Eternal Existence

Chapter 4564: Suppression and Killing

These two domains are not simple. No matter how well the opponent has, he can't struggle out for a while, and he is more and more severely bound by the domain.

Chen Feng also wants to try whether he can suppress the opponent with his own domain. The broken sword array domain is formed again, and cooperates with the other two domains to become more powerful.

The power of the three-layer domain is getting stronger and stronger. Although this Hunyuan Jinxian keeps using various means to struggle, he was suppressed yesterday.

"Or you can try desperately." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Sure enough, this existence began to fight desperately, and self-destructed a magic weapon. The power generated was compressed and actually punched a channel in the domain.

The opponent took the opportunity to rush out of the channel, but Chen Feng was prepared. He punched the opponent back and the broken domain was restored.


This Hunyuan Jinxian burned the origin and self-destructed a magic weapon again. With two-pronged approach, the whole domain shook again, and countless cracks appeared.

In this situation, even if Chen Feng wanted to stop it, he would have a problem.


Chen Feng was not in a hurry, because he was in the domain of Buzheyicheng outside again.

This time it was the domain of destruction.

Chen Feng blocked the opponent, and the domain of reincarnation was running, pulling the opponent in again, the stars flickered, and the sword light grew.

This time, this Hunyuan Jinxian was suppressed by the fourth-level domain.

This Hunyuan Jinxian knew that he was in trouble this time. He tried his best twice in a row, but he didn't rush out. This was already his strongest means.

Next, this Hunyuan Jinxian also made a quick decision. He didn't struggle in the conflict, but stopped in place to perform defensive techniques.

"It's too late to think about defense now." Chen Feng said with a smile, still without using other means, and continued to stimulate the power of the third-level domain.

The domains cooperated with each other, and the power became stronger and stronger.

In fact, if the opponent could rush out after the explosion, then he could also escape. Now stopping here to perform defensive techniques is the most failed choice in Chen Feng's opinion.

See how you defend in front of me.

The three realms were constantly squeezing, and the Hunyuan Jinxian felt the threat of death covering his head and body, knowing that this time the situation was really serious.

If his defense could not resist the opponent, he would really die here.

The previous means did not work, and he was not sure about the defensive means. He could not change the situation by himself, so he might use external forces.

But is it so easy for external forces to appear?

At this time, the Hunyuan Jinxian had only this hope.

Chen Feng certainly saw some of the other party's thoughts, because this existence had imagined the defense technique to the extreme, and could actually block the squeezing of his three-layer realm.

Speaking of which, although Chen Feng's star realm and reincarnation realm are very powerful, they are not the best at attacking.

If you want to solve the opponent, you still need the power of the sword formation.

"It is worthy of the Hunyuan Jinxian League to cultivate to this point, and there are still means and strength, but I did not underestimate the opponent. The key problem is that my current strength is too strong. Even if the opponent has helpers, he will die here." Chen Feng has decided to kill the opponent, so while urging the domain to suppress the opponent, he also observed all around. In this situation, even if there are helpers coming, it will not be possible to break the current situation for a while.

And Chen Feng also wants to see if there are any helpers coming, maybe they can bring him some surprises.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The powerful force is constantly compressed, and this Hunyuan Jinxian seems to be wearing a huge turtle shell. Although the turtle shell will be broken sometimes, this Hunyuan Jinxian will also use other means at the first time.

For example, burst out some magical powers, smash some magic weapons, or burn some other treasures that have been prepared long ago to obtain powerful energy.

"It's interesting to say that there is actually no hatred between the two of us. How could things come to this point? It's just to snatch the treasure in my hand, but before taking action, you have to see how strong the opponent is. Just go there rashly, underestimate the opponent or overestimate yourself." Chen Feng said lightly.

At this time, the pressure from this universe suddenly became much stronger. On the one hand, it wanted to suppress Chen Feng and wanted to reunite with the trapped cultivator.

The other party was trapped and suppressed, but he could still communicate with the outside power, which also shows that there are some loopholes.

"Or am I being pushed by the will of the universe? If you are the latter, then I need to speed up, but doing so does not conform to my previous plan." Chen Feng shook his head.

When he tried to snatch the treasure before, Chen Feng showed a very strong strength, and he knew that this situation would occur.

But it doesn't matter. Before, Chen Feng kept learning about the flame road here, and he also gained some gains. And fighting with these flame monsters, Chen Feng also felt that the speed of gain was faster.

If the will of the universe really came out to fight, then this would also allow Chen Feng to find the location of the origin area here better and faster.

But after Chen Feng's perception, he came to a conclusion, that is, this is just part of the will in the wind and rain that is squeezing himself, and it is not even a will. It should be that the other party mobilized some laws and avenues of this universe.

Chen Feng was a little disappointed.

But in this case, this kind of attack is not a big threat to Chen Feng.

"If no helpers come, I think you will die here this time." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe you think that after reaching this point, even if you are not an opponent, you still have means of defense. You don't think that your worst plan is to be sealed, so this time I will tell you that I am afraid you are wrong." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he stretched out his finger and a beam of light flashed by.

It fell on the body of the Hunyuan Jinxian and blasted a blood hole.

This is the destructive force emitted by Chen Feng.

At this time, the opponent was suppressed by the ban, which was a lamb to be slaughtered. Under normal circumstances, even if the two sides confronted head-on, they would be killed or injured by Chen Feng, not to mention that Chen Feng can now attack simply.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Chen Feng continuously emitted beams of destructive force. Originally, the Hunyuan Jinxian thought of his super strong defense, but he couldn't bear it, and big holes were constantly blown out of his body.

A simple wound can certainly be tolerated, but according to the speed of Chen Feng's attack, it won't take long before he will be shattered to pieces.

Now it is full of holes.

"Daoyou really want to kill us all." The Hunyuan Jinxian roared.

Chen Feng was too lazy to talk to the other party and continued to attack. Suddenly, the sword formation found an opportunity, and sword beams pierced through the body of the Hunyuan Jinxian.

The sword energy grew and split into two streams, suppressing from the outside while destroying from the inside of the opponent.

The injury of the Hunyuan Jinxian became more and more serious.

"Speaking of which, it is an honor for you to persist in my hands for so long. Of course, the reason why I didn't solve it as soon as possible is that you also want to see what will happen next. Now it seems that you have no other means, which makes me a little disappointed." Chen Feng said and launched an attack on the will.

Originally, it had been severely damaged and its combat effectiveness was affected. At this time, it was impossible to combine to fight.

What Chen Feng had to do was to destroy the opponent's body while erasing the opponent's will.

This Hunyuan Jinxian certainly knew Chen Feng's intentions and knew that he was really doomed this time.

Even if he fought desperately, it would be useless.

However, the battle between the two sides lasted for so long, and it was bound to cause some waves.

Finally, other Hunyuan Jinxian arrived, and they were the helpers of the trapped cultivator.

"There are really helpers, but your helpers are a little slow, and they don't look strong enough!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Of course, the helpers who came also saw the situation clearly, and were secretly surprised in their hearts, but there was no hesitation on the surface.

This was different from what he thought on the way here. This Hunyuan Jinxian did not rush up immediately, of course, he saw how powerful Chen Feng was.

Since Chen Feng could suppress one Hunyuan Jinxian, he should be able to suppress another one.

Even if he didn't think so much, just the superficial intuitive feeling, this Hunyuan Jinxian knew that he was not an opponent.

But after gritting his teeth, this Hunyuan Jinxian still rushed up.

"You are out of your mind." Chen Feng said with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, a rolling force of destruction swept out, blocking the momentum of the Hunyuan Jinxian's advance.

"Your friend is quite loyal, but he is still not good enough. Forget it, I won't delay with you here, let's fight quickly." Chen Feng walked towards the Hunyuan Jinxian who came later, and only took one step to get in front of the other party, and then punched him.

It was a very simple attack method, but the Hunyuan Jinxian felt great fear.

He was not an opponent at all, not only that, he might die here.

This Hunyuan Jinxian was also cruel enough. After seeing all this, he made a quick decision and actually used his own life-saving method.


Chen Feng beat the other party to pieces, but the Hunyuan Jinxian rushed out of the blood and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It turned out that the other party used the substitute technique.

At this point, he can still perform this secret technique. I think the price he paid is also very high. It can be regarded as paying a clone that he has specially refined.

Paying a clone to save himself is also a heroic act. Being able to survive is the most important thing.

"Look, your friend is gone just like that. Are you disappointed? To be honest, I am also very disappointed. He didn't bring me a surprise." Chen Feng said as he walked into the field and came to the Hunyuan Fund.

At this time, the Hunyuan Jinxian was seriously injured. He thought that there were helpers coming and he could fight back. Who knew that things would change so quickly.

At this time, the Hunyuan Jinxian was really desperate. Chen Feng didn't care what the other party thought, and he no longer wiped the other party out bit by bit like before.

He directly stretched out his palm and grabbed the other party's palm, constantly wiping it out, and kept wiping out the other party's life mark, and then stopped.

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