Eternal Existence

Chapter 347: Promoted to Core Disciple

Chen Feng took two steps forward again, and the surrounding atmosphere became more solemn. The monks watching could see that Chen Feng was secretly preparing to launch a thunderous strike.

"Who is this guy? Why is he so arrogant?" At this time, a monk whispered.

"Yes, he is still a monk in the secret realm, and he is arrogant in the territory of our core disciples with the help of magic weapons. What is this guy's background?"

"Even Chi Lianfeng seems to be at a disadvantage. This guy is not simple. Isn't he the disciple of some old monster?"

"Hey, it seems you don't know me yet. This is Chen Feng, and the master is Zhenren Xuanhuo." At this time, someone nearby said.

"It turns out that he is the apprentice of Master Xuanhuo. No wonder. Hehe, Chi Lianfeng is usually very arrogant. He relies on a good magic weapon to run rampant. This time he kicked the iron plate."

"Yes, but this way we have another ruthless character among our core disciples."

After seeing Chen Feng's strength, everyone knew that Chen Feng's promotion to core disciple was a certainty.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to launch an attack, someone finally came out to stop him. Chen Feng felt a blur in front of him, and a tall old man wearing a large robe suddenly appeared in front of him.

The old man flicked his cuffs casually, and Chen Feng and Chi Lianfeng felt an overwhelming force attack them at the same time.

Kick, kick, kick!

Chen Feng and Chi Lianfeng took seven or eight steps back at the same time, and there were some deep footprints on the ground again.

"How unbecoming it is to do something in the core hall." The old man said solemnly.

"He is the guardian elder of our sect. He can't fight now."

"Yes, the guardian elder has appeared, and the excitement can no longer be seen." Some people felt a little regretful.

"The sect competition is about to start. If you want to fight, there will be time and place for you to make a fuss, but making noise in the core hall is already a violation of the sect rules." The old man continued.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, just disperse." The old man frowned and said when he saw Chen Feng and Chi Lianfeng were silent.

"That's it. It's against the rules of the sect to do something in the core hall. Don't we have to deal with these two people?" A monk in the crowd of onlookers whispered.

"Hey, what do you know? If ordinary disciples violate the sect rules, they must be dealt with properly. However, Chen Feng and Chi Lianfeng have backing, and this guardian elder does not dare to risk offending both parties." Someone next to him sneered.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that the Dharma Elder was about to leave, Chen Feng finally spoke.

"Why, what else do you have?" The guardian elder was a little impatient, but he still turned his attention to Chen Feng.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the jade talisman recording the mission was in the hands of the guardian elder.

"These three people gave me false information and tricked me into going to Black Wind Mountain to do a mission. As a result, I faced a near-death situation. Hehe, I wonder how the guardian elder would handle this matter?" Chen Feng sneered.

"What, is there such a thing?" The face of the protector elder changed.

"You can investigate whether it's true or not," Chen Feng said.

"I will naturally investigate this. If it is true, I will handle it properly." The elder protector said and put the jade talisman away.

"There is no need to investigate. I have already investigated the matter very clearly." At this time, the third elder suddenly appeared in front of everyone. With so many people present, no one could clearly see how the third elder appeared.

"I have met the Third Elder." Most of the monks present bowed and saluted.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the third elder, the expressions of the three elders responsible for the disciple's promotion all changed, and they were all secretly beating drums in their hearts, knowing that the matter might be exposed.

"Zhang Chucai, can you tell me what's going on?" The third elder said coldly as he looked at the middle-aged monk who issued the mission to Chen Feng.

"Third Elder, it's Chen Feng who spits blood." The middle-aged monk gritted his teeth and stepped forward and said.

"Really?" A glimmer of light flashed in the third elder's eyes, and then he waved his hand, and a few fingers flashed by. Several blood holes immediately appeared on the middle-aged monk's body, and blood spurted out as if he was desperate for his life.

"Ah! My cultivation." Zhang Chucai's expression changed drastically and he screamed in pain.

"I just crippled you as a monk. From today on, I will lock you in the Cave of Thought. I will wait until you survive the five thunder tribulations before you come out. Otherwise, you will stay here for the rest of your life." San As soon as the elder waved his hand, two monks came forward and led Zhang Chucai out of the core hall.

"It's your turn now?" The third elder looked at the other two people.

Plop! Plop!

Their faces turned pale, and they knelt down at the same time, shouting in panic: "It's none of our business, this was all done by Zhang Chucai alone."

"Yes, Zhang Chu is in charge, we are just deputy stewards, we don't know about this at all."

"Hmph, if you were not involved, I would still believe it, but if you say you don't know, this is obviously a lie. But since the main culprit in the matter is Zhang Chucai, I will not destroy your cultivation." The third elder said.

"Thank you, Third Elder. Thank you, Third Elder."

The two immediately shouted in unison.

"Don't be happy so early. Although your cultivation will not be abolished, there will still be punishments. From today on, you two will also go to Siguodong to stay in peace. When can you break through a realm and come out? If you can't break through, Just die in there." The third elder sneered.

"Yes, yes." The two of them nodded hurriedly. Although they were depressed, they were much better than Zhang Chucai and the other two.

"Go down by yourself." The third elder waved his hand, and the two elders immediately left the core hall in embarrassment.

"The matter has been investigated. It was indeed Zhang Chu who privately tampered with the content of the task. Fortunately, there were no casualties. The three tasks have been completed. Now I announce that from now on, Chen Feng will be officially promoted to a core disciple." The third elder said lightly, but the voice spread throughout the core hall. "Thank you, the third elder, for upholding justice." Chen Feng said and stepped forward to pay his respects.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, everyone can disperse." The third elder disappeared immediately after saying this, and the space did not shake at all, as if he had never appeared.

"Hey, it's just a kind of magic walking technique." Ta said lightly.

"Magic walking technique?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Your realm is not enough now. When you pass the thunder tribulation and comprehend the power of space and the power of heavenly thunder, you will naturally understand it later." Ta said lightly.

After the third elder left, other elders came to handle the remaining formalities for Chen Feng, such as the token symbolizing the core disciple's identity and various benefits, and Chen Feng had to move from the residence of the elite disciples to the area where the core disciples were, and so on.

"Congratulations, Brother Chen, on being promoted to a core disciple."

"Yes, it will be more convenient for us to communicate with each other in the future."

At this time, Shui Yan, Luo Kong and Zhou You came over with smiles on their faces.

"Hello, three senior brothers." Chen Feng smiled. He had a good relationship with these three people. At least Chen Feng could feel that these three people had no ill will towards him and should really want to make friends with him.

"Haha, it's only been a few days since we last met. I didn't expect Brother Chen's cultivation to become stronger again. It seems that the pressure of this sect competition is huge." Shui Yan said with a smile.

"Brother Chen is so anxious to be promoted to a core disciple. It seems that he is sure to compete with us core disciples?" Luo Kong also said.

"Three senior brothers, you are joking. I just want to feel the pressure of the genius disciples in the sect. Can you make progress only if you have pressure? Just like Chi Lianfeng just now, he is only in the secret realm stage, but he has such a cultivation. Now I know how powerful our sect is." Chen Feng said.

"Brother Chen has not seen more powerful ones. Taiyi Hall, Tianren Hall, Wuxing Hall, and Shanhe Club. These four organizations almost include the masters of the eighth level of disciples. The number of winners every time is also mostly from these four organizations. This time is probably the same." Luo Kong said.

"The important thing is to participate. I am not here for the reward, but just for some training." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, that's because Brother Chen doesn't know the content of the reward yet, otherwise he would definitely be tempted." Shui Yan laughed.

"Oh, what reward?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"The rewards in the past were nothing more than elixirs and magic weapons, and this time is no exception. However, I have heard from some channels that the rewards this time are more abundant than usual. Not only will the elixirs and magic weapons be doubled, but I heard that there are also some other strange things." Shui Yan said.

"I have heard about this. I heard that one of the treasures is the most eye-catching. Some masters who used to disdain to participate in the sect competition are also planning to show up." Zhou You said.

"What is it?" Chen Feng was even more curious.

"Seven-hole exquisite heart." Shui Yan said.

"Seven-hole exquisite heart? What is this?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"It is said that it is a spiritual object generated between heaven and earth. After the cultivator obtains it, he can refine it into the heart, and then his physique will undergo earth-shaking changes. More importantly, the spiritual energy from the outside world can be increased by seven times." Shui Yan said.

"There is such a spiritual object, so against the sky." Chen Feng was shocked. If it is really what Shui Yan said, then the Seven-hole Exquisite Heart is indeed a spiritual object of heaven and earth.

"Yes, so this time the sect competition will be more intense." Luo Kong said.

"But we don't have to think about it. We will definitely not get this kind of thing. It will probably be taken by the people of Taiyi Hall. I just need to get a heaven-level elixir or a top-grade treasure." Shui Yan smiled.

"How can it be so easy." Zhou You smiled bitterly.

"By the way, there is one thing I have never known, that is, there should be some restrictions on the core disciples in this sect competition, right?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

Chen Feng's question makes sense. The core disciples are also divided into different levels. Some people have only survived one thunder tribulation, while others have survived five thunder tribulations, or even higher. The gap between them is beginning to be very large.

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