Eternal Existence

Chapter 318 Xuanhuo Zhenren

This was the first time that Chen Feng felt so powerless. He only felt a strong soul force constantly shuttling through his sea of ​​consciousness. Chen Feng knew that the other party was performing the soul-searching technique. Once the other party swam around in his sea of ​​consciousness, all his puzzles would be exposed to the other party's perception.

"Fight." Chen Feng wanted to fight but felt that his soul power could not move. Chen Feng's current situation was like a puppet, and it was a puppet with thoughts that could not move.

"Hahaha, kid, I didn't expect you to destroy one of my arms. Humph, I was just careless just now. Now I want to see how you can struggle. Even if you didn't kill He Tian and Ma Jun, you dare to commit a crime of rebellion, which is a capital crime." He Minghui sneered. At the same time, he was about to activate the soul power to search Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Just when Chen Feng was anxious, a small vortex suddenly appeared in the depths of Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. With just a slight suction, He Minghui's soul power in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was absorbed into it, leaving no trace.

"You!" He Minghui's face changed drastically, and he could not help but retreat repeatedly, looking at Chen Feng with a look of horror on his face.

Just now, He Minghui suddenly felt that the soul power he released was no longer sensitive, as if it was swallowed by something, and it seemed to have entered a different dimension. In short, He Minghui knew that his soul power would never come back.

A mouthful of blood came into his mouth and was swallowed by He Minghui. The soul power just now was a quarter of the power of He Minghui's original soul. This sudden disappearance has already triggered the original power, which has greatly reduced his strength. I don't know when I can practice back in the future.

Now He Minghui wanted to step forward and slap Chen Feng to death, but he didn't dare, because what happened just now was too weird. His soul power disappeared silently in Chen Feng's mind. This kind of thing was beyond He Minghui's expectations.

"Is this guy pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger? But that's not right. He is obviously a cultivator in the secret realm period. What's going on?" He Minghui felt extremely uncomfortable and confused.

"He Minghui, why are you still standing there? Why don't you make a move?" At this time, Zhao Chongyun's voice came into He Minghui's ears.

None of the cultivators present could see what was going on, including the third elder. They didn't understand why He Minghui suddenly stopped.

"No, no, this He Minghui's soul power suddenly weakened. What's going on?" At this time, the third elder's eyes suddenly lit up. Could it be that someone was secretly attacking, but I didn't sense it. It was really strange.

Chen Feng was also secretly asking Ta at this time: "Ta, was it you who did it just now?"

"It wasn't me." Ta just answered three words lightly and there was no movement.

"If it wasn't Ta, then who was it?" Chen Feng felt a little strange.

"The soul power just now clearly disappeared in my sea of ​​consciousness. Could it be?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt a confusion in his mind, and then his spirit followed, and he focused his attention on the outside.

"Why, Elder He, why don't you do it?" Chen Feng sneered.


"Something is wrong!"

At this moment, all the elders present felt that something was wrong. Everyone knew that He Minghui used soul power to invade Chen Feng's mind, but looking at the current situation, Chen Feng was clearly fine.

So everyone was shocked. You know, He Minghui is a cultivator who has survived seven thunder tribulations. Not to mention a cultivator in the secret realm period, there are not many people here who want to resolve the point so easily.

"You, what's going on?" He Minghui roared in a low voice, but he didn't dare to make a move.

"Humph, you dare to use soul attack on me, I will cut off your other arm with the sword in my hand." Chen Feng sneered and was about to step forward.

"Who dares to bully my disciple?" At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the elder hall, and the more than 100 elders present felt their ears buzzing.

Then everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a fat old man with a ruddy face and loose hair suddenly appeared in the hall.

It was the fat old man who was called the cheap master by Chen Feng.

"Xuanhuo Zhenren." The third elder couldn't help but stand up.

However, the fat old man ignored the other party, but stared at Chen Feng closely, looking him up and down, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Not bad, not bad, worthy of being my good disciple, I haven't seen you for a while, and you have made such rapid progress." The fat old man laughed.

"Cheap master, it's you." Chen Feng said happily.

"By the way, someone was bullying you just now, right? Don't be afraid. With the master here, no one dares to bully you anymore. Haha, if there is anything, the master will make the decision for you." The fat old man laughed.

"Boy, are you bullying my good disciple?" The fat old man turned to He Minghui and shouted.

"Elder Xuanhuo, I, I." At this time, He Minghui was so scared that he couldn't speak. At the same time, he cursed in his heart. If he had known, he would not stop Zhao Chongyun's instigation. If this old guy really came out, what should he do now.

"What do you mean you? Are you bullying my apprentice?" Xuanhuo Zhenren glared.

"I, villain, senior." At this time, He Minghui was already a little incoherent.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the cheap master who insisted on taking him as an apprentice back then would be so powerful and so majestic. He had underestimated him before.

"Master, why are you so long-winded? It's this guy who almost beat your apprentice into an idiot. Now there are cracks in my sea of ​​consciousness. It seems that I can't practice in the future." Chen Feng couldn't help shouting with a backer.

"What, there is such a thing, kid, I think you are looking for death." Xuanhuo Zhenren was furious after hearing this. With a flick of his finger, a golden spark fell directly on He Minghui.

Then the spark exploded violently, turning into golden flames, and the next moment He Minghui turned into a fire man.


He Minghui screamed and slapped the flames on his body, but the flames on his body became more and more fierce, and finally He Minghui rolled on the ground.

It was extremely miserable for a while. Seeing this scene, the elders around retreated one after another, fearing that they would be affected.

Although He Minghui was very miserable, no one dared to speak at the scene. Even the cultivators of the Zhao family frowned and looked at Zhao Chongyun.

Zhao Chongyun's mouth twitched, and he shook his head slowly. The others immediately lowered their heads and became honest.

Obviously, everyone knew how powerful Xuanhuo Zhenren was. Since they couldn't afford to offend him, they had to remain silent.

"Xuanhuo Zhenren, haha, long time no see, you are still as elegant as ever." At this time, the third elder stepped forward and laughed dryly.

"Still as elegant as ever, I don't come out for a while, it seems that everyone doesn't take me seriously." Xuanhuo Zhenren's temper seemed very hot.

"Haha, no, no, Xuanhuo Zhenren is joking." The third elder laughed.

"Humph, you dare to bully even my apprentice, do you think I am joking? If you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, I will burn this shabby house with fire." Xuanhuo Zhenren sneered.

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, I will explain it to you later, now you should quickly put away the flames, otherwise He Minghui will be burned to death." The third elder smiled bitterly.

"He deserved to be burned to death." Xuanhuo Zhenren was unmoved. At this time, He Minghui's screams became smaller and smaller. He was about to die, but no one dared to come forward to rescue him.

"Haha, cheap master, it's almost done. I think it's quite stuffy here. Let's go." At this time, Chen Feng spoke.

"Well, since my good disciple has spoken, I will spare his life." Xuanhuo Zhenren said, and there was no movement. The flames on He Minghui's body immediately condensed rapidly, and finally turned into a little golden spark and sank into Xuanhuo Zhenren's body.

At this time, He Minghui's whole body was charred and dying. If he hadn't moved from time to time, everyone would have thought it was a piece of charcoal.

"How miserable!"

Seeing this scene, everyone shuddered in their hearts, but everyone also understood that Xuanhuo Zhenren did not kill him, otherwise He Minghui would have been burned to powder long ago.

"Everyone says Xuanhuo Zhenren is a pervert. I didn't believe it before, but now I finally see it. It seems that I can't mess with Chen Feng in the future. I didn't expect Chen Feng to be Xuanhuo Zhenren's disciple. This is big news." Many elders present thought so.

"Humph, you are lucky this time. If it weren't for my apprentice's plea, I would burn you into charcoal this time." Xuanhuo Zhenren said as he looked at He Minghui who was burned beyond recognition.

It's just that He Minghui was too seriously injured this time and couldn't answer at all.

"By the way, my dear apprentice, are there any other people bullying you? Tell me all together and I will burn them all in one fire to save you trouble in the future." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile.

After hearing Xuanhuo Zhenren's words, Zhao Long immediately felt his scalp tingling and his heart almost stopped in fear. Even He Minghui was burned like this. If it were him, he would definitely die in an instant.

"Come back, Xuanhuo Zhenren is too protective of his shortcomings, this is the Elder Hall." Everyone secretly complained in their hearts, but no one dared to speak. Didn't they see that even the third elder could only smile?

"Let's go. If there are enemies, I will take action myself in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Good boy, you have backbone and the style of a master. Let's go. This time, the master will definitely train you well and let you be promoted to the heavenly realm as soon as possible." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile.

"Xuanhuo Zhenren." At this time, the third elder spoke.

"Let's talk about it later. Today you caught my apprentice and brought him to the Elder Hall. I haven't settled this account with you yet." Xuanhuo Zhenren waved his hand and directly pulled Chen Feng out of the Elder Hall.

After Chen Feng and Xuanhuo Zhenren disappeared, the Elder Hall was silent, and after a long time, there was a noisy sound.

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