Eternal Existence

Chapter 4533: There are also helpers

Chen Feng smiled and did not block it. He saw the Wheel Pot first send out a force to attack, and when the opponent was dealing with it, it suddenly took the initiative to jump in front of the opponent.

This scared the cultivator, but the cultivator quickly launched an attack.

The attack entered the Wheel Pot and disappeared, and then the Wheel Pot rushed forward and knocked the opponent out.

This is the power of the sacred mountain.

This is the magical power of the Wheel Pot, which can transform power, bless power, and can also use several different powers at the same time.

Chi Chi!

The Sword of Origin and the Sword of All Evil joined forces, and the cross sword light cut an opponent neatly.

Other magic weapons also hit or injured the opponent.

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing. Maybe these magic weapons were not the opponents of these cultivators before, but they were blessed with power before, and their strength increased by leaps and bounds. It was time to explode.

The explosion after accumulation is naturally the strongest time.

However, there are also magic weapons that are caught by the opponent. At this time, Chen Feng will mobilize the power of the River of Time to rescue.

A cultivator smashed a chaos-level magic weapon.

Chen Feng was angry and stared at the opponent. He launched an attack regardless of everything and smashed the cultivator to pieces before he stopped.

After a fight, Chen Feng found that there were still so many opponents. He could only shake his head helplessly. He had tried his best, but these opponents kept increasing.

"But there are also benefits. Now this area belongs to the ghost space. Now they have rashly come to my domain, that is, they have come to the free space, so their strength can be suppressed." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.

In fact, it was because there were too many opponents. Even if Chen Feng released a lot of magic weapons and weapons, even if it became the territory of the free space, he still couldn't get rid of these opponents.

But this is also the meaning of Chen Feng's fight.

Chen Feng could not participate in those high-level battles. At most, he could only watch as a spectator. If Chen Feng did not fight with these opponents, then he would really become a spectator.




A field began to collapse. This was the opponent concentrating his strength to launch an attack. Soon the collapsed field began to expand in scale.

Chen Feng ignored it, and Shenshan took the initiative to adjust the direction to suppress it.

But in this way, another cultivator joined forces and attacked in other directions.

Finally, another cultivator seized the opportunity and reached out to grab the Origin Spirit Lamp.

Chen Feng grabbed the Origin Spirit Lamp in his hand, and the cultivator showed surprise in his eyes.

Among all the magic weapons, the Origin Spirit Lamp can be regarded as a very good quality.

You must know that too many flames have been integrated along the way, and they have been blessed by the Time River before. It can be said that the Origin Spirit Lamp is also a top existence among the Origin-level magic weapons.

Chen Feng smiled, not worried about being snatched away by the other party.

Suddenly, the flames bloomed and flowed out quickly. There were several kinds of flames hidden in the flames that multiplied as fast as life, and soon burned the cultivator's claws to ashes. Not only that, it was also spreading rapidly to the body.

This powerful cultivator screamed and fled far away, but the flames on his body were not attracted for a long time.

"What a fool!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

I knew this would happen, so Chen Feng had hidden several powerful flames in the Origin Spirit Lamp before, and this time they finally came in handy.

Next, the Origin Spirit Lamp emitted a raging fire that could burn almost everything. Several opponents around retreated one after another. Although they were greedy in their hearts, they did not dare to attack the Origin Spirit Lamp for a while.

After all, if their strength was not enough, they would be easily burned to ashes.

The sound of the battle here spread farther and farther in the space, and Chen Feng frowned a little. In this case, wouldn't it be a transfer of the battlefield?

From the source of all sources to the free space, although the free space only affects a small area now.

But over time, it will definitely affect farther and farther. Will there be any changes in this case?

"Otherwise, take the opportunity to find some helpers to come." Chen Feng had this idea, but then shook his head.

The powerful helpers he knew were all in the Gate of Origin. Although there were some people he knew in other places, they were not strong enough and barely reached the level of Hunyuan Jinxian. If he rashly participated in it, there would definitely be a lot of casualties.

"What happened here?"

However, Chen Feng did not go to find helpers. A powerful life in the travel space was alarmed.

It was a Hunyuan Jinxian.

This was really a coincidence. In the past, Chen Feng had been adventuring in the free space for a long time, and it was difficult to meet a Hunyuan Jinxian.

But now one was alarmed, and Chen Feng felt that there should be more than one.

Chen Feng's perception was very strong. After a little investigation, he knew that it was just an ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian.

"Leave this place, this is not something you can participate in." Chen Feng's thoughts rippled out.

The other party felt the power of success and stopped involuntarily, watching and thinking from a distance.

Sure enough, two Hunyuan Jinxian appeared.

Actually, it is normal to think about this kind of thing. The fight that happened on Chen Feng's side had a huge impact. As a powerful Hunyuan Jinxian, he would be alarmed even if he was far away from him. Moreover, the opponent's speed was very fast. It was normal for him to rush over from a distant place in a short time.

After investigation, the two Hunyuan Jinxian knew what happened. It was because they saw it clearly that they were extremely shocked.

This kind of big scene was really the first time they saw it. After being shocked, they were a little scared.

The two Hunyuan Jinxians discovered each other's existence, and then gathered together carefully to discuss.

"Wealth and honor are sought in danger. When we cultivate to this level, we have seen all kinds of scenes. Maybe it is very dangerous in front of us, but it is also a good opportunity. Otherwise, we will be alarmed."

"That's right. Although this level of fighting is very dangerous for us, I still want to fight."

The two Hunyuan Jinxians quickly made up their minds and moved forward again.

Chen Chenfeng was a little surprised, but he didn't care. He had advised them before. Since they wanted to die, he couldn't stop them.

"Tour guide, we also want to participate, hope you can help us." One of the cultivators said so.

Chen Feng did not respond, in fact, to put it bluntly, Chen Feng looked down on the other party.

"I am Sanyan Layman."

"I am Tianfeng Layman."

"Please give me some advice, after all, we all belong to the free space. Although we are not strong enough, we also want to contribute."

Hearing the other party say this, Chen Feng could not pretend not to hear clearly this time.

Thinking that these two guys are brave enough.

So Chen Feng said: "In this case, you come here and follow my command."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Seeing Chen Feng agreed, the two Hunyuan Jinxian hurried forward.

Then a force and the two Hunyuan Jinxian were involved in the field.

"You occupy this area. I don't think your strength is too strong. How about this, you two join forces to deal with an opponent, and I will give you some blessings later." Chen Feng said.

Although Chen Feng was very rude, the two Hunyuan Jinxians were not angry, because they thought that Chen Feng's words were indeed reasonable, and there was indeed a big gap between the two sides.


Chen Feng did not say much, and the two Hunyuan Jinxians soon faced an opponent.

Although they were all Hunyuan Jinxians and were in the same realm, the gap between them was very large.

Sanyan Jushi and the other two joined forces to barely stop the opponent. The two looked at Chen Feng and were facing so many opponents, and they were even more shocked.

The gap between the two sides was really immeasurable, and the two even regretted getting involved.

It seemed that it would not have much effect, but then the two of them restrained their minds. If they could not even withstand such a blow, then their future practice would probably be affected. Besides, there was still a long way to go in the future.

"The most important thing now is to hope to survive this fight."

"And to make some contributions."

The two Hunyuan Jinxians still knew their own strength, so they did not hold back their strength. The two of them joined forces to use various means to kill each other.

"It's still useful." Chen Feng took a look and didn't care. After all, it helped him to entangle an opponent, which also helped him to reduce some pressure. It's normal to give them some benefits.

"But since it can attract these two Hunyuan Jinxian, will it attract more? It's just that if you say so, the chaos will be big, but it doesn't matter if you think about it. Anyway, the temporary square and they are all out, so who cares about whether it's messy or not." Chen Feng said so.

Sure enough, another Hunyuan Jinxian came here soon.

This is a large and powerful free creature, exuding an ancient and abundant breath of life.

After this creature came, he quickly figured out what happened, and his eyes showed excitement. He rushed up without thinking too much.

"Another helper." Chen Feng smiled.

As before, after warning the other party, he let the other party enter the field.

Of course, Chen Feng also arranged an opponent for the other party.

This free creature is quite powerful and can face an opponent alone. The two sides soon fought together.

"The Source of All Sources collided with the life in the free space. Although I did not ask my friends for help, this will attract more powerful lives as time goes by. I just don't know whether all the powerful lives that come here will become helpers, or whether they will cause some other troubles." Chen Feng said.

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