Eternal Existence

Chapter 4588 Is it over?

Seeing this scene, the Sword God sighed in his heart, and took out the previously obtained law of wealth and fortune, and let the people present watch it.

Chen Feng and the others were immediately attracted.

This is indeed a broken law, and the degree of brokenness is very serious, not even half of the complete state, of course, it is different from the half-broken law in Qi's hand.

Overall, this law is relatively complete, but there are many cruel places.

"This is not like the laws of other universes. What is certain is that this is a natural law. Could it be from the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng guessed.

"I also feel that it may come from the Gate of Origin, but how can it be broken like this?" Jiemie said.

"In fact, it is also very simple. The reason must be excavated from this law." Qi said with a smile.

"I'm afraid it will take time." The Sword God said a beam of sword light hit the broken law.

This law began to vibrate, and then released layers of halos. The countless runes that constitute the law even showed signs of falling off, which also showed that the degree of brokenness of this law was indeed very serious.

Everyone present felt something from this law.

"So this universe wants to merge this law." Chen Feng spoke first.

"It's not clear enough." Qi said as he stretched out his finger, and the law vibrated more violently.

However, unlike before, although this law was constantly vibrating and the runes in it seemed to fall off, it never fell off. Instead, some power was stimulated and revived, causing this law to constantly emit some vitality.

In this way, everyone can feel more and clearer news from this law.

As expected, this is indeed a law that flowed out from the Gate of Origin.

This law has been drifting in the travel space for a long time, and it is even going to be transformed into a universe or a land of life.

Then it encountered this mutated flame universe, and a conflict arose between the two sides. In the end, this law from the Gate of Origin was suppressed by this universe.

After being suppressed for a long time, the reason why the law was broken and riddled with holes was because it was eroded and plundered by this universe.

According to this situation, this law will be completely swallowed up by this flame universe sooner or later.

It's just that something happened in this universe recently, and this law broke free from its shackles again. After some changes, it fell into the hands of the Sword God.

"So that's how it is. This law is badly damaged, but you can still comprehend something. After all, it is the origin law from the Gate of Origin. If it is in its heyday, its value will exceed the origin law in this universe." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But this also makes me have some more guesses. The reason why this flame universe is so powerful is also related to the swallowing of the origin law. Of course, in addition to this, it probably also plundered things from other places."

"Speaking of which, this law from the Gate of Origin is unlucky enough." Jiemie said with a smile.

"It seems that we all have some gains. No wonder we are targeted by this universe." Destruction said.

"There are many masters entering this universe this time. Even if this universe has undergone some changes, it is impossible to sweep everything. If there is enough strength, it will not let us go just like that." Jiemie said.

"It's really hard to say. Everyone should be on guard. We may encounter fierce attacks next. Now the opponent has not continued to attack us. It may be that they are concentrating their strength on dealing with other alien life forms, or they have not completely freed themselves." Qi said.

Chen Feng nodded. The people present actually felt the pressure, but they just thought that they were strong and that they could deal with danger even if they joined forces.

They even thought about taking advantage of the situation.

This universe is still collapsing, and the number of universe guards is increasing.

Unlike before, in addition to the flame monsters, there are some other creatures, but the same thing is that they can become the so-called flame avenues that all the universes practice.

Only in this line of universe can you get the trust of this universe.

The so-called only purpose of these universes is to kill outsiders, provided that they can deal with them.

These universe guards will stay away from powerful adventurers like Chen Feng.

After figuring this out, Chen Feng did find it a little funny, but he also knew that the more such existence, the more difficult it would be to deal with, because they were not puppets that only knew how to perform tasks, but lives like himself. In addition to obeying the orders of this universe, they also had their own thinking and rules of conduct.

Although they knew that they would most likely become opponents in the future, Chen Feng and his friends did not specifically target these universe guards.

Of course, if these universe guards were to come to them without knowing whether to live or die, that would be another matter.


There was a violent fluctuation in the distant area, and Chen Feng and his friends hurriedly used means to investigate, only to find out that another adventurer had been surrounded and killed.

From the power fluctuations that came, it can be determined that the dead adventurer was quite powerful. In addition to being besieged by the universe, he was also attacked by this universe.

"The universe's direct attack is still a huge threat to these adventurers, so in this situation, the most correct thing to do is to gather together, of course, you can also choose to leave this universe."

"Since we are here, it may not be easy to leave."

"That's right. The layers of space that were torn apart before are now overlapping again, but the distance between them has become a little chaotic. If you want to leave, you need to pass through these layers of cosmic stars. It's hard to say what will happen in this process."

Chen Feng thought so, and was also thinking about the current situation of this universe.

When I saw this universe collapse before, I thought there would be a big problem after the change, but the news I got later showed other conclusions.

Although this universe is collapsing, it may not be a bad thing for this universe itself.

Perhaps when the universe collapses completely, a powerful life will come out.

This is somewhat different from the cosmic life that Chen Feng had seen before, which left an empty shell.

The opponent's strength has reached this point, and he must have his own calculations.

"Is it possible to get out better by doing this? Most likely." Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and the powerful repressive force enveloped the four directions, and the originally collapsing universe space suddenly solidified.

This time, Chen Feng added the power of time to it. After Chen Feng and his men left, the area remained solidified.

"Since the other party wants to collapse, I will give him some time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I feel that you are wasting your energy. It is better to use less energy to deal with the real owner." Qi said.

"The opponent is this universe. I am using the same means now, and it is nothing for me to consume some mana. After all, the most important thing for me to come here this time is not to plunder something, but to practice myself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There is chaos in front again." Destruction said at this time.

Because of the powerful destructive energy coming, Destruction felt it more clearly this time.

"This time it is not the universe guard, but the fight between adventurers. Some of them practiced the Great Way of Destruction. It seems that they should have benefited." Destruction said.

"If there is benefit, we should go and see it." Chen Feng said.

"It's good to go and see the excitement." Qi had no objection.

Although the speed of several people was fast enough, the fight between the two sides ended after they arrived at the place.

A huge creature floated in the sea of ​​fire, emitting a strong destructive energy, blocking the flames from eroding.

The previous opponents were beaten back.

Seeing someone coming, the Mingwen Destruction Creature wanted to escape at the first time, but it was too late.

Then the Destruction Creature looked at Destruction again, and felt the high-quality and powerful destructive aura from the other party.

This is a fellow Taoist.

"Strength is not enough." Qi said.

Chen Feng understood that Qi looked down on the other party, and then asked with a smile: "What were you fighting for before, fellow Taoist?"

The Destruction Creature showed a defensive posture.

"Forget it, nothing, just leave." Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was too lazy to continue asking the other party.

It's meaningless. The other party's strength is here. Even if he gets some benefits, what can he do?

However, Destruction smiled and said: "Mostly it's a treasure of destruction attribute."

The other party hesitated for a while, and still left here.

"It's a pity that we ran in vain." Destruction said.

"It's not a vain run, after all, we have to pass this place." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The most abundant energy in this universe is still flame energy. Of course, there are other energies. Although they are rare, they can coexist with flame energy, which means they are of high quality. Perhaps I can continue to improve my own avenue." Chen Feng said this, and the shadow of the avenue appeared on his body. In addition to the flame avenue of the previous realm, there is also the avenue of destruction.

In other words, there is destructive energy nearby.

Before Chen Feng determined the position, Destruction had already torn open a layer of space, and the rolling destructive energy surged out.

There are actually a large number of destructive energies hidden here, and they are of high quality.

The previous Hunyuan Jinxian actually didn't want to leave, but there was no way. Now that the things hidden here were found by Destruction, the other party naturally dared not come back.

"Good stuff, it is the original power of this universe, share it." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then performed the swallowing technique, and the rolling destructive energy drilled into the avenue of destruction.

Destruction naturally followed suit, and it seemed that the speed was not slow.

"It's still a bit surprising to see the destructive energy here." The Sword God said with a smile, but did not make a move.

Qi collected a little and stopped, but Jiemie also absorbed some.

Although there is a lot of destructive energy,

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