Eternal Existence

Chapter 1802: Refining Armor

This ball of flame floated above Chen Feng's head and gradually condensed. Finally, it turned into a flame crystal only the size of a thumb and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"What a good thing." Chen Feng took the flame crystal and observed it, then put it away.

Then Chen Feng loosened the second divine nail, and this time flames emerged from Chen Feng's body again, and the tongues of fire that covered Chen Feng for more than ten meters were rolling continuously.


Chen Feng's abnormal chaotic physique began to smell like burning, and smoke was coming out of his seven orifices, which was a sign that his internal organs were burned.

But then these flames began to rotate regularly again. Just like the previous situation, the flames circled and gathered above Chen Feng's head, and finally turned into a flame crystal and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

In this way, Chen Feng continued to loosen the divine nails, gradually releasing the fire power sealed in the body. It was not a problem to use Chen Feng's power to solve a small part of the fire power, so the final result was that Chen Feng had eaten away the hidden dangers in the body. Clean.

After the divine power of the flames was wiped out, a new life energy began to flow in Chen Feng's body. The charred internal organs, flesh and blood, bones, and even the soul all began to recover rapidly, and the newly born power was more powerful than before.

"Not bad. Although the flames are powerful and destructive, they also burned away some hidden dangers in my body. It can be considered a blessing in disguise." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing as he felt the changes in his body.

After solving the hidden dangers, Chen Feng became truly relaxed, but he did not leave immediately, but continued to fall into a state of cultivation.

The fist-sized rock that he collected before flew out. Chen Feng activated the Chaos Spirit Fire with all his strength, and saw that the rock was wrapped and began to melt gradually. Although the melting process was a bit slow, Chen Feng looked at the impurities that were constantly being calcined out. Still nodded with satisfaction.

Although this kind of rock is extremely strong and is the strongest material Chen Feng has ever seen, it still contains impurities and cannot be fully utilized.

After burning for a while, Chen Feng raised his hand and threw the rock into the Cauldron of Eternal Life. As soon as the rock entered the cauldron, the melting speed began to change.

There are several longevity series weapons in the Eternal Life Cauldron, including the damaged Eternal Life Shield. As the rock melts, traces of liquid material can be seen flowing out, like spiritual snakes, climbing up several surrounding weapons. above.


Suddenly, the weapon and magic weapon that was being sacrificed roared violently, and its breath began to become a little chaotic, but it became stronger.

Chen Feng's purpose is very simple, which is to integrate this rock into various weapons to increase their strength.

Of course, these weapons are not shields and can only be integrated into a small part of the rocks, otherwise the properties of the weapons and magic weapons will be destroyed.

Compared with other weapons, the damaged longevity shield has been repaired completely, and its hardness has been increased.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was somewhat satisfied, so he waved his hand and took out a few more small mountain-like rocks and threw them into the Cauldron of Eternal Life. This was the entire mountain peak that Chen Feng had cut on the Road to the Stars. Although the solidity was somewhat reduced, it was There are also a lot of substances that can be integrated into the immortal armor after being refined. Even if it is to create a few spikes, it will be very good.

The Immortal Armor was pierced before, Chen Feng was seriously injured, and almost burned to death. He knew in his heart that he needed to continue to improve the level of the Immortal Armor.

"It's a pity that the sturdiness of the Immortal Armor is a bit high, which causes other functions to become somewhat disordered. Alas! This is the consequence of over-rapid improvement." Chen Feng sighed and said.

In fact, the overall quality of Chen Feng's Immortality Armor is not very high, and it is not even as good as some attack weapons such as the Immortality Patriarch's Sword. It is just that Chen Feng mixed it with mysterious rocks and forcibly improved it. But in this way First of all, it is strong, but in other aspects it is disharmonious. You must know that this is not a battle armor made by ordinary people. As long as it is strong, it is an artifact that can be blended into flesh and blood. In addition to resisting attacks, it also has the ability to fight. , flying, absorbing damage, absorbing energy, carving various magic circles and other very complex functions. However, Chen Feng rarely uses these abilities. In other words, these abilities are always running and are only defended. It was covered up, but in fact Chen Feng only regarded the Eternal Life Armor as a defensive armor, so when he felt that the armor was a bit disharmonious, Chen Feng felt a little worried, because Chen Feng knew that if this situation continued, eventually The Eternal Life Armor will collapse, and then you will have to refining it, and all the years of hard work will be in vain.

"I have a lot of materials on my body, but I still need some special materials to improve the immortal armor as a whole." Thinking of this, Chen Feng rummaged through the inventory and quickly found two huge horns and A few tendons.

One is the horn of the water-type divine dragon, and the other is the horn of the Taiyi Golden Immortal unicorn. As for those tendons, they are all extracted from the Taiyi Golden Immortal-level divine beasts. Of course, Chen Feng did not. They will take out these things randomly, but carefully select them to ensure that they can play a unique role in the fused immortality armor.

For example, the dragon horn of the water dragon can be integrated into the longevity armor to make it flexible, and it can also launch some water attacks when attacked. As for the horn of the unicorn, it can emit thunder power and also has the function of avoiding poison. The tendons of the beasts can neutralize part of the solidity of the longevity armor. After all, it is not a good thing for a piece of armor to be strong to a certain extent. It is easy to become brittle. Ordinary attacks are of course fine. If you encounter a real master, he will take advantage of this and may break the longevity armor in one fell swoop.

In addition, Chen Feng took out some other materials, such as special crystals that can accelerate the flow of energy, five elements of refined gold that increase the sharpness of the spikes on the armor, and dark matter that plays a role in invisibility. Chen Feng even took out some origin crystals. Chen Feng also constructed a good position for the Manluo God Vine at the position of the armor on his arm.

As more and more materials were taken out, Chen Feng's workload gradually increased. At first, Chen Feng only thought about adding one or two materials, but now he is completely immersed in the work state. Sometimes Chen Feng has to mobilize all his thoughts to solve a little imperfection.

Chen Feng didn't notice that the energy he spent on the Longevity Armor had exceeded that of other weapons. Well, of course, this was only temporary, but it seemed that Chen Feng would not come out of this state in a short time.

"It should be here."

When Chen Feng was refining the Longevity Armor, the Queen Mother and the others finally arrived one after another. Naturally, they followed the traces left by Chen Feng all the way. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Queen Mother and the others to sense Chen Feng's breath at a distance of tens of millions of light years, not to mention that Chen Feng was in the state of cultivation after setting up the magic circle.

"Yes, my body is here." Goshawk said.

In addition to Goshawk, Queen Mother Mo, Bai Yu, and the phantom beast, there are also Devourers and Ancient Golden Beetles that have not appeared for a long time, and it seems that these two have gained a lot during this period.

"Just wait here with peace of mind."

"The body was chased away before, and maybe those people will chase us again. Our target is too big, so let's disperse. I think this area is barren, but the power it emits is a bit strange, and there must be some good resources."

"Yes, there must be metal ores." Jin said hurriedly.

"Let's go!"

Since they had found Chen Feng, the Queen Mother and the others were no longer worried, and this barren land did not seem to be dangerous, so they dispersed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng did not know about the Queen Mother and the others' arrival, because Chen Feng was concentrating on smelting the Longevity Armor, and the magic array around him was not touched, so it would not interfere with Chen Feng.

As time passed, there seemed to be no clues for the entire universe and starry sky. Only one or two well-cultivated beasts accidentally entered the magic array arranged by Chen Feng and could never get out again.

This level of life posed no threat to Chen Feng, and even the magic array could not be really touched.


With a bang, a cloud of blood mist bloomed on Chen Feng's arm, and the armor covering Chen Feng's arm exploded.

An accident occurred during the refining process, and Chen Feng was also slightly injured.

Chen Feng shook his head and continued to refine. This situation was not the first time. It had happened before, but not as frequently as now. Chen Feng had already consumed a lot of materials. From the initial indifference to some distress, Chen Feng has become a little numb now.

As long as the quality of the Changsheng Battle Armor can be improved, it is normal to consume some precious materials. I am afraid that the materials will be consumed in the end and the Changsheng Battle Armor will be broken again.

It can be said that Chen Feng has a deeper understanding of the refining techniques recorded in the Changsheng Sutra during this period. He has new insights almost every day. In addition to comprehending the Changsheng Refining Technique, Chen Feng also watched the refining insights left by the Changsheng Clan's predecessors. In this way, Chen Feng's refining method has indeed made great progress, but it is still a certain distance compared to professional cultivators.

After all, Chen Feng's major direction is combat type.

"Ah! The time is too short. I didn't expect that I only know the fur of the refining method." After failing again, Chen Feng shook his head and said, and then waved his hand to reduce the materials he took out by more than half.

"So, let's take it slow and don't aim too high." Chen Feng said with a smile, a flame burning in his palm, and threw a piece of five-element gold into it.

Time passed year after year, and the Queen Mother and the others had been constantly exploring this barren land.

"I didn't expect this area to be so large, but it's a pity that there are too few lives. The spiritual vein that I finally found before has also dried up. I don't know what happened here before." Queen Mother Mo slowly moved forward on a black land. As for the situation within a radius of billions of miles, it was constantly transmitted back by a large number of larvae. This made Bai Yu and the others secretly jealous, because no matter where they went, Bai Yu and the phantom beast had to explore slowly by themselves, unlike Queen Mother Mo who had so many little brothers to use.

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