Eternal Existence

Chapter 4550: Continue the melee

"This should be a fusion illusion. The opponent's level is very high." Gu said so, and the field around him spread out and began to stabilize the four directions.

Others present also used some special means to stabilize themselves and change the situation.

Finally, the phantom was broken up. Chen Feng didn't know whether he broke it with his strength or with his magical power.

For the time being, Chen Feng couldn't be sure, but the opponent delayed a lot of time, and the existence in the dark did not appear.

Chen Feng believed that he didn't receive the opponent just now, so the opponent must have some means hidden in the dark, and it is possible to find an opportunity to attack again.

Chen Feng looked at the surrounding beasts, and unexpectedly there were more.

He killed a lot of them before, but when dealing with this strange attack, the number of beasts increased again.

"In fact, for the Source of All Origins, this is also a huge consumption. Or, as I guessed before, the Source of All Origins does not consume these lives, and even deliberately pushes them out to die, so as to relieve its own pressure. If so, it will be a bit troublesome. Then the Source of All Origins can promote the emergence of more lives."

Not long after Chen Feng had this thought, he saw the stars twinkling in the distance, and some powerful lives appeared.

Different from the fierce beasts in battle, there are some human-shaped lives, which can be called cultivators.

Among them, there are some top masters among the Hunyuan Jinxian, and these cultivators will fight together, and they cooperate very well with each other.

Chen Feng has already felt that several powerful cultivators have locked onto him together. Before launching an attack, the origin fire in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness has jumped a little.

"Some more masters have come, but the danger is still not as great as I expected. So there is still a way out." Chen Feng said as his body became larger. Golden light shone on his body, and the armor appeared and covered his whole body. He looked majestic. The wings behind him kept flapping, and the shadow of the gate of time and space kept flickering.

Chen Feng rushed out of the domain directly. This time, Chen Feng chose to take the initiative to attack, and did not wait for the opponent to rush into the domain like before.

Chen Feng chose to fight in the space of the source of all sources, so that some damage caused would also act in the source of all sources, and maybe it could make the expansion of the domain smoother.

Chen Feng was surrounded by several opponents as soon as he rushed up, but Chen Feng stared at one of them.

This is also a method that Chen Feng often uses, to defeat them one by one.

Although the opponent seems to be very skilled in joining forces, Chen Feng has seen this scene many times.

Chen Feng's method is to break it with one force.


A powerful force burst out from Chen Feng and collided with these opponents.

These powerful Hunyuan Jinxians actually swayed, with shock in their eyes.

In the previous collision, everyone outnumbered the few, and even joined forces to explode, but they did not gain the upper hand.

Then these cultivators felt strong pressure.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng launched a crazy attack, and it seemed that he didn't care about defense at all.

In fact, Chen Feng did not defend himself, and some attacks fell on Chen Feng during the attack.

The four long swords that were originally circling around Chen Feng went out quietly.


A cultivator was stabbed, and then the other three long swords took the opportunity to fall, and actually cut the cultivator into eight pieces!

These four long swords performed meritorious service before Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was stunned, and he didn't expect to solve an opponent so easily, but he would not miss this opportunity. The opponent's joint efforts had loopholes, and the combat effectiveness was naturally weakened. Chen Feng stepped forward and punched one of them several times, causing him to retreat again and again!

Those who could block several punches from Chen Feng were already considered masters. Chen Feng also saw that this was a tough nut to crack, so he moved to another cultivator.

Then he punched the cultivator, and the other party shook his body, but he was still safe and sound.

At least on the surface, he looked fine.

Chen Feng was really surprised this time. The cultivator before could block his attack, which could be said to be a coincidence. He didn't expect that these cultivators could actually resist it.

"Could it be that the crisis I felt before was really them? Being able to block my attack, this alone is enough to prove that they are difficult to deal with."

"But it doesn't matter. It just takes some effort. If you can block me once, I don't believe that you can't block me many times." Chen Feng believed that the other party must have been injured, but in addition to the strong physical body, there should be some special means to block his super strong attack power.

In this case,


Chen Feng launched a will attack, which was not only his own will, but also with the help of the Gate of Time and Space, their will.

This is interesting. Since Chen Feng can now use the power of the Gate of Time and Space, it means that the Gate of Time and Space still has some strength left.

"That's true. This time they don't have the suppression of the Gate of Origin, and they can burst out their own strength to a greater extent." Chen Feng said secretly.

Before, the Gate of Time and Space was very careful when they attacked, compressing their strength to an acceptable level. Once they broke through this level, they would alarm the Gate of Origin, and then find the suppression of the power of Origin.

It can be said that the real strength can't even be exerted by half, so if there is no suppression of the Gate of Origin, then the power that bursts out is naturally extremely powerful.

After being impacted by Chen Feng's will, the magic circle formed by these monks was once again in chaos. Chen Feng seized the opportunity to clash and finally created a gap.

During this process, Chen Feng kept hitting his opponent, and he was also hit by his opponent.

Chen Feng didn't care at all about this way of fighting. Even if the opponent hit him a few more times, Chen Feng could still withstand it.

Chen Feng was analyzing the situation at this time, thinking about what power he could use to defeat his opponent.

The two sides fought again for several rounds, and Chen Feng once again punched a monk.

It can be said that these monks have all been hit hard by Chen Feng before, but they have never achieved very good results.

This time it was different from before. The monk was punched by Chen Feng, and his body burned with blazing flames.

Screams soon erupted from the flames. Cracks appeared on the body of this monk with strong defense, and the flames continued to penetrate into the cracks.

In a short period of time, the monk turned into a pile of ashes, but the pile of ashes was still squirming. He wanted to regroup his body, but was smashed into pieces by Chen Feng's punch forward.

The ashes fell, and some of the vitality in them quickly disappeared, and the body could no longer be reshaped.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. After fighting until now, he finally defeated an opponent. It was really not easy.

You must know that even opponents that were stronger than these before could be dealt with by yourself, not to mention that now I have relied on the river of time and their power.

With one less opponent, the pressure originally exerted on Chen Feng was also reduced. The other monks were naturally shocked, with shock in their eyes, but they still did not retreat, but continued to move forward using their own methods.

On the other side, others are also fighting non-stop with their opponents. Under this situation, it is impossible to continue to expand the field, let alone collect power and transfer it far away.

He has successfully done what he needs to do, and has found some helpers. He has been fighting. Chen Feng cannot interfere with what will happen next.

However, Chen Feng believes that since things have reached this point, the final result will be victory for his side.

Chen Feng just felt a little depressed. The other party should concentrate all its efforts on the main battlefield. Why did it come to him again?

Could it be that when high-level beings are fighting against high-level beings, the ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortal still comes to find him? If so, although Chen Feng is not afraid, he will face a steady stream of fighting and fighting.

There will definitely be damage to one's own side.

Chen Feng took a look and saw that another monk who came from Taixu Land was seriously injured. This time, the Gate of Transcendence did not have time to move him away.

However, this monk was not killed. Instead, he fell to the Source of All Sources in the chaos. A whirlpool appeared and swept up the monk and disappeared.

It was obvious that the opponent was going to be in trouble, but Chen Feng had no way to rescue the opponent.

Although Chen Feng's murderous intention was getting stronger and stronger, and he wanted to kill all the opponents present in one go, he was unable to do so.

In fact, the fighting power Chen Feng has shown now has shocked all his friends.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Chen Feng to become so strong now." Almost everyone thought so.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

Bundles of silk threads tied up an opponent in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng knew that this was Shadow Saint cooperating with him.

Of course, Chen Feng would not miss this good opportunity and quickly stepped forward to severely injure the opponent.

Four long swords were distributed in all directions of Chen Feng. The sword energy cut vertically and horizontally, forming a sword formation that directly enveloped the remaining opponents.

Chen Feng wanted to concentrate his strength to quickly deal with his opponent, but just when Chen Feng acted, or just when Chen Feng thought he could solve everything, suddenly a beam of bright light appeared from the mysterious void, breaking Chen Feng's The sword formation stabbed Chen Feng directly between the eyebrows.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that the crisis had reached an extreme level. His heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought that this was the crisis he had always felt before.

"Hey, you finally showed up. I want to see where you came from." Chen Feng smiled and did not stretch out his palm to block it like before. Instead, strands of sword energy gathered in front of Chen Feng. A ball of sword light was formed, blocking this beam of bright light.

This is the power of four origin-level swords. If this kind of attack cannot be resisted, then Chen Feng's physical body will definitely not be able to withstand it either.

The light exploded in front of Chen Feng. Although it was chaotic, it formed a curtain of light. Chen Feng's fist passed through the curtain of light and severely knocked away the previous monk. The sword light surged and knocked this monk away. The monk was cut into pieces.

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