Eternal Existence

Chapter 305: Captured

"It's a pity that Zidian didn't come with me, otherwise, with the soul chain technique, I could gather the soul power of both me and Zidian to attack the opponent, but now I can only rely on myself to break the opponent's mental illusion." Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

Although Chen Feng knew that he was under an illusion, he could not change the status quo, because Chen Feng's mind was loose just now, which led to the opponent's illusion taking advantage of the opportunity. At this time, Chen Feng resisted the desires that kept growing in his mind, while thinking about what situation to use to break the situation in front of him.

Chen Feng knew that he must break the illusion in front of him as soon as possible, because Chen Feng was not sure that the opponent was only one person. If other people took the opportunity to attack, then he would be in great trouble.

"The opponent's soul power is much stronger than mine. It is very likely that he is a cultivator in the realm of heaven and man. With my soul power, it is far from enough to break the opponent's illusion, so I can only use some secret methods." Thinking of this, Chen Feng began to search in the Changsheng Zhenjing.

Chen Feng was a typical last-minute cram student. Apart from the art of condensing soldiers and the art of swallowing the sky, Chen Feng had not practiced other secret methods of longevity. Chen Feng did this because he had no other choice.

"Stupid, isn't there a soul-soothing spell in it?" Ta couldn't help but said when Chen Feng was looking for it.

"Soul-soothing spell." After hearing this, Chen Feng immediately felt a light in his mind. A secret method turned into countless light spots and kept circling in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. These light spots were all ancient handwriting.

"After practicing this soul-soothing spell, you can lock the soul, calm the soul, condense the soul, and refine the soul. If you practice to a high level, no illusion can shake your mind." Ta said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll practice it now." Chen Feng knew that time was running out, and he immediately began to comprehend.

"Although this kid is physically strong, his soul is not good. He is still trapped in my illusion." The master of the soul-soothing cave chuckled, and the charm in his voice made even the several cultivators around him feel a little bit in their hearts.

"Okay, let's work together now to get rid of this kid." Jin Guang Zhenren's eyes flashed with golden light.

"Wait, let me test it first." Qu Shou Zhenren said as he waved his hand, and the demon beast he raised, Shi Fenghou, turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Well, if Chen Feng really has no power to resist, it doesn't matter whether we take action or not." He said.

"My Shi Fenghou was just promoted to the level of a great demon some time ago, and it's easy to deal with a cultivator in the secret realm who was hit by an illusion." Qu Shou Zhenren said.

Shi Fenghou soon arrived in front of Chen Feng, carrying a gust of evil wind, and rushed towards Chen Feng heavily.


Chen Feng flew backwards, fell and rolled up again for hundreds of meters. This collision even made He Tian and others in the distance feel a little toothache. It was too fierce. If it were him and others, they would definitely break their bones and internal organs.

Although Chen Feng barely stood up, he seemed fine. However, the fact that he failed to block the attack of the howling wind just now also showed that Chen Feng was still in the illusion.

"It's okay like this. Isn't this kid's body too strong?" The beast-driving master was a little surprised. Others didn't know the power of the howling wind, but the beast-driving master knew it.

"Let me make it clear first. I don't want any holy artifacts. I just want the armor on this guy." The beast-driving master said with red eyes.

Although the beast-driving master is a cultivator in the heavenly realm, his own combat power is not very strong. He usually fights by driving wild beasts. The defensive magic weapon such as armor is the most attractive to the beast-driving master.

"Hey, you think beautifully. I am also interested in this armor." The demon sword knight said with a smile.

"Don't argue for now. This kid has a lot of magic weapons. Let's talk about how to distribute them after capturing Chen Feng first." He Tian persuaded.

"Humph, let me capture Chen Feng." The beast-driving master said.

"Wait, just in case, it's better to trap Chen Feng with a formation." He Tian stopped him.

"He Tian, ​​you are too cautious, this kid is now under an illusion and can't move at all." The beast-driving master said coldly.

"Don't be careless, activate the formation." He said.

Chen Feng was still comprehending the soul-soothing spell at this time, and the desire in his body was even more vigorous, rising continuously. Chen Feng felt that if this evil fire was not released, the final result would be a blazing heart.

Boom! Boom!

The ground began to bulge, and soon, a giant made entirely of mud drilled out of the ground, and then stretched out a huge palm to grab Chen Feng directly in his hand. This was the formation arranged by everyone to communicate with the earth element, and the condensed earth giant was extremely powerful and had amazing defense.

Chen Feng just symbolically struggled a few times, and then he calmed down, his eyes closed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"There should be no problem now." The beast-driving master said.

"Okay, let's enter the formation." He Tian nodded. He didn't expect that it would be so easy to catch Chen Feng this time. It seemed that he had made some mistakes in the past when he and Chen Feng went head-on. If he had used soul power to attack right away, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"I don't have any clues at all." Chen Feng felt a headache.

"Hey! Actually, you can't practice this soul-soothing spell at your current level. Well, let me help you. Otherwise, you don't know when you will succeed in practicing it." After Ta finished speaking, Chen Feng felt that all the words of the soul-soothing spell in his sea of ​​consciousness exploded, turning into a stream of light and melting into his sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a strange feeling. The practice method and artistic conception of the soul-soothing spell are clearly condensed into one with Chen Feng's consciousness, which means that Chen Feng has already practiced this soul-soothing spell.

"In fact, this is a method of enlightenment, but it is still not as good as the benefits of your own hard practice. You can slowly make up for it in the future." Ta said slowly.

"Hahahaha." Looking at Chen Feng who was motionless in front of him, He Tian couldn't help laughing. First, revenge, second, venting hatred, and third, he could get something from Chen Feng. He Tian couldn't help but be unhappy.

"Can you solve the mind illusion?" The demon sword knight asked the owner of the soul-soothing cave.

"Wait a minute, I'll set some restrictions on this kid first." He said.

"Okay, let's see what you can do, He Tian." The Demon Sword Knight said.

He Tian waved his hand, and a tiny silver needle appeared in his palm. It didn't look strange, but the Demon Sword Knight next to him brightened his eyes and exclaimed: "Locking Veins Needle!"

"Haha, good eyesight, it is indeed a locking vein needle. I spent a lot of merit points to let an elder of our sect's refining pavilion refine it. This time it is just right to use it to deal with this guy." He Tian smiled proudly.

"It's worthy of being a fairy sect. If I couldn't stand the constraints, I would have wanted to join a fairy sect to practice." The Demon Sword Knight praised.

"Haha, if Brother Yao is interested, you can consider joining our Taiyi Sect. I will be your recommender. In fact, it is much better to be a casual cultivator in our sect than to be a casual cultivator like you. Not only are there abundant materials for cultivation, but there are also no constraints at ordinary times. Each person has a piece of land, and more importantly, there are powerful backers and backers. Haha, it's much better than you being homeless, right?" He Tian smiled.

"Okay, okay, He Tian, ​​you've said these words more than once. Unfortunately, we don't have this plan for the time being. If we really have no way out in the future, we will definitely go to you." Jin Guang Zhenren said with a smile.

"No problem, okay, let's lock this kid's meridians first, even if he wakes up, he can't resist." He was about to inject the meridian-locking needle in his hand into Chen Feng's body.

But at this time, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, with a smile in his eyes.

"I thought it was someone else, it turned out to be you two." Chen Feng looked at He Tian and Ma Jun and laughed.

This immediately scared He Tian, ​​but he quickly reacted and said in a sharp voice: "Chen Feng, you are still proud when you are about to die, you won't be proud later."

"Really, just relying on you trash." Chen Feng laughed.


At this time, the owner of the Soul-Bending Cave suddenly changed his face, then opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and slowly fell to the ground with his hands covering his head.

"What's going on?" Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

"Nothing, just the result of my mental illusion being broken." Chen Feng sneered.

"Let's do it together, let's cut off this kid's hands and feet first." He Tian suggested, and at the same time, he flicked his finger and shot the pulse-locking needle in his hand towards Chen Feng.

The pulse-locking needle pierced Chen Feng's skin softly, but the needle tip was blocked by Chen Feng's protective armor before it went in a little bit.

"Have you forgotten that I am invulnerable to swords and guns?" Chen Feng laughed, and then a strong breath exploded from his body. Chen Feng struggled violently, and the huge palm holding his hand immediately turned into pieces. Then Chen Feng turned around and punched the huge clay man behind him into pieces.

"Tsk tsk, this seems to be called a pulse-locking needle, right? It looks good, I'll take it first." Chen Feng said, holding a small silver needle.

"Let's do it together." The Demon Sword Knight took action first. A huge sword appeared in his hand at some point, and he waved his hand and chopped Chen Feng with a sharp sword.


Facing the attack of the Demon Sword Knight, Chen Feng's feet flashed, and he drifted dozens of meters away, avoiding the opponent's attack.

But the attacks of others came again. The golden light net of Jin Guang Zhenren fell from the sky, blocking the surrounding void and covering Chen Feng.

At the same time, He Tian, ​​Ma Jun, the Demon Sword Knight, the Beast Driving Zhenren and the Poison Gang Cave Master all attacked Chen Feng at the same time.

If the six heavenly realm cultivators joined forces to attack a secret realm cultivator, this scene would definitely shake the entire cultivation world.

Chen Feng would not think so much, because Chen Feng had already felt the pressure, the pressure of a mountain. If it was a one-on-one, Chen Feng would not worry at all, and he would even be sure to kill the opponent, but now the opponent was the six heavenly realm cultivators. If he was not wearing protective armor, Chen Feng knew that he would definitely be beaten into a pulp.

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