Eternal Existence

Chapter 4543: Suppressing Hunyuan

Chen Feng was wearing a battle armor made of layers of different powers, and this little light made a big hole in it.

Even Chen Feng's flesh and blood exploded.

Even with these layers of defense, Chen Feng was still injured, which shocked Chen Feng.

You should know that Chen Feng's own defense is not weaker than the battle armor or the sacred mountain just now. In other words, if Chen Feng did not have the two layers of defense outside, then his injuries would be several times larger.

"Good guy, I don't know if the opponent's attack is full force or just a little bit of power released." This is what Chen Feng feels most important.

If the light spot just now is just a part of the power released by the opponent, then if the opponent attacks with all his strength, Chen Feng will be smashed into pieces.

"It's really terrifying for me to fight the opponent head-on like this!" Chen Feng shook the injuries on his body and recovered quickly.

Then he saw a finger coming towards him, but just a finger made Chen Feng have an irresistible thought.

Not only that, there was also a strong thought of death.

This finger is naturally more powerful than the starlight just now.

"Come back."

Chen Feng was not so passive this time, but urged the domain to collide head-on with the opponent.

The subsequent development of the matter proved that a single force cultivated to the extreme is indeed extremely powerful.

At least it is not something that Chen Feng can resist with the chaotic power he now controls.

After the palm was broken before, the opponent also changed his fighting style and began to concentrate his strength to attack one point.

Although the domain power mobilized by Chen Feng is very powerful, it was indestructible in the previous invasion process, but now after encountering a more powerful force, the two sides were beaten to pieces by the other side as soon as they came into contact.

However, because the power of the Time River was very strong, it still slowed down the forward speed of this finger.

At this time, a long sword appeared in Chen Feng's hand, and he stabbed at the finger fiercely. The power in Chen Feng's body, the power of the sacred mountain under his feet, and the power blessed by the wheel pot, all gathered on Chen Feng, like a long river rushing to the long sword.

Then his fingers collided with the long sword in Chen Feng's hand. Then Chen Feng's whole body shook violently. There were dense cracks on his armor, and his steps were a little unstable. He felt that his power began to disperse. Although the power was strong, he could not really master it, so it would become a burden.

Chen Feng felt that he was extremely heavy now, but he was also a little mentally floating.

This feeling was really uncomfortable, just like an ordinary person had a serious illness.

"This is the strength above Hunyuan. It is indeed not so easy to deal with. I felt it in Qi before, and I only understood a part of it on the surface." Chen Feng had such a thought in his mind.

He waited until the shadow of the gate of time and space was added to Chen Feng, isolating Chen Feng from the surroundings for a while, and Chen Feng recovered in the shortest time.

Next, Chen Feng continued to attack, and the wings of the gods behind him kept flapping, causing his position to change constantly. The purpose of doing this was to prevent the opponent from easily locking him.

It was just that there was a gap in the life level between the two sides. After several rounds of fighting, the opponent broke the loophole again, this time turning into a huge fist, and smashed down on Chen Feng fiercely.

"Here it comes again!" Chen Feng felt the extremely strong pressure, and he also had an infinite fighting spirit.

This was an unprecedented challenge for him.

Chen Feng also condensed a huge fist.

The two sides collided, and the domain began to shake violently. The edge of the space confrontation between the free space and the source of all sources was shattered even more severely.

Chen Feng retreated again and again, and cracks appeared on his fist. The energy contained in it exploded directly, and even Chen Feng was injured.

However, Chen Feng's tyrannical chaotic body showed his heaven-defying power. During the retreat, the cracks on his fist recovered quickly.

Then Chen Feng used the art of walking, rushed forward quickly, and punched down again.

But it was empty.

Chen Feng didn't even know if the other party was injured in the collision just now, but Chen Feng knew that he couldn't retreat now. Once he retreated, the situation he created would change, and the domain he controlled would collapse. Maybe the source of all sources would take the opportunity to counterattack, and then all the previous efforts would be in vain.

"The little Hunyuan Jinxian can fight with me to this point, although he also used external forces, but it is enough to prove that you are a threat, so die here today." said.

At the same time, Chen Feng also received warnings from Emperor Wanfeng and Qi.

"Be careful, the opponent's most powerful is the power of the sky, and I don't know if your helpers can help you block it. It is not convenient for us to take action now, so you'd better be careful."

"The power of the sky seems to be really difficult to deal with. I have already felt a strong crisis." Chen Feng said, and the wings of the gods behind him burned with flames, and the whole person kept changing positions.

The phantom of the gate of time and space was added to Chen Feng, and the phantom of the source of creation was also added to Chen Feng.

There are also two powerful wills guarding Chen Feng.

But then Chen Feng's defenses collapsed one after another, and an energy that Chen Feng had never seen came head-on.

"This is the power of the Heavenly Evil." Chen Feng understood and immediately used all his means to resist.

His body roared, and a group of lights bloomed on Chen Feng's body.

From a distance, it looked as if Chen Feng was covered with stars.

In fact, this was the power of the acupoints. Chen Feng's acupoints were universes, and there were magic weapons and power accumulated for many years.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng did this mostly because he wanted to do his best.

This time, he not only tried his best, but also used all his means.

Chen Feng was still not his opponent. He retreated step by step under the opponent's powerful attack, and his injuries appeared one after another.

Chen Feng felt the power of the opponent's Heavenly Evil. No matter what means he used, even if he used the power of the Time River, he would quickly disintegrate and dissipate after fighting with the opponent.


Finally, the opponent hit Chen Feng, and Chen Feng retreated again and again, and the field continued to collapse into a huge channel.

This time, without waiting for Chen Feng to take the initiative to move forward, the Heavenly Evil still killed him and fought with Chen Feng in the field.

As a result, the domain was destroyed even more severely.


Chen Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, which was the harm caused by the power of Tiansha in his body.

The domain that expanded during this period was very large, comparable to many large universes, but it was violently shaken during the battle and was destroyed beyond recognition.

According to this degree of destruction, it won't take long for this huge domain to be completely broken.

I think the source of all sources will also take the opportunity to snatch it, then the previous efforts will be in vain.

However, Chen Feng has no good way now, so he can only fight endlessly.

It can be said that Chen Feng is completely at a disadvantage and has no power to resist.

After a while, the entire domain was penetrated, and the two came to the free space.

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes emitted a dazzling light again, and the extremely powerful force gathered from all directions of the free space.

The phantom of the long river of time appeared.

The phantom of the gate of time and space appeared.

The phantom of the source of creation appeared!

The phantom of the evil swamp appeared!

Blocking all directions, powerful forces fell on Tiansha one after another.


This is Chen Feng's calculation.

Since he can't do anything to his opponent, he has to find a way to suppress his opponent.

So it is the best choice to lead the opponent to the free space. In this way, on their own territory, they can suppress the opponent, and the Gate of Space and Time can also exert their strongest power.

There is also the power of the free space. At this moment, Chen Feng felt a stronger force than the previous invasion of the Source of All Origins.

Chen Feng even suspected whether the will of the Gate of Origin was involved.

Under the impact of various forces, Tiansha couldn't stand steadily, let alone fight with Chen Feng.


Chen Feng threw out the God Mountain and smashed Tiansha down hard, and various forces spread to the God Mountain.

At first, Tiansha could still struggle, and the God Mountain shook violently, and it was a little bit unable to suppress it, but as the power increased, Tiansha was finally suppressed.

Countless forces condensed into runes, which are sealing runes.

"It's a huge sacrifice. Even the sacred mountain cannot be used for the time being. However, I have solved a person above the Primordial. Anyway, it was my calculation that made it successful. I feel very accomplished." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng walked towards the source of all sources again. As Chen Feng walked step by step, the previously shattered domain quickly recovered. Chen Feng waved his hand, and four origin-level long swords circled around Chen Feng.

In addition to their own power, these long swords are also blending with the power of the domain.

Without the sacred mountain, Chen Feng had to take out other magic weapons to replace them.

Although Tiansha was solved, the matter was not over yet, and the invasion had to continue.

Or it was just a temporary suppression of Tiansha, and maybe the other party would rush out soon.

"It can still be like this!"

Emperor Wanfeng and Qi looked at each other. They didn't expect that Tiansha was suppressed. Although Chen Feng used external forces, a being above the Primordial should not end up like this.

Thinking further, since Tiansha can be suppressed, can he also be suppressed?

The result is that it can be suppressed.

Isn't the Hunyuan Supreme the strongest cultivator?

Speaking of which, Emperor Wanfeng and Qi are also well-informed and have seen the world. The fight between the Hunyuan Supremes can determine life and death, but it is the first time that a Hunyuan Golden Immortal has simply suppressed a Hunyuan Supreme with the help of some power.

"Daoyou, help me." At this time, Emperor Wanfeng received the will from Tiansha.

"Haha!" Emperor Wanfeng smiled. He didn't expect the other party to ask him for help, but thinking about it again, this is normal. After all, everyone is the life of the source of all sources.

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