Eternal Existence

Chapter 4590 Weird

Before Chen Feng could determine the position, Destruction had already torn open a layer of space, and the rolling Destruction Energy surged out.

There were actually a lot of Destruction Energy hidden here, and it was of very high quality.

The previous Hunyuan Jinxian actually didn't want to leave, but there was no way. Now that the things hidden here were found by Destruction, the other party naturally dared not come back.

"Good stuff, it is the original power of this universe, share it." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then performed the Devouring Technique, and the rolling Destruction Energy drilled into the Destruction Avenue.

Destruction naturally followed suit, and it seemed that the speed was not slow.

"It's still a bit surprising to see Destruction Energy here." The Sword God said with a smile, but did not make a move.

Qi collected a little and stopped, but Jiemie also absorbed some.

Although there was a lot of Destruction Energy, everyone still didn't swallow it all, and there was still a part left.

After Chen Feng and the others left, the Hunyuan Jinxian who had disappeared before appeared again, looked at the remaining Destruction Energy and sighed, and then took it.

Chen Feng's cosmic runes were improved a little more.

"It is still easier to condense the cosmic runes of the Savage Universe." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

In fact, it was only natural for Chen Feng to condense runes in the Savage Universe.

"In that case, I will condense more clones, and these clones will go to various universes to condense cosmic runes." Chen Feng had such an idea.

This is a huge move!

But it can be tried. Chen Feng has already released some clones outside, so just differentiate some more.

Although it requires consumption of energy and a lot of mana, Chen Feng's mana is now accumulated, and it is time to release some.

However, the runes of this flame universe are almost condensed, and the main body of this mutant universe is also condensed, so there is no need to leave clones, otherwise it will be a waste.


The space collapsed, and wisps of flames emerged, and then quickly disappeared, but Chen Feng and others still saw the clues.

"These flames seem to have been taken away by a powerful force." Jiemie said.

"I'm afraid it's not just these flames, the entire universe is shrinking. This is entering the final stage. This cosmic life is about to be truly born. No wonder the incarnation didn't appear before. It seems that it is mobilizing all the power." Chen Feng said, having seen the situation in front of him.

"We don't have much time next. Try to collect some benefits as much as possible and then leave this place." Qi also said so.

At this point, unless a stronger means is used to stop the other party, this is almost impossible to accomplish in Chen Feng's opinion. Even if the strength is stronger than the other party, it is impossible to stop the other party.

"What benefits can be collected now?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

So far, other goals have basically been achieved. Even if some more resources are collected, even if it is chaotic energy, it is just icing on the cake for Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng needs to destroy energy, the energy in this heart is too much. In the long years to come, it needs to be refined and absorbed bit by bit.

And with Chen Feng's strength and luck, there will be no shortage of resources needed for cultivation in the future.

Of course, it would be a good thing if he could stay in this universe for a while longer.

Except for Chen Feng, the others present were probably unwilling to leave early, even though they knew there was danger.

"Then try to collect as much of the original energy of this universe as possible. After all, it is a super-large mutant universe. After collecting the energy here, it may have some stimulating effect on your own practice." Jiemie said.

"You still have to be prepared to leave at any time." Qi said.

Qi's strength is the strongest, but Chen Feng also knows that it is not easy for Qi to recover to this point. Sometimes he really needs to take risks, but sometimes he will not take risks.

And Chen Feng also understands that Qi probably wants to see the life condensed by this universe.

See the Hunyuan above the free space.

The universe is still collapsing. Chen Feng releases his perception and has some speculations in his mind.

This universe is collapsing and shrinking, and the energy from all sides is constantly converging in several directions.

This should be where the life of the universe is.

And this universe is divided into many layers, each with its own degree of chaos, and sometimes they blend with each other, which makes it even more chaotic.

"The speed of shrinking is accelerating, and the faster it gets towards the end, I think the adventurers here are probably going to be anxious. No wonder the number of universe guards has changed so much, it should be the call of the universe. If this universe is truly successful, then it can well devour other universes, and these heroes can also get great benefits." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's right, the universe life after freedom is the most powerful. No matter how powerful the universe is, it can only affect the area where it is located, and cannot affect other universes and life places at all. Once you get rid of the identity of the universe, you can walk freely and go wherever you want, but the premise is not to be targeted by the Gate of Origin." Jiemie said.

"Such a big movement is hard to hide from the Gate of Origin. It depends on whether the Gate of Origin will suppress it. Even if we know that the Gate of Origin will suppress it, any life will have to fight at this point. This is an opportunity to transcend." Destruction said.

"That's true, so unless it's absolutely necessary, we'd better not confront the other party head-on. Blocking others from practicing is the greatest hatred, but then again, we have already fought with the other party, it depends on whether the other party is cunning, otherwise, it will still be a huge trouble." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although several people have been saying that there is pressure and trouble, they actually have no intention of retreating.

"I feel a little strange. It stands to reason that the other party has reached the most critical point and should eliminate us powerful adventurers or move us outside the universe to avoid trouble for him, but the other party does not seem to have any movement in this regard. Could it be that he is absolutely sure of forcing himself?" At this time, the Sword God suddenly said.

"Daoyou said that, it really reminded me that it is possible that the other party is very ambitious and wants to take all the foreign lives together and then devour them to increase its own strength." Chen Feng nodded.

"It is not impossible. After all, we have been in the other party's territory. If the other party really wants to do so, then the final result cannot be successful, or it can only be partially successful. Even if it is above the real Hunyuan, it is impossible to sweep all the Hunyuan Jinxian." Qi said.

"Even if it can't be done, it can still kill most of them, and the other party may not want to sweep all, but just want to leave all the lives here, and then find a way to choose." Chen Feng said.

"If this is the case, I think we should be prepared to leave at any time." Jiemie said with a smile.

The space cracked, and a long crack exceeded all the cracks seen before, forming a long gully. The two sides of the gully began to collapse rapidly. Chen Feng and his friends just saw several flame creatures being involved.

Although the flame creatures were also born in this universe in recent years, they were not protected because they were not the so-called universe. They disappeared quickly after being involved in this chaos.

Chen Feng and others could see through the chaos and saw that these flame holy objects were constantly broken into pieces during their struggle.

"It's cruel enough." Jiemie said.

"The Hunyuan Jinxian can still resist, but the life below the Hunyuan is simply looking for death." Chen Feng said.

This chaotic situation is not something that the Daluo Jinxian can participate in, unless the Daluo Jinxian has great luck and has the combat power of the Hunyuan Jinxian.

Of course, in this mutant universe, the weaker Hunyuan Jinxian is not safe either.


A strong wave swept across quickly and soon disappeared. Chen Feng and Qi had seen this situation before, but at that time they encountered the will of the source of all sources. There was a big gap between the two sides, but the will of the universe in front of him gave Chen Feng a similar feeling.

"If this universe can successfully transform into life and then transcend, the road will be wider in the future. Even if it is not as good as the Gate of Origin, I am afraid that the Gate of Origin will find it difficult to suppress the other party." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

At the same time, Chen Feng also had some strange thoughts in his heart, that is, the mood of gain and loss. He wanted the other party to succeed and see how far the other party could go in the future. He also had the idea of ​​learning from it, but he was worried that such a powerful opponent would become his enemy in the future.

Then Chen Feng laughed again. He thought too far. It was still the most important thing to get benefits and survive in the current situation.

If you really think deeply, Chen Feng condensed the universe rune here, and there is a cause and effect with this universe.

A weapon flew over, a little broken, but the true spirit was still there. This was the weapon left by the adventurer.

Origin level.

Everyone looked at it, no one took action, and let the weapon fly away.

After all, it is also the origin level. Even if Chen Feng and others are powerful, they will not look down on it. It's just that no one is embarrassed to take action for a while.

Seeing the weapon flying farther and farther, about to be swept away by the flames and disappear, suddenly a strong pulling force appeared, trying to take the weapon away.


The Sword God made a move, and with just one sword, he split everything and cut off the pulling force. Not only that, this sword energy also tracked the existence in the dark.

Although it was resolved by the opponent, the opponent also revealed his figure.

"You can block my sword, your strength is not bad." The Sword God made a move from a distance and took the broken weapon.

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