Eternal Existence

Chapter 396: The Nine Heavens Palace

"This guy has some vision." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The young man stepped forward to apologize, but Chen Feng and the others ignored him, and didn't even look at him.

"Everyone, enjoy, I'll take my leave." The young man smiled awkwardly, and then left with everyone.

Walking all the way to the next floor, the young man's eyes finally flashed a trace of murderous intent, but this murderous intent flashed and no one around him noticed it.

"Iron Hand Sect, what sect is this?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I haven't heard of it. It should be a small sect in the local area. This is the territory of Jiuxiao Palace. Everyone should be careful." Jian Xiao said.

"I have heard of the Iron Hand Sect." At this time, Master Qushou suddenly said.

"Oh, you know, then you tell me." Chen Feng nodded.

"The Iron Hand Sect is a subsidiary sect of Jiuxiao Palace. The strongest person in the sect is a Leijie cultivator, who is much more powerful than the six caves." Master Qushou said.

"It turned out to be the power under Jiuxiao Palace. It seems that we have to be careful. If there is any disturbance, we will kill people directly." Chen Feng said.

The young man went downstairs and stayed in the lobby on the first floor, as if waiting for someone. Sure enough, not long after, four cultivators suddenly fell from the sky and walked into the restaurant.

Two men and two women, the men were handsome and tall, and the women were extremely beautiful, like fairies in heaven.

After the four people came, they frowned at the same time, as if they had sensed something.

"Hello, senior brothers and sisters." At this time, the young man stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Junior Brother Tie, you are welcome." One of the male cultivators said with a smile.

"All four of them have survived three thunder tribulations. It seems that they should be disciples of Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Junior Brother Tie, do you want to kill them?" Jian Xiaotian asked.

"Let's take a look at the situation first." Chen Feng said.

"Junior Brother Tie, there seem to be quite a few cultivators upstairs?" At this time, the four newcomers were using their spiritual sense to communicate with Junior Brother Tie.

"I was just about to report to all the senior brothers and sisters that the cultivator upstairs might be Chen Feng." Junior Brother Tie said in a voice transmission.

"What?" After hearing Junior Brother Tie's words, the four people almost exclaimed.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Nine out of ten, but he has some accomplices, and they all look good." Junior Brother Tie said again.

Hearing that the person upstairs might be Chen Feng, the four cultivators all became nervous, but there was some excitement in their eyes.

"What should we do? Should we go up and capture Chen Feng?"

"No, Chen Feng is not a simple guy. Jiuxiao Palace has issued a wanted order for a long time, but they have not captured him. Moreover, there are not only three people as Jiuxiao Palace said. We still have to think about it in the long run."

"Think about it in the long run. This is a good opportunity. If we can capture Chen Feng and the other two, we can exchange them for holy tools, heaven-level skills, spiritual energy, and merit points when we return to the sect. In addition, there are internal rewards of the sect. I can't help but want to rush up and capture Chen Feng now."

"It's very tempting, but it's probably not safe with the strength of the four of us. Let's go find a few more brothers."

"In this way, wouldn't we get even less rewards?"

"Safety first, safety first. There are eleven people up there. We can't let any of them go."

The four of them communicated quickly and soon reached an agreement, but they were afraid that Chen Feng and the others would become suspicious. Then they chatted with Junior Brother Tie for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

"It's a bit strange that these four people left suddenly." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Did they find us?" Jian Xiaotian asked in confusion.

"Nine out of ten." Chen Feng nodded.

"Sir, what should we do? Should we strike first?" asked Boss Tao.

"Demon Sword Knight, go downstairs immediately and kill all those people just now." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Yes!" The Demon Sword Knight stood up immediately without hesitation.

Then the Demon Sword Knight stomped his feet heavily, and a big hole suddenly cracked in the ground. The Demon Sword Knight then fell down, and then there were bursts of fighting and screams from downstairs.

In just two breaths, the Demon Sword Knight jumped up again, and the group of people of Tie Junior Brother just now had been killed cleanly.

"Let's leave here too. Once our whereabouts are exposed, it will lead to endless fighting." Chen Feng said.

Not long after Chen Feng and his men left the town, a strong breath came from the back, and it was approaching quickly.

"Sure enough, they are chasing us." Lin Shaokun sneered.

"Sir, let your subordinates go to kill the enemy." Boss Tao shouted.

"Yes, young master, let's take action." The Demon Sword Knight said murderously.

"Alright." Chen Feng thought about it and agreed. Originally, Chen Feng planned to separate from the Tao brothers and others, but now he suddenly changed his mind.

"We are all cultivators, and we should make progress in fighting. If we keep hiding and practicing, we will only work behind closed doors. If there are casualties in the fight, we can only blame ourselves for not learning well." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Seeing Chen Feng nod, the Tao brothers immediately began to set up the formation. The Demon Sword Knight also summoned the big monster Xiao Hei, and the Beast Master also summoned the flying bird Shi Fenghou, and there were hundreds of monsters of various appearances.

The title of the Beast Master is because he practiced a magic formula called the Beast Taming Formula, which can drive some monsters.

The Soul Master's eyes were also flashing with light, ready for battle.

Soon, a group of cultivators came to Chen Feng and others. There were eight of them in total, all of them were Tianren realm cultivators who had survived the thunder tribulation.

"Which one is Chen Feng?" One of them stepped forward and shouted.

"Who are you? Are you looking for death?" The Demon Sword Knight sneered, and Xiao Hei beside him also let out a tiger roar.

"The lowest cultivation of these eight people has survived three thunder tribulations, and two of them have survived four thunder tribulations. And judging from the temperament and clothes of these eight people, they should be disciples of Jiuxiao Palace, and they are core disciples." Jian Xiao said.

"They must be disciples of Jiuxiao Palace. Two of them look familiar." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Are you the casual cultivator, Master Qushou?" At this time, Yuan Ye, one of the eight people, spoke.

"Yes, it is this old man, Yuan Ye, Heitian, an elite disciple of Jiuxiao Palace. I didn't expect that I had survived the thunder tribulation after not seeing him for a few years, and survived three thunder tribulations. Tsk tsk, I have heard that Jiuxiao Palace has refined a kind of elixir that can increase a person's cultivation by a hundred years. It seems that you two should have taken this elixir, right?" Master Qushou said with a smile.

Speaking of which, the three beast-driving masters that Chen Feng had recaptured were all somewhat famous in the cultivation world. The Demon Sword Knight and the Beast-driving Master were casual cultivators, and the Soul-Missing Cave Master came from the Seventy-Two Caves. In terms of experience and knowledge, none of them could be compared to Chen Feng.

"I didn't expect that you, a Taoist, actually knew about the Hundred Merit Pills of our Jiuxiao Palace. Yes, my brothers took the Hundred Merit Pills and survived three thunder tribulations in just three years. This kind of thing can only make you casual cultivators jealous and envious." Yuanye laughed.

"Humph, what's the point of swallowing pills? It's not the power you have cultivated through hard work." The Demon Sword Knight sneered.

"Okay, Yuanye, don't talk nonsense with them, just kill them directly." The person who spoke at this time was one of the male cultivators who went to the restaurant at the beginning.

"Yes, do it!"

"Five Elements Battle Formation." The Tao brothers were the first to take action. The battle formation that had been brewing for a long time rushed forward and directly surrounded Yuanye and Heitian in the middle. The sword energy was crisscrossed, lightning flashed, and the Five Elements Battle Formation launched an attack.

"Psychic illusion!" The pupils of the Master of the Soul-Breaking Cave began to rotate, and colorful camouflage streamers shot into the space.

When the Master of the Soul-Breaking Cave took action, the Demon Sword Knight and the Beast-Driver also took the opportunity to attack. It can be said that these three people have a tacit understanding with each other. The Master of the Soul-Breaking Cave used the soul method, and the Demon Sword Knight and the Beast-Driver took the opportunity to attack. If it were a cultivator of the same realm, they would definitely be caught off guard.

However, these eight people are at least core disciples from the Jiuxiao Palace. Each of them is talented, perseverant and courageous. Facing the attacks of the Demon Sword Knight and others, they did not panic at all. On the contrary, they suppressed the Demon Sword Knight and the Beast-Driver as soon as they fought.

The situation of the Tao brothers was not very good either. Although they trapped Yuanye and the other two, anyone with a discerning eye knew that the five people were very reluctant. It was only a matter of time before Yuanye and the other two broke through the formation.

Chen Feng shook his head, knowing that his own people were not as good as the elites cultivated by these big sects with resources in terms of realm, strength and magic formula.

At this time, the remaining three people from Jiuxiao Palace came to kill Chen Feng and his two companions. These three people were the strongest among the eight people, and two of them had survived four thunder tribulations. Although they were not as good as Lei Sha and Feng Lang, they were not much different.

"You're here." Before the other party arrived, Jian Xiaotian had already rushed up. During this period of time, he had been absorbing immortal energy to practice, and his internal strength had surged. His cultivation had greatly improved. He had long wanted to find someone to try his hand. Now that he saw the other party taking action, he could no longer hold back.

"A cultivator of the second level of heaven and man is really looking for death."

Jian Xiaotian's opponent had survived four thunder tribulations and did not take Jian Xiaotian seriously at all, but once they fought, he found that he was wrong. The giant sword in Jian Xiaotian's hand opened and closed, and was extremely powerful. At the same time, an extremely domineering aura emanated from Jian Xiaotian, which was frightening and shocking. Jian Xiaotian used the hegemony sword technique of the Tianjian School. Once it was used, there was a kind of momentum of being the only one in the world.

"The remaining two are mine." Before Chen Feng made a move, Lin Shaokun on the side could not help it.

Lin Shaokun was not tall or strong, but when he struggled, a wild aura immediately broke out, and he seemed to be integrated with the earth, as steady as a rock. He swung the long stick in his hand and swept the two people who rushed in front of him away.


The long stick in his hand hit the ground heavily, like a mountain falling from the sky, and cracks began to appear on the ground that extended to the distance.

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