Eternal Existence

Chapter 4559: Strange Creatures

"I hope Qi can also gain something, at least this time it won't be in vain." Chen Feng sensed that the distance between him and Qi was getting farther and farther, and the two of them were moving in different directions at the same time.

The cultivation methods were naturally different.

Chen Feng saw another large sea of ​​fire. This time there was no Hunyuan Jinxian in it, and there was a group of Daluo Jinxian.

This is normal.

Chen Feng thought so, and then carefully observed the sea of ​​fire, and then entered it and collected some original power.

Until Chen Feng and the Daluo Jinxian who came here came back, he didn't notice it.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

In addition to the sea of ​​fire, there is a long river of fire. Daluo Jinxian and the creatures eaten by Daluo Jinxian did encounter some.

Of course, they are all flame monsters. Although they are of different shapes, they are all life born in this universe.

"The life here is a bit single, but it's normal to think about it. Even if the shapes are different, they are all flame life after all." Chen Feng shook his head. This period of time has been quite smooth, with good gains and no trouble.

Not to mention the Golden Immortal of Daluo, the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan dared not provoke him, but Chen Feng thought about what the flame monsters said before, and he was more cautious.

"It won't be the oppression from this universe, even if it is so, it can't do anything to me." After Chen Feng experienced the situation of the source of all sources, his vision was higher, and he was very arrogant, and he didn't take some universes to heart.

"If that's the case, I will directly break into the other party's origin, and then take this opportunity to practice, maybe I can make my body stronger. If I can get some better things, it will exceed my previous expectations, and this trip will not be in vain." In fact, up to now, although Chen Feng has gained some, compared with before, these gains are nothing.

What Chen Feng has to do next is to hone himself for a long time. Even if he gets some treasures, it will only increase his strength to a limited extent.

Chen Feng has already made preparations for the accumulation and practice over a long period of time.

"Hey, there are really alien lives coming here to adventure." Chen Feng finally saw a being that is not a flame monster.

This is a powerful Daluo Jinxian. Although his whole body is wrapped in flames, Chen Feng can still see that he comes from the free space. As for where he comes from in the free space, it is hard to say.

The other party is practicing the flame road here, and Chen Feng did not disturb him. After seeing him, he just paused for a while and left directly.

After Chen Feng left, the Daluo Jinxian who was practicing opened his eyes, and a trace of vigilance appeared in his eyes.

This Daluo Jinxian just found Chen Feng, but he felt a strong pressure from Chen Feng, so he pretended to know nothing.

This Daluo Jinxian thought about it and chose to leave this area. It is more reliable to practice in another place.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't know that the other party changed places after he left. If Chen Feng knew that the other party had discovered him, he would definitely go forward to find out. After all, the other party is just a Daluo Jinxian. You must know that even an ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian will not find Chen Feng's trace.

At this time, Chen Feng discovered some interesting things.

There is a piece of black matter of unknown size in front of him. This is the first time Chen Feng has encountered this matter since entering this universe.

After Chen Feng's observation, he understood what these things were. It turned out to be the ashes left after the flames burned.

This is interesting. Knowing that the flames in this universe are extremely powerful, it can be said that the life forms that practice a little hotter cannot accept your existence. The power of the flames in some places is so strong that it can cause some damage to the Golden Immortal.

In other words, no matter what it is, the ending will most likely be burned cleanly. Even if there are some ashes left, they are only a small amount and are still useless.

However, the ashes seen in front of him are large in scale, and in Chen Feng's opinion, they are not just waste slag, but also have certain utilization value.

These ashes are squeezed together and even form hard land.

"Could it be that the ashes after the entire universe burned are piled up here? Or did this universe once have a lot of matter? It was only burned by the flames later, or the impurities of the flames themselves gathered here." Chen Feng walked forward and carefully felt the temperature of these ashes.

The temperature is indeed very high, and the deeper you go, the higher the temperature may be. It is not inferior to the burning flames.

"So is there anything good in here?" Chen Feng swept his eyes and finally saw the scale of this piece of matter.

It is indeed very large. In other universes, it is equivalent to the size of a star field. However, what disappointed Chen Feng was that there was no good thing in it, or there was nothing that interested Chen Feng.

However, there are some things in it, and some life survives in it, but the strength is very weak, and Chen Feng doesn't care at all.

After exploring it, Chen Feng is about to leave this place.

At this time, this area has changed, stopped, and looked at this piece of black matter with a strange look.

On the surface, it can't be seen for the time being that there is too much movement, but Chen Feng's eyes can see a huge black hole in the center of this piece of matter.

At this time, this black hole exudes an extremely powerful swallowing force, and the surrounding materials are pulled into it.

What Chen Feng found strange was not the appearance of this black hole, but that he had not detected the other party before.

Although Chen Feng did not investigate carefully, Chen Feng believed that if there was something, it would be difficult to hide it from him.

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the analysis speed of the black hole was accelerating again, and the area at the edge of the black matter began to shake.

Chen Feng was here, watching all the matter being swallowed up by the black hole.

You should know that the black hole in the universe seems to be extremely powerful, but under normal circumstances, even swallowing stars will take some time, not to mention that this area of ​​matter is equivalent to the scale of a star field.

So it shows how strong the swallowing power of this black hole is. Anyway, Chen Feng is not in a hurry, just watching the black hole swallow until it ends.

All the matter disappeared, the scale of the black hole did not increase, and a large empty area appeared in front of him.

The black hole was still swallowing, and the other party seemed to feel the existence of Chen Feng, and the powerful force began to concentrate and then fell on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stood still, wanting to see how far the other party could reach.

The swallowing force was still increasing, and later all the swallowing force of the black hole was concentrated on Chen Feng.

"It's quite powerful, equivalent to a Hunyuan Jinxian's full-strength attack. Why do I feel that there is a spiritual existence behind this black hole? So should I go and take a look?" Chen Feng's perception went into the black hole, wanting to see what the root was.

But before he could see clearly, Chen Feng's perception was cut off, just like entering the Lost Gate at that time.

"It's really interesting." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The swallowing force of the black hole was exerted to the maximum extent but could not do anything to Chen Feng. The other party also knew that Chen Feng was not easy to mess with, and began to withdraw its power, and the black hole was about to disappear.

"You want to leave now? How can it be so simple? Since you have provoked me, you have to pay some price." Chen Feng stepped in front of the black hole.

Seeing that the black hole was about to disappear, Chen Feng turned in with a shake.

Then Chen Feng felt the powerful blocking force and couldn't help laughing. It was still a powerful swallowing force just now, and now it has changed its power.

It is obviously to stop himself.

The more Chen Feng was blocked, the more he wanted to see what kind of existence it was.

Before, the other party wanted to swallow him and cut off his power of exploration. Now he wanted to block him again.

This was considered to have offended him and had a grudge against him.


The look in Chen Feng's eyes was like a volcano erupting, and it was not much weaker than the usual eruption. .

That force was immediately defeated by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did this this time not to explore anything, but to open a passage and walk over to see with his own eyes what kind of existence the other party was.

Chen Feng's move was considered to have really alarmed the other party, and a stronger force appeared. At this time, the black hole had completely disappeared, leaving only a special passage.

However, even so, it caused a great impact. The area vacated by the disappearance of matter was immediately filled with a powerful storm of power, and then it kept shaking, and countless cracks appeared, and some areas collapsed directly.

Chen Feng didn't care about these. Chen Feng now noticed something, and he had already judged in his heart that he should face a very powerful existence this time. Chen Feng was not even sure that he could defeat the other party.

In this situation, it would be irrational to fight with the other party, but driven by curiosity, Chen Feng still wanted to go and see.

It was not easy to encounter such an interesting thing, how could he miss it.

Besides, with Chen Feng's character, even if he knew there was danger ahead, he would not retreat, but would run faster, wanting to see what was going on.

"The vitality is a bit weird." Chen Feng had already felt something, and sometimes the other party's life breath was very strong.

In Chen Feng's opinion, such a powerful existence must have extremely strong vitality, but sometimes the other party's life breath seemed a bit strange, floating and unpredictable.

"It won't be the substances absorbed before digestion, it would be more interesting if it was like this, even eating ashes, this is not good." Chen Feng muttered.

Although Chen Feng said this, he also knew that if the other party really swallowed and digested it, it would not be easy to swallow so many substances.


Chen Feng's eyes surged again, and the whole person became more aggressive, with sword light in his eyes, and more powerful, no matter what obstacles were ahead, they would be cut into pieces.

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