Eternal Existence

Chapter 357: Thunder Yuan Gong

"Yes, the realms of the two are almost the same, but the opponent's body is too strong, and the true qi in his body is also very sufficient. More importantly, the technique this guy practices is very domineering, and the long stick in his hand is also a good treasure. Brother Li doesn't seem to have much time left." Chen Feng said.

Sure enough, after ten rounds, the opponent hit him with a stick again, and the weapon in Li Lang's hand fell off. His whole body shook violently, and he couldn't help but fly out.

"What do you think, do you want to fight again?" The disciple said in a deep voice.

"No, I admit defeat." Li Lang was also very straightforward, knowing that he was not the opponent's opponent.

After Li Lang was Luo Kong. Luo Kong was defeated by Jian Kongming last time. Because his realm was lower than Jian Kongming, he had another chance to participate.

This time Luo Kong was very lucky. His opponent turned out to be a disciple of the second level of heaven and man. Not long after the fight, he was knocked out by Luo Kong's big tearing swordsmanship and easily won this game.

But then Shui Yan encountered trouble.

Shui Yan's cultivation is pretty good among the third level of the heavenly beings, but this time he met an opponent, a disciple who used the five elements magic.

After a fierce fight, the two ended up with both injured. Both of them lay on the ground and couldn't get up. Finally, the elder in charge judged that the two were tied. After several elders discussed, the two advanced at the same time, but it was probably difficult for them to recover from their injuries in the next round of fighting.

After the verdict, Chen Feng and Zhou You immediately carried Shui Yan back. After some treatment, Shui Yan woke up.

"Good guy, this time the soul is damaged, I'm afraid I can't participate in the next game." Shui Yan smiled bitterly.

"Brother Shui, don't worry, I have enough magic soul stones." Chen Feng said and took out a small pile of magic soul stones.

And Zhou You took out some pills.

"These pills can also restore the power of the soul. I hope I can recover as soon as possible before the next round of competition." Zhou You said.

In the next game, Zhou You will play against Zhao Yizhan.

"It turned out to be Zhao Yizhan." Luo Kong said.

"Zhao Yizhan is the most powerful disciple sent by Taiyi Hall this time. He is very powerful. Brother Zhou may have no hope this time." Luo Kong sighed.

In the first three rounds, Chen Feng had been paying attention to these masters. Zhao Yizhan gave Chen Feng the feeling that he was very hidden. Every time he fought with his opponent, he would fight for a while and then win. He did not reveal his true strength. This was not only seen by Chen Feng, but also by other disciples.

"I heard that Zhao Yizhan practiced Lei Yuan Gong. This kind of Gong method is also a high-level spell in the sect. Even we are not qualified to practice it. Zhao Yizhan did not show his true strength in the first few rounds. This time, he should be able to show some clues." Luo Kong said.

Seeing that it was Zhao Yizhan, almost all the cultivators watching the battle fixed their eyes on him. Gui Lanhai, Fu Yue and others also had their eyes lit up. Obviously, these elites among the elites really regarded Zhao Yizhan as their biggest opponent.

After Zhou You walked into the venue, his long silver-white hair immediately flew up, and the Shura Knife in his hand began to emit dazzling electric light.

"Sixth-grade treasure, Shura Knife, good, worthy of my real strength, let's do it." Zhao Yizhan said with a smile.

Zhao Yizhan's figure was not tall, and there was no aura on his body, but he brought a kind of faint oppression to Zhou You. Zhou You knew that this time he had really met a strong enemy.


The Shura Knife was like a streak of silk, and it slashed directly in front of Zhao Yizhan.

Zhou You took action.

Zhou You's family has a lot of background. Although it is not as good as the big sects like Taiyi Sect, it is much stronger than some second- and third-rate small sects.

The Shura Knife in Zhou You's hand is a family heirloom, which was officially passed to Zhou You after Zhou You entered Taiyi Sect.

If the sixth-grade treasure can fully exert its power, it can dominate the cultivation world.


A ball of lightning suddenly exploded, and Zhou You only felt his hand tightened, and the Shura Knife was actually clamped by the opponent's hands.

At this time, Zhao Yizhan closed his hands and tightly clamped the Shura Sword. A ball of lightning on his palm kept squeaking and flashing, and he actually stopped Zhou You's attack with his bare hands.

"The sword is good." Zhao Yizhan smiled.

"Really?" After Zhou You finished speaking, the Shura Sword in his hand suddenly thundered. It turned out that there was a lot of lightning power hidden in this Shura Sword. At this time, it suddenly burst out, and the dazzling power made some onlookers who were not good enough in cultivation close their eyes.


Zhao Yizhan retreated quickly, but the Shura Sword in Zhou You's hand shot out a thick lightning and continued to attack Zhao Yizhan.


Zhao Yizhan was hit, and at the same time, Zhao Yizhan's whole body was wrapped in lightning power.

"Good!" Luo Mingdao and others made a sound of surprise.

"Not right." Chen Feng did not frown.

"It's really not right." Luo Kong said.

Zhao Yizhan turned over and fell to the ground again, and the lightning power on his body became more violent.

"Don't you know that I'm practicing Thunder Yuan Gong?" Zhao Yizhan said as he stretched out his palm. The power of thunder and lightning quickly condensed in his palm, and soon a lightning ball began to spin rapidly.

"What a pure power of heavenly thunder." An elder in the stands exclaimed in admiration. This move seemed simple, but some masters could see the extraordinary in it.

Zhou You originally wanted to launch a violent attack. The Shura Mad Blade he practiced was originally an extremely fierce attack move, but when the ball of light appeared in the opponent's hand, Zhou You immediately felt a strong sense of crisis.

The source of the crisis was the lightning ball that was spinning rapidly in Zhao Yizhan's hand.

"Zhao Yizhan is going to use the Thunder Yuan Gong." A female cultivator with bright eyes and full of spiritual energy in the stands said.

This female cultivator who attracted countless eyes around was Fu Yue from the Five Elements Hall, and also the sister of the core disciple Fu Ming, a genius with extraordinary cultivation talent.

"Zhao Yizhan used the Thunder Yuan Gong so quickly, it seems that he wanted to end the battle quickly, and the most important reason should be that he didn't want his opponents to see his strengths and weaknesses." A very handsome cultivator next to him said with a smile.

This handsome cultivator was Mu Lingfeng, the boss of the Five Elements Hall. He controlled the Five Elements Hall in the sect, had countless younger brothers, and his own cultivation was unfathomable. He was considered a very powerful person.

"This Zhou You is not bad, and he has almost the same accomplices. I heard that several other groups are targeting them. I wonder if our Five Elements Hall should show some goodwill?" Fu Yue said with a smile.

"Well, let's show some goodwill appropriately. These people are talented. It would be a pity if they were taken away by Tianren Hall. But I don't think these people want to join other groups." Mu Lingfeng said.

"By the way, President, what do you think of Chen Feng?" Fu Yue suddenly said.

"He has talent and a backer. It would be good if he could be brought here. But he offended the Zhao family not long after he entered the sect. If he hadn't been protected by Xuanhuo Zhenren, he would have had a worrying end." Mu Lingfeng said with a smile.

"Let's use this trick to resolve this battle." Zhao Yizhan said with a faint smile.

"Hahaha, are you looking down on me?" Zhou You seemed to be irritated.

The Shura Knife slashed out fiercely, and suddenly there was a strong wind and thunder, and a huge knife light slashed towards Zhao Yizhan.

Facing this move, Zhao Yizhan stretched out his five fingers and grabbed fiercely. The space in front of him twisted sharply, and the knife light in the air immediately shattered.

Then Zhao Yizhan waved his hand, and the lightning ball in his hand quickly rotated in front of Zhou You. Zhou You immediately felt the powerful power of the thunder, and the hair on his body stood up.

"Such a powerful thunder power, it is comparable to the grade contained in my Shura Sword, how is this possible." Zhou You exclaimed.


With a bang, this section of the lightning ball suddenly exploded, and at the same time quickly expanded, forming two bowl-shaped lightning shields that directly wrapped Zhou You in it.

Squeak squeak squeak squeak!

The lightning shield immediately became lightning and thunder, and Zhou You, who was wrapped in it, was miserable. He was soon struck by the power of the thunder and fainted. The silver hair on his head stood up, his face was distorted, and there was a smell of burning on his body.

Zhao Yizhan stretched out his hand and waved, and the thunder power wrapped around Zhou You immediately condensed into a stream, and they all went into Zhao Yizhan's palm and disappeared.

In just one breath, Zhou You struggled to stand up, but at this time his whole body was paralyzed and he had no strength to fight again.

"Thank you for your mercy." Zhou You reluctantly bowed, sighed, and walked out of the venue.

If it weren't for the Shura Sword that shared most of the pressure for him just now, he would probably still be unconscious at this time.

"Brother Zhou, are you okay?" Chen Feng stepped forward to support Zhou You, only to feel that Zhou You's whole body was stiff. He should have been attacked by the thunder and has not recovered yet.

"It's okay, he will recover soon. This Zhao Yizhan is really amazing." Zhou You shook his head and said.

"How do you feel?" Mu Lingfeng said with a smile.

"Very powerful, the Thunder Yuan Gong should have been cultivated to the realm of minor success, but if it only relies on the Thunder Yuan Gong, I'm afraid I can't get the first place in this competition." Fu Yue pondered for a while and said.

The next game, Chen Feng vs. Yuan Shan.

Seeing Yuan Shan's name appear on the huge jade floating in the air, Chen Feng was really stunned.

"It's Yuan Shan, how can it be so coincidental, this time the draw should be a problem, right?" Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Of course there is no problem. The names of all the participating disciples have been entered into this piece of jade. Everything is randomly drawn." Luo Kong said on the side.

"If that's the case, it's interesting." Chen Feng said as he stepped into the venue. At this time, Yuan Shan was already standing at the competition venue waiting for him.

"Haha, long time no see, Brother Yuan looks as elegant as ever." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet you. It was beyond my expectation, but it's good this way. I was worried that I wouldn't have a chance to deal with you." Yuan Shan gritted his teeth, and a trace of sinister and cold light flashed in his eyes.

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