Eternal Existence

Chapter 300 Super Strong Defense

"Chen Feng!" Seeing Chen Feng appear, Zhao Quan and Ze Fei exclaimed at the same time, and the others were on guard. When they saw that Chen Feng appeared alone, they were relieved.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing here?" He Tian asked coldly.

"Haha, that's a good question. What am I doing here, Ze Fei, what do you say I'm doing here?" Chen Feng smiled and looked at Ze Fei.

"This, this." Feeling Chen Feng's compelling eyes, Guang Fei felt a little flustered. At this time, Ze Fei suddenly remembered the scene of Chen Feng fighting with the demons in the human-demon trial field. Thinking about the rumors that Chen Feng and the elders had fought, Ze Fei began to fear in his heart.

"Ze Fei, I really didn't see that you actually have this ability. The restrictions on the surrounding mountains are simply unfathomable. I almost didn't get in. I think you must have invested a lot of money, right?" Chen Feng said as he walked towards Ze Fei.

Seeing Chen Feng pressing forward, Ze Fei was secretly panicked and could not help but lean towards He Tian. Then he remembered that there were several Tianren realm cultivators around him, and no matter how powerful Chen Feng was, he was only one person. Thinking of this, Ze Fei calmed down.

"Chen Feng, we haven't come to find you yet, but you came to our door yourself." At this time, Zhao Quan jumped out with gritted teeth.

Speaking of which, the people Chen Feng looked down on the most were people like Zhao Quan. In fact, Chen Feng felt that there was no hatred between him and Zhao Quan. If Zhao Quan had not been so arrogant at that time, there would not even be a conflict. But later, Zhao Quan repeatedly troubled him, and Chen Feng felt very annoyed because he estimated that the forces behind the other party could not kill the other party.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there were still some acquaintances here." Chen Feng stopped and looked at Zhao Quan and smiled.

"Zhao Quan, Zhao Hai, and the two seniors in the Heaven Realm here also look familiar. Oh, I remember that when I just came out of Liuyun Xianshan, I seemed to meet a mad dog. It looked quite similar to you, hahaha." Chen Feng's words were very sarcastic, and he laughed at the end.

"Boy, it seems that you are tired of living today." He Tian gritted his teeth and began to burn with anger in his heart. A junior in the Secret Realm dared to insult him in person. Even if he killed him, no one in the sect would say anything.

"Good opportunity, this is a good opportunity, kill this kid and take everything from him." A thought rose in He Tian's mind.

Feeling the murderous intent coming from He Tian, ​​Chen Feng smiled and was not nervous, but said: "Don't worry, come one by one, anyway, I have time today."

At this point, Chen Feng's feet flashed with flowing light, and the flowing light shield in the magnetic pole hole vibrated. Chen Feng swayed and came in front of Zefei.

"You!" Ze Fei was about to resist when he felt his whole body tighten and was caught by Chen Feng. Then the power in his body began to gushed out quickly, and the feeling of numbness, fatigue and fear surged all over his body.


As soon as Chen Feng let go, Ze Fei fell to the ground. Just now, half of the power in Ze Fei's body had been absorbed by Chen Feng.

"Tsk tsk, it feels more domineering than the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, but it is not as long-lasting and powerful as the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique." Chen Feng experienced the difference between the two techniques.

"You actually really took action, well, no one can save you today, I advise you, it's not too late for you to surrender now." He Tian stepped forward and sneered.

"Surrender, are you kidding?" Chen Feng laughed, and then his figure shook and appeared in front of Zhao Quan again.

"You dare." Zhao Hai also reacted very quickly, quickly took out his sword and chopped at Chen Feng, the lightning flashed on the sword, it was actually the power of heavenly thunder.

Chen Feng ignored Zhao Hai's attack and directly reached out to grab Zhao Quan in his hand. Zhao Quan's cultivation was the weakest among the crowd, even Ze Fei couldn't compare to him. After being caught by Chen Feng, he still shouted loudly.


The long sword mixed with destructive lightning hit Chen Feng heavily. Chen Feng's body did not move and was safe and sound. Zhao Hai's attack was just like a tickle, and Chen Feng was not hurt at all.

"How is it possible." Zhao Hai was shocked, but he did not retreat. The sword light in his hand exploded and directly enveloped Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was devouring the power in Zhao Quan's body, and he didn't care about the hundreds of attacks hitting him. Chen Feng was a little disdainful in his heart. He refined and fused a ninth-grade treasure armor. If Zhao Hai could break his defense, it would be a ghost. Fortunately, Chen Feng's cultivation was not enough now, otherwise he would open up the ice and fire power in the armor and rebound directly when the opponent attacked, then Zhao Hai would be seriously injured by the recoil just now.

"Ah! Brother, come and save me, my power is disappearing, this guy is a demon, a devil." Zhao Quan's screams echoed in the house.

This time Chen Feng did not show mercy. The power in Zhao Quan's body was completely devoured by Chen Feng. His meridians had dried up, and even his sea of ​​consciousness had dried up. There was no trace of soul power, only some consciousness was constantly floating.

"Is that enough?" Chen Feng waved his hand and grabbed Zhao Hai's sword.

He Tian and Ma Jun on the side were all stunned when they grabbed Zhao Hai's sword with their bare hands. No matter what, Zhao Hai was also a Tianren realm cultivator who had survived the thunder tribulation, and the long sword in his hand was also a first-grade treasure. Now he couldn't even break Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng was only a disciple in the secret realm. This kind of thing was beyond the imagination of the two.

"A cultivator who has survived the thunder tribulation, not bad." Chen Feng's palm shook violently, snatched the long sword, and then put it into the Longevity Tower. Then Chen Feng stepped forward and punched Zhao Hai hard, causing him to spit blood repeatedly.

Then Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Hai in his hand again, and at the same time, he also used the Heaven Devouring Demonic Art.

"Do it." He Tian and Ma Jun finally couldn't help it, and attacked Chen Feng at the same time.

"Great Light Palm."

"Armor-breaking Black Fist."

A huge palm flashing with dazzling luster, and a large black fist hit Chen Feng heavily at the same time.

With the strength of the two, these two attacks could flatten a small mountain, but when they fell on Chen Feng, there were not even some ripples. The two only felt that the power they had exerted was poured onto Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was surprisingly not hurt at all.

"Not good, this guy must be wearing a protective armor, and it's a high-end one." He Tian shouted.

"Use weapons."

"Iron Mountain Spear!"

"Bright Swordsmanship!"

Two angry dragon-like attacks, one white and one black, attacked Chen Feng again. At this time, Chen Feng was still devouring the power in Zhao Hai's body. After all, Zhao Hai was a cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm. He was not like Zhao Quan, who could devour all the power in his body in the blink of an eye.

So Chen Feng was hit by the attack of He Tian and the others, and was thrown into the air, directly punching through the thick wall, and then went outside and smashed the entire small courtyard into a mess.


"You won't kill this kid directly?"

"Humph, what can you do if you kill him? This kid came to provoke us. Even if you kill him, will anyone still cause trouble for us?"

"Let's go and take a look."

At this time, there was a big pit in the small courtyard. Chen Feng patted the dust on his body and walked out of the big pit safely. He still held Zhao Hai in his hand, but Zhao Hai had fainted at this time.

"You two are ruthless enough. You are not afraid of killing this guy." Chen Feng picked up Zhao Hai and threw him to the ground. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to completely devour the power in Zhao Hai's body, but now he was interrupted and only devoured half of the power.

"How can you be fine? What kind of treasure clothes are you wearing?" He Tian's face was a little nervous, and the greed in his heart had disappeared. Although the previous attack was not his strongest attack, it was almost the same, but it still could not break Chen Feng's defense. How could he fight? Just based on this point, Chen Feng was already in an undefeated position.

"Didn't you always say that I have a holy weapon on me?" Chen Feng sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the blood soul appeared in his hand.

"Is the armor on your body a holy weapon?" He Tian and Ma Jun looked extremely ugly. If so, unless the two of them also had holy weapons in their hands, they would definitely not be able to break Chen Feng's defense.

"He Tian, ​​let's go." At this time, Ma Jun had already wanted to retreat.

He Tian was also a little conflicted. If he just left, it would be embarrassing, and he would get nothing. If he didn't leave, he would have no way to deal with Chen Feng.

However, just when He Tian hadn't made up his mind, Chen Feng's attack had already arrived. The speed of the blood-colored spear was nearly twice as fast as before, and it arrived in front of He Tian in the blink of an eye.

"Be careful, don't be distracted." Ma Jun blocked Chen Feng's attack with the armor-breaking iron mountain spear in his hand.

But the strong force still hit Ma Jun and made him retreat again and again. If Ma Jun hadn't used retreating to relieve the pressure on his body, I'm afraid he would have lost his grip on the spear and dropped it to the ground.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng's footsteps kept drifting, his figure was erratic, and only a series of blood-colored afterimages attacked Ma Jun and He Tian.

These two people were both cultivators at the second level of heaven and man. For Chen Feng, they were just two perfect sparring partners. Anyway, he had a protective armor to protect himself, so he just had to keep attacking, and he didn't have to worry about defense at all.

He Tian and Ma Jun wanted to retreat, but they were entangled by Chen Feng. More importantly, Chen Feng didn't care about his defense at all, but just attacked desperately, a way of fighting that hurt both sides. After a short fight, He Tian and Ma Jun were forced to retreat again and again by Chen Feng. Several times, their attacks fell on Chen Feng, but Chen Feng didn't even break a layer of skin. Chen Feng took the opportunity to draw two bloody marks on Ma Jun and He Tian. This fighting style made He Tian and the others depressed.

After just a few breaths of fighting, Ze Fei's courtyard had been completely flattened. The places where the three people fought, whether it was rocks or trees, or the restrictions arranged around them, were destroyed and destroyed.

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