Eternal Existence

Chapter 326: The Core of the Formation

Faced with this dense attack, Chen Feng was not in a panic, but despite the continuous attacks from the surrounding formations, Chen Feng still felt very uncomfortable.

"This killing formation is based on the eight trigrams of heaven, earth, mountain, marsh, thunder, wind, water, fire, and Zhoutian Bagua. There are eight formation eyes in total. As long as these eight formation eyes are broken, this killing formation will naturally be eliminated." The demon girl shouted loudly, waving her hand to shoot out a stream of condensed light to guide Chen Feng in the direction.

"Tower, is that so?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, this little girl is right, and her vision is also very accurate." Tower said.

Chen Feng nodded, and his body began to swim, rushing directly to the fire formation eye.


Just when Chen Feng approached the fire formation eye, a ten-foot-long fire monkey roared and rushed over.

This fire monkey was completely condensed by flames, with real hair and lifelike, as if it were real. Chen Feng felt the powerful breath of a monster with a pounce.

"The strength of a great demon." Chen Feng's heart moved, and with a wave of his hand, a compressed fireball shot out from his palm, hitting the fire monkey and only splashing a ball of sparks, and then the whole fireball merged into the fire monkey's body.

As the fireball sent by Chen Feng was swallowed, the fire monkey became more powerful. With a wave of his hand, a huge flaming palm slapped Chen Feng. Wherever the palm passed, there was a smell of being burnt in the air.


Chen Feng's body quickly moved into a snake shape and dodged the attack of the big palm. At the same time, Chen Feng waved his hands, and two rockets shot out, knocking the fire monkey out, but the two rockets were swallowed into the fire monkey again.

With the power of Chen Feng, the fire monkey became more powerful, and the power on his body even moved the demon girl in the distance.

"What is Chen Feng doing? This fire monkey is condensed from the Zhoutian fire. The more he uses fire attribute skills to attack the opponent, the more powerful it will be. Doesn't he understand this principle?" The demon girl was a little confused.

At this time, the demon girl was fighting a water monster. This was a water monster transformed by the water array eye, and its strength was not inferior to the fire monkey that Chen Feng was facing.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng kept stimulating the fire cave in his body, and rocket fireballs rushed towards the fire monkey one after another.

As the fire power absorbed more and more, the fire monkey's body became more solid, and at the same time more excited, and it seemed to gradually breed spirituality.


The huge fist smashed a big hole in the ground, and Chen Feng turned over and dodged it.

"Haha, the strength of this fire monkey has doubled, almost enough." Chen Feng no longer dodged the attack of the fire monkey this time, but pinched a hand seal with both hands, and whispered: Explode.


The huge fire monkey began to explode from the inside, and countless flames flew around.

Chen Feng waved his hands, and two rapidly rotating black vortices appeared in his palms. Countless flames gathered in Chen Feng's palms under the suction force, and Chen Feng seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit that swallowed the sky, swallowing up the flames around him with his palms.

The fire power generated by the explosion of a huge fire monkey was actually absorbed by Chen Feng, and this method scared the magic girl in the distance.

Because the magic girl had not yet dealt with the water monster in front of her, she immediately exclaimed when she saw Chen Feng's actions: "He swallowed up the fire monkey with the strength of a big demon. Could it be that he practiced the fire attribute technique? But even the heavenly realm who practiced the fire attribute technique is not so straightforward."

"Deal with a formation eye." Chen Feng said in surprise.

As Chen Feng swallowed the fire monkey, the fire attribute attack in the killing formation disappeared immediately.

"The next formation eye." Chen Feng's figure floated quickly. This time Chen Feng wanted to remove the thunder formation eye.

A thunder beast that was even more powerful than the fire monkey attacked Chen Feng like thunder and lightning. This thunder beast was completely condensed by the power of thunder and lightning. Due to its extremely fast speed, Chen Feng could not see what it looked like.

Let alone how strong its attack power was, speed was the characteristic of this thunder beast.

Chen Feng pushed with both hands, and the Shield of Immortality blocked in front of him.


The Shield of Immortality exploded violently, and then Chen Feng felt a strong force hitting him.

After turning several somersaults in the air, Chen Feng had not yet stood firm, and the thunder beast launched a violent attack on Chen Feng again.

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of blows all fell on Chen Feng. Chen Feng was still resisting at first, but later he simply stopped resisting. Anyway, his physical body was strong and he had protective armor on his body. Although the attack power of this thunder beast was strong, it could not hurt him.

This was the first time that Chen Feng faced such a fast opponent. He couldn't help feeling a little depressed after being beaten continuously.

"Chen Feng won't be killed like this, will he?" At this time, Mo Ji had already dealt with the water monster in front of her and was rushing towards the next array eye.

"Don't worry, this kid's body is very strong, stronger than yours." At this time, the voice of the bodyguard old man fell into Mo Ji's ears

"How is it possible." Mo Ji didn't believe it. She had the blood of the nine-tailed fire fox in her body, and her body was far superior to that of ordinary cultivators.

"Don't worry about others, now is the time for you to hone your skills." At this time, the old man suddenly said in a deep voice.

At this time, tornadoes had swept towards Mo Ji. This time, Mo Ji was facing the wind beast transformed by the wind array eye.

This time, Chen Feng and Mo Ji were the ones who took action to remove the array eye. The old man just watched from the side. Unless Mo Ji encountered a danger that she could not resist, the old man would take action.

After hundreds of attacks, the thunder beast finally paused, and then was caught by Chen Feng.

First, the blood soul was used to fix the thunder beast in mid-air, and then Chen Feng stepped forward and punched the thunder beast into pieces. Then Chen Feng continued to use the previous moves, grabbing with both hands, and began to devour the surrounding thunder and lightning power.

This time, not to mention the magic girl, even the old man who was guarding the magic girl was surprised.

"This kid first absorbed the flame, and now absorbs the thunder source. Is this kid a kind of heaven-defying body? But it doesn't look like it, so he is practicing the heaven-defying method." The old man sent a voice message to the magic girl.

This time, the thunder and lightning power transformed by the thunder beast was swallowed up by Chen Feng again.

After swallowing two big monsters condensed by the power of Zhoutian, Chen Feng only felt that there were two acupoints in his body moving faintly. Chen Feng knew that they were only the locations of the two acupoints of Zhoutian Fire and Zhoutian Ze.

"I didn't expect to make progress after coming out." Chen Feng was surprised and rushed to the mountain array again.

This time, it was not a demon beast or a spirit that came out, but a big hand formed by the power of earth, holding a mountain seal and suppressing Chen Feng.

The palm kept pushing, making a red rumbling sound, and the mountain seal above the palm suddenly grew larger, turning into a small mountain ten feet high and pressing towards Chen Feng's head.

There were three big words on the small mountain, shining with golden light, and no one knew what they were.

"Huh! It turned out to be a treasure?" Chen Feng was shocked at first, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

If you want to say what Chen Feng lacks most now, of course it is a high-grade magic weapon. You must know that Chen Feng still has many acupoints in his body that have been opened up but have not been suppressed by magic weapons.

"Okay, I will take this small mountain." Facing the attack of the mountain seal, Chen Feng did not dodge, but raised his hands high and took the suppression of the small mountain.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The ground began to crack, and cracks spread from Chen Feng's feet to the surroundings. Chen Feng's feet were filled with the power of the earth, and he held the hill in his hands, not retreating a step.


Chen Feng punched the hill hard like lightning, and directly threw the hill into the air.

And the huge palm grew bigger again, and the air around it rolled, pushing the hill to hit Chen Feng again.


Chen Feng used skill in this punch, and the hill actually spun quickly. Chen Feng took the opportunity to use the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword, and the huge palm was cut into pieces in the flash of the sword.

Chen Feng flew up, with both hands in vain, and the two huge virtual palms grabbed the hill that was spinning in the air in his hands. Then Chen Feng exerted all his strength. Under the pressure of powerful magic power, the ten-foot-sized hill slowly shrank, and then turned into a small seal and fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"Mountain Seal." Chen Feng whispered as he looked at the handwriting on the small seal in his hand.

"Haha, a first-grade treasure can only be regarded as an entry-level treasure. The name Mountain Seal is a bit exaggerated." Chen Feng laughed, and then put the Mountain Seal away.

Chen Feng broke three array eyes in a row, while Mo Ji was still fighting the wind beast transformed by the wind array eye.

At this time, the water, fire, mountain, and thunder array eyes had been broken, and the power of the surrounding killing array had been weakened to less than half.

At this time, the killing array was almost no threat to Chen Feng and Mo Ji, but Chen Feng and Mo Ji regarded the killing array in front of them as a kind of training, especially Chen Feng. After collecting a treasure, he couldn't stop, and his body was floating and rushed to the array eye of the marsh.

The sky and the earth are positioned, and the mountains and marshes are connected.

The two formations of heaven and earth were left to be broken last. Before Chen Feng could reach the formation of the lake, he felt the ground suddenly melted. In the blink of an eye, the hard earth and stone ground turned into a swamp. A stream of extremely flexible swamps rushed up to the sky and quickly condensed into thigh-thick ropes, crisscrossing and trapping Chen Feng in the middle in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng just quickly glanced and saw that there were more than a hundred swamp ropes around, each of which could easily trap a cultivator in the secret realm.

"What a powerful killing formation. No wonder Mo Ji said that even a cultivator in the heavenly realm can't come in easily. Even if you break through this killing formation, there may be formations waiting in front. By the time you break through all the formations, you may be exhausted. Facing thousands of robbers, there is only one way to die."

"No wonder the two empires didn't send a large army. With this formation, the army composed of ordinary cultivators would die if they came." Chen Feng thought while dodging the surrounding entanglement attacks.

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