Eternal Existence

Chapter 4599: Partnership

My current situation is not very good, so I'd better not provoke the opponent. In fact, both sides of the battle are not so easy to provoke.

With so many Hunyuan Jinxians participating in the battle, the battle scene has changed again. First of all, the so-called impact on those universes can't be launched as before.

Speaking of which, these Hunyuan Jinxians participating in the battle are really smart. Most of them put their attack power on the universe guards.

If you don't confront this universe head-on, you can minimize the danger.

"You think too simply. For some benefits, you dare to confront this universe. I don't know how many of these people can survive." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"In this case, why don't you stop Jiemie and them." Qi asked with a smile.

"It's just a chance encounter. Even if I stop it, it may not succeed. It may also be envied by the other party. After all, this is a cultivation perception above the half-step Hunyuan, and even I am a little tempted." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The universe guard was slaughtered, and there was also an adventurer who rushed up and was seriously injured.

The other party then chose to leave.

Paying the price of serious injury to get the master's cultivation insights is worth it for these Hunyuan Jinxians with strong vitality.

However, since they have participated, it may not be so easy to leave.

This Hunyuan Jinxian may be fine, but when an adventurer is suddenly pulled into the universe without paying attention, this scene makes many people feel terrified.

In this situation, the chance of survival in the universe is too small.

Some people even began to regret and chose to retreat after launching some attacks.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

However, beams of light shot out from the universe, breaking through the obstruction of the formation and locking onto the retreating adventurers.

Under the attack of the universe, these insurance people were pierced through their bodies. In fact, in this situation, the two half-step Hunyuan above could help to stop it, but they did not do so.

"I knew that these guys went up to die. Even if they didn't die, they would be seriously injured. For some people, it's still worth it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Indeed, according to normal practice, they would not reach this level even if they practiced for billions of years." Qi said.

Chen Feng looked at Jiemie and the other three. The three of them were also attacking the universe guards. The three of them were still very powerful together and quickly dealt with the three opponents.

"We have killed one opponent. We need more practice insights next." The Sword God said.

The cultivator who was above the half-step Hunyuan was silent for a while, but he still took out some practice insights, which could only be obtained by adventurers who killed the origin of the universe.

This scene made those adventurers who wanted to slack off suddenly unable to sit still, and they burst out with more powerful strength than before.

Then another universe guard was killed.

"I am very satisfied now, fellow Taoists, goodbye." An adventurer with good strength killed an opponent and then turned and left.

From the opponent's insights, he had some gains. There was no need to stay here. Next, he should find a place to practice in seclusion.

In the process of this adventurer leaving, he was naturally targeted by the universe, but the attack of this universe could not do anything to this adventurer, and the other party left safely.

Some people want to get out as soon as possible and choose to leave, while others want to get more cultivation insights, so they have to pay more strength.

If you are not careful, you may die here.

"It's hard to rush out of the universe, and now you are going back to die. Under the temptation of huge benefits, you have ignored your own safety. This can be regarded as overestimating yourself." Chen Feng said.

The Sword God and his men reached the second cultivation insight, so they continued to attack, but there was no universe guard in front of them.

Some of the universe guards died, and the rest entered the universe.

Without opponents, the next step is to attack this universe.

The Sword God and his men hesitated, but they chose to attack under the temptation.

Chen Feng shook his head. It was obvious that these people were confused. Would they have a good end if they went against a Ming Hunyuan?

Even he was watching the excitement here, because Chen Feng himself knew very well how powerful Hunyuan was.

"Do you want to continue watching?" Qi asked.

"Of course, I also want to see what the other party looks like after he succeeds in the end." Chen Feng said.

"Thank you for your help before." At this time, an adventurer walked towards Chen Feng.

Seeing that Chen Feng looked normal, he smiled and said, "You are welcome, fellow Daoist."

"I didn't expect that fellow Daoist and the Origin River also have a cause and effect. In this case, we are still fellow Daoists. I wonder if you are interested in joining forces with me." The adventurer said with a smile.

"Join hands? You are not going to attack this universe, right? I dare not. It is better to take action here." Chen Feng shook his head and chose to refuse before the other party opened his mouth.

"It is naturally not suitable to oppose this universe, but to stand on the side of this universe." The adventurer said so.

Chen Feng's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but smile: "Daoyou has reached an agreement with this universe, which is really unexpected. However, this universe is very powerful, but the Hunyuan Jinxian present are not so easy to deal with, especially those two, and there are hidden ones who secretly arrange the formation. I can't afford to provoke them."

"We have the Origin River as our backer, are we afraid of them? This is a good opportunity. As long as we participate, we will get the benefits of this universe. Daoyou, think about it carefully, I think it is worth it." The adventurer said.

Chen Feng still shook his head: "Sorry, I just want to watch the fun here quietly, and I don't want to participate in it, nor do I want to meddle in other people's business."

"It's really a pity." The adventurer saw Chen Feng's refusal, but he didn't say much, but turned and left.

"I felt the malice in the other party's heart." Qi said.

"I felt it too. I almost couldn't help but take action just now." Chen Feng said.

"I should take action. Killing the other party can also reduce a hidden danger." Qi said.

"Wait and see, I also want to see how the other party cooperates with Yu Zhong. If I had taken action just now, I don't know if this universe would stop me." Chen Feng was still a little surprised.

If what the adventurer said was true, then are there other lives present who are cooperating with the side universe?

It is impossible to say that there is only one collaborator.

Chen Feng looked around, trying to see where the universe's collaborator is?

Chen Feng thought about it and sent a message to Jiemie and told them that someone might do something dirty.

As soon as the message fell, the adventurer actually attacked Jiemie, which made Chen Feng a little angry.

He was with Jiemie before, and now the other party attacked Jiemie, which was clearly a provocation to him.

But now Chen Feng can't take action, if he does, he will be an enemy of this universe.

"I hope it's okay." Chen Feng could only say this.

Jiemie and his men are also quite strong. If the adventurer didn't have the help of the Origin River, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose in the battle between the two sides.

Moreover, Jiemie got Chen Feng's reminder, so he blocked the opponent's sneak attack.

"Fellow Daoists, be careful, someone has defected to this universe." Jiemie hurriedly notified everyone present.

But it was still a little too late, and three more cultivators suddenly defected. The two Hunyuan Jinxians were caught off guard and were directly beaten seriously.

These three cultivators are all very powerful, otherwise they would not be won over by this universe.

However, since the two cultivators above the half-step Hunyuan can win over these cultivators, the universe can naturally win over them.

"Are these the only ones who have been won over? I don't know what benefits the universe has given them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The scene became more and more chaotic, but some people began to regret it. They wanted to find a chance to leave after taking action, but now it seems that they are entangled. It is not so easy to leave, especially when they see that the power of this universe can break through the formation and pull people in, which makes people feel more terrified.

The adventurer who can summon the Origin River is not a match for Jiemie and his friends, so he summoned the Origin River.

In this way, the three people of Jiemie could not resist. It was too late to regret at this time. The only way was to find a way to escape.

It was too embarrassing to ask Chen Feng for help, and Chen Feng would not intervene. Besides, Chen Feng's reminder to them before was already a favor.

"It's normal to be in danger. Let's kill it. I just didn't expect this guy to attack us." Jiemie said, and for a while he pushed the power of Jiemie to the extreme to resist the impact of the power of the Origin River.

Fortunately, the power of the Origin River was only a part of the summoned power, otherwise even the three people of Jiemie could not resist it together.

But now the situation of the three people is not good. On one side is the powerful Flame Universe, and on the other side is the equally powerful Origin River. At this time, the three people regretted to the extreme.

"The three of them are in a bad situation!" Qi said.

"Before, the Origin River was still attacking the universe, but now they have joined forces again. I don't know if it's because of this Hunyuan Jinxian, or if the Origin River and this universe have a secret connection." Chen Feng thought more. The Origin River and this universe are both beyond the existence of Hunyuan Jinxian, so they are qualified to be equal to each other, and Chen Feng also believes that they know each other's strength.

"If the two of them join forces, then the situation will be different from what I thought at the beginning."

"I hope they can escape. I have advised them not to take action before. Even if I know that the other party is provoking me by doing this, I will not choose to intervene unless there is a good opportunity." Chen Feng said.

In Chen Feng's view, the Origin River will not intervene, but it is hard to say whether this universe will intervene, so it is better to be cautious.

It's not that Chen Feng is afraid of this universe, but he just doesn't want to provoke the other party. Moreover, if the two sides really want to fight, Chen Feng will inevitably end up in a desperate situation.

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