

However, in the end, the entire sky river was collected, and it was not until Chen Feng successfully refined the divine sands and integrated them into the pupil technique that he began to move forward.

In the following process, he encountered three more obstacles one after another, and finally came to a palace that looked a little dilapidated.

At the entrance to the palace stood two tall humanoid combat puppets, holding weapons and standing like lifeless stone sculptures, and when they saw someone appear, they suddenly burst out with super strong power fluctuations.

"I'll do it!"

Bai Yu and Huan Shou rushed up and fought with the battle puppets respectively, and the eagle followed.

These are the three Taiyi Jinxians, but they are still no match for the two battle puppets.

"Not easy." Chen Feng couldn't help but say. In Chen Feng's eyes, the palace in front of him was a little shabby, and even had gaps in some places, but it still contained a strange energy fluctuation, which made Chen Feng feel frightened.

However, Chen Feng was also a little strange, that is, when a building of this level has some damage, it will generally repair itself, but in Chen Feng's eyes, he clearly saw some signs that the gaps have not been repaired.

"This building should have existed for more than one billion years. At least it is the immortal palace left by a high-level Taiyi Jinxian. I just don't know if the other party is still alive. The most important thing is whether there are good things here." Chen Feng's pupil power is already very strong, but he can only circle around the periphery of the palace and can't see the situation inside at all.

The palace is in the shape of a pagoda, with only three floors, but it is a hundred feet high. There are only a few carvings around the round building. The top of the palace is like an upside-down long sword, extremely sharp, and there is a slight cold light flashing.

With Chen Feng's strength, he can kill some Taiyi Jinxian with his pupil technique alone, but now he can't even penetrate some broken holes in the palace.

"It's a very strong force, strong, pure, and it is a fusion of several kinds of original power." Chen Feng said lightly.

Bang bang!

Two explosions sounded almost at the same time, and Bai Yu and the phantom beast were seen being knocked out. Only the eagle was fast and avoided the attack of the battle puppet.

"So fast!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although he had seen the power of these two battle puppets a long time ago, he thought that Bai Yu and the others should be able to entangle for a while. Now it seems that it should be a place that he had not seen before.

However, Chen Feng also noticed that the two combat puppets were just guarding a surrounding area, not actively attacking, and would not leave this area. Just like now that Bai Yu and the phantom beast had been knocked away, the combat puppets did not chase them, and the goshawk flew out of this area and was no longer attacked.

But if you want to enter the palace, you must pass through the area where the two combat puppets are, so it is necessary to deal with the combat puppets.

Bai Yu and the phantom beast rushed forward again, and Chen Feng's eyes flickered a few times and he saw some clues. The two combat puppets are powerful on the one hand, and the more important point is that they can always stay at their peak state because there is a powerful force that continuously supports the combat puppets.

Chen Feng used the penetration technique to see that the energy in the combat puppet's body was fading because of the battle, but in the blink of an eye, the energy in the body was saturated again. At first, Chen Feng thought it was because of the crystal core supplement carried by the combat puppet, but after observation, he noticed that the surrounding space and the earth were providing energy to the combat puppet.

"So that's how it is. No wonder these two combat puppets can continuously unleash their strongest attacks. If that's the case, even if a few more Taiyi Golden Immortals come, they won't be able to get through unless they use even more powerful forces to defeat the other party in one fell swoop." Chen Feng said as he raised his hand and a large handprint hit a combat puppet heavily.

Then Bai Yu waved the Xuanming Great Halberd and took the opportunity to move forward and pierce the body of the combat puppet.

This combat puppet was first hit by the big handprint, and now it was pierced through the body. It looks like the injury should be very serious. Although it doesn't feel pain because of the puppet, its combat power will definitely decrease. Who knows that a powerful force is added to the combat puppet, and the broken body is restored in an instant, and the big hole on the body is also healed.

"So fast!"

Bai Yu couldn't help shouting, waving the Xuanming halberd and moving forward again. Speaking of it, the weapon in Bai Yu's hand is also extremely powerful. Originally, Bai Yu thought that even if he couldn't deal with the opponent, he could still break the opponent. Who knew that after finally making a contribution, this situation would happen again.


After the combat puppet recovered from the injury, it began to burst out the strongest attack in succession, not only blocking Bai Yu's attack, but also suppressing Bai Yu to retreat again and again.

"Come again!"

Chen Feng said and waved his palm. This time, two big handprints appeared. Seeing Chen Feng's move, Bai Yu immediately accelerated the offensive and entangled the opponent.

Boom! Boom!

Two big handprints directly knocked the battle puppet to the ground. Bai Yu quickly stepped forward and raised his hand to fly out the Xuanming Halberd. This time, it not only pierced the body of the battle puppet, but also nailed the opponent to the ground.

Even though this battle puppet had infinite power, it could not stand up for a while.

Bai Yu's eyes suddenly turned black, but what rushed out was white mist. These mists fell on the battle puppet and immediately turned into frost. In the blink of an eye, the battle puppet that was struggling was frozen.

"The Netherworld Xuantong is worthy of being a divine beast with the blood of the ancestor dragon." Chen Feng nodded and said.

At this time, Bai Yu's eyes had returned to normal, but a trace of fatigue flashed across his face. It seemed that the pupil technique just now was not that simple.

Bai Yu stepped forward and held the Xuanming Halberd. Just a shake, the shock force burst out, and a piece of solid ice in front of him exploded with a bang, turning into ice chips all over the sky. This is not over yet. The flying ice chips actually burned and turned into flames.

After the flames went out, everything disappeared completely, and the combat puppet didn't even leave a trace of residue.

"It's a very domineering ability, but Bai Yu's current realm is too low." Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's eyes also lit up. Some of the innate magical powers of these beasts are too abnormal, but the price of using them once is not small. Bai Yu now looks like he is seriously injured.

After solving one combat puppet, the other one is easy to solve. Chen Feng and Bai Yu stepped forward to help and quickly blew up this combat puppet.

"Let's go!"

After solving the two combat puppets, everyone quickly came to the gate of the palace. Although all obstacles were cleared along the way, whether they could enter the palace was still a question. The palace in front of them was obviously not simple. Just a little closer, they could feel the strong energy fluctuations.

"Brutal crack." Chen Feng said with a smile, and the sword of the abyss in his hand slashed over.


The whole palace immediately burst into light, and the colorful light flowed around the palace like a stream of water, blocking the attack of the sword of the abyss.

At this time, Chen Feng was truly shocked. Through observation, Chen Feng knew that this force was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. You know, after the Abyss Sword merged with a section of the sword body, the power was greatly improved. Chen Feng thought that even if he couldn't break the defense, he should be able to blast out some gaps. Then he just needed to do it a few more times.

"Sir, is it the Five Elements Divine Light?" Bai Yu asked.

"It's not as simple as the Five Elements Divine Light." Chen Feng shook his head. You know, Chen Feng has many kinds of original divine lights on him. He can be said to be very familiar with various divine lights, but it does not include the Five Elements Divine Light, because Chen Feng got some single-attribute divine lights in the Chaos Origin Land, such as the Light of Nirvana, the Divine Light of Fire, the Light of Dark Night, the Holy Light of Light, etc. It can be said that these divine lights are very powerful, and the reason for their power also includes purity and singleness.

But the five elements divine light in front of him made Chen Feng feel a little confused. On the surface, the colorful light that wrapped around the palace like a stream of water did emit the power of the five elements, as if the five kinds of original divine light merged together, but Chen Feng's instinctive feeling was not the case, not that simple, but Chen Feng could not see anything in a short time.

"Sir, in addition to the power of the five elements, there seems to be other forces involved." The phantom beast also said on the side.

"What did you see?" Chen Feng asked casually.

"It seems to be the brilliant sky curtain." The phantom beast said with some advancement.

"How is it possible." Before Chen Feng spoke, Bai Yu shouted first.

"Do you think we don't know what the brilliant sky curtain looks like? This is clearly the power of the five elements. There is no shadow of the brilliant sky curtain." Bai Yu said coldly to the phantom beast.

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