Eternal Existence

Chapter 361: Dark Demon Barrier

"Boy, don't waste time, just use the Demon Sealing Sword to kill all these people." Ta couldn't help but say.

"That's what I meant." Chen Feng said, and a murderous intent shot out from his heart. As if sensing his thoughts, the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand also vibrated slightly.


Facing the attacks of the crowd, a powerful barrier force directly enveloped Chen Feng, and at the same time, the attacks of these eight people fell on Chen Feng at the same time.

Bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

The sound was dull and powerful. The eight cultivators who had survived the thunder tribulation worked together, which was enough to easily split a hundred-foot mountain into pieces, but hitting Chen Feng only made a series of light sounds.


Chen Feng quickly swung the Demon Sealing Sword, and the power of the barrier and the power of the thunder Gang bloomed at the same time. Everyone only felt a flash of sword light, and the eight Tianren realm cultivators were actually cut into two at the same time.

These people had survived the thunder tribulation, and their soul power was very strong. Although they were split in half, their souls had not dissipated for a while. Each of them controlled half of their bodies and wanted to escape from here in fear.

"It's useless. Since you know that I have a holy weapon in my hand, do you think you still have a chance to survive?" Chen Feng sneered.

Along with Chen Feng's voice, the sea of ​​consciousness of these people exploded at the same time, and the souls that had survived the thunder tribulation also dissipated. The upper half of the body fell to the ground quickly before flying far.

"It's worthy of being a holy weapon. Activate the formation." Ou Yeqing's face changed, and he waved his hand. A piece of jade flew into the sky and exploded violently. Chen Feng suddenly felt that it was pitch black in front of him. His vision was completely blocked and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Chen Feng felt that his whole body was empty, and his feet became empty. It seemed that he had arrived in a universe without end and direction.

"What kind of formation is this? It can actually deceive my five senses and six senses." Chen Feng did not panic, but unfolded the power of his soul to secretly sense the surroundings.

Wherever the soul power passed, there was nothing, as if he was really trapped in eternal darkness.

"These guys shouldn't keep trapping me like this, they will definitely take action." Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and was secretly on guard, waiting for the other party to take action.

"Chen Feng has been in for a while, why hasn't he come out yet?" At this time, Luo Kong was a little worried.

"You wait here first, I'll go and see the situation." Zhou You said and flew quickly into the valley.

"Humph, someone else came in?"

"Come well, you don't know how to live or die, it's not that easy to get out after entering this dark demon barrier. Don't worry, consume their power first. The holy weapon in Chen Feng's hand is very powerful. Fortunately, we didn't take action directly, otherwise we would be the ones who died."

"Yes, I didn't expect this guy to be so cruel. He killed eight monks who had survived the thunder tribulation. Fortunately, we found them from outside, so it's not a pity to die."

Zhao Hai and others did not rush to launch an attack, but gathered together to wait for the opportunity.

"Zhou You didn't make any noise. Did something happen?" Luo Kong was a little impatient.

"I'll go and take a look."

"Don't be reckless. Let's go together. If the situation is not right, leave immediately and notify the sect." Shui Yan said.

When they entered the valley, they did not see the situation in the valley as they imagined, but saw rolling thick clouds rushing towards them.

"What's going on? Let's go." Shui Yan immediately felt something was wrong.

But it was too late. These rolling thick clouds soon submerged everyone in it, so Shui Yan and others felt top-heavy, and their eyes were dark, and they lost their sense of direction.

The situation encountered by everyone was exactly the same as Chen Feng's. They were all trapped in the dark magic circle.

"Why are there so many people?" Ou Yeqing frowned.

"Forget it, we can't wait any longer, so as not to cause trouble." Zhao Hai said.

"First, strengthen the operation of the formation."

At this time, Chen Feng only felt that the true energy in his body was slowly draining away. These true energy slowly drilled out from the sweat pores all over his body, and then disappeared in the surrounding darkness. At first, the amplitude was very small and almost difficult to detect, but later the speed became faster and faster. Although it was not as good as the swallowing and absorbing technique he practiced, the effect was already amazing.

"What a powerful formation, it can actually devour the power in my body." Chen Feng immediately operated the swallowing and absorbing technique and the swallowing magic skill. Two powerful suction forces emanated from Chen Feng's body, not only absorbing the lost power back, but also devouring a large amount of spiritual energy from the darkness

"Little guy, do it, your companions are also trapped in the barrier like you." Ta said at this time.

"What, Ruta and the others are also in?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, knowing that if time is long, the power of Ruta and others will definitely be absorbed. These people are not like him, and I am afraid that the power in their bodies will be absorbed quickly.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

Chen Feng held the Demon Sealing Sword but before he could make any move, he felt a strong wind coming at him from behind. Chen Feng grabbed two extremely dark chains with his hands.

The chains were icy cold, and he didn't know what they were made of. Chen Feng pulled them with both hands but couldn't pull them apart.

"Wow, they are so hard, could they be made of ten thousand year old cold iron?" Chen Feng exerted force with both hands, and he felt the two chains clattering and he didn't know how long they were.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

When Chen Feng pulled the two chains, other attacks in the void came again, and countless chains entangled Chen Feng from all directions.

Chen Feng waved his hands quickly and grabbed several chains in an instant. They were all as cold as cold iron, and the same material.

Soon, the surrounding chains wrapped Chen Feng tightly, and then spikes appeared on them and stabbed at Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng was wearing a protective armor, and these spikes could not pierce Chen Feng's skin at all.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he suppressed the protective armor, deliberately letting these spikes pierce into his skin.

Sure enough, these spikes came with strong suction, sucking the blood and qi in Chen Feng's body into them, and it seemed that they wanted to suck Chen Feng dry.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and let the blood and qi in his body be sucked away. After a long time, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, his whole body suddenly swelled, and the power in the protective armor began to break free.

Pah, pah, pah!

A series of explosions, the chains on Chen Feng's body were broken one after another, and Chen Feng returned to normal again.

"It's that direction." Chen Feng said, picking up the Demon Sealing Sword and slashing it fiercely, the black curtain in front of him was cut open, revealing a wide road.

Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, and once he encountered a black curtain blocking the way, he immediately slashed with a sword. Under the holy artifact Demon Sealing Sword, the dark demon Luo barrier that troubled Chen Feng was like paper, and was easily cut open.

Just now, Chen Feng deliberately let these chains absorb his blood and qi in order to find out where these chains came from.

Chen Feng was very fast, with the Demon Sealing Sword opening the way, and he found the place in the blink of an eye.

"It's here." Chen Feng said that the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand slashed again, and a powerful thunder force suddenly exploded in front of Chen Feng, just like a black cloth torn open by the power of thunder and lightning, the black curtain in front of him cracked one after another, revealing the normal space outside, fresh air was infused in, and Chen Feng even saw the grass and trees growing in the valley.


When Chen Feng tore open the Dark Demon Luo barrier, one of the monks who controlled the formation was immediately torn into pieces by the sword energy.

"Oh no, this guy rushed out." Zhao Quan exclaimed.

"Don't panic, these are all within our expectations. If he can't rush out, how can the Demon Sealing Sword be considered a holy weapon." Zhao Hai sneered.

Pah pah pah!

Chen Feng kept swinging the Demon Sealing Sword, and the Lei Gang sword energy kept exploding. Every time the sword energy exploded, a monk was torn apart. Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining monks who controlled the formation immediately stopped setting up the formation and fled far away.

Finally, all the black curtains disappeared cleanly, and the whole valley returned to normal.


Ruta, Shui Yan and others kept waving their weapons one by one, and when the black curtain disappeared, they all fell to the ground.

Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, and the soul power quickly swept over and knew that Ruta and others were not seriously injured except for being a little weak.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Chen Feng was relieved, knowing that everyone should have been devoured by the power in the dark magic circle.

"Brother Chen, I'm glad you're fine." Luo Kong struggled to stand up.

"You leave here first." Chen Feng said.

"If you want to leave, don't think about leaving today, unless you hand over the magic sword in your hand." Zhao Hai led a group of people to block the way of Shui Yan and others.

"Humph, I don't believe you will kill people, you are breaking the rules of the sect by doing this." Shui Yan said coldly.

"Of course I won't kill you, but beating you half to death should be okay, the sect will not embarrass our Zhao family and the Guangming Society for you trash." Zhao Hai was a little proud.

"Chen Feng, why struggle, you have offended our Guangming Society and the Zhao family in the sect, it can be said that you can't move an inch, now as long as you hand over the magic sword, everything will be forgiven." Ou Yeqing said with a smile.

"Hehe, if you want the holy weapon in my hand, it depends on whether you have such ability." Chen Feng's face was full of smiles. After saying this, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, and the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand shot out a lightning to attack Ou Yeqing.


Ou Yeqing couldn't dodge in time, and flew backwards directly, falling to the ground motionless, his whole body was charred, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.


Seeing this scene, Zhao Hai and others were frightened and retreated one after another. Ou Yeqing was the strongest among them, and he was beaten like this in an instant. If Chen Feng's target was himself, Zhao Hai and others immediately broke out in a cold sweat when they thought of this.

"Since you have already started, I will kill you all today." Chen Feng said, turning around and rushing towards Zhao Hai.

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